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Characterizing dry weather conditions in urban Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), and then prioritizing and addressing problems due to urban pollutants, is a daunting challenge. The size and complexity of most MS4s and the ephemeral nature of many dry weather problems hamper efforts to identify and eliminate pollutant sources, and to track trends in condition. As a result, assessing overall program progress has proven difficult. We describe a hybrid dry weather urban monitoring design from southern California that combines probabilistic and targeted sampling to rigorously identify and prioritize problems and track program progress. Data from probabilistic sites define the urban background and establish tolerance intervals, which identify sites that persistently exceed the overall urban background. Targeted sites focus on locations where nearby activities and/or past history suggest that pollutant levels will be elevated. Embedding targeted monitoring within a probabilistic design enables data from targeted sites to be interpreted in a more meaningful regional context. Data from all sites are also used to construct site- and pollutant-specific control charts. These charts quickly identify instances where a site's behavior significantly changes, compared to its past behavior, suggesting an active source in the upstream drainage area. The hybrid design, and the use of formal statistical tools (tolerance intervals and control charts), permit the program to systematically prioritize problematic sites, compare conditions to the regional urban background, and track trends over time. In addition, the program's design allows several measures of program progress to be defined and thus consistently followed over time. Such hybrid designs can provide substantial advantages compared to more traditional monitoring approaches.  相似文献   

While the primary objective of the 1992 Earth Summit was to generate new commitments from national governments on global environmental issues, one of the most tangible outcomes of the summit was to focus international attention on the role of cities as central actors in the Earth's ecosystem. As a result, the recent UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) extended its focus, originally on housing only, to sustainable human settlements. The final product of the meeting, the Habitat Agenda, provides the greatest recognition ever offered by the United Nations to the role of local governments in the sustainable development process. The success of the Habitat Agenda will be defined by the ability of local governments to effectively adopt its recommendations.This article is a “report from the field” on local adaptations of environmental assessment andplanning procedures in order to implement the various components of the sustainable development mandate.  相似文献   

The main purpose of a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is to facilitate the early consideration of potential environmental impacts in decision-making processes. SEA alternative identification is a core issue within the SEA framework. However, the current methods of SEA alternative formulation and selection are constrained by the limited setting range and lack of scientific evaluation. Thus, the current paper attempts to provide a new methodology based on the extension theory to identify a range of alternatives and screen the best one. Extension planning is applied to formulate a set of alternatives that satisfy the reasonable interests of the stakeholders. Extension priority evaluation is used to assess and optimize the alternatives and present a scientific methodology for the SEA alternative study. Thereafter, the urban traffic plan of Dalian City is used as an example to demonstrate the feasibility of the new method. The traffic planning scheme and the environmental protection scheme are organically combined based on the extension theory, and the reliability and practicality of this approach are examined.  相似文献   

A number of pesticide residues in fruits were monitored at five markets in the Accra Metropolis for almost a year. Locally produced fruits (pawpaw and tomato) and imported apple were purchased from these selected markets in the metropolis and analyzed for pesticide residues by gas chromatography equipped with electron capture detector. In all, 320 sampled fruits were extracted and analyzed for pesticide residues, mainly organochlorines (??-HCH, ??-HCH, aldrin, heptachlor, ??-chlordane, heptachlor epoxide, ??-endosulfan, p,p??-DDE, endrin, ??-endosulfan, o,p??-DDT, endrin aldehyde, p,p??- DDT, endrin ketone, and methoxychlor). The data revealed that 32.8% of the fruit samples analyzed contained residues of the monitored insecticides above the accepted maximum residue limit (MRL) whereas 48.7% were below the MRL. Nonetheless, the continuous consumption of such fruits with modest pesticide levels can accumulate and could result in deadly chronic effects.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the change in spatial-temporal configuration of secondary forest succession and generate measurements for monitoring the changes in structural plant diversity in Yaln?zçam Scots pine forest in NE Turkey from 1972 to 2005. The successional stages were mapped using the combination of Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), aerial photos and high resolution satellite images (IKONOS). Forest structure and its relationship with structural plant diversity along with its changes over time were characterized using FRAGSTATS. In terms of spatial configuration of seral stages, the total number of fragments increased from 572 to 735, and mean size of patch (MPS) decreased from 154.97 ha to 120.60 ha over 33 years. The situation resulted in forestation serving appropriate conditions for plant diversity in the area. As an overall change in study area, there was a net increase of 1823.3 ha forest during the period with an average annual forestation rate of 55.25 ha year?1(0.4% per year). In conclusion, the study revealed that stand type maps of forest management plans in Turkey provide a great chance to monitor the changes in structural plant diversity over time. The study further contributes to the development of a framework for effective integration of biodiversity conservation into Multiple Use Forest Management (MUFM) plans using the successional stages as a critical mechanism.  相似文献   

