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Henrik Åhman 《Local Environment》2013,18(10):1153-1166
Since the late 1980s, much of the debate on sustainability has been dominated by ecological perspectives. However, the last decade has seen an increasing interest in the social aspects of sustainability. While, to some extent, general consensus has been reached regarding the definitions of ecological sustainability, the definition of social sustainability is still in the making. Therefore, there is a need for conceptual frameworks and theoretical constructs in order to develop the understanding of social sustainability further. This article addresses the lack of theorisation and is composed of three different sections. The first section is a literature overview covering some of the most influential texts on social sustainability. The second section introduces and relates a number of existing, polemically constructed theoretical frameworks. In the third section, Jacques Derrida's theory of différance is used to suggest a way of understanding the relationship between the oppositional positions identified in the frameworks.  相似文献   

The ethical matrix approach was developed by Prof Ben Mepham and his colleagues at the University of Nottingham in the early 1990s. Since then the approach has received increasing attention and has been used by several researchers in different projects related to assessing ethical impacts of different food production technologies and other policy options of societal concern. The ethical matrix is sometimes understood simply as a checklist of ethical concerns, but might also be seen as a guide to coming to conclusions on moral questions. The problem I discuss in this paper relates to how using the ethical matrix method as a decision guide can be combined with respecting pluralism. The aim of the paper is to suggest a framework making it possible to – at the same time – enhance public justification of judgments and respect pluralism. I argue that pluralism is fundamental to the ethical matrix approach; I distinguish between intuitionist principled pluralism and societal value pluralism; and I show how both kinds of pluralism imply restrictions on how conclusions can be made. No substantive moral decision principles can be allowed. Still, I argue, decision principles of a more epistemological or procedural character can be acceptable even within pluralism. The pragmatist principle of inquiry is defended as an account of moral problem solving compatible with both principled pluralism and value pluralism. When an ethical matrix is used within such a participatory inquiry process substantive conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

Norton argues on pragmatic “Deweyan” grounds that we should cease to ask scientists for value neutral definitions of “sustainability,” developed independently of moral and social values, to guide our environmental policy making debates. “Sustainability,” like human “health,” is a normative concept from the start—one that cannot be meaningfully developed by scientists or economists without input by all the stake holders affected. While I endorse Norton’s approach, I question his apparent presumption that concern for sustainability for the future is at odds with and ought to trump concern for enhancement in the present of public opportunities to access the goods nature represents. I argue that the two are not separable in practice. I argue for Passmore’s position that unless we take care to enhance equitable access to the good and services nature represents in the present, we cannot succeed in promoting sustainability for future generations.  相似文献   

Bryan Norton’s 2005 book Sustainability describes a pragmatic approach to environmental philosophy that stresses philosophy’s role as one of mediating between scientific and ordinary language. But on two topics, Norton’s approach is not pragmatic enough. In the case of his discussion of risk, he accedes to a scientific notion that fails to acknowledge the way that ordinary usage of the word risk involves pragmatic links to human action and moral responsibility. With respect to the word sustainability, his analysis fails to acknowledge important scientific work that characterizes the functional integrity of system cycling, opting instead for usage grounded either in economic accounting or in an even less substantive sense of a broad social movement for environmental improvement. On each of these topics, adherence to the pragmatic orientation of Norton’s philosophy results in a different analysis of the concepts in question.  相似文献   

Environmental management systems and sustainable development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea of sustainable development was first brought to widespread attention as a global issue; however, it is increasingly being applied at more local levels down to that of individual companies. This raises the potential danger that sustainable development will come to be predominantly identified with the preservation of the organisation involved. A likely outcome is that management decision-making will tip the balance too far in favour of people-centred interests as against environmental interests. An initial step in preventing this is to make any bias in the balance of interests transparent to management. To do this, a model of sustainability is set up in terms that provide a context for the implementation of a quality based environmental management system such as that specified by the International Standard, ISO 14001. In response to inherent uncertainty, a precautionary approach is adopted. The implications of this model for the structuring of critical environmental management system elements are then discussed and a way to generate an indicator of bias proposed. The content of an audit, which would measure the extent to which an organisation has a management system competent to measure and monitor this bias, is also discussed and proposed as another useful indicator.  相似文献   

推动环境友好型社会的建立是促进我国实现经济、社会和环境可持续发展的根本途径,目前我国在推动环境友好型社会建立的环境管理机制方面尚比较薄弱,本文对推动环境友好型社会建立的法律制度、行政管理制度、经济管理制度和公众参与制度等环境管理机制问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Intergenerational impartiality requires putting the welfare of future generations at par with that of our own. However, rational choice requires weighting all welfare values by the respective probabilities of realization. As the risk of non-survival of mankind is strictly positive for all time periods and as the probability of non-survival is cumulative, the probability weights operate like discount factors, though justified on a morally justifiable and completely different ground. Impartial intertemporal welfare maximization is acceptable, though the welfare of people in the very far future has lower effects as the probabilities of their existence are also lower. However, the effective discount rate on future welfare values (distinct from monetary values) justified on this ground is likely to be less than 0.1 per annum. Such discounting does not compromise environmental protection and sustainability unduly. The finiteness of our universe implies that the sum of our expected welfare to infinity remains finite, solving the paradox of having to compare different infinite values in optimal growth/conservation theories.  相似文献   


