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The analysis of the intrinsic effects of perfluorinated organic surfactants shows the group to have a characteristic overall picture:
  • -high polarity
  • -high thermal and chemical stability
  • -ubiquitous distribution
  • -non-biodegradability
  • -multiple toxicity
  • In addition, certain substances belonging to this group (e.g. PFOS) exhibit a very long retention time in the human body. Toxic properties vary and, like the mechanisms for global distribution, have not been fully clarified. In the meantime, individual members of this substance group have been (are being) removed from the market. This report shows that in future the planned EU chemicals law (REACH) can be used to prevent such substances being regulated after they have been distributed in the environment and thus after damage has already occurred. To this end, however, the requirements for registration for low tonnage substances (1–10 tonnes/a) must be supplemented with specific tests (in particular on biodegradability)

    Aim and Scope

    The aim of the work was to analyse the intrinsic properties and risks of a subgroup of fluorinated organic substances.


    A summarising article describes the toxic effects and properties of a group of substances selected from the approximately 30,000 existing substances. With regard to the ongoing debate on revising the European regulations of existing substances (REACH). it is apparent that standardised test requirements cannot be applied to impact and risk analyses which are at times highly complex. For governments, REACH only provides the starting points for this process in the form of prescribed standard tests. If a substance (or a substance group) draws attention, more detailed tests must be carried out by the industry itself in the framework of responsible care and in the framework of the evaluation step of REACH. It is therefore important that the standard requirements of REACH are selected appropriately. In this respect, the study reveals some serious deficiencies in the Commission proposal.


    The standard information for low tonnage substances (1–10 tonnes/a) must be supplemented in particular with an obligatory test on biodegradability. The possibility provided by the REACH dossier to evaluate substances on the basis of group observarions (SAR, QSAR e.g.) is to be welcomed.  相似文献   

    This article investigates to which extent presently obtainable data can sufficiently evaluate soil contamination. Relevant data pertaining to this question are tabulated. Risk assessments are made for particular contaminations on the basis of the compiled data. The proposed procedure is a guideline for the practical evaluation of cases of soil contamination by organic pollutants. Analyses are made for soil compartments, including risk assessments for groundwater. Evaluations are directed at protection of resources and plant growth. The project aims at facilitating the recognition of research deficiencies and at suggesting appropriate measures.  相似文献   

    The aim of this work is to clarify if there is a correlation between fuel and its organic combustion products. To acquire homogenous data sets for our investigations, we analysed only the measurements of the “Forschungsstelle für Brandschutztechnik” at the University of Karlsruhe. All compounds with a similar structure were grouped and structural indices were ascribed to them. This also made it possible to obtain information about the frequency of occurrence of a set of substances in fire smoke. The kind of analytical measurements used by this institute provided no or only little information about inorganic compounds, highly volatile substances like acrolein or vinyl chloride, and very poorly volatile substances (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). We found that benzene, methylbenzene, ethenylbenzene and ethylbenzene are always present in fire smoke. The formation of these typical compounds is described by a model. Aside from these compounds which are typically related to the smoke from fires, substances are always observed which are typical for a distinct fuel. Many compounds which are expected to be in the smoke are highly carcinogenic. Therefore, it is necessary for people with a high exposure to the smoke of fires, e.g. firemen, to protect themselves efficiently. In order to obtain more information about the risks to health of fire smoke, toxicological investigations will be necessary.  相似文献   