Ecological assessments of surface water bodies are essential in order to evaluate the level of degradation in freshwater ecosystems and to address the subsequent decline in services they provide. These assessments cover multiple aspects of the aquatic environment, particularly biological elements due to their ability to respond to all pressures within an ecosystem. Such assessments can enable the identification of the multiple pressures which threaten water bodies, facilitating sustainable decisions regarding their management to be identified. Here, the design requirements of the networks which facilitate ecological assessments are presented. A river basin district in England is used as a case study to investigate the number of elements monitored, the number of failing elements and the relationship between failing elements. Findings demonstrate the value of ensuring that monitoring networks are risk based and appropriately designed to meet their objectives. This therefore requires that monitoring is not only for the communicating of compliance but also for use iteratively so that the design of monitoring networks and ultimately management can be continually improved.  相似文献   

A correct characterization of the status and trend of forest condition is essential to support reporting processes at national and international level. An international forest condition monitoring has been implemented in Europe since 1987 under the auspices of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). The monitoring is based on harmonized methodologies, with individual countries being responsible for its implementation. Due to inconsistencies and problems in sampling design, however, the ICP Forests network is not able to produce reliable quantitative estimates of forest condition at European and sometimes at country level. This paper proposes (1) a set of requirements for status and change assessment and (2) a harmonized sampling strategy able to provide unbiased and consistent estimators of forest condition parameters and of their changes at both country and European level. Under the assumption that a common definition of forest holds among European countries, monitoring objectives, parameters of concern and accuracy indexes are stated. On the basis of fixed-area plot sampling performed independently in each country, an unbiased and consistent estimator of forest defoliation indexes is obtained at both country and European level, together with conservative estimators of their sampling variance and power in the detection of changes. The strategy adopts a probabilistic sampling scheme based on fixed-area plots selected by means of systematic or stratified schemes. Operative guidelines for its application are provided.  相似文献   

The use of an Integrated Landscape Ecological Approach on the evaluation of the impact of a proposed highway over a high sensitive habitat of the highly endangered Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardina L) is described. This method prevents the occurrence of common errors in the decision making process by allowing an increased knowledge of the ecological constraints of the project. It builds, consequently, a very powerful tool for nature conservation assessment and for the ecological evaluation and the decision process in situations of low ecological data availability. The conflict of arguments on the consistency of the conclusions of the method is also described.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive enzyme electrode was prepared based on gold nanoparticles for measurement of pesticides. Gold nanoparticles of 25-30 nm were synthesized on a glassy carbon electrode by double-pulse technique while the coverage was controlled by applied potential and time. The gold nanoparticles were modified to form a self-assembled monolayer, followed by covalent binding of tyrosinase. The TYR-AuNP-GC electrode was compared with bare GC, AuNP-GC, and modified AuNP-GC and TYR-Au (plate type) electrodes in terms of cyclic voltammetry. The voltammograms well represent the sensitivity of enzymatic oxidation of catechol, substrates for the enzyme activity. The prepared electrode integrated into a continuous flow system and was tested to detect pesticides, such as 2,4-D, atrazine, and ziram. Under the optimized conditions of the flow system, the electrode performed reasonably according to the inhibition mechanism in the concentration range of 0.001-0.5 ng mL(-1). The enhanced performance was attributed to the favored microenvironment for the enzyme activity provided by SAM on gold nanoparticles.  相似文献   

A simple, handly and powerful tool, called the DIMO model based on the Shannon-Wiener index, has been developed for analysis and evaluation of species diversity at plant community (alpha) level. Three axes, i.e. species richness, species evenness and the Shannon-Wiener index, were plotted in a two-dimensional space. Any change in these parameters and their relationship can be easily analysed and demonstrated by the model. A modified Shannon-Wiener index,Q, based on the DIMO model, was constructed to integrate species richness and evenness. The model and theQ index were tested with the real-life data collected from vegetation monitoring by the Swedish National Environmental Monitoring Program (PMK) during a 12-year period. Because of its dynamic features, the DIMO model is especially suitable for biodiversity monitoring at community level and can be applied to other levels as well if one replaces species taxa by other categories.  相似文献   

