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壳聚糖的物理/化学改性及其对含酚废水的处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江君  王平 《环境工程学报》2011,5(1):121-126
将壳聚糖物理改性为球形颗粒,然后在微波辐射下,球形壳聚糖与柠檬醛接枝反应,再与NaBH4还原反应,制备一种新型环保材料--物化改性壳聚糖.采用红外光谱仪(IR)、X衍射仪(XRD)、电子显微镜(SEM)和比表面测定及孔径分析仪(BET)结构表征改性壳聚糖.通过含酚制药废水的动态小柱吸附实验,研究了时间、柱高和出水流速等...  相似文献   

Wang S  Li H  Xie S  Liu S  Xu L 《Chemosphere》2006,65(1):82-87
Natural zeolite and synthetic zeolite, MCM-22, were employed as effective adsorbents for a basic dye, methylene blue, removal from wastewater. Two methods, Fenton oxidation and high temperature combustion, have been used for regeneration of used materials. It is found that MCM-22 exhibits equilibrium adsorption at 1.7 x 10(-4) mol g(-1), much higher than the adsorption of natural zeolite (5 x 10(-5) mol g(-1)) at initial dye concentration of 2.7 x 10(-5)M and 30 degrees C. Solution pH will affect the adsorption behaviour of MCM-22. Higher solution pH results in higher adsorption capacity. The regenerated adsorbents show different capacity depending on regeneration technique. Physical regeneration by high temperature combustion will be better than chemical regeneration using Fenton oxidation in producing effective adsorbents. Regeneration of MCM-22 by high temperature treatment can make the adsorbent exhibit comparable or superior adsorption capacity as compared to the fresh sample depending on the temperature and time. The optimal temperature and time will be 540 degrees C and 1h. The Fenton oxidation will recover 60% adsorption capacity. For natural zeolite, regeneration can not fully recover the adsorption capacity with the two techniques and the regenerated natural zeolites by the two techniques are similar, showing 60% adsorption capacity of fresh sample. Kinetic studies indicate that the adsorption follows pseudo-second-order kinetics.  相似文献   

介绍了化学酸性絮凝 催化氧化 中和沉淀综合物理化学技术,改性预处理晚期垃圾渗滤液(BOD/COD≤0.18)实验研究,给出了结果。最终,晚期垃圾渗滤液经综合物理化学技术改性预处理后,BOD/COD显著提高,由难生化(BOD/COD≤0.18)变为较易生化(BOD/COD达0.31),为其进一步生化达标处理(一级标准)创造了条件。  相似文献   

几种不同处理方法对活性炭表面化学性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
活性炭表面官能团的种类和数量决定了活性炭的表面化学性质,而化学性质决定了活性炭的表面吸附特性。使用5种常见的处理方法处理活性炭,采用Boehm滴定法,XPS对活性炭进行表征,通过单因素实验系统地考察了活性炭表面含氧官能团及碱度随处理条件的变化,同时通过碱度变化讨论了部分处理方法对于原活性炭表面灰分的去除。结果表明:在处理液150 mL、20℃、200 r/min条件下:50 g活性炭经0.01~5 mol/L HCl处理4 h,活性炭表面碱度降低范围63.2%~76.5%,灰分去除效果好,低浓度的盐酸就能达到较好的灰分去除效果,活性炭表面没有形成大量的含氧官能团;在HNO3浓度1~12 mol/L、处理时间1~8 h、活性炭量25~75 g条件下处理后总碱度降低显著,灰分去除效果优于HCl处理,HNO3氧化作用使活性炭表面形成了大量含氧官能团,总酸度、羧基、内酯基、酚羟基含量均相对于原活性炭增加明显;在H2O2质量浓度5%~20%、处理时间0.5~4 h、活性炭量25~75 g条件下处理后碱性灰分去除不好,活性炭表面没有形成大量含氧官能团,H2O2处理引起活性炭表面化学性质变化较小;在NaOH浓度0.1~2 mol/L、处理时间1~8 h、活性炭量25~75 g条件下处理后碱度增加明显,酸度减小明显,羧基、酚羟基含量降低。50 g活性炭在微波功率100~500 W、处理时间2~10 min、载气流量600~1 400 mL/min条件下经微波处理后,微波热效应导致含氧官能团分解,总碱度增加,总酸度下降,羧基含量、内酯基含量降低,酚羟基含量因条件的不同而变现出不同的变化。  相似文献   

纳米技术处理废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳米技术包括纳米结构和纳米材料 ,是 2 1世纪最有前途的新技术之一 ,废水处理领域有在广阔的应用前景。本文从纳米膜过滤、纳米光催化、纳米吸附材料等三方面介绍了纳米技术在废水处理方面的应用研究情况 ,并对其以后的发展前景进行了讨论  相似文献   

小型垃圾热处理设备可实现就地处置,节约运输成本,目前在中国山区、丘陵地带的村镇得到广泛应用.为了解村镇小型生活垃圾热处理炉底渣的理化特性及其影响因素,对中国云南、贵州、安徽村镇实际运行的小型生活垃圾热处理设备产生的底渣进行取样,分析其热灼减率、物理组成、化学组成、晶相组成、重金属含量和浸出特性,探讨处理工艺、地域及季节...  相似文献   