    The behaviour of this group of substances may be considered as an example for the ubiquitous occurence of xenobiotics in the environment. Regrettably, the measurements presented in numerous publications often cannot be directly compared with each other. A first step towards harmonization can be achieved by referring the measuring programmes or the presentation of results to the six aromatics of the German Drinking Water Ordinance (TWV) (Σ6) or the sixteen compounds of the EPA list. The tendency of the PAH group to fractionation in air, water, and soil as well as in some cases during analysis must be taken into acount. In this respect, the first six aromatics of the EPA list are only partially suitable for comparisons of results. The six TWV aromatics in soils, sediments, aquatic suspended solids, and sewage sludges, and to a certain extent also in airborne dust, make up a mass portion of CΣ6=40–50% of the Σ16 according to EPA. For Fluoranthene (Fluo) and Benzo(a)pyrene (Bap) as quide parameters, concentration quotients [single aromatic versus (Σ6)] may be given as estimates, which are on average CFluo=33%, and CBap=13%. By means of these quotients it is possible to calculate the values for the whole list by means of the data of the single aromatic CFluo×3=CΣ6, or CBap×7,7=CΣ6, and as a check CFluo/CBap=2,5. For estimating purposes, the relation between the two lists may be assumed als CΣ6×2=CΣ16. These estimating values apply to mixes of PAH, which originate from many single sources (emitters), are transported through the atmosphere with dust and settle, and/or enter water bodies after being washed from road surfaces. The estimates serve as plausibility check and for extrapolation, but they cannot replace the analysis for individual substances in the identification of the pollution source or in the study of their environmental behaviour.  相似文献   

    Epiphytic lichens as indicators for changes in air pollution and climate. Results of a comparative survey 1989/2007 in north-west Germany Background, aim, and scope Lichens growing on tree bark (epiphytic lichens) respond very sensitively to environmental effects such as chemical substances and air temperature. Therefore, they are used as biomonitors for atmospheric pollution in environmental assessments. Based on a survey of epiphytic lichens in 1989, a repetition was performed in an intensively-used agricultural area of north-west Germany in 2007. The objective of this study was to assess possible changes in air pollution and climate. Materials and methods The study is based on a comparative inventory of epiphytic lichens, growing on 335 trees at 45 monitoring sites. A simplified half quantitative survey technique of the first survey was used. Results Indeed, major changes to the epiphytic lichen flora were found. Overall, nearly all monitoring points showed an increase in the level of lichen species. A sharp decrease in acidophileous species and a sharp increase in basidophileous and nitrophileous species were detected. In addition, an increase in thermophileous species which are mainly inhabitants of southern European countries was observed, combined with decreases in boreo-montanic species. Discussion These trends correspond with supra-regional observations. They are primarily attributed to changes in air pollution involving a decrease in SO2 and an increase in NH3 concentrations. Clear effects from climate change are evident as well. Conclusions Changes to epiphytic lichens over a 18-year period could be demonstrated using a relatively low-cost investigation. They are relevant for assessing the changing environmental situation, which is of great importance for other organism groups and ecosystems. Recommendations and perspectives Using standardized techniques epiphytic lichens are suitable bioindicators for obtaining different types of information about the air pollution in urban areas and in intensively-used agricultural regions. Furthermore they are obviously good indicators of temperature changes in their environment. More research is needed about the suitability of epiphytic lichens for a biomonitoring of climate changes.  相似文献   

    Biofilms frequently appear, they are sometimes useful and sometimes disturbing. For the investigation of biofilms, it was necessary to reproduce them in specific bioreactors. Furthermore, useful media and analytical methods have to define the influence of biocides and other substances. The gravimetric analysis of microbe-formed polysaccharides in water samples and biofilm makes it possible to recognise successful treatments. These conditions are described here. Using these instruments it was possible to build up reproducible biofilms, to test and optimise them in lab examinations. In view of the expected EU Biocide Directive, this process offers possibilities for searching and verifying the suitability of biocides and other substances.  相似文献   

    Initial values and windows of competence together with a biological test system are introduced to identify soil contaminations. Theinitial values are defined as the amount of extract equivalent to a defined amount of soil (gramm soil equivalent) and the same amount of test medium. This is equivalent to a complete replacement of the test medium with the soil being tested. Theeffect limits should be at least the double standard deviation of the blank values. Based on the values found when testing uncontaminated soils, a higher threshold value has to be established for some test systems. Should no relationship be found to a standard test medium (e.g. agar as a matrix in the Ames assay), the so-calledwindow of competence is defined. Within this window no natural response is found when ex amining uncontaminated soil. For mutagenicity tests, the double spontaneous reversion rate (reversion coefficient of 2) as related o the blank sample is evaluated as the effect limit.  相似文献   

    Clay minerals show a variety of reactive properties, which make them used in industrial processes but are mostly neglected in soil science. In this overview these various properties of clay minerals are listed. Thereby it shall be pointed out, that these capabilities can also be of some importance in soils.  相似文献   

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