Water samples have been extracted from inside (from standpipes) and from outside (from boreholes) of the trenches at the low level radioactive waste disposal site at Drigg in Cumbria, UK. The samples were taken anaerobically from between 8.5 and 10.0 m below the surface using a submersible pump at low flow rates to ensure that the waters in the standpipes and boreholes were maintained at constant levels. To ensure representative samples, the Eh, pH. conductivity, temperature, iron and dissolved oxygen concentrations of the waters were taken during initial purging and during sampling. The gross tritium, gross non-tritium beta, gross alpha and gamma activities of each sample were determined using suitable sample preparation and counting techniques. Samples were then anaerobically, sequentially filtered through 12 microm, 1 microm, 30 kDa and 500 Da filter membranes. The filtrates were analysed for gross alpha, gross non-tritium beta and gamma activities. SEM and STEM analyses were used to determine the colloid population. An energy dispersive analyser on the SEM was used to determine the major elements present in the colloids. UV-visible spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectrophotometry and high performance size exclusion liquid chromatography were used to analyse the waters before and after treatment with ion exchange materials to determine whether natural organic matter was present in the waters. Results showed that two major types of colloids (iron containing colloids and silicon containing colloids) were present in the waters. There were also a small number of other colloids that contain, as major elements, aluminium, calcium and chromium. Organic colloids were also present. The majority of the radioactivity in the waters was due to tritium. Waters taken from outside the trenches contained low levels of non-tritium beta activities and alpha activities which were lower than the minimum detectable amount. Waters taken from the trenches contained non-tritium beta activities and low levels of alpha emitters. Filtration of the trench waters showed that some of the alpha activity was retained by the 30 kDa and 500 Da membranes suggesting that this activity was associated with small colloids. Radioactivity was not found to be associated with colloids present in the waters taken from outside the trenches. Possible reasons for this observation could be that radionuclide bearing colloids have not yet reached the far-field or that the radionuclide concentration is diluted to below the minimum detectable amount. After concentrating two of the samples by factors of x20 and x 16 respectively, 2.4+/-0.1 and 0.6+/-0.1 Bq dm(-3) of 137Cs were measured.  相似文献   

Road traffic noise is one of the most significant environmental impacts generated by transport systems. To this regard, the recent implementation of the European Environmental Noise Directive by Public Administrations of the European Union member countries has led to various noise action plans (NAPs) for reducing the noise exposure of EU inhabitants. Every country or administration is responsible for applying criteria based on their own experience or expert knowledge, but there is no regulated process for the prioritization of technical measures within these plans. This paper proposes a multi-criteria decision methodology for the selection of suitable alternatives against traffic noise in each of the road stretches included in the NAPs. The methodology first defines the main criteria and alternatives to be considered. Secondly, it determines the relative weights for the criteria and sub-criteria using the fuzzy extended analytical hierarchy process as applied to the results from an expert panel, thereby allowing expert knowledge to be captured in an automated way. A final step comprises the use of discrete multi-criteria analysis methods such as weighted sum, ELECTRE and TOPSIS, to rank the alternatives by suitability. To illustrate an application of the proposed methodology, this paper describes its implementation in a complex real case study: the selection of optimal technical solutions against traffic noise in the top priority road stretch included in the revision of the NAP of the regional road network in the province of Almeria (Spain).  相似文献   

A framework to include a Life Cycle Assessment in the significance evaluation of the environmental aspects of an Environmental Management System has been studied for some industrial sectors, but there is a literature gap at the territorial level, where the indirect impact assessment is crucial. To overcome this criticality, our research proposes the Life Cycle Assessment as a framework to assess environmental aspects of public administration within an Environmental Management System applied at the territorial level. This research is structured in two parts: the design of a new methodological framework and the pilot application for an Italian municipality. The methodological framework designed supports Initial Environmental Analysis at the territorial level thanks to the results derived from the impact assessment phase. The pilot application in an Italian municipality EMAS registered demonstrates the applicability of the framework and its effectiveness in evaluating the environmental impact assessment for direct and indirect aspects. Through the discussion of the results, we underline the growing knowledge derived by this research in terms of the reproducibility and consistency of the criteria to define the significance of the direct and indirect environmental aspects for a local public administration.  相似文献   

A new index named Air Quality Balance Index (AQBI), which is able to characterise the amount of pollution level in a selected area, is proposed. This index is a function of the ratios between pollutant concentration values and their standards; it aims at identifying all situations in which there is a possible environmental risk even when several pollutants are below their limit values but air quality is reduced. AQBI is evaluated by using a high-resolution three-dimensional dispersion model: the air concentration for each substance is computed starting from detailed emissions sources: point, line and area emissions hourly modulated. This model is driven with accurate meteorological data from ground stations and remote sensing systems providing vertical profiles of temperature and wind; these data are integrated with wind and temperature profiles at higher altitudes obtained by a Local Area Model. The outputs of the dispersion model are compared with pollutant concentrations provided by measuring stations, in order to recalibrate emission data. A three-dimensional high resolution grid of AQBI data is evaluated for an industrial area close to Alessandria (Northern Italy), assessing air quality and environmental conditions. Performance of AQBI is compared with the Air Quality Index (AQI) developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. AQBI, computed taking into account all pollutants, is able to point out situations not evidenced by AQI, based on a preset limited number of substances; therefore, AQBI is a good tool for evaluating the air quality either in urban and in industrial areas. The AQBI values at ground level, in selected points, are in agreement with in situ observations.  相似文献   

