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生物材料治理镉污染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,生物材料以其经济、有效和无二次污染等特点,在重金属废水处理和土壤修复方面显示出了众多的优势·可替代传统的镉污染处理方法.综述了目前国内外生物材料在处理镉污染方面的研究进展,并对今后应用生物材料治理镉污染提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

Metals in floodplain soils and sediments (deposits) can originate from lithogenic and anthropogenic sources, and their availability for uptake in biota is hypothesized to depend on both origin and local sediment conditions. In criteria-based environmental risk assessments, these issues are often neglected, implying local risks to be often over-estimated. Current problem definitions in river basin management tend to require a refined, site-specific focus, resulting in a need to address both aspects. This paper focuses on the determination of local environmental availabilities of metals in fluvial deposits by addressing both the origins of the metals and their partitioning over the solid and solution phases. The environmental availability of metals is assumed to be a key force influencing exposure levels in field soils and sediments. Anthropogenic enrichments of Cu, Zn and Pb in top layers could be distinguished from lithogenic background concentrations and described using an aluminium-proxy. Cd in top layers was attributed to anthropogenic enrichment almost fully. Anthropogenic enrichments for Cu and Zn appeared further to be also represented by cold 2 M HNO3 extraction of site samples. For Pb the extractions over-estimated the enrichments. Metal partitioning was measured, and measurements were compared to predictions generated by an empirical regression model and by a mechanistic-kinetic model. The partitioning models predicted metal partitioning in floodplain deposits within about one order of magnitude, though a large inter-sample variability was found for Pb.  相似文献   

生物炭对Cd污染土壤的修复效果与机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈昱  钱云  梁媛  施维林 《环境工程学报》2017,11(4):2528-2534
通过修复培养实验和BCR连续提取实验研究牛粪生物炭(DM)和水稻秸秆生物炭(RS)对2种镉污染土壤的修复效果、影响因素及修复后的Cd的形态分布,探讨可能存在的修复机理。经56 d修复后,与CK相比,5%添加量的牛粪生物炭(DM5%)和水稻秸秆生物炭(RS5%)使TCLP提取态Cd在S1土壤中分别降低了15%和18%,在S2土壤中分别降低了5%和6%。但生物炭添加量为1%时对S2土壤中Cd无显著修复效果。DM5%和RS5%处理使Cd的酸可溶态在S1土壤中降低8.66%和9.25%,在S2土壤中降低7.86%和13.4%,相应的残渣态在S1土壤中升高8.30%和10.54%,在S2土壤中升高8.67%和14.92%。同时,DM5%和RS5%处理使土壤pH提高了7.69%~13.13%,TCLP提取态P增高了0.046~0.39 mg·g-1。结果表明,添加量为5%的牛粪生物炭和秸秆生物炭可有效修复Cd污染土壤。  相似文献   

Arias M  Barral MT  Mejuto JC 《Chemosphere》2002,48(10):1081-1088
The competitive adsorption equilibrium isotherms of Cu2+ and Cd2+ on kaolin have been measured at 298 K, in the presence and the absence of humic acids (HAs). HAs were found to enhance the metal adsorption capacity of mineral surfaces, in particular kaolin. This enhancement was also observed in the competitive adsorption of copper and cadmium on kaolin and kaolin–HA complex. This competitive adsorption shows that the presence of Cd2+ has not an important effect on Cu2+ adsorption, whereas a dramatic decrease is observed on the adsorption of Cd2+ in the presence of Cu2+. The Freundlich isotherm equation was found to provide an excellent fit to the experimental data. These results were compared with the independent adsorption of both heavy metals.  相似文献   

