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Recent analysis of trends in global short-wave radiation measured with pyranometers in major cities in India support a decrease in solar radiation in many of those cities since 1990. Since direct and diffuse radiation measurements include cloud effects, spring and summer dust and the variable summer monsoon rains, we concentrate in this paper on wintertime (November–February) aerosol optical depth measurements. The aerosol optical depth is derived from cloud-free turbidity measurements beginning in the 1960s and more recent sun photometer direct aerosol optical depth measurements. We compare the sun photometer derived trends with the pyranometer-derived trends using a radiative transfer model. These results are then compared to total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) satellite-derived regional aerosol optical depths from 1980 to 2000. The results show that inclusion of the earlier turbidity measurements helps to establish an increasing regional turbidity trend. However, most of the increasing trend is confined to the larger cities in the Ganges River Basin of India (mainly Calcutta and New Delhi) with other cities showing a much less increase. Regional satellite data show that there is an increasing trend in aerosol off the coast of India and over the Ganges River Basin. The increase over the Ganges River Basin is consistent with population trends over the region during 1980–2000.  相似文献   

A negative trend is being revealed in the MODIS aerosol optical depth [AOD] observed over the Southern Balkan/Eastern Mediterranean region. Collection 005 MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua AOD at 470 nm measurements were evaluated against Brewer ground-based measurements over Thessaloniki, Greece and CIMEL ground-based measurements of AOD over Heraklion, Crete. A detailed study of the monthly, seasonal and inter-annual variability of the MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua AOD values over selected locations around the Balkan Peninsula showed that the higher mean AOD values occurred in the spring and summer months, whereas the lowest were found in the winter-time. For all seasons, the highest AODs were observed for the northern-most latitudes with a marked decrease towards the southern-most sites. A statistically significant decreasing trend in aerosol load in the region over all sites as derived from the MODIS/Terra measurements gave the highest per annum change seen for the summer months to be ?4.09 ± 2.34%, and the lowest for the winter months as ?2.55 ± 4.36%, which also shows the higher variability.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer's (MODIS) aerosol products is still uncertain in China, due to a lack of validation by long-term and large-scale ground-based observations. In this paper, the MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD) product is evaluated using Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network (CSHNET) data as ground truths over different ecological regions in China during the East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols—an International Regional Experiment (EAST-AIRE). The evaluation results show very large differences in the MODIS AOD retrieval between different ecosystems and geographic locations. The most agreement between the MODIS data and that of the CSHNET was in farmland sites in central-southern China, where high correlation (R>0.82) and large percentages (R2>72%) within the expected error lines issued by NASA were found. In temperate forest, coastal regions, and northeast and central farmlands, there appeared moderate agreement, with R∼0.64–0.80 and 45–73% of retrieval data falling within the expected errors. The poorest agreement existed in northern arid and semiarid regions, in remote northeast farmlands, in the Tibetan and Loess Plateau, and in southern forests, with 13–54% of retrieval data falling within the expected errors. In addition, the MODIS AOD retrievals were significantly overestimated in the northern arid and semiarid regions and underestimated in remote northeast farmlands and southern forests.  相似文献   

The special and temporal characteristics of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Angstrom wavelength exponent (Alpha) and their relationship with aerosol chemical compositions were analyzed by using the data of CE318 sun-photometer and aerosol sampling instruments at Lin'an, Shangdianzi and Longfengshan regional atmospheric background stations. Having the highest AOD among the three stations, Lin'an shows two peaks in a year. The AOD at Shangdianzi station shows a single annual peak with an obvious seasonal variation. The AOD at Longfengshan station has obvious seasonal variation which peaks in spring. The Alpha analysis suggests that the aerosol sizes in Lin'an, Longfengshan and Shangdianzi change from fine to coarse categories. The relationship between the aerosol optical depths of the Lin'an and Longfengshan stations and their chemical compositions is not significant, which suggests that there is not a simple linear relationship between column aerosol optical depth and the near surface chemical compositions of atmospheric aerosols. The aerosol optical depth may be affected by the chemical composition, the particle size and the shape of aerosol as well as the water vapor in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