A study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pollution in roadside soil was conducted at a developing city locations of Jalandhar (Punjab), India in winter season to ascertain the contamination levels and their distribution behavior in roadside soil. PAHs concentration level of ten locations was measured at 1, 2, and 3 m distances from roadside soil covering all the major traffic intercepts within a city. Samples were extracted in acetone and dichloromethane (1:1) using soxhlet extraction. The extracts were filtered on a silica gel micro column to remove impurities and eluate was subjected to GC-FID. The total average PAHs concentration (city average) was found to be 4.04 μg g(-1), whereas the concentration of 16 individual PAHs was found to vary between 0.008 and 28.4 μg g(-1). The average concentration of noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic PAHs in all the samples was 2.17 and 6.41 μg g(-1) (ratio 1:2.95). The concentration of five ringed PAHs was found to be 45% to 60%, whereas two ringed PAHs were found to be in the range from 0.28% to 0.56% in all most all locations. The average highest PAHs concentration for any individual location was found as 12.23 μg g(-1) at DAV Chowk at 1 m distance and minimum concentration was 0.98 μg g(-1) at Maqsuda Chowk at 1 m distance from roadside. DiB (ah) A was the individual PAHs found in highest concentration in all the intercepts ranging between 1.26 and 28 μg g(-1). At most of the city intercepts, total carcinogenic PAHs concentration was found to range from 60% to 80% in comparison to noncarcinogenic PAHs (20%-40%) at most of the intercepts. The pollution level our study was compared with other cities of India/worldwide.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for the assessment of the sustainability among three different structural design alternatives for a single-family home. The response associated with each alternative has been measured using 43 indicators considering all stages of the life cycle. A decision-making model is carried out on the basis of a neutrosophic group analytical hierarchy process (NAHP-G) capturing the maximum information in terms of credibility, inconsistency and indetermination. The 9 criteria on which an expert group intervenes are finally evaluated using VIKOR. The results show that non-probabilistic uncertainties influence the weights obtained, with maximum deviations in the criteria between 11.91% and 4.95%, if compared to conventional AHP. From the methodology it is obtained that the technological alternative with non-conventional concrete performs best in sustainable terms. Although the industrialized option has less environmental impact, only the simultaneous consideration of the economic, environmental and social pillars in a project will lead to appropriate sustainable designs.  相似文献   

Chemical monitoring of aquatic ecosystems describes the chemical exposures of aquatic biota and measures the success of pollution control. However, meeting water quality criteria cannot assure that aquatic biota are protected from the effects of unexpected chemicals, mixtures and interactions between toxicity and environmental stressors.Biological monitoring is an obvious solution since aquatic biota integrate spatial and temporal variations in exposure to many simultaneous stressors. Top predators, typical of specific ecosystems (e.g. lake trout in cold water oligotrophic lakes) indicate whether environmental criteria have been met. The presence of naturally reproducing, self-sustaining and productive stocks of edible fish demonstrates a high quality environment. If these conditions are not met, there is a clear sign of environmental degradation. Specific changes in population structure and performance may also diagnose which life stage is affected and the nature of the stressor.Unfortunately, environmental managers cannot rely solely on populations, communities or ecosystems to indicate chmical effects. The lag between identifying a problem and finding a cause may destroy the resource that we wish to protect, particularly where chemicals are persistent.A solution to this dilemma is the measurement of primary or secondary responses of individual organisms to chemical exposure. Since toxicity at any level of organization must start with a reaction between a chemical and a biological substrate, these responses are the most sensitive and earliest sign of chemical exposure and effect.Application of this idea requires research on molecular mechanisms of chemical toxicity in aquatic biota and adaptation of existing mammalian diagnostic tools. Since relevance of biochemical responses to populations and ecosystems is not obvious, there is a need to study the links between chemical exposure and responses of individuals, populations and ecosystems.The recognition of chemical problems and cause-effect relationships requires the integration of chemical and biological monitoring, using the principles of epidemiology to test the strength of relationships and to identify specific research needs. The contamination of a reservoir with selenium and impacts on fish populations provide an excellent example of this approach.  相似文献   

An environmental impact assessment is conducted by utilizing monitoring, meteorological, and physical modeling data. This information serves as input to a decision analysis of the environmental protection alternatives for the cement plant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Utility theory provides the methodology underlying the Evaluation and Sensivity Analysis Program (ESAP) with which the alternatives are evaluated. Recommendation include: (1) installation of electrostatic precipitators of at least 99% efficiency, (2) institution of a 1.6 km nonresidential zone given the present 60 m chimneys, and (3) substitution of low sulphur fuel for the crude oil now consumed. By illustration this study suggests the general relevance of the ESAP program to environmental assessment and management.  相似文献   

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