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Qin YY  Leung CK  Leung AO  Zheng JS  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2011,82(9):1329-1336
This study aims to investigate levels of POPs in meat, edible oils, nuts, milk and wine collected from Hong Kong. Naphthalene, pp-DDE, beta-, gamma-HCH and PBDE 47 were detected in most of the food items. Goose liver accumulated the highest PAHs (47.9 ng g−1 wet wt), DDTs (25.6), HCHs (13.0), PCBs (4.17), PBDEs (468 pg g−1 wet wt) among all the selected food. Meat and nut groups had significant (p < 0.01 or 0.05) correlations between lipid contents and concentrations of PAHs (meat: r = 0.878), HCHs (meat: r = 0.753), DDTs (meat: r = 0.937; nuts: r = 0.968) and PCBs (meat: r = 0.832; nut: r = 0.946). The concentrations of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in vegetable oil were lower, but HCHs in fish oil were higher, when compared with other countries. The concentrations of PAHs, DDTs, PCBs and PBDEs in food tested in the present study were all below various safety guidelines.  相似文献   

Paschke H  Popp P 《Chemosphere》2005,58(7):855-863
Two new types of passive samplers were designed and tested on semivolatile organic compounds. The first type (a spiral-rod sampler) consists of a low-density polyethylene membrane acting as a permeation film and a silicone elastomer as the receiving material; the second (a stir-bar sampler) has the same membrane material but a polydimethylsiloxane-coated stir bar acting as the collector phase and installed radially symmetrically in the sampler. The advantages of the new samplers are their simple design, low costs, and their easy processing via thermodesorption coupled with capillary gas chromatography and mass selective detection. In both samplers, the uptake of selected analytes was integrative over exposure periods of up to 384 h. The sampling rates calculated from a laboratory calibration study using the chlorinated semivolatiles hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers and polychlorinated biphenyls ranged from 88.1 ml h-1 for delta-hexachlorocyclohexane to 3443 ml h-1 for 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl. A field trial at a hazardous waste dump near Bitterfeld, Germany, for up to 21 days combined with periodical determinations of air concentrations using low-volume sampling indicated that the new samplers can in principle be used in the field, although the sampling rates derived from the field results differed considerably from the laboratory findings. Nevertheless the preliminary results suggest that the new sampler types are promising for the long-term air monitoring of semivolatiles.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor air quality investigation at schools in Hong Kong   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Lee SC  Chang M 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):109-113
Five classrooms in Hong Kong (HK), air-conditioned or ceiling fans ventilated, were chosen for investigation of indoor and outdoor air quality. Parameters such as temperature, relative humidity (RH), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respirable particulate matter (PM10), formaldehyde (HCHO), and total bacteria counts were monitored indoors and outdoors simultaneously. The average respirable particulate matter concentrations were higher than the HK Objective, and the maximum indoor PM10 level exceeded 1000 microg/m3. Indoor CO2 concentrations often exceeded 1000 microl/l in air-conditioning and ceiling fan classrooms, indicating inadequate ventilation. Maximum indoor CO2 level reached 5900 microl/l during class at the classroom with cooling tower ventilation. Increasing the rate of ventilation or implementation of breaks between classes is recommended to alleviate the high CO2 level. Other pollution parameters measured in this study complied with the standards. The two most important classroom air quality problems in Hong Kong were PM10 and CO2 levels.  相似文献   

