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以粤港澳大湾区某典型有机化工地块为研究对象,采用丛式井分层调查不同深度地下水苯含量,并通过分层评估明确不同深度地下水的人体健康风险水平,确定苯的修复目标值、修复范围及相应策略.结果表明:该地块上层地下水苯最大质量浓度为7440.0μg/L,下层为30000.0μg/L,说明地下水受到苯污染,且下层地下水污染程度较上层更...  相似文献   

针对传统地下水原位注入化学氧化技术存在注入深度浅、效率低等问题,采用连续管和高压水射流技术实现地下水原位修复药剂钻注一体化和水射流钻进,以提高效率和深层修复。以某退役化工厂地下水中的氯苯为目标污染物,基于自主开发的连续管式原位注入化学氧化技术开展了中试规模的实验研究,基于现场实验确定原位注入药剂影响半径并评估了修复效果。结果表明,药剂影响半径可达2 m,且药剂扩散趋势与场地总体地下水流场的流向基本吻合;经原位化学氧化处理后,实验区地下水中氯苯检测质量浓度低于400 μg·L−1,即采用连续管式原位注入化学氧化技术实现了实验区地下水中氯苯的有效去除。本研究可为连续管注入技术在地下水原位修复中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

A multi-stage sampling strategy, based on sequential Gaussian simulation, was presented to optimize the step-wise selection of a small numbers of additional samples to delineate soil pollution. This strategy was applied to a Belgian brownfield of 5.2 ha polluted with lead (Pb). Starting from an initial number of 240 samples in stage 1, additional samples were added, 25 per stage, and the reduction of the uncertainty in the Pb delineation was monitored. Twenty stages were used. Already in stage 6 a local optimum was found based on the median conditional coefficient of variation. An independent validation confirmed that this index was to be preferred over the median conditional variance. So for the brownfield considered our procedure indicated that 365 selected samples would have been sufficient, representing a gain of 70.7% in sampling effort compared to current practice which resulted in a sampling effort of 1245 samples.  相似文献   

某典型化工污染场地土壤修复方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以典型化工污染场地为研究对象,构建适合该场地的修复技术筛选体系,筛选最佳修复方法。根据特征污染筛选结果、场地修复目标及业主需求等因素,通过室内模拟实验、施工现场微调等方法,确定污染场地最优修复方案。结果表明,作为Cd、苯并[a]芘复合污染场地,根据筛选体系结合Topsis法进行评估,确定场地修复技术为异位化学淋洗。运用响应曲面法,采用BoxBehnken设计多因素实验进行室内模拟,确定最佳修复条件。采用0.6mol/L柠檬酸与20g/Lβ-环糊精进行复配的淋洗剂,在pH=3.0、淋洗温度35.00℃、液固比(淋洗剂与土壤的体积质量比)6.00mL/g、搅拌强度320.00r/min下,淋洗4次,每次淋洗3.4h,对某化工污染场地进行修复,修复后土壤中Cd、苯并[a]芘的去除量分别为69.88、39.20mg/kg,去除率分别达80.14%、70.50%,达到预期修复目标。  相似文献   

