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ABSTRACT: By integrating literature from flood hazard research and urban economics a theoretical structure is developed to explain changes in residential land values following flood events. The negative aspects of the flood hazard are shown to be capitalized in the value of the property. It is further suggested that land values (i.e., capitalization) will vary both spatially across the floodplain and temporally depending on the frequency, severity and spatial characteristics of the flood event. Previous work in this area has not addressed the capitalization process explicitly and has not specifically examined the ability of the land market to recover. This may account for the contradictory findings in the published literature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study is an examination of the relationship between flooding and property values for an urban community in southwestern Ontario which has a lengthy history of flooding. As well, peoples’perceptions of the effect of flooding on property values is discussed. Analysis of sales prices and assessment data demonstrated no statistically significant differences in values of property for residences located in high- and low-risk areas either before or after a major flood in 1974. With both the high- and low-risk areas, sales prices after the 1974 flood were significantly higher than sales prices before the flood. The perceived property values followed a similar pattern. We concluded that differences in flood risk and flood experience did not adversely affect actual or perceived long-term property values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The impact of floodplain regulations on mean appreciation rates of residential land values was tested at six study areas in five counties in western Oregon. The study hypothesis that such regulations significantly depress appreciation rates of regulated lands relative to those of similar unregulated lands was in most cases rejected. When the hypothesis was accepted circumstances would render conclusions tenuous. The problems and issues facing this type of research are presented in case studies of two of the research study areas. The following factors challenge investigators seeking to resolve questions about the relationship between land use regulations and land values: varying degrees of stringency with which regulations are enforced; unequal assessment procedures between counties; influences external to floodplain regulations that may affect appreciation rates, including denial of permits for septic tanks, flood damages, and amenity values associated with waterfront locations; and the uncertain effect that the availability of flood insurance, which accompanies floodplain regulations, has on land values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Estimated benefits of flood control projects are typically limited to avoided property damages. However, the possibility that there are (1) benefits from reduced psychological stress among flood plain occupants, and (2) benefits to the community has long been recognized. A survey of landowners residing in a flood plain in Roanoke, Virginia, found that nonproperty considerations did help explain their expressed willingness to pay for flood control. Of particular importance was the respondents' concern for disruption of the community caused by possible flooding.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The delineation of high flood hazard zones within a flood plain is usually independent of the hydraulic parameters that constitute a life threatening situation. In order to define human instability in high hazard areas, a study was conducted to identify when an adult human could not stand or maneuver in a simulated flood flow. An analysis was performed on a rigid body monolith resulting in a toppling hazard envelope curve (velocity vs. depth). A 120 lb monolith was then constructed and tested to relate the actual flow velocity and depth at toppling to theory. A series of human subjects (90–201 Ibs) were placed in a recirculating flume and tested to determine the velocity and depth of flow that caused their instability. The test results determined that the product number, which is the product of the velocity and depth at toppling of the monolith, closely compared to the theoretical envelope curve. The monolith results represent the lower limit of human stability. Also, the product number appeared to be a predictor of human instability in flood flow. A relationship was developed to estimate the product number at which a human subject becomes unstable as a function of the height and weight of the subject.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recognition of the flood hazard that exists on alluvial fans has seriously lagged behind the recognition of other more conventional flood hazards such as those associated with most rivers. This delay in recognition was due, until recently, to a general lack of economic investment and development in these areas and a concomitant lack of historical alluvial fan flood damage. Dramatic recent events, such as Tropical Storm Kathleen, emphasized to the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) the need for developing an appropriate methodology to identify flood hazard areas on alluvial fans. This paper presents the methodology now employed by FIA as well as flood plain management considerations that could reduce future flood related damage to communities developing in these areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: With implementation of the Flood Insurance Act of 1968 many additional local flood protection projects are being considered. Consulting engineers and local agencies need consistent methods to estimate flood damage in order to perform feasibility studies. Federal agencies have a great deal of data and long experience in making damage estimates but no comprehensive