The occurrence of persistent toxic substances (PTS) in China and possibly their regional transport in the Yellow and East China Seas region was studied. Organochlorines in atmospheric gas-phase and particulate matter were collected by high-volume sampling (filters and polyurethane foams) during 2 weeks in June 2003 (dry season) simultaneously at a Yellow Sea coastal site in an urban area, Qingdao, China, and a rural island site, Gosan, Jeju Island, Korea. Using GC methods, the samples were analysed for 9 persistent organic pollutants (POPs) regulated under the global POP convention, namely aldrin, chlordane (cis- and trans-isomers CC and TC), DDT and metabolites (o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDE), dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), mirex and PCB (congeners number 28, 52, 101, 153 and 180), and for hexachlorocyclohexane (α-, β- and γ-isomers), a PTS and now considered for regulation under the convention, too. At the coastal site additionally o,p′-DDE and -DDD, β-endosulfan, isodrin, heptachlorepoxide and δ-HCH, and at the island site additionally p,p′-DDT and 12 additional PCB congeners were analysed. 9 samples were collected at the coastal and 15 (for PCBs 5) at the island site. Long-range advection pathways were determined based on analysed back-trajectory calculations.The mean concentrations of DDT and its metabolites, HCB, HCH, and PCB at the coast were in the 100–1000 pg m−3 range. Higher concentrations prevailed during nighttime. The levels were in general lower at the island site, but not for DDT. Local sources are likely. PCBs were even 2 orders of magnitude lower, suggesting that PCBs are not subject to regional transport but elevated concentrations in air are limited to the source areas. Organochlorine pesticide levels on the other hand were seemingly determined by regional transport over Mainland China rather than by emissions in the coastal area. The currently used pesticides mirex and chlordane were found at elevated levels, i.e. 79 (6.6–255) and 36 (<6–71) pg m−3, respectively, at the coast but not over the island. The POPs pesticides aldrin, dieldrin and endrin, never registered in China, were mostly found at <10 pg m−3 except for endrin at the coastal site (up to 400 pg m−3) and aldrin at the island site (up to 50 pg m−3).  相似文献   

In order to realistically simulate both chemistry and transport of atmospheric organic pollutants, it is indispensable that the applied models explicitly include coupling between different components of the global environment such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and soil system. A model with such properties is presented.

The atmospheric part of the model is based on the equations in a general contravariant form which permits easy changes of the coordinate system by redefining the metric tensor of a specifically employed coordinate system. Considering a need to include explicitly the terrain effects, the terrain following spherical coordinate system is chosen from among many possible coordinate systems. This particular system is a combination of the Gal-Chen coordinates, commonly employed in mesoscale meteorological models, and the spherical coordinates, typical for global atmospheric models.

In addition to atmospheric transport, the model also simulates the exchange between air and different types of underlying surfaces such as water, soil, snow, and ice. This approach permits a realistic representation of absorption and delayed re-emission of pollutants from the surface to the atmosphere and, consequently, allows to capture hysteresis-like effects of the exchange between the atmosphere and the other components of the system. In this model, the most comprehensive numerical representation of the exchange is that for soil. In particular, the model includes a realistic soil module which simulates both diffusion and convection of a tracer driven by evaporation from the soil, precipitation, and gravity.

The model is applied to a long-term simulation of the transport of pesticides (hexachlorocyclohexanes in particular). Emission fluxes from the soil are rigorously computed on the basis of the realistic data of the agricultural application. All four modelled systems, i.e. atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere and cryosphere, are driven by objectively analysed meteorological data supplemented, when necessary, by climatological information. Therefore, the verification against the observed data is possible. The comparison of the model results and the observations taken at remote stations in the Arctic indicates that the presented global modelling system is able to capture both trends and short-term components in the observed time series of the concentrations, and therefore, provides a useful tool for the evaluation of the source–receptor relationships.  相似文献   

An aircraft study of air quality in the Hong Kong region during the fall of 1994 has allowed for an estimation of the daytime source strengths for CO and NOy from the Hong Kong metropolitan center. Emission rate estimates for the Hong Kong urban plume for NOy and CO were 5.4×10e(25) molecules s-1 and 1.8×10e(26) molecules s-1 as determined for the case study of 18 October. All emission rate estimates have uncertainties of a factor of 2. On one occasion a distinct plume emanating from Shenzhen in the People’s Republic of China was encountered. While plume delimitation was insufficient for source strength calculations, transect integrals did allow for a CO/NOy ratio of about 16 to be determined. The CO/NOy ratio for the Hong Kong urban plume was about 3.3. The difference in these ratios indicates differences in the overall combustion processes and efficiencies taking place within Hong Kong and the PRC.  相似文献   