利用2007—2017年的MODIS/AQUA C6版MYD08_M3气溶胶产品数据资料,从时间和空间角度分析中国气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)变化特征。结果表明:(1)2007—2017年中国AOD年均值在0.40~0.55波动,平均值为0.48,11年间中国AOD年均值降低0.06;(2)中国AOD高值区集中在长江中下游、华北平原、珠江三角洲以及新疆的塔里木盆地,而川西、滇西北与青藏高原交界的地区为低值区,东北及内蒙古北部的AOD也相对较低。(3)地势对AOD分布具有一定影响,一般地,AOD高值区总体分布在低海拔地区,而AOD较低的区域主要位于高海拔区。(4)中国AOD表现出一定的季节变化特征,总体上呈春夏季高峰,秋季最低,冬季至次年春季逐步回升的趋势,此外采暖期内AOD整体上低于非采暖期。  相似文献   

The effects of black carbon (BC) aerosol radiative forcing on spring rainfall in Southeast Asia are studied using numerical simulations with the NASA finite-volume General Circulation Model (fvGCM) forced with monthly varying three-dimensional aerosol distributions from the Goddard Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport model (GOCART).During the boreal spring, March–April–May (MAM), BC from local emissions accumulates over Southeast Asia. The BC aerosol layer, which extends from the surface to higher elevation above planetary boundary layer (PBL), absorbs solar radiation and heats the mid-troposphere through a semi-direct effect over regions of large aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and thereby significantly perturbs large-scale and meridional circulations. Results show that anomalous precipitation patterns and associated large-scale circulations induced by radiative forcing by BC aerosol can explain observed precipitation reductions, especially over Southeast Asia. Therefore, BC aerosol forcing may be one of the important factors affecting the spring rainfall trend over Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

In this study a modified Bremen aerosol retrieval (BAER) method was used to retrieve aerosol optical thickness (AOT) over both land and ocean using moderate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer (MODIS) data over Northeast Asia for a full year during 2004. Retrieved MODIS AOT data were in good agreement with data obtained from a ground-based AERONET sunphotometer (r=0.90, linear slope=0.89). Seasonal variation analysis of AOT revealed maximum values in summer (∼0.41) and minimum values in winter (∼0.25). The contribution of each aerosol type to total AOT was estimated for each pixel. A spectral shape fitting procedure was used to select the optimum aerosol model for AOT retrieval among six aerosol types: urban, rural, maritime, tropospheric, Asian dust, and biomass burning. The spatio-temporal distribution of average AOT was analyzed for the following five sectors in Northeast Asia: (I) East China, (II) Yellow Sea, (III) Korea, (IV) East Sea, and (V) South Sea plus a part of Japan. Maximum AOT values of 0.75±0.18 were measured over sector (I) in summer, while minimum values of 0.10±0.02 were recorded over sector (IV) in winter. AOT estimates over sector (I) were much higher than those of other sectors due to an increased contribution to the total AOT by fine urban aerosol, which contributed up to 56.5% of the total AOT.  相似文献   