针对近年来频频出现的污染企业向沙漠地区地下排污造成地下水污染这一问题,以腾格里沙漠地区某化工厂地下水污染为研究案例,提出适合沙漠地区地下水污染修复技术的优选方法。在综合考虑修复技术的经济、技术和社会效益基础上,利用层次分析法建立修复技术优化指标体系,运用多准则决策分析模型(multiple criteria decision analysis,MCDA)中的消去和选择转换法(ELECTREII)对修复技术组合进行优选排序,确定适合该地区的最优修复技术方案。结果表明,5种地下水修复备选技术中可渗透反应墙、抽出-处理、监测自然衰减技术较为理想,综合考虑该污染场地特征以及地下水治理要求,得出最佳修复方案为:对高污染浓度区域采用抽出-处理技术+可渗透反应墙技术联合修复;对于低污染区域采用监测自然衰减技术。该优化方法可为沙漠地区地下水污染修复技术的选取提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为探究不同采样方法对积尘负荷结果的影响,使用样方采样法和以克论净车采样法采集2018年夏季样品的数据,对北京市3个行政区的11条道路扬尘样品进行现场监测,计算不同道路类型及不同车道的积尘负荷,并对积尘负荷的变化规律进行分析。结果表明:基于样方采样法和以克论净车采样法的北京市夏季不同道路类型积尘负荷从大到小顺序依次为次干道(0.46 g·m−2、0.99 g·m−2) >支路(0.31 g·m−2、0.88 g·m−2)>主干道(0.24 g·m−2、0.78 g·m−2);2种采样方法所得积尘负荷差异的检验结果具有显著性(P=0.00<0.05)且存在线性关系;北京市夏季道路积尘负荷(0.34 g·m−2)稍高于天津市(0.24 g·m−2),低于石家庄市(1.06 g·m−2)、乌鲁木齐市(0.96 g·m−2)和西安市(0.70 g·m−2);基于样方采样法和以克论净车采样法采集的不同城区道路积尘负荷水平排序为大兴区(0.39 g·m−2、1.83 g·m−2)>朝阳区(0.38 g·m−2、1.00 g·m−2)>东城区(0.26 g·m−2、0.92 g·m−2),朝阳区、东城区和大兴区积尘负荷差异的检验结果均不具有显著性(P>0.05);基于样方采样法的机动车慢车道与机动车快车道积尘负荷分别为0.04~1.30 g·m−2和0.02~1.08 g·m−2;慢车道积尘负荷略高于快车道,但二者差异的检验结果不具有显著性(P=0.51>0. 05)。本研究成果可为遴选道路扬尘采样方法、构建北京市道路扬尘排放清单和制定管控措施提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to provide residue data for refining the estimated sampling uncertainty, a coordinated research program was initiated for performing field studies on residues in individual items of leafy vegetables, small and large crops. The trials were carried out in 13 countries with 3 small fruits, 5 large crops, 2 medium/large crops and 3 leafy vegetables. The 25 pesticide active ingredients applied represented the dicarboximide (3), organophosphorus (8), synthetic pyrethroids (5), phthalimides (2), organochlorine (1) and other types of pesticides (6). In addition, 11 supervised field trials were performed in grapes and lettuce by the pesticide manufacturers, and their results were provided for evaluation. The studies represented actual agriculture practice around the world, and provide reliable data for estimation of sampling uncertainty. Based on the 12346 residue data, the best estimate for the relative sampling uncertainty for composite samples, assuming sample size of 10 for small crops and leafy vegetables and 5 for large crops, with 95% confidence limits in brackets are: small commodities: 0.25 (0.20–0.29); Brassica leafy vegetables: 0.20 (0.16–0.24); large commodities: 0.33 (0.29–0.38).  相似文献   

