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ABSTRACT: The distribution of trace elements in New Jersey streambed sediments is described with respect to physiographic provinces and major drainage areas. Samples were collected during 1976–1993 at 295 sites distributed throughout New Jersey. Copper, chromium, lead, and zinc were detected with the greatest frequency and at the highest concentrations of the elements. Concentrations of most trace elements were significantly higher in streambed sediments from the New England (glaciated) and Piedmont physiographic provinces - the provinces with the lowest and highest percentages of urban land use, respectively - than in sediments from the other provinces. High trace-element concentrations in the New England (glaciated) province reflect previous mining of extensive magnetite deposits, whereas those in the Piedmont province most likely reflect urban land use. Significantly lower trace-element concentrations in streambed sediments from the Coastal Plain are attributable to the low pH of the streamwater, the lack of iron and manganese available to form coatings that scavenge trace elements, and the relatively low percentage of urban land use in the province. Trace-element concentrations were related to land use, population, or point sources in the drainage basin specific to the sampling location by using logistic regression. Results of this analysis indicate a relation between arsenic and agricultural land use; chromium and physiographic province; and copper, lead, and zinc and population density.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sediment bound trace metals are often examined for spatial trends such as downstream patterns or distance from a source. Spatial trends may indicate either differences in metal inputs, or, when considerable sediment variability exists, differences in sediment sorption processes. These two possibilities become important not only when sediment contamination is evaluated within an area, but also when regulatory agencies attempt to make equivalent among area decisions. Sediments from an urban watershed were examined for: (1) downstream trace metal trends and (2) sediment sorption relationships. Analyses determined that downstream trenda as related to metal inputs could not be recognized by analyzing the < 2mm (≤, sand) sediment size fraction. Conversely, the trace metal concentrations were found to be distinctly related to sediment characteristics. The watershed's metal concentrations are similar to those found in uncontaminated to slightly contaminated sediments in the United States.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A three-year study has been conducted on a 4.6 mile stretch of the Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey. The primary objectives of this investigation were (1) to provide baseline information on the concentration and distribution of heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Saddle River; (2) to qualitatively evaluate which parameters affect this distribution; and (3) to determine the effect of urbanization on the concentration and distribution of these materials. Significant enrichments of several heavy metals were observed in bottom sediments of the lower Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey, as compared to the upper Saddle River. Attempts to correlate metal concentrations in bottom sediments with chemical-oxygen demand were not successful in demonstrating a relationship between these two factors. Metal concentrations were found to be strongly dependent upon particle size. In general, metal concentrations in bottom sediments increased with decreasing partical diameter. However, metals enrichment was observed to be considerably greater in the larger sediment fractions studied (>420μ) than the smaller sediment fractions as one proceeded downstream through the urban area. Since the larger sediment fractions are least effected by scour and transport they may best reflect the effect of urbanization on the distribution of heavy metals over an extended period of time at a given location.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Concentrations of 18 hydrophobic chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments from 100 sites throughout New Jersey were examined to determine (1) which compounds were detected most frequently, (2) whether detection frequencies differed among selected drainage basins, and (3) whether concentrations differed significantly among selected drainage basins. Twelve drainage basins across New Jersey that contain a range of land-use patterns and population densities were selected to represent various types and degrees of development. To ensure an adequate number of samples for statistical comparison among drainage basins, the 12 selected basins were consolidated into seven drainage areas on the basis of similarities in land-use patterns and population densities. Additionally, data for three classes of chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments from 255 sites throughout New Jersey were examined to determine whether the presence of these compounds in streambed sediments is related to the type and degree of development within the drainage area of each sampling site. Chlorinated organic compounds detected most frequently within the seven representative drainage areas were DDT, DDE, DDD, chlordane, dieldrin, and PCBs. DDT, DDE, and DDD, which were the most widely distributed organic compounds, were detected in about 60 to 100 percent of the samples from all drainage areas but one (where the detection rate for these compounds was about 20 to 40 percent). Chiordane and dieldrin were detected in about 80 to 100 percent of samples from highly urbanized and populated drainage areas; detection frequencies for these compounds tended to be smaller in less developed and populated areas. PCBs were detected in about 40 to 85 percent of samples from all drainage areas; detection frequencies were highest in the most heavily developed and populated areas. Analysis of variance on rank-transformed organic compound concentrations normalized to sediment organic carbon content was used to evaluate differences in concentrations among the seven representative drainage areas. Chlordane and PCBs were the chlorinated organic compounds with the most