The marine atmosphere is characterized by particles which originate from the ocean and by those which reached the air by advection from the continent. The bubble-burst mechanism produces both sea salt as well as biological particles. The following article describes the determination of the size distribution of marine aerosol particles with special emphasis on the biological particles. Th data were obtained on three cruises with the German Research Vessel “METEOR” crossing the South Atlantic Ocean. The measurements showed that biological particles amount to 17% in number and 10% in volume concentration. Another type of particle became obvious in the marine atmosphere, the biologically contaminated particle, i.e. particles which consist partly (approximately up to one-third) of biological matter. Their concentration in the evaluated size class (r>2 μm) is higher than the concentration of the pure biological particles. The concentrations vary over about one to two orders of magnitude during all cruises.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were performed in an outdoor smog chamber to determine the effect of CO on the rate of SO2 oxidation in a rural air photochemical system. The presence of added CO, at concentrations ranging from 15 to 30 ppm, decreased the aerosol formation rate as measured by a condensation nuclei counter, an electrical aerosol analyzer, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of collected aerosol. Enhanced O3 production due to the action of CO was also detected in one of the experiments. Comparison of the XRF data with results of a photochemical model shows good agreement concerning the effect of CO on the SO2 oxidation rate. This agreement supports the hypothesis that SO2 is oxidized principally by the hydroxyl and hydroperoxy radicals in the system studied.  相似文献   

South Asia, particularly the Indo-Gangetic Plains and foothills of the Himalayas, has been found to be a major source of pollutant gases and particles affecting the regional as well as the global climate. Inventories of greenhouse gases for the South Asian region, particularly the sub-Himalayan region, have been inadequate. Hence, measurements of the gases are important from effective characterization of the gases and their climate effects. The diurnal, seasonal, and annual variation of surface level O3 measured for the first time in northeast India at Dibrugarh (27.4° N, 94.9° E, 111 m amsl), a sub-Himalayan location in the Brahmaputra basin, from November 2009 to May 2013 is presented. The effect of the precursor gases NO x and CO measured simultaneously during January 2012–May 2013 and the prevailing meteorology on the growth and decay of O3 has been studied. The O3 concentration starts to increase gradually after sunrise attaining a peak level around 1500 hours LT and then decreases from evening till sunrise next day. The highest and lowest monthly maximum concentration of O3 is observed in March (42.9?±?10.3 ppb) and July (17.3?±?7.0 ppb), respectively. The peak in O3 concentration is preceded by the peaks in NO x and CO concentrations which maximize during the period November to March with peak values of 25.2?±?21.0 ppb and 1.0?±?0.4 ppm, respectively, in January. Significant nonlinear correlation is observed between O3 and NO, NO2, and CO. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory back-trajectory and concentration weighted trajectory analysis carried out to delineate the possible airmass trajectory and to identify the potential source region of NO x and O3 concentrations show that in post-monsoon and winter, majority of the trajectories are confined locally while in pre-monsoon and monsoon, these are originated at the Indo-Gangetic plains, Bangladesh, and Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Calculations on the effects of aerosols (i.e. suspended particles) have been shown to lead to heating or cooling in atmospheric models, depending on the size distribution of the aerosols, the height of the aerosol layer, and nature of the underlying surface. This work reports a study of the influence of different aerosol optical properties on surface temperature.The calculated surface temperatures are shown to be relatively insensitive to the real part of the refractive index and to the aerosol size distribution assumed. The sensitivity to surface albedo is similar for three aerosol types characteristic of marine aerosols, continental aerosols and stratospheric aerosols. For an aerosol composed of limonite or silicate, an increase in the absorptive component of the refractive index n2 increases the calculated surface temperature for a constant global average airborne aerosol density as shown below. Surface albedo Surface temperature change for 0.1 increase in n2 0.07 (oceans) 0.4 K 0.60 (snow and ice) 1.0 K It can be seen that the heating is increased 2–3 times as the surface albedo is increased by an order of magnitude. A 0.1 increase in n2, corresponds very roughly to a factor of two increase in the percentage of solar absorption by an average particle.It would be useful to be able to determine from the results of this study, if global average aerosols heat or cool the atmosphere. Unfortunately our knowledge of the actual global aerosol distribution, optical properties and optical density is inadequate to make this determination.  相似文献   