guides are available at the local level. Curves of flood damages to different residential structure types are presented. The relationships in use by the U. S. Federal Insurance Administration are shown to be reasonable and are recommended for use as approximate guides. Additional research is recommended and discussion of the paper is invited in order to make additional data available in the literature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The flooding conditions in the basin of the Red River of the North are reviewed in terms of the accuracy of the flood forecasts and the response of both the floodplain occupants and government agencies to these forecasts. The flood prediction methods in Canada and the United States are compared. The accuracy of these prediction measures for the major floods in recent history is reviewed. The differences between the way in which the American and Canadian authorities approach the flood emergencies are outlined. The accuracy of the forecasts are plotted against a number of parameters which reflect the efficiency of the flood fighting measures initiated by those flood forecasts. The significant features of these plots are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An implicit price model relating residential lot value to price determining characteristics of land is developed to measure the benefits of a structural flood control project. Special attention is given to the selection of relevant price determining characteristics of residential lots. An implicit price equation is estimated for both the with and without project conditions. Flood damages are quantified through the use of a dummy variable indicating a flood plain location. The analysis shows that annual flood damages were reduced by $15,275.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Spring 1973 Mississippi River flood was investigated using remotely sensed data from ERTS-1. Both manual and automatic analyses of the data indicate that ERTS-I is extremely useful as a regional tool for flood management. Quantitative estimates of area flooded were made in St. Charles County, Missouri and Arkansas. Flood hazard mapping was conducted in three study areas along the Mississippi River using pre-flood ERTS-1 imagery enlarged to 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scale. The flood prone areas delineated on these maps correspond to areas that would be inundated by significant flooding (approximately the 100 year flood). The flood prone area boundaries were generally in agreement with flood hazard maps produced by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and U. S. Geological Survey although the latter are somewhat more detailed because of their larger scale. Initial results indicate that ERTS-1 digital mapping of flood prone areas can be performed at 1:62,500 which is comparable to some conventional flood hazard map scales.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Planning for urban drainage and flood control requires the use of a rational procedure for setting priorities and allocating funds. An innovative procedure developed by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District is described. It consists of the use of bond election voting results as a surrogate for demand signals representing the public preference for project approval. A regression equation has been developed to relate project characteristics to the likelihood of approval. The procedure is implemented through a “funnel-screen” review procedure which results in a list of reviewed and approved projects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The project described in this report was undertaken by the Louisiana State Planning Office to establish the extent of backwater flooding in Louisiana in April 1975. Band 7 Landsat imagery, enlarged to a scale of 1:250,000 was used to visually identify flooded areas. Inundated areas were delineated on overlays keyed to 1:250,000 U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangles. Tabular data identifying acres flooded, according to land use type, were derived by merging the flood map overlays with computerized 1972 land use data. Approximately 1.12 million acres of the state were inundated by flood waters. The total acreage and land use types affected by flooding were determined within 72 hours from the time the flood areas were imaged. Flooded maps were prepared for 26 parishes. Field observations were made by Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service county agents in order to determine the accuracy of parish flood maps and flood acreage figures by land use type. Results indicated that this was a fast, accurate, and relatively inexpensive method of compiling flood data for disaster planning and postflood analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Major loss of life can occur in a flood when people are toppled by floodwater currents. Three approximate mechanical models and two empirical models of the hydrodynamics of toppling are presented and calibrated to align with available experimental observations to assist the analysis of the risk of life loss. The mechanical models consider circular cylindrical, square cylindrical and cylindrical composite, heavy bodies assembled to represent a human immersed in a flow field and subject to drag and buoyancy forces. The models can account for the height and weight of the exposed persons, and the velocity and depth of the flow. The models are in good mutual agreement and, when calibrated, yield failure functions that can be used to calculate the probability of loss of stability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: High concentrations of chloride and sodium were found in the bottom layers of a new flood control reservoir at the beginning of winter thaw periods. The reservoir had a number of significant downstream impacts. After short thaw periods, discharge from the bottom of the reservoir tended to cause higher salt concentrations downstream in comparison with upstream sites. During long thaw periods or when large quantities of rain fell, downstream salt concentrations were considerably less than upstream values. Average chloride and sodium content of soil at the bottom of the reservoir more than doubled as a result of impounding runoff waters for one winter.