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Satisfaction with a performance appraisal system and the appraisal discussion was assessed by questionnaires administered to a random sample of managers and employees in a large multinational corporation. Stepwise regression and cross validation analyses were used to identify reliable linear composites for managers (n = 222) and employees (n = 368) on two dependent measures: overall experience with the appraisal system, and quality of the appraisal discussion. The results indicated differences in the aspects of the appraisal process which are related to satisfaction with the appraisal discussion, compared to satisfaction with the overall appraisal system. The results also indicated differences between managers' and employees' opinions regarding the appraisal system. Managers were found to be more satisfied than employees with most aspects of the appraisal system. And, the aspects of the appraisal system which were related to managers' and employees' satisfaction with the appraisal discussion were substantially different.  相似文献   

When social scientists conduct research in organizations, they engage in relationships with respondents in order to obtain information. For studies of race relations in organizations, questions arise about how researchers take account of their organizational and racial group memberships. This field experiment tests hypotheses derived from embedded intergroup relations theory about the effects of questionnaire administration procedures and race of respondents on response rate, reactions to the research, perceptions of race relations, and satisfaction. Results provided support for several hypotheses that predict respondents will experience the research and respond differently when they answer questionnaires in race alike group meetings than when they report anonymously by mail.  相似文献   

为了掌握存在高温热源时的松散煤体温度场分布规律,针对难以直接在井下采空区进行试验研究的情况,在地面建立试验煤堆进行松散煤体温度场试验.根据试验数据分析了存在高温热源时的松散煤体温度场分布和变化情况.结果表明:松散煤体温度场分布与热源强度、时间、距离、水分与漏风等多种因素相关,其中受热源强度的影响较为明显;松散煤体中随距热源的距离增大温度呈负指数曲线分布,且衰减较快;松散煤体中距煤壁表面较近的位置受外界环境的影响,温度波动较大,内部达到一定深度(>0.3 m)的测点即可消除由此带来的影响;位于热源上方的测点较在热源同一水平面上的测点温升更快;煤体中含有水分时,水分热湿迁移过程的存在会对松散煤体中部分位置的温升过程造成一定的影响.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation programs in facilitating injured workers' return to work. A major methodological problem with such investigations is the inability of the analyst to observe the counter-factual, i.e. the outcome had the worker's compensation claimant not received rehabilitation services. In this paper the results are reported of an empirical investigation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs undertaken by 503 injured workers. An internal control group of injured workers who fail to complete rehabilitation programs is used to assess the impact of rehabilitation. Multivariate statistical techniques are used to hold injury and socio-economic characteristics constant, and to arrive at an estimate of the probability of a successful return to work. This probability estimate is then used to ‘weight’ the potential cost saving. Our findings are that every $1 spent on rehabilitation services yields a reduction of system costs of $2.31.  相似文献   