A detailed study has been presented on groundwater metal contents of Sahebgunj district in the state of Jharkhand, India with special reference to arsenic. Both tubewell and well waters have been studied separately with greater emphasis on tubewell waters. Groundwaters of all the nine blocks of Sahebgunj district have been surveyed for iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in addition to arsenic. Normal distribution statistic, exploratory data analysis and robust Z-score analysis have been employed to find out the distribution pattern, localisation of data, outliers and other related information. Groundwaters of three blocks of Sahebgunj, namely, Sahebgunj, Rajmahal and Udhawa have been found to be alarmingly contaminated with arsenic present at or above 10 ppb. Arsenic distribution patterns in these blocks are highly asymmetric in nature with the common feature of increasing width from first to fourth quartile. A very broad fourth quartile in each case represents a long asymmetric tail on the right of the median. Tubewell waters of at least two more blocks require regular monitoring to identify the outbreak of arsenic at the onset. Groundwaters of Sahebgunj district in general contain high iron and manganese. It is by and large soft in nature. Well waters have been found to be better with regard to arsenic but iron and manganese contents do not vary significantly. Normal distribution analysis (NDA), box and whisker (BW) plot and Z-score analysis together can provide a reasonably complete statistical picture of metal contents in Sahebgunj district groundwaters.  相似文献   

A mass-balance model was extended to investigate the influence of aerosol particles on the accumulation of indoor airborne DEHP, which allows the consideration of a variable particle concentration. The calculated gas-phase di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) concentration is consistent with those measured within residences in both the United States and Europe. Model predictions suggest that there are differences of more than 10% of particle-phase DEHP concentrations between the variable-particle-concentration case and the constant one for over half (578 days) within the calculation time of 1000 days. Airborne DEHP consists primarily of a particle phase. The exposure data indicate that the influence of particle dynamics remains significant throughout the calculation period, and the size fraction of 0–0.5 μm contributes the most, at 39.1%, to the total exposure to particle-phase DEHP as a result of a strong “source” effect which brings particles into the indoor air and a weak “sink” effect which removes particles from the indoor air. The sensitivity analysis indicates that deposition exhibits the most apparent influence, and particle emission from cooking is a significant factor, as cooking is the main source of particles in the size fraction of 0–0.5 μm. The sensitivity analysis also shows that particle penetration has a less obvious influence on the exposure to airborne DEHP because air exchange rate caused penetration introduces and removes particles simultaneously, thus having a limited influence on the airborne DEHP; while resuspension exhibits the weakest influence because it contributes little to the small particles which are the main component of aerosol particles indoors. Strategies for enhancing deposition and reducing particle emissions from cooking and penetration may be helpful to reduce residents’ exposure to airborne SVOCs.  相似文献   

因独特的发生时段与气象边界条件,夜间降雨(以下简称夜雨)对大气污染物的迁移转化过程影响较大。利用珠江三角洲56个环境监测站于2014年5月至2019年3月记录的逐时大气颗粒物(PM2.5、PM10)浓度数据及同期18个气象监测站记录的逐时降雨观测资料,统计分析夜雨和日间降雨(以下简称日雨)影响下的大气颗粒物浓度变化特征,比较了不同降雨强度、降雨持续时间的夜雨和日雨对大气颗粒物的清除作用,并通过相关分析证明了降雨清除作用的滞后效应。结果表明:降雨通过湿沉降作用可以有效清除大气颗粒物,对PM10的清除效率高于PM2.5,其中夜雨对大气颗粒物的清除效率相对日雨更高;降雨强度越大,降雨持续时间越长,夜雨清除效果的优越性越明显;在降雨后6d内,夜雨和日雨对大气颗粒物仍存在清除作用。  相似文献   

The deposition to vegetative canopies of aerosols of dia. 30 μm and less generally increases with wind speed. This phenomenon is due in part to deposition by impaction, but is also due to more sedimentation to lower leaves of the canopy as a result of enhanced turbulent mixing of the air amongst the foliage. A physical model of deposition by sedimentation alone is derived which shows how the deposition velocity, vg, would be expected to vary with wind speed in the absence of deposition by impaction. The results are compared with experimental observations of deposition of Lycopodium powder to dry and wet vegetation (Chamberlain and Chadwick, 1972). The comparison suggests that for wet vegetation in high wind speeds impaction is a major cause of deposition; but for dry vegetation and for wet vegetation in moderate wind speeds, the rise in vg may be caused mainly by increased sedimentation to lower leaves.  相似文献   