A Cd and Zn contaminated soil was mixed and equilibrated with an uncontaminated, but otherwise similar soil to establish a gradient in soil contamination levels. Growth of Thlaspi caerulescens (Ganges ecotype) significantly decreased the metal concentrations in soil solution. Plant uptake of Cd and Zn exceeded the decrease of the soluble metal concentrations by several orders of magnitude. Hence, desorption of metals must have occurred to maintain the soil solution concentrations. A coupled regression model was developed to describe the transfer of metals from soil to solution and plant shoots. This model was applied to estimate the phytoextraction duration required to decrease the soil Cd concentration from 10 to 0.5 mg kg−1. A biomass production of 1 and 5 t dm ha−1 yr−1 yields a duration of 42 and 11 yr, respectively. Successful phytoextraction operations based on T. caerulescens require an increased biomass production.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight surface soils were sampled from the uplands of England and Wales, and analysed for loss-on-ignition (LOI), and total and dissolved base cations, Al, Fe, and trace heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb). The samples covered wide ranges of pH (3.4-8.3) and LOI (9-98%). Soil metal contents measured by extraction with 0.43 mol l-1 HNO3 and 0.1 mol l-1 EDTA were very similar, and generally lower than values obtained by extraction with a mixture of concentrated nitric and perchloric acids. Total heavy metal concentrations in soil solution depend positively upon soil metal content and [DOC], and negatively upon pH and LOI, values of r2 ranging from 0.39 (Cu) to 0.81 (Pb). Stronger correlations (r2=0.76-0.95) were obtained by multiple regression analysis involving free metal ion (Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Pb2+) concentrations calculated with the equilibrium speciation model WHAM/Model VI. The free metal ion concentrations depend positively upon MHNO3 and negatively upon pH and LOI. The data were also analysed by using WHAM/Model VI to describe solid-solution interactions as well as solution speciation; this involved calibrating each soil sample by adjusting the content of "active" humic matter to match the observed soil pH. The calibrated model provided fair predictions of total heavy metal concentrations in soil solution, and predicted free metal ion concentrations were in reasonable agreement with the values obtained from solution-only speciation calculations.  相似文献   

Starokozhev E  Sieg K  Fries E  Püttmann W 《Chemosphere》2011,82(10):1482-1488
Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the partitioning behavior of a set of diverse volatile organic compounds (VOCs). After equilibration at a temperature of 25 °C, the VOC concentrations were measured by headspace method in combination with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The obtained data were used to determine the partition coefficients (KP) of VOCs in a gas-liguid-solid system. The results have shown that the presence and nature of solid materials in the working solution control the air-water partitioning of dissolved VOCs. The air/solution partitioning of BTEX and C9-C10 aldehydes was most affected in the presence of diesel soot. KP values decreased by a factor ranging from 1.5 for toluene to 3.0 for ethylbenzene. The addition of mineral dust in the working solution exhibited greater influence on the partitioning of short aldehydes. KP values decreased by a factor of 1.8. The experimental partition coefficients were used to develop a predictive model for partitioning of BTEX and n-aldehydes between air, water and solid phases.  相似文献   

The partitioning tracer technique for dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) characterization was evaluated in an isolated test cell, in which controlled releases of perchloroethylene (PCE) had occurred. Four partitioning tracer tests were conducted, two using an inverted, double five-spot pumping pattern, and two using vertical circulation wells. Two of the four tests were conducted prior to remedial activities, and two were conducted after. Each test was conducted as a "blind test" where researchers conducting the partitioning tracer tests had no knowledge of the volume, method of release, nor resulting spatial distribution of DNAPL. Multiple partitioning tracers were used in each test, and the DNAPL volume estimates varied significantly within each test based on the different partitioning tracers. The tracers with large partitioning coefficients generally predicted a smaller volume of PCE than that expected based on the actual release volume. However, these predictions were made for low DNAPL saturations (average saturation was approximately 0.003), under conditions near the limits of the method's application. Furthermore, there were several factors that may have hindered prediction accuracy, including tracer degradation and remedial fluid interference.  相似文献   

The pot-culture experiment and field studies were conducted to screen out and identify cadmium (Cd) excluders from 40 Chinese cabbage genotypes for food safety. The results of the pot-culture experiment indicated that the shoot Cd concentrations under three treatments (1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 mg Cd kg−1 Soil) varied significantly (p < 0.05), with average values of 0.70, 3.07 and 5.83 mg kg−1, respectively. The Cd concentrations in 12 cabbage genotypes were lower than 0.50 mg kg−1. The enrichment factors (EFs) and translocation factors (TFs) in 8 cabbage genotypes were lower than 1.0. The field studies further identified Lvxing 70 as a Cd-excluder genotype (CEG), which is suitable to be planted in low Cd-contaminated soils (Cd concentration should be lower than 1.25 mg kg−1) for food safety.  相似文献   