Computer technology call centers provide technical assistance to customers via the telephone to solve computer hardware and software problems. The simultaneous demands for technical and customer service skills often place strain on call center employees, frequently producing poor job attitudes. We utilized a field experiment (N = 149) with a randomly assigned pretest–posttest and control group design to compare three interventions' effectiveness on employee job attitudes in a computer technology call center: Intervention 1 focused on aligning organizational structures; Intervention 2 focused on increasing employee involvement in work processes (high‐involvement); and Intervention 3 implemented autonomous work teams. We found that high‐involvement work processes produced the most potent effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment attitudes, as well as on performance (i.e., improved customer satisfaction scores, increased closed problems, reduced problems escalated, and fewer repeat calls). Further, we found that group work preference moderated the results between the group‐oriented interventions and employees' job satisfaction. Under high involvement and in autonomous work teams, high preferences for group work resulted in greater job satisfaction than when employees had lower preferences for group work. However, preferences for group work were not associated with increased organizational commitment in either intervention. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prior literature examining the antecedents of employee affect has largely ignored subtle affective influences in the workplace and their impact on employees' affective experiences and behaviors. A substantial body of evidence from basic psychology research suggests that individuals' affect can be influenced by minimal stimulus input. The primary objective of this research is to take an initial step towards understanding the “real‐world” impact of subtle affective stimuli in the workplace. Specifically, in a field experiment with a within‐subjects design, we collected data from 68 sales representatives and examined the effect of a subtle affective stimulus (i.e., a black‐and‐white picture of a woman smiling printed on the backdrop of paper–pencil surveys) on employees' affect, well‐being, and performance. Results showed that the smiling picture significantly enhanced participants' positive affect, which in turn influenced employees' extra‐role performance and emotional exhaustion. The smiling picture also indirectly influenced employees' in‐role performance and emotional exhaustion via negative affect. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed at the end of the paper. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Procedural influences on peer-rater distortion and delay were investigated in a field experiment. Employees (N=123) of a business information firm were randomly assigned to conditions in a 2 (upward accountability versus no accountability) by 2 (administrative purpose versus research purpose) experimental design. Results revealed evidence for an accountability by purpose interaction on rater delay. Specifically, raters delayed rating their peers when the purpose was research-only and they had to explain their ratings to a supervisor. When the rating purpose was administrative, no differences in delay due to accountability were obtained. We found no effects for upward accountability and rating purpose on peer-rater inflation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the relationship between organizational safety climate and perceived organizational support. Additionally, it examined the relationship with job satisfaction, worker compliance with safety management policies, and accident frequency. Safety climate and supportive perceptions were assessed with Hayes, Perander, Smecko, et al. 's (1998) and Eisenberger, Fasolo and LaMastro's (1990) scales respectively. Confirmatory factors analysis confirmed the 5-factor structure of Hayes et al. 's WSS scale. Regression analysis and t-tests indicated that workers with positive perspectives regarding supportive perceptions similarly expressed positive perceptions concerning workplace safety. Furthermore, they expressed greater job satisfaction, were more compliant with safety management policies, and registered lower accident rates. The perceived level of support in an organization is apparently closely associated with workplace safety perception and other organizational and social factors which are important for safety. The results are discussed in light of escalating interest in how organizational factors affect employee safety and supportive perceptions.  相似文献   

采空区注氮是一种常用的采空区防灭火及治理遗煤自燃的措施,与采空区瓦斯抽采及工作面通风相似,均会对整个工作面及采空区流场产生影响,为了实现工作面及采空区生产安全性及经济性最优化,对进风量、采空区流管总量、流管高度、流管间距、注氮量 、注氮位置六因素进行正交试验,借助数值模拟软件对正交试验确定的方案进行三维流场模拟,根据模糊数学相关理论选择模糊优选评价指标及指标权重,对所得结果进行优选,得到所有因素的最优解,进而得到优组合。实现采空区注氮、瓦斯抽采及工作面通风参数优化。  相似文献   