Data from multiple satellite remote sensors are integrated with ground measurements and meteorological data to study the impact of Greek forest fires in August 2007 on the air quality in Athens. Two pollution episodes were identified by ground PM10 measurements between August 23 and September 4. In the first episode, Evia and Peloponnese fires contributed substantially to the air pollution levels in Athens. In the second episode, transport of industrial pollution from Italy and Western Europe as well as forest fires in Albania contributed substantially to the air pollution levels in Athens. Local air pollution sources also contributed to the observed particle levels during these episodes. Satellite data provide valuable insights into the spatial distribution of particle concentrations, thus they can be used identify pollution sources. In spite of a few weaknesses in current satellite data products identified in this analysis, combining satellite aerosol remote sensing data with trajectory models and ground measurements is a powerful tool to study intensive particle pollution events such as forest fires.  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency issues periodic reports that describe air quality trends in the US. For some pollutants, such as ozone, both observed and meteorologically adjusted trends are displayed. This paper describes an improved statistical methodology for meteorologically adjusting ozone trends as well as characterizes the relationships between individual meteorological parameters and ozone. A generalized linear model that accommodates the nonlinear effects of the meteorological variables was fit to data collected for 39 major eastern US urban areas. Overall, the model performs very well, yielding R2 statistics as high as 0.80. The analysis confirms that ozone is generally increasing with increasing temperature and decreasing with increasing relative humidity. Examination of the spatial gradients of these responses show that the effect of temperature on ozone is most pronounced in the north while the opposite is true of relative humidity. By including HYSPLIT-derived transport wind direction and distance in the model, it is shown that the largest incremental impact of wind direction on ozone occurs along the periphery of the study domain, which encompasses major NOx emission sources.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) was used to monitor the aerosol extinction coefficient at 532 nm. The performance of the spectrometer was evaluated using measurements of nearly monodisperse polystyrene particles with diameters between 150 and 500 nm. By comparing the observed results with those determined using Mie theory, the accuracy of the CRDS instrument was determined to be >97%, while the upper limit for the precision of the instrument was estimated to be 0.6–3.5% (typically 2%), depending on the particle number concentration, which was in the range of 30–2300 particles cm?3. Simultaneous measurements of the extinction (bext), scattering (bsca) and absorption (babs) coefficients of ambient aerosols were performed in central Tokyo from 14 August to 2 September 2007 using the CRDS instrument, two nephelometers and a particle/soot absorption photometer (PSAP), respectively. The value of bext measured using the CRDS instrument was compared with the sum of the bsca and babs values measured with a nephelometer and a PSAP, respectively. Good agreement between the bext and bsca + babs values was obtained except for data on days when high ozone mixing ratios (>130 ppbv) were observed. During the high-O3 days, the values for bsca + babs were ~7% larger than the value for bext, possibly because the value for babs measured by the PSAP was overestimated due to interference from coexisting non-absorbing aerosols such as secondary organic aerosols.  相似文献   

The change in the root-mean-square deviation of multiple simulated aerosol size distribution samples as a result of increasing the width of the radial size channel is examined. An optimal size interval spacing is found for data which had a large variance for a size interval spacing of 20 per order of magnitude.Optical extinction crposs-sections are calculated from the size distributions, with the use of Mie's solution for scattering by a spherical particle. The root-mean-square deviation of the calculated optical extinction cross-section is only mildly affected by increasing the width of size intervals up to the optimum limit, because the calculation is an integration over the entire size range. However, since the variance is reduced significantly for the size distributions, comparison of these data is better facilitated.  相似文献   

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