Juwarkar AA  Nair A  Dubey KV  Singh SK  Devotta S 《Chemosphere》2007,68(10):1996-2002
This research focuses on column experiments conducted to evaluate the potential of environmentally compatible rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain BS2 to remove heavy metals (Cd and Pb) from artificially contaminated soil. Results have shown that di-rhamnolipid removes not only the leachable or available fraction of Cd and Pb but also the bound metals as compared to tap water which removed the mobile fraction only. Washing of contaminated soil with tap water revealed that approximately 2.7% of Cd and 9.8% of Pb in contaminated soil was in freely available or weakly bound forms whereas washing with rhamnolipid removed 92% of Cd and 88% of Pb after 36 h of leaching. This indicated that di-rhamnolipid selectively favours mobilization of metals in the order of Cd>Pb. Biosurfactant specificity observed towards specific metal will help in preferential elution of specific contaminant using di-rhamnolipid. It was further observed that pH of the leachates collected from heavy metal contaminated soil column treated with di-rhamnolipid solution was low (6.60-6.78) as compared to that of leachates from heavy metal contaminated soil column treated with tap water (pH 6.90-7.25), which showed high dissolution of metal species from the contaminated soil and effective leaching of metals with treatment with biosurfactant. The microbial population of the contaminated soil was increased after removal of metals by biosurfactant indicating the decrease of toxicity of metals to soil microflora. This study shows that biosurfactant technology can be an effective and nondestructive method for bioremediation of cadmium and lead contaminated soil.  相似文献   

对电镀镉工艺流程中出光、钝化及退镉进行了原理分析,得出上述工序必然会导致含镉的铬废水的产生。并提出了采用按铬废水处理后再通过添加重金属捕捉剂的方式,有效控制了电镀废水的处理质量,达到了标准的排放要求。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the potential for using Thlaspi caerulescens as a phytoextraction plant and develop a user-advice model, which can predict the frequency of phytoextraction operation required under prescribed conditions. Pot and field trials were conducted using soil collected from a dedicated sewage sludge disposal facility. Soil amendments (sulphuric acid, potassium chloride and EDTA) intended to increase Cd solubility were also tested. Predictive models of Cd and Zn uptake were developed which were able to reproduce the observed pH-dependence of Cd uptake with an apparent maximum around pH 6. Chemical treatments did not significantly increase the uptake of Cd. The periodic use of phytoextraction with T. caerulescens to maintain soils below statutory metal concentration limits, when modern sewage sludges are repeatedly applied, seems very attractive given the non-intrusive and cost-effective nature of the process. The major limitations lie with the large-scale husbandry of T. caerulescens.  相似文献   

《Environmental Forensics》2013,14(3):161-165
The distribution of aromatic contaminants between environmental solids and water solution reflects both absorption by the organic matrix (organic carbon, OC) and adsorption to black carbon (BC). In many instances, adsorption to BC dominates the interaction between aromatic contaminants and environmental solids. This holds especially true for the pyrogenically produced PAHs and PCDD/Fs, but also for the industrially produced PCBs and PCNs. In the future, research will need to surface-normalize the adsorption onto BC surfaces. One of the key questions to be addressed is the relative distribution and availability of contaminants associated with OC and BC fractions in environmental solids.  相似文献   