There have been a number of developments in the need, design and use of passive air samplers (PAS) for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This article is the first in a Special Issue of the journal to review these developments and some of the data arising from them. We explain the need and benefit of developing PAS for POPs, the different approaches that can be used, and highlight future developments and needs.  相似文献   

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in the atmosphere react to form ozone and secondary organic aerosols, which deteriorate air quality, affect human health, and indirectly influence global climate changes. The present study aims to provide a preliminary assessment of BVOC emissions in Hong Kong (HKSAR). Thriteen local tree species were measured for their isoprene emission potential. Tree distribution was estimated for country park areas based on field survey data. Plant emission data obtained from measurements and the literature, tree distribution estimation data, land use information, and meteorological data were combined to estimate annual BVOC emissions of 8.6×109 g C for Hong Kong. Isoprene, monoterpenes, and other VOCs contributed about 30%, 40%, and 30% of the estimated total annual emissions, respectively. Although hundreds of plant species are found in Hong Kong country parks, the model results indicate that only 10 tree species contribute about 76% of total annual VOC emissions. Prominent seasonal and diurnal variations in emissions were also predicted by the model. The present study lays a solid foundation for future local research, and results can be applied for studying BVOC emissions in nearby southern China and Asian regions that share similar climate and plant distributions.  相似文献   

Mutagenicity has been tested in air samples collected in the summer and in the winter near four Norwegian aluminum plants. The samples were separated into a particulate and a volatile fraction and tested for mutagenicity by a quantitative reversion assay which showed that the suspended particles were clearly mutagenic. The volatile part of the air pollutants were cytotoxic to the bacteria and showed only marginal mutagenicity. The particulate fractions were tested more extensively in the Ames Salmonella mutagenicity test, in two laboratories, using the strains TA 98 and TA 100 with and without enzymatic activation (S9). The mutagenicity was relatively high compared to particulate fractions from other areas with industry and dense traffic. The highest mutagenicity was found in TA 100 with enzymatic activation and the lowest in TA 100 without S9. The mutagenicity was influenced by wind speed and direction during sampling. The mutagenic activity was also determined in the nitroreductase deficient strains TA 98NR and TA 98/1.8DNP. A larger reduction in the activity was found compared to samples from other areas, thus indicating a difference in the sample composition.  相似文献   

Size-segregated samples of urban particulate matter (<0.95, 0.95–1.5, 1.5–3.0, 3.0–7.5, >7.5 μm) were collected in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, during winter and summer of 2007–2008, in order to study the size distribution of organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) including n-alkanes and the isoprenoids pristane and phytane, organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). All organic compounds were accumulated in the particle size fraction <0.95 μm particularly in the cold season. Particulate matter displayed a bimodal normalized distribution in both seasons with a stable coarse mode located at 3.0–7.5 μm and a fine mode shifting from 0.95–1.5 μm in winter to <0.95 μm in summer. Unimodal normalized distributions, predominant at 0.95–1.5 μm size range, were found for most organic compounds in both seasons, suggesting gas-to-particle transformation after emission. A second minor mode at larger particles (3.0–7.5 μm) was observed for C19 and certain OCPs suggesting redistribution due to volatilization and condensation.  相似文献   

The concentrations of C1–C8 carbonyl compounds were measured at two urban sites in Hong Kong from October 1997 to September 2000. The daily total carbonyl concentrations were found to range from 2.4 to 37 μg m−3. Formaldehyde was the most abundant species, which comprised from 36 to 43% of the total detected carbonyls, followed by acetaldehyde (18–21%) and acetone (8–20%). The highest 24-hour average concentrations measured were 10 and 7.7 μg m−3 for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, respectively. Seasonal and temporal variations in the concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were not obvious, but lowest concentrations often occurred from June to August. The mean formaldehyde/acetaldehyde molar ratios at the two sites in summer (2.8±1.1 and 2.5±1.2) were significantly higher (p⩽0.01) than those in winter periods (1.9±0.6 and 2.0±0.6). The phenomena were explained by influences of both photochemical reactions and local meteorological conditions. Better correlations between formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, and between NOx and each of the two major carbonyls were obtained in winter periods indicating direct vehicular emissions were the principal sources. The ambient formaldehyde and acetaldehyde concentrations in the urban atmosphere of Hong Kong were within the normal ranges reported in the literature for other urban sites world-wide.  相似文献   

