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A.J.M. Baker 《Chemosphere》1984,13(4):585-589
This paper reports results of a study on cadmium tolerance in the grass Holcuslanatus which suggest that tolerance is inducible and can be lost in transplanting plants to uncontaminated soils.  相似文献   

The growth of Anabaenainaequalis was significantly inhibited by Cd2+ concentrations greater than 0.02 ppm (μg/ml) and completely inhibited at 0.06 ppm (Day 12). Cadmium had no significant effect upon the lag phase of growth or the culture doubling time, but caused the retardation phase to arrive sooner. One ppm Cd2+ significantly inhibited the rates of both photosynthesis and acetylene reduction, by A. inaequalis, with complete inhibition at 4 and 20 ppm respectively. Cell sensitivity increased directly with exposure time. Cadmium caused some cell lysis of A. inaequalis and induced an increase in filament length, heterocyst frequency, and a loss of cellular contents from filament apical cells. The cellular abnormalities observed and the fact that toxicity increased with longer exposure times, suggested that metal toxicity resulted from effects of Cd2+ taken up by cells rather than Cd2+ at the cell surface.  相似文献   

The protozoan, Tetrahymenathermophila, metabolizes pentachloronitrobenzene to several products, including nitrite, pentachlorothioanisole and pentachloroaniline. The latter two metabolites were identified by gas chromatographymass spectrometry. Pentachlorothioanisole may be produced via a glutathione-dependent pathway, and two key enzymes of this pathway, glutathione transferase and thiol S-methyltransferase, have been detected in crude extracts of this microorganism.  相似文献   

C.M. Tu 《Chemosphere》1981,10(1):127-134
A study of the effect of 5 fungicide seed treatments on alfalfa (Medicagosativa L. var. Vernal) growth and nodulation by Rhizobiummeliloti 102F66 was conducted in a growth chamber. Captan, maneb and thiram exhibited greater toxicity to R. meliloti and alfalfa plants than that of benomyl and zineb. Recovery of the inhibitory effect was rapid.  相似文献   

Microorganisms isolated from soil degrade phenylurea herbicides via two major pathways: (i) direct hydrolysis by an amidase leading to N,O-dimethylhydroxylamine, CO2 and aniline1 and (ii) N-dealkylation, which has been described as the first step in urea herbicide degradation by a variety of organisms including mammals, plants and microbial systems (for a review see reference 2).Until now no attempts have been made to investigate the mechanism of N-demethylation of substituted ureas in soil microorganisms, due to the instability of the N-hydroxymethyl intermediates. This reaction mechanism has only been described in detail in green plants3–5. As among soil fungi Phycomycetes are known to demethylate phenylurea herbicides6,7 this study has been made to identify intermediate hydroxymethyl compounds from urea herbicides, when incubated with the fungus Cunninghamella echinulata Thaxter.  相似文献   

This paper reports the bioaccumulation of three PCBs (2,4′-dichlorobiphenyl, 2,4,6,2′-tetrachlorobiphenyl and 2,4,6,2′,4′-pentachlorobiphenyl) by the green alga Chlorellafusca under various conditions. A probable pattern of the bioconcentration mechanism is suggested. No metabolites were extracted from algae or water 6 days after incubation with PCBs.  相似文献   

Killifish (Fundulussimilis) were exposed in the laboratory to pentachlorophenol (PCP) at concentrations of 57 to 610 μg PCP/L. Bioaccumulation reached a plateau value of about 53 by 168 hrs and remained at this level for at least 72 hrs. One-half the plateau value was reached in about 25 hrs. Following exposure, fish placed in PCP-free aquaria lost PCP rather slowly (t12 ~ 4.7 days). The depuration data were suggestive of a pool of PCP which was lost more rapidly (t12 ~ 4.2 hrs). The results of this study are compared to similar studies in other species. The bioaccumulation factors measured in this study agree relatively well with those in other marine species, but are lower than reported for fresh water species. Possible reasons for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

Oral administration of 0.7 mg/kg/day of quinalphos to mals buffalo calves for 28 consecutive days produced marked inhibition of erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase and elevation in serum levels of aminotransferases and phosphatases without inducing apparent toxicity. The enzymic alterations were more pronounced following 1.4 and 2.1 mg/kg/day doses of quinalphos, which were lethal within 4–17 days.  相似文献   

C.M. Tu 《Chemosphere》1982,11(10):1027-1033
The relative toxicity of 23 pesticides, including 21 fungicides and two pyrethroid insecticides, on Rhizobiumjaponicum, four soybean pathogens, Fusariumoxysporum, Phytophthoramegasperma, Phytophthoraparasitica and Pythiumultimum, and germination of soybean seeds was compared with a highly toxic broad spectrum germicide, HgCl2 under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

This study described an invitro experiment on biotransformation of 2,6-DIPN in carp hepatopancreas. It has already been revealed by the previous invivo studies to be metabolized with enzymatic oxidation in the liver and been postulated a metabolic pathway. These results were confirmed by means of incubation with 2,6-DIPN in carp hepatic microsome preparation with NADPH, and G-6-P as co-factor. It was suggested that DIPN may be mainly metabolized in the hepatic cytochrome P-450 in the microsomes system. The kinetic parameters i.e. apparent Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax), in the metabolites formation were also calculated.  相似文献   

C.M. Tu 《Chemosphere》1982,11(12):1195-1201
Studies on the effects of 21 fungicides and five pyrethroid insecticides on growth of Rhizobiummeliloti, emergence and survival of alfalfa seed and the efficacy of the chemicals in control of Verticillium wilt pathogens were conducted.  相似文献   

The joint toxicity of mixtures of phosphamidon and methidathion to adult lobsters (Homarusamericanus) is greater than additive in tests with the combined 48-h toxicity unit of the mixtures totalling 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 units. The largest magnification factor for greater than additive toxicity occurred where phosphamidon and methidathion contributed to the total toxicity unit in a ratio of 1:1.5 and was progressively smaller for ratios of 1:4.4 and 2:1.  相似文献   

Y. Ku  G. Alvarez 《Chemosphere》1982,11(1):41-46
N-Phenyl-β-naphthylamine, a widely used rubber antioxidant and antiozonant, was biotransformed into β-naphthylamine, a potent carcinogen, in a laboratory sewage sludge system. β-Naphthylamine appeared to accumulate in the aqueous phase of the system while the undegraded parent compound appeared to be associated with the sludge solids.  相似文献   

The amount of ingested arsenic assimilated and eliminated by the crab appeared to depend on chemical form of arsenic present in the food. Arsenic-74 was translocated rapidly with a high percentage located in hepatopancreas and exoskeleton. The speciation of radioarsenic determined by sequential extraction of experimental food, feces, muscle and hepatopancreas showed that there is no efficient mechanism within the crab which can covert lipid and water soluble arsenic to arsenite and residual arsenic or vice-versa. The biological mechanism in crab selectively and effectively excretes soluble form of arsenite and residual arsenic much more readily than organic arsenic.  相似文献   

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