污泥焚烧中Cd形态转化的热力学平衡模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用热力学平衡分析方法,结合典型污泥成分和焚烧条件预测了污泥焚烧过程中重金属Cd的转化和迁移规律。模拟计算中考虑了主量矿物质与Cl、S对Cd的形态转化的影响。研究结果表明,污泥焚烧过程中,在低温的条件下Cd主要以固体碳酸盐形式存在,随着温度升高,碳酸盐分解为固态CdO,随后有气态Cd(OH)2、Cd和CdO生成,并且在较高温度主要以气态Cd存在。焚烧体系中,矿物质SiO2对Cd的形态转化影响大于其他矿物质,SiO2能与Cd结合生成稳定的CdSiO3,从而可有效抑制含Cd气态污染物的排放。焚烧体系中Cl较易与Cd结合形成CdCl2而导致Cd的挥发,Cl含量的增加促进了Cd在焚烧体系中的挥发。在低温阶段,Cd易与S结合形成固态硫酸盐,抑制了金属的挥发;在高温阶段,金属的形态转化基本不受S的影响,但是可以影响气态金属Cd的生成温度。根据污泥在不同焚烧温度、Cl含量、S含量条件下Cd的不同产物形态,可以对Cd的污染进行有效控制。  相似文献   

在镉(Cd)污染区域筛选富集能力强的本土野生植物是Cd污染土壤植物修复的路径之一。在云南松华坝流域土壤Cd含量超风险筛选值地块生长的杂草中,初步筛查表明牛膝菊、艾蒿和灰藜具有Cd富集潜力。为进一步探明其修复能力,通过盆栽和田间实验比较了这3种野生植物的Cd富集特性和修复能力。结果表明,牛膝菊和艾蒿Cd富集系数与转运系数均大于1,灰藜小于1。施肥措施不仅能显著提高3种本土野生植物的株高和地上部生物量,而且能显著提高牛膝菊地上部和根系的Cd含量、Cd转运系数和Cd富集系数。牛膝菊地上部和根系的Cd含量以及艾蒿的根系Cd含量均随土壤Cd含量的增加而增加。与艾蒿相比,牛膝菊具有更强的Cd转运和富集能力。在100 mg·kg−1外源Cd添加的土壤中,牛膝菊的地上部和根系Cd含量分别为165.5 mg·kg−1和147.5 mg·kg−1。田间实验表明,每茬牛膝菊和艾蒿的鲜重分别为26.0 t·hm−2和32.0 t·hm−2,可分别带走Cd 3.29 g·hm−2和3.35 g·hm−2,均可用作当地土壤修复的备选植物。该结果可为相似环境下的土壤镉污染植物修复材料的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Trapped organic solvents, in both the vadose zone and below the water table, are frequent sources of environmental contamination. A common source of organic solvent contamination is spills, leaks, and improper solvent disposal associated with dry cleaning processes. Dry cleaning solvents, such as tetrachloroethylene (PCE), are typically enhanced with the addition of surfactants to improve cleaning performance. The objective of this work was to examine the partitioning behavior of surfactants from PCE in contact with water. The relative rates of surfactants partitioning and PCE dissolution are important for modeling the behavior of waste PCE in the subsurface, in that they influence the interfacial tension of the PCE, and how (or if) interfacial tension changes over time in the subsurface. The work described here uses a flow-through system to examine simultaneous partitioning and PCE dissolution in a porous medium. Results indicate that both nonylphenol ethoxylate nonionic surfactants and a sulfosuccinate anionic surfactant partition out of residual PCE much more rapidly than the PCE dissolves, suggesting that in many cases interfacial tension changes caused by partitioning may influence infiltration and distribution of PCE in the subsurface. Non-steady-state partitioning is found to be well-described by a linear driving force model incorporating measured surfactant partition coefficients.  相似文献   