Congeners are molecules based on the same carbon skeleton but different by the number of substituents and/or a substitution pattern. Various Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) exist in the environment as families of halogen substituted congeners and/or their hydroxyl and methoxy substituted derivatives. Numbers of possible congeners resulting from substitution of a parent POP molecule with only one type of chemical group are generally available. At the same time, numbers of mixed-substituent congeners have not been counted and presented yet, although there is an increasing interest in such as is the increasing number of research articles presenting results on already identified Cl−/Br−mixed type congeners and/or their HO-/CH3O-mixed metabolites. We have enumerated and counted possible mixed-substituent congeners of common POPs. This article presents the obtained numbers for congener families of benzene, naphthalene, biphenyl, diphenyl ether, dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzofuran, anthracene, pyrene and others and obtained by substitution of up to five chemical group types.  相似文献   

Polyurethane foam (PUF) disks were deployed at global background sites, to test logistical issues associated with a global monitoring network for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). alpha-HCH, exhibited relatively high and uniform concentrations (17-150 pg/m3) at temperate and arctic sites with elevated concentrations associated with trans-Pacific inflow. Concentrations were much lower (<5 pg/m3) in Bermuda, Chile and Cape Grim. Concentrations for gamma-HCH, the main component of lindane, were spatially similar to the alpha-HCH pattern but lower in magnitude (typically, <10 pg/m3). Chlordane concentrations (sum of cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane and trans-nonachlor) were also low (<10 pg/m3). Dieldrin concentrations were in the range 2-25 pg/m3 at most sites but elevated in Bermuda. Back trajectories suggest that advection from Africa and the US may contribute. Endosulfan, a popular current-use pesticide, exhibited highest concentrations ranging from tens to hundreds of pg/m3. There was good agreement between duplicate samplers at each site and PUF disk-derived air concentrations agreed with high volume data. Few logistical/analytical problems were encountered in this pilot study.  相似文献   

Fuzzy QSARs for predicting logKoc of persistent organic pollutants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uddameri V  Kuchanur M 《Chemosphere》2004,54(6):771-776

A novel design of rapidly equilibrating passive air sampler was deployed at 38 sites across 19 European countries to investigate short-term spatial variability of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Devices were sealed in airtight containers to eliminate the possibility of contamination during transit and couriered to recipients with deployment instructions. Exposure times of 7days permitted the use of back trajectory analysis to further understand the factors responsible for influencing the large-scale spatial distribution of PCBs, PBDEs, PCNs, PAHs, lindane and HCB. Following sampler harvest, devices were sealed and returned for analysis. Comparison of sequestered levels showed that PAHs exhibited the greatest spatial variability (by a factor of 30) with higher levels often associated with greater population density. In contrast, HCB values were much more uniform, reflecting its well mixed distribution in the atmosphere. Spatial variation was strongly influenced by air mass origin, with lower levels being observed at most sites impacted by maritime air masses.  相似文献   

中国持久性有机污染物嫌疑物质的计算机辅助筛选研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
按照《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》中持久性有机污染物(POPs)的确定标准,借鉴荷兰建设规划和环境部开发的持久的生物富集性有毒化学物质(PBTs)筛选流程,利用计算机辅助工具《中国现有化学物质名录》最新版中收录的所有26707种化学物质进行了初步筛选,最后得到111种POPs嫌疑物质。对结果的深入讨论表明计算机工具用于持久性有机污染物初步筛选是可行的。  相似文献   