污染土壤的物理/化学修复   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
将土壤污染物分为非卤代VOCs、卤代VOCs、非卤代SVOCs、无机物等8大类型,并在分析污染土壤原位修复和异位修复两种方式不同特点的基础上,根据各种修复技术的不同作用原理,较为全面地介绍了目前国内外各种物理/化学修复的技术原理、适用性、局限性、实施时间及处理成本等,具体包括化学淋洗、蒸汽抽提、强化破裂、空气喷射、可渗透反应墙、固化/稳定化、电动学、物理分离、热解吸、玻璃化等修复技术.针对几种常见的土壤污染类型,列举了一些可行的组合修复工艺.  相似文献   

物化—厌氧—好氧法处理食品厂废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一中型食品厂采用物化-厌氧-好氧技术处理其废水,给出了工艺流程及设备,构筑物设计参数,该工程出水达标,治理费用较低,有显著的环境效益。  相似文献   

生活污泥添加其干基质量6%、12%和18%生石灰稳定干化30 d,对不同时期混合物的理化指标进行取样分析。研究结果表明,生石灰稳定干化污泥,污泥的脱水性能得到有效改善,有机质和氮素的损失率分别为14%~29%和23%~26%,磷素含量稳定;微生物检测表明添加18%的生石灰能够有效杀死蛔虫卵。  相似文献   

Key issues in the selection of physical/chemical measures of atmospheric properties as indicators of judgments of visual air quality are addressed. The relations between measures and judgments made over a variety of times, observation locations and atmospheric conditions are examined experimentally. Light scattering measured throughout the day at a site characterized by high aerosol concentrations was the single measure most strongly related to judgments of visual air quality. A combination of measures taken at a single site and/or other sites are somewhat better indicators of visual air quality than light scattering alone. Light extinction measured by a telephotometer is strongly related to midday visual air quality. The 4-h averaged fine particle sulfur and 12-h averaged fine particle S, sulfate, nitrate and ammonium are all strongly related to the corresponding mean visual air quality. Although these midday hourly and 4-h and 12-h average measures may be used to indicate trends in visual air quality, hourly measures taken throughout the day are required for monitoring diurnal patterns or worst case visual air quality. The application of the method and findings to understanding visual air quality in other urban areas is discussed.  相似文献   

Fumigation is required to protect cottonseed in storage and pre-shipment from insect pests and/or microorganisms. Fumigation of cottonseed with carbon disulphide (CS2), carbonyl sulphide (COS), ethanedinitrile (C2N2), ethyl formate (EF), methyl bromide (MB) and phosphine (PH3) showed that >85% of the fumigants disappeared within 5?h of exposure. COS maintained >20?mg L–1 for 24?h. After 1?day of aeration, 75%–85% of the absorbed COS and MB and 20%–40% of the absorbed CS2, EF and PH3 were released from treated cottonseed. The fumigant residues were reduced by 80% for COS, 50% for EF or MB and 25% for CS2 after 1?day of aeration. After 13?days of aeration, fumigant residues were reduced by 95% for MB, 65% for EF, 55% for CS2 and to natural levels in the COS residue. Carbon disulphide, COS, PH3, EF and C2N2 had no effect on the germination of cottonseed, but germination was reduced to 50% by MB. COS has potential as a fumigant for control of insect pests in cottonseed because it dissipates quickly and does not negatively impact germination. On the other hand, MB appears to strongly absorb and requires an extended period for residues to dissipate, and it negatively impacts germination.  相似文献   

新型污水生态工程处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了近年来国内外出现的各种新型污水生态处理技术,并对它们的工艺及优缺点进行了综述,为全面实施污水处理与水资源综合利用相结合的污水无害化、资源化战略提供科学依据与技术基础.  相似文献   

内电解-生化工艺处理染料废水研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用内电解-生化组合工艺对DCB生产废水进行处理,研究结果表明,当内电解柱进水pH值为4.0~4.5、停留时间为5h,厌氧-好氧池进水pH值为7~8,水力停留时间HRT为8h,能有效地降低水中的苯胺浓度,且处理后的出水COD达到国家Ⅱ级排放标准。  相似文献   

兼氧接触氧化与土地渗滤联合处理农村污水的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用兼氧接触氧化与土地渗滤联合处理工艺对农村混合污水进行了试验.结果表明,系统对污染物有良好的去除效果.在进水COD 397~564 mg/L条件下,兼氧接触氧化水力停留时间为24 h时COD去除率大于75%;经过土地渗滤系统处理,在0.02 m3/(m2·d)的水力负荷下,COD去除率大于60%,氨氮、总磷的去除率大于99%.  相似文献   

污水处理工程--两段式活性污泥工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国中小城市的污水处理通常有如下特点(1 )工业废水所占比重较大,甚至超过50 %,致使要处理的城市污水的污染物浓度较高,污染物负荷变化较大 ;(2)城市财政状况比较紧张,可用于建设污水处理厂的资金有限.两段式活性污泥工艺是对传统活性污泥工艺的改进,在好氧处理之前采用一个缺氧或厌氧段,用于有机物的水解酸化或生物除磷.两段式工艺有以下优点处理效率高、工程投资和日常运行费用低,更适合我国国情.本文以两个工程项目为例,论述了两段式活性污泥工艺的工程设计与实际应用.山东省招远市污水处理厂于1999年7月投入运行,处理后排放水中的污染物指标低于设计值.蓬莱市污水处理厂工程即将竣工,设计处理能力20000m3 /d,工程总投资约1200万元,远远低于目前国内的平均水平.  相似文献   

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