Relation of enhanced Pb solubility to Fe partitioning in soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is well documented that Pb solubility may be related to Fe chemistry in soils and enhanced Pb solubility may occur under certain reducing conditions; however, quantification of such relationships is unavailable. Based on metal classification, Pb (II) and Fe (II) are similar in some chemical characteristics. Thus, competition between Pb and Fe for ligands in soils may be important in determining Pb solubility. In this paper, Pb solubility was examined in a sandy soil after spiking with Pb and incubating for 40 days under water-flooded or non-water-flooded conditions. Solution chemistry in soil columns was adjusted using different concentrations of NaCl, CaCl(2) and deionized water of varying pH before incubation. The results showed that Pb solubility in the soil was not correlated well with pH, dissolved organic C or aqueous Fe concentrations. However, an index of Fe partition behavior using the ratio of aqueous Fe to sorbed Fe was related to Pb solubility. Enhanced Pb solubility occurred only when the index was < approximately 2 kg l(-1). The index can be a simple measure of Fe's ability to compete with Pb for ligands in solution. The ability of Fe to compete with Pb decreases as the index decreases and as the ratio approached its minimum, substantial increases in Pb solubility will be expected. In general, the index was not sensitive to changes in solution chemistry. A similar trend was observed using one data set published in the literature.  相似文献   

Feasibility of phosphate fertilizer to immobilize cadmium in a field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hong CO  Lee do K  Kim PJ 《Chemosphere》2008,70(11):2009-2015
To reduce effectively cadmium (Cd) phytoextractability by phosphate fertilizer in Cd contaminated soil, fused and superphosphate (FSP) was applied at the rate of 0, 33.5 (recommendation level), 167.5, and 335 kg P ha−1 for radish (Raphanus sativa L.). Unlike from what we expected, soil Cd extractability and Cd concentration in radish increased with increasing FSP application in the field. To determine the effect of FSP on Cd immobilization, FSP was mixed with the selected soil at the rate of 0, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 mg P kg−1 and then incubated for 8 weeks. As observed in the field study, NH4OAc extractable Cd concentration increased slightly with FSP addition up to 400 mg P kg−1 and thereafter dramatically decreased upon increasing its application rate. Soil pH and negative charge were decreased at low level of FSP application up to 400 mg P kg−1, but thereafter continually increased with increasing application level. This could be indirect evidence that net soil negative charge was increased by the specific adsorption of phosphate at the high rate of FSP application over 400 mg P kg−1. The labile Cd fraction (water soluble and exchangeable + acidic fraction) increased with increasing FSP application by 400 mg P kg−1 and thereafter gradually decreased with corresponding increase in unlabile fraction (oxidizable and residual fraction). Based on these results, FSP might be applied with a very high rate over 800 mg P kg−1 to decrease Cd extractability in the selected field. However, this level is equivalent to 1440 kg P ha−1, which is about 43 times higher than the recommendation levels for radish production and resulted in a significant increase in water soluble P concentration creating a new environmental problem. Therefore, the feasibility of FSP to reduce Cd extractability in the field is very low.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and mechanism of nano-hydroxyapatite particles (nHAp) in immobilizing Pb and Cd from aqueous solutions and contaminated sediment were investigated. The maximum sorption amount (Qmax) of Pb and Cd in aqueous solution was 1.17 and 0.57 mmol/g. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) surface and depth analysis indicated that dissolution-precipitation is the primary immobilization mechanism for Pb, while surface complexation and intraparticle diffusion account for Cd sequestration. Different amounts of nHAp (0-10% nHAp/dry weight) were added to the contaminated sediment. Sequential extraction showed that nHAp could effectively reduce the exchangeable fraction of Pb and Cd in the sediment and significantly reduce the concentration in porewater. The results in this study showed that nHAp can immobilize Pb and Cd in sediment effectively.  相似文献   

Effectiveness and mechanism of cadmium (Cd) sorption on original, acidified and ball milling nano-particle red muds were investigated using batch sorption experiments, sequential extraction analysis and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The maximum sorption capacity of Cd was 0.16, 0.19, and 0.21 mol/kg for the original, acidified, and nano-particle red muds at pH 6.5, respectively. Both acidification and ball-milling treatments significantly enhanced Cd sorption and facilitated transformation of Cd into less extractable fractions. The Cd LIII-edge XANES analysis indicated the formation of inner-sphere complexes of Cd similar to XCdOH (X represents surface groups on red mud) on the red mud surfaces although outer-sphere complexes of Cd were the primary species. This work shed light on the potential application of red mud to remediate Cd-contaminated soils and illustrated the promising tool of XANES spectroscopy for speciation of multicomponent systems of environmental relevance.  相似文献   

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