Correlational studies have identified worksite coping resources such as social support and perceived control, and have suggested a positive role for such resources in employee stress processes. However, little experimental evidence has demonstrated the causal role of worksite coping resources in improving mental health, nor how worksite coping resources can be enhanced. This paper reports the results of a field experiment intended to provide such evidence. Human service workers participated in a theory-driven training program designed to increase individual and group psychosocial coping resources and individuals' abilities to use those resources when coping with job demands. The inclusion of selection variables in models used to estimate the impact of the intervention controlled for selection biases and also allowed for the assessment of the impact of the training on those workers identified as most prone to turnover and on those most likely to participate in such an intervention. Results indicated that the program enhanced the work team climate and reduced depresssive symptoms and somatization in those most at risk for leaving their jobs. The program was also effective in increasing the amount of supervisor support received on the job and strengthening perceptions of coping abilities in those workers most likely to participate in the program.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades the concept of driver distraction has been the focus of intense research attention. One aspect of distraction for which there has been limited systematic research, however, is its role in driver error causation. This article presents a review of the distraction literature with a view to elucidating what is currently known about the types of driving errors that distraction contributes to and the mechanisms by which distraction induces these errors. The review revealed a number of fundamental gaps in our knowledge, including the number and nature of errors made by drivers when distracted; the mechanisms by which distraction causes errors; whether and how distraction disrupts drivers’ ability to recover from errors; and how system-wide factors moderate the relationship between distraction and error. In closing, we attempt to identify the most appropriate theoretical and methodological approach to drive the integrated study of distraction and error forward. We conclude that it is only through the adoption of a systems approach that integrated countermeasures can be proposed and implemented to mitigate driver errors caused by distraction.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to test relationships between leadership style, feedback on subordinate performance within the context of either the vision or goals of the organization, and leader cognitions representing a modified version of Wofford and Goodwin's (1994) cognitive processing model of leadership. The results indicated that: (1) positive feedback leads to the access of transformational cognitions, whereas negative feedback leads to the access of transactional cognitions; (2) negative feedback about subordinate performance causes transformational leaders to access transactional cognitions in response to subordinates; (3) the relationship between transformational leadership behavior and transformational cognitions is strengthened when feedback received about subordinates is vision‐related compared to feedback that is goal‐related; and (4) the relationship between transactional leadership behavior and transactional cognitions is strengthened when feedback received is goal‐related compared to feedback that is vision‐related. Limitations and future research directions are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Psychological contracts are individual beliefs in reciprocal obligations between employees and employers. In a sample of 224 graduating MBA students who had recently accepted job offers, beliefs regarding employment obligations were investigated. Two types of obligation were demonstrated empirically: transactional obligations of high pay and career advancement in exchange for hard work and relational obligations exchanging job security for loyalty and a minimum length of stay. These types of obligations are connected with two forms of legal contracts: transactional and relational. Relational contract obligations for employers correlated with employee expected length of stay with the firm. Transactional contract obligations were associated with careerist motive on the part of new recruits. The relationship between these and other motives of new hires was also investigated.  相似文献   

Both researchers and managers depend on the accuracy of managers' perceptions. Yet, few studies compare subjective with ‘objective’ data, perhaps because it is very difficult to do well. These difficulties also muddy interpretations of results. On one hand, studies suggest that managers' perceptions may be very inaccurate. On the other hand, the observed errors in managerial perceptions may arise from research methods instead of managers. Because perceptual data are so significant for both researchers and managers, researchers need to understand both the potential contaminants of perceptual research and the determinants of perceptual errors and biases. This article reviews studies of the accuracies of managers' perceptions, points out hazards in such research, and suggests various ways to improve studies of perceptions. The suggestions encompass improvements in gathering more valid subjective data, locating more appropriate ‘objective’ data, finding appropriate respondents, and using statistical methods that provide accurate and reliable estimates with small samples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the relation between resiliency and the level of positive changes, comprising posttraumatic growth in a group of firefighters experiencing job-related traumatic events and the mediating role of stress appraisal in this relation. The study was performed on a group of 100 firefighters from firefighting and rescue brigades, out of which 75 admitted to experiencing a traumatic event. Firefighters covered by the study were on average 31.51 years old (SD?=?6.34). A Polish version of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, the Resiliency Assessment Scale and Stress Appraisal Questionnaire were used in the study. The results have shown that 22.7% of firefighters displayed low, 58.6% average and 18.7% high intensity of positive changes resulting from a traumatic event. Resiliency poorly correlates with posttraumatic growth expressed in changes in self-perception, and strongly correlates with stress appraisal, negatively correlates with threat and harm/loss and positively correlates with challenge. Appraisal of stress as a threat and challenge appeared to be mediators of the relationship between resiliency and posttraumatic growth.  相似文献   


Objective: Recently developed advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have the potential to compensate for teen driving errors and reduce overall crash risk. To date, very limited research has been conducted on the suitability of ADAS for teen drivers—the population most likely to benefit from such systems. The opportunity for ADAS to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving teen drivers is hindered when there is a lack of trust, acceptance, and use of those technologies. Therefore, there is a need to study teen and parent perceptions of ADAS to help identify and overcome any potential barriers to ADAS use.