Engaging with dialogue concerning the relevance and applicability of social capital to a model of sustainable community development, we illustrate an in-depth case of a community experiencing an ideological clash with the dominant politico-societal structures. We argue that while the exclusivity of bonding social capital has been described as the ‘dark side’, it may be essential for progressive sustainable community development (PSCD). When faced with a development threat, such bonds are essential for building links, bridges and solidarity, enabling cultural reproduction and promoting environmental protection for sustainability.  相似文献   

本文从绿色管理的角度,对如何实施印刷电路板(PCB)企业的绿色管理进行了一些初步探讨,强调了实施绿色管理是PCB企业可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development towards sustainability management systems (SMSs) in three Swedish local authorities. Many local authorities have extensive experience in using standardised Environmental Management Systems (EMSs). Recently EMSs have extended their reach by widening the scope of the systems including other dimensions of sustainable development. Case studies have been performed in three of the most EMS-experienced local authorities in Sweden. These authorities have extended their EMSs into a sustainability management approach in different ways. This paper discusses the development, possible contributions, and constraints with this development. Expanding EMSs into SMSs can be seen as a learning process in which a larger systems perspective leads to increased awareness that the management system becomes limited by only managing environmental issues. Expanding the EMSs into SMSs may lead to a more complete view of the organisation's total impact on nature and society, and issues that need to be managed.  相似文献   

回顾了中国改革开放三十年来环境法治建设取得的主要成就,并对我国环境立法、环境执法、环境司法和理论研究方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

在分析区域开发中的环境规划所存在问题的基础上,阐述了区域环境规划的主要内容、规划目标和程序,提出了编制区域环境规划的建议.  相似文献   

良好的生态环境是人类生存和发展的基础,是经济社会发展的物质条件。保护和管理好自然生态环境,是实施可持续发展的关键,同时也是实现跨世纪绿色工程的重要方略。本文论述了秦皇岛市自然资源概况和污染现状,提出了保护秦皇岛市自然生态环境的措施和对策,指出将秦皇岛建设成为生态城市是秦皇岛环境保护的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the initiatives that have been undertaken by the Ghanaian government to promote more sustainable development in resident small-scale gold mining operations, and recommends a series of strategies for perpetuating a pattern of continued improvement. Since the passing of the Small Scale Gold Mining Law (PNDCL 218) in 1989, which effectively legalized small-scale gold mining as an industry in Ghana, the government, in particular, the Minerals Commission, has made a concerted effort to regularize operations, and to provide technical and financial support to miners. Under the auspices of the German non-profit Gesellschaft Technishe Zusannebarbeit (GTZ), a small-scale gold mining registration system has been implemented, district support centres for small miners have been constructed and the Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation (PMMC) has been created, which purchases products from small-scale miners at near-market prices. Careful analysis reveals, however, that these efforts have collectively only had a marginal impact, and that the industry is still in dire need of aid. Specifically, to perpetuate further a pattern of improved sustainability--improvements in both the socio-economic and environmental arenas--additional technical and financial support must be provided, and sound environmental management practices implemented. The Minerals Commission has been burdened with these tasks and challenges but because it is largely understaffed, it is highly unlikely that it will be able to facilitate sufficient improvement in the sector on its own. Nevertheless, marked improvements can be achieved if: (1) avenues for technological dissemination are created and improved; (2) research partnerships are forged with local universities; (3) experienced consultation is hired when needed; and (4) other governmental agencies, namely the Mines Department, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Geological Survey, provide the Minerals Commission assistance with prospecting, monitoring, regulation and environmental auditing activities.  相似文献   

工业革命把人类推向工业文明,工业文明刺激人类对资源的无限需求,创造出大量消耗资源、严重污染环境的生产方式,产生了大量的环境污染和生态危机。于是,提高环境质量、开展环境保护、保证经济发展的可持续性的呼声越来越高。环境审计作为环境保护的一种有力工具,在当代经济活动中会越来越发挥其重要作用。本文就环境审计的有关问题作一阐述,以其推动环境审计在我国的发展。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济的持续高发展,环境形势日益严峻。整合和发挥环境非政府组织NGO(Non-Government Organization)以促进公众参与的巨大潜能,推动全民参与环境保护是实现可持续发展战略的根本途径。环境NGO为促进公众参与开展了多种形式的活动,尽管总体看来促进公众参与的行为层次比较低,然而以发展的眼光来看,其带来的变革将是深远的。全社会应该关注扶持环境NGO成长壮大,促使公众参与向更深层次推进。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁州生态环境问题与保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伊犁哈萨克自治州位于新疆西部,地处亚欧大陆腹地,西与哈萨克斯坦交界。土地面积、资源储备和战略地位都在西部开发中居于重要地位。长期以来,由于对自然资源的不合理利用,加之经济发展滞后,使得该地区的生态环境遭到严重破坏,土地沙漠化、水土流失、森林、草场严重退化。正确认识和评价伊犁的生态环境现状及其承载力,制定遏制生态环境恶化的有效方案,促进生态系统的良性循环,实现人与自然的和谐统一,是实现伊犁州经济、社会可持续发展的基础。  相似文献   

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