highly elevated concentrations in streambed sediments across the State. Median normalized concentrations of all six of the most frequently detected chlorinated organic compounds were highest in the most heavily urbanized and populated drainage area and lowest in the less populated, predominantly agricultural or forested areas. Concentrations of DDT and DDE, however, did not differ significantly among most of the drainage areas. Concentrations of DDD, chlordane, dieldrin, and PCBs differed significantly among drainage areas. The highest median normalized concentrations were found in samples from the most heavily urbanized and populated areas, and the lowest were in samples from the least developed, most heavily forested area. Logistic regression was used to examine relations between the presence of hydrophobic chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments at specified concentrations and variables that characterize the type and degree of development within the drainage areas of 255 sites across New Jersey. The explanatory variables found most useful for predicting the presence of chlorinated organic compounds in streambed sediments include total population and amounts (in square kilometers) of various land-use categories. Logistic regression equations were developed to identify significant relations between population and amounts of specific land-use categories within drainage areas and the probability of detecting chlorinated organic contaminants in streambed sediments. These relations can be used to assist in the identification of geographic regions of primary concern for contamination of bed sediments by chlorinated organic compounds across the State.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Field investigations were conducted at three sites in the Washington, D.C., area to detect accumulation patterns of the trace metals, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc in the soils of urban stormwater detention basins. The research results seemed to indicate that the use of detention basins to control urban stormwater runoff had few harmful effects to fine textured soils with respect to the study trace metals. Although the trace metals, especially lead and zinc, were found to accumulate in the surface soils of the basins, little significant downward movement of metals in the soil profiles had occurred. Accumulations of metals in the surface soils appeared to be a function of microtopography and the resultant residence time of standing water. The fractions of trace metals that were present in a leachable form in surface soils and stormwater solids were small, with median values ranging from 7.7 percent of the total concentration for Cd to 0.01 percent for Pb.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study has been conducted for the past two years on a 4.6 mile stretch of the Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey. The primary objectives of this study were two fold; initially, the amounts of various heavy metals being contributed to the Saddle River by stormwater runoff, rainfall, and individual tributaries, etc., were investigated to better delineate the distribution of various sources of heavy metals to the aquatic environment. Secondly, a series of benthal deposits from the Saddle River were analyzed to determine the fate of these metals once introduced into the receiving stream. A mass balance analysis of heavy metals in the Saddle River was performed to determine the amount of these materials contributed from unrecorded sources. The results of this study seemed to demonstrate the importance of considering the potential scouring of river sediments as a secondary source of metals in determinations of this type. The distribution of metals in precipitation samples collected in this study was found to be similar to that in runoff, with lead and zinc predominating. Relative concentrations of metals in precipitation as compared to those of stormwater were relatively insignificant. Metal concentrations of bottom sediments were found to vary considerably from sample to sample.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data were developed to determine the quality of water and bottom sediments in the Trinity River, and the mobility of various contaminants when bottom sediments were mixed with the river water under simulated dredging conditions. Thirteen sampling sites were selected. A number of chemical tests including heavy metals and pesticides were conducted on river water, elutriates, and bottom sediments. Statis bioassays using Daphnia magna were conducted on river water and elutriates. Results indicated that the river in the upper reach is grossly polluted due to discharge of waste water effluents from several large treatment plants. High concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, organic carbon, COD, heavy metals, and pesticides were found in water and bottom sediments. The concentrations of most of these pollutants exceeded the EPA recommended limits. Elutriation gave no consistent results, perhaps because of release or uptake of contaminants from the sediments. High mortality of D. magna were also recorded in the upper reach of the river. The quality of water and bottom sediments gradually improved in lower reaches.  相似文献   

Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) collected from four sites in the Red River of the North in 1994 were analyzed for arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), selenium (So), and zinc (Zn). Concentrations differed among liver, muscle, and whole body. Generally, trace element concentrations were the greatest in livers while concentrations in whole bodies were greater than those in muscle for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, and concentrations in muscle were similar to whole body for As and Se. Concentrations of Cr were lower in liver than either muscle or whole body. Correlations between liver and whole body concentrations were stronger than those between liver and muscle concentrations, but the strongest correlations were between muscle and whole body concentrations. Examination of tissue concentrations by collection sites suggested that, for a general survey, the whole body may be the most effective matrix to analyze.  相似文献   

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