Usman AR  Lee SS  Awad YM  Lim KJ  Yang JE  Ok YS 《Chemosphere》2012,87(8):872-878
In recent decades, heavy metal contamination in soil adjacent to chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated wood has received increasing attention. This study was conducted to determine the pollution level (PL) based on the concentrations of Cr, Cu and As in soils and to evaluate the remediative capacity of native plant species grown in the CCA contaminated site, Gangwon Province, Korea. The pollution index (PI), integrated pollution index (IPI), bioaccumulation factors (BAFshoots and BAFroots) and translocation factor (TF) were determined to ensure soil contamination and phytoremediation availability. The 19 soil samples from 10 locations possibly contaminated with Cr, Cu and As were collected. The concentrations of Cr, Cu and As in the soil samples ranged from 50.56-94.13 mg kg−1, 27.78-120.83 mg kg−1, and 0.13-9.43 mg kg−1, respectively. Generally, the metal concentrations decreased as the distance between the CCA-treated wood structure and sampling point increased. For investigating phytoremediative capacity, the 19 native plant species were also collected in the same area with soil samples. Our results showed that only one plant species of Iris ensata, which presented the highest accumulations of Cr (1120 mg kg−1) in its shoot, was identified as a hyperaccumulator. Moreover, the relatively higher values of BAFshoot (3.23-22.10) were observed for Typha orientalis, Iris ensata and Scirpus radicans Schk, suggesting that these plant species might be applicable for selective metal extraction from the soils. For phytostabilization, the 15 plant species with BAFroot values > 1 and TF values < 1 were suitable; however, Typha orientalis was the best for Cr.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in stack emission exist both as vapor and sorbed onto the surface of particles. The partition between the two phases is of a dynamic nature and changes rapidly with temperature. When monitoring stack emissions, a sampling method must be used that efficiently collects both phases as well as any condensation aerosol formed in the sampling train. In this study, the two sampling methods used in Sweden, the cooled probe polyurethane foam plug (PUFP) sampling train and the sampling train recommended by the Swedish Environmental Protection Board has been tested for particle collection ability. The results show that an aerosol filter has to be introduced after the condensor in order to collect particle bound PCDDs and PCDFs efficiently.  相似文献   

针对某受1,2-二氯乙烷污染场地,开展水文地质实验并求解水文地质参数,采用水动力控制强化原位化学氧化技术修复了地下水含水层中受污染的地下水,探究了碱活化过硫酸盐对地下水中目标污染物去除效果,并对地下水水化学因子进行了长期监测。结果表明,实验区含水层渗透系数为7.89 m·d−1,导水系数为101 m2·d−1,在一维稳定流场中二维弥散条件下,含水层纵、横向弥散度αLαT分别为0.89 m和0.089 m,地下水流速为3.85 m·d−1,水动力条件明显优于自然状态,通过水动力控制法干扰地下水流场可有效控制修复药剂在含水层中的扩散速度和影响范围。注药后实验区污染物浓度整体呈下降趋势,在第14天,注药井4 m以内1,2-二氯乙烷浓度低于检出限,药剂修复效果在含水层中可保持28 d。碱活化过硫酸盐降解1,2-二氯乙烷的反应速率常数为0.022 d−1,半衰期为29 d。实验期间地下水中硫酸盐浓度先上升后下降,140 d后恢复至原浓度水平,对实验场地二次污染影响较小。碱活化过硫酸盐在氯代烃类污染场地修复中将有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

我国有机物污染场地土壤修复技术的专利计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国公开的691项有机物污染场地土壤修复技术专利为依据,分析研究了有机物污染场地土壤修复技术的发展趋势和进展,同时对化学氧化修复技术、生物修复技术、热脱附技术、淋洗技术等的研究进展进行分析,总结了目前国内有机物污染场地修复专利技术发展现状,并提出了今后的发展方向,以期为我国今后开展相关修复技术的研究与应用提供参考。结果显示:我国有机物污染场地土壤修复技术相关专利于2010年后开始快速发展,研究创新点基本集中于高效技术的开发、节能以及二次污染的防治;热脱附技术在该领域应用广泛;氧化修复技术的开发是2017年的技术发展特点,具有一定的研究前景;而联合多种修复技术更能灵活地适用于实际场地修复的需要,其已成为重要的研究趋势。  相似文献   

For Dutch sandy regions, linear regression models have been developed that predict nitrate concentrations in the upper groundwater on the basis of residual nitrate contents in the soil in autumn. The objective of our study was to validate these regression models for one particular sandy region dominated by dairy farming. No data from this area were used for calibrating the regression models. The model was validated by additional probability sampling. This sample was used to estimate errors in 1) the predicted areal fractions where the EU standard of 50 mg l−1 is exceeded for farms with low N surpluses (ALT) and farms with higher N surpluses (REF); 2) predicted cumulative frequency distributions of nitrate concentration for both groups of farms.Both the errors in the predicted areal fractions as well as the errors in the predicted cumulative frequency distributions indicate that the regression models are invalid for the sandy soils of this study area.  相似文献   

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