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Woodlands, a totally planned community north of Houston, Texas, was studied in detail in an effort to develop a master drainage plan which minimizes adverse impact on the 100-year floodplain. A total of 40 HEC-1 and HEC-2 computer runs were made to evaluate various development, channelization, and reservoir storage options.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: When nonparametric frequency analysis was performed on 183 stations from Ontario and Quebec, unimodal and multimodal maximum annual flood density functions were discovered. In order to determine generating mechanisms, a monthly partitioning of the annual maximum floods was undertaken. The timing of the floods revealed that the unimodal distributions reflected a single flood generating mechanism while the multi-modal densities reflected two or more mechanisms. Based on the division of the flood series by mechanisms, nine homogeneous regions were delineated. L-moment distributional homogeneity tests along with smaller standard errors for the regional equations supported the delineation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An analogue method of ex post evaluation is proposed as a method of measuring the effectiveness of small watershed projects in obtaining flood control and economic benefits. Two watersheds were compared on a “with vs. without” project basis by both direct and indirect measurement of economic benefits. Direct measurements indicated that small watershed flood control projects did not generate the expected economic benefits. However, the indirect measurements of the same watersheds using land value enhancement as a surrogate suggested that the expected economic benefits were reflected in differential land values. The economic efficiency of small watershed projects should be measured ex ante and ex post on a “with vs. without” project basis rather than on a “before vs. after” basis whether using direct or surrogate variables.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The 1950 flood disaster in the Red River Valley, Manitoba, and particularly in Winnipeg made all levels of government aware of the need for control measures. The principal elements of the system which was implemented were two large excavated diversion channels, a storage reservoir, and ring dykes around several small communities. In terms of cost and size, the flood control system is the largest in Canada and despite Federal contributions amounting to nearly 60 percent of the final cost, it represented a considerable fiscal burden for the comparatively small population of Manitoba. Between the opening of the Red River Floodway in 1968 and 1979, a series of exceptional spring peak flows on the Red and Assiniboine Rivers demonstrated the benefits of such a system to a degree which could not have been anticipated at the time the projects were being considered. Furthermore, maximum spring discharges from 1913 to 1978 show a clear rising trend, indicating that the flood hazard is becoming even more severe than was initially assumed; if this trend continues, future benefits will continue to exceed expectations. The overall effectiveness of the hazard reduction program in the Red River Valley, however, has suffered from continued development in unprotected areas. Recent federal-provincial agreements have been reached which will substantially reduce this problem and place greater emphasis on improving the non-structural components of an overall flood hazard reduction program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The persistence of development and settlement in flood plains and continued damages from flooding, raises the question of how property owners respond to flood plain location and whether property values reflect this response. Existing studies disagree on the significance of flood hazard for property values. This study evaluates the effect of flood plain location on assessed valuation and home value in three towns in New Jersey. A t-test on mean assessed value and value of owner-occupied units at block levels showed no statistically significant variation for flood prone and nonflood prone lands. Possible explanations are that homeowners do not know or perceive the risk of living in flood plains, assessors do not incorporate flooding into assessment criteria, and the National Flood Insurance Program subsidies and broadened financial markets may equalize property values.  相似文献   

: The construction of a flood peak index map was attempted for use by hydrologists in the simple format of rainfall maps. Since flood peaks are highly dependent on watershed area, the effect of area was removed. By regression analysis flood peaks of 2.33 and 100-year return periods were found to be proportional to watershed area to the 0.8 and 0.7 powers, respectively. Therefore, indices C2 33= Q2 33/A0.7 were completed at each gage and plotted on a Pennsylvania map. It was attempted to further remove some of the scatter by regression of C with several other watershed parameters like slope, percent forest cover, and watershed shape, but no significant correlation could be found. The index maps, drawn without attenuation of the scatter, can be used by hydrologists to compute flood peaks as Q = CAn (with n = 0.8 and 0.7 for the 2.33 and 100-year flood peaks, respectively). Flood peak safety factors can be based on visual observation of the index variation in the vicinity of the location for which the flood peak estimate is needed.  相似文献   

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