The characteristics and concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the roadside microenvironments of metropolitan Hong Kong were investigated. The VOC concentrations, especially toluene, benzene and chlorinated VOCs in Hong Kong were high when compared with those in most developed cities. The average and maximum concentration of toluene was 74.9 and 320.0 μg m−3, respectively. The respective values for benzene were 25.9 and 128.6 μg m−3. The chlorinated VOCs were dominated by trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. The maximum concentrations of these two species reached 248.2 and 144.0 μg m−3, respectively. There were strong variations in the spatial fluctuation and characteristic of VOC concentrations. The highest VOC concentrations were found in the industrial district, which were followed by those in the commercial district, the central business district and finally the residential district. The highest concentrations of most VOC species, especially chlorinated VOC were found in the industrial and commercial districts. The average benzene/toluene ratio in Hong Kong was 0.5 suggesting that vehicular emission was the dominant VOC source in most areas of Hong Kong. There were strong deviations in benzene/toluene, benzene/ethylbenzene and benzene/(m+p-xylene) ratios in the commercial district, and highly chlorinated VOC in the industrial and commercial districts. These suggest that there were other benzene and VOC sources overlying on the high background VOC concentrations in these districts. The common usage of organic solvents in the building and construction industries, and in the small industries in the industrial and commercial districts were believed to be important sources of VOC in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This study provides the first EU-wide reconnaissance of the occurrence of polar organic persistent pollutants in European river waters. More than 100 individual water samples from over 100 European rivers from 27 European Countries were analysed for 35 selected compounds, comprising pharmaceuticals, pesticides, PFOS, PFOA, benzotriazoles, hormones, and endocrine disrupters. Around 40 laboratories participated in this sampling exercise. The most frequently and at the highest concentration levels detected compounds were benzotriazole, caffeine, carbamazepine, tolyltriazole, and nonylphenoxy acetic acid (NPE1C). Only about 10% of the river water samples analysed could be classified as “very clean” in terms of chemical pollution. The rivers responsible for the major aqueous emissions of PFOS and PFOA from the European Continent could be identified. For the target compounds chosen, we are proposing “indicative warning levels” in surface waters, which are (for most compounds) close to the 90th percentile of all water samples analysed.  相似文献   

A novel biomimetic absorbent containing the lipid triolein was developed for removing persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from water. The structural characteristics of the absorbent were obtained by SEM and a photoluminescence method. Under optimum preparation conditions, triolein was perfectly embedded in the cellulose acetate (CA) spheres, the absorbent was stable and no triolein leaked into the water. Dieldrin, endrin, aldrin and heptachlor epoxide were effectively removed by the CA--triolein absorbent in laboratory batch experiments. This suggests that CA-triolein absorbent may serve as a good absorbent for those selected POPs. Triolein in the absorbent significantly increased the absorption capacity, and lower residual concentrations of POPs were achieved when compared to the use of cellulose acetate absorbent. The absorption rate for lipophilic pollutants was very fast and exhibited some relationship with the octanol--water partition coefficient of the analyte. The absorption mechanism is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

A compilation of information about levels of selected persistent organic pollutants, namely polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroetane and its degradation products (DDTs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), in Mediterranean sediments, including data published from 1971 to 2005, has been conducted in order to assess their main drivers and pressures in the environment. The application of mapping tools (GIS) and statistical instruments enabled the assessment of geographical and temporal trends. Chemical contamination mainly originates from land-based sources, and decreases significantly when moving off-shore. Contamination hot spots are generally located along the Northern coastline. The data for open sea sediments enabled the establishment of background levels of contamination for the region. A decreasing temporal trend in concentrations was found, more evident in the case of DDTs probably due to a more efficient regulation of this chemical. Finally, some gaps in reliable data were also identified which were related to the lack of information in the southern and eastern parts of the Mediterranean as well as the variety of analytical methodologies used.  相似文献   

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