Methods: A U.S. national survey was developed based on themes from previously conducted teen and parent ADAS focus groups. Survey topics included trust in ADAS, effect of ADAS on teen driver safety and driving behavior, effect of ADAS on skill development, data privacy, and cybersecurity. Responses included 5-point Likert scales and open-ended questions. The survey was managed through an online respondent panel by ResearchNow. Eligibility criteria included licensed teens (16–19 years) and parents of licensed teens. Teen and parent responses were compared using chi-square statistics in SAS 9.4.

Results: Two thousand and three (teens?=?1,000; parents?=?1,003) respondents qualified for and completed the survey between September 1 and September 20, 2017. Overall, teens (72%) and parents (61%) felt that ADAS would have a positive impact on transportation. However, teens were more likely to exhibit a positive outlook on ADAS, whereas parents were more likely to have a negative outlook (P?<?.01). Teens felt that ADAS would be useful during bad weather or drowsy driving but were less concerned than parents about ADAS intervention during their own risky driving (P?<?.01). The majority of teens (65%) and parents (71%) agreed that teens should learn to drive on vehicles without ADAS, with parents being more likely to agree than teens (P?<?.01). Parents (55%) were more likely than teens (47%) to be concerned about insurance companies keeping track of teen driving data (P?<?.01). Most respondents exhibited some concern of ADAS being susceptible to hacking (57%).

Conclusions: This study represents the first effort to quantify ADAS perceptions among teen drivers and their parents at the U.S. national level. These data highlight potential barriers to ADAS use among teen drivers, including a relative disinterest among teens for ADAS intervention during risky driving as well as concerns among both teens and parents that ADAS will inhibit skill development. These survey findings will help inform educational programs to accelerate fleet turnover and provide the foundation for ADAS optimization and evaluation studies among sociodemographic groups.  相似文献   

探讨了安全价值意识转变中的整合作用机制和价值取向的形成机制。分析了价值意识整合方式及其价值互动、价值认同、价值顺应的作用原理 ,论述了价值取向的形成模式及文化模式与价值取向的交互作用过程  相似文献   

Work characteristics such as time pressure and job control can be experienced as a challenge that is positively associated with performance‐related behaviors. Using experience‐sampling data from 149 employees, we examined the relationships between these work characteristics and creativity and proactive behavior on a daily level. Results from multilevel analyses indicate that time pressure and job control are perceived as challenging, and that challenge appraisal in turn is related to daily creativity and proactive behavior. Furthermore, cross‐level mediation analyses revealed that daily work characteristics act as the mechanism underlying the relationships between chronic work characteristics and challenge appraisal. This study supports the view of time pressure as a challenge‐related stressor that leads to favorable outcomes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports an unusual opportunity to explore the range of reactions that a company's technological transformation aroused in its workforce. Based on tape recordings of interviews conducted with 56 of the 141 employees, individuals were categorized on the basis of their perception of proportion of personal gains to losses: 21 were identified as winners, 17 as losers, and 18 as sideliners. Concurrently, researchers independently rated the job fate of each individual as a result of the changes, classifying jobs as protected/enhanced, threatened/diminished or unaffected. Losers were similar to winners in their belief in the need for change, their strong identification with the company, and even the amount of job disruption already experienced. Where they differed significantly, was in their perception of the future; losers feared that they would not have a place in the new company or elsewhere, and from their perspective job content was clearly irrelevant until and unless job security, or at least employment elsewhere, was assured. Losers' fears could not be dismissed simply as ‘resistance to change’ but had some basis in reality in that there was a strong correlation between loser status and threatened diminished job status, as judged by external observers. Based on these findings, the argument is made that research on the human consequences of technological transformation cannot be limited only to positive or negative effects, but should include a consideration of both; the recognition of the complexity and differential impact of technological change constitutes a first step in being able both to foster its progress while, at the same time, seeking means to moderate its negative consequences.  相似文献   

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