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To investigate how visual cues are integrated into a navigational strategy for homing in the Australian sleepy lizard (Tiliqua rugosa), lizards were displaced beyond their home range, either with full access to visual cues or with no access to visual cues during the displacement. Homeward orientation was significantly worse when lizards were denied visual cues during the displacement than when they were not. However when lizards were displaced with their field of view restricted to the sky, their homeward orientation was equally as good as that of lizards displaced with no visual restriction. These experiments suggest that sleepy lizards use celestial cues to determine the compass bearing of the outward journey, and reverse this bearing to orient in the homeward direction (course reversal). In a subsequent experiment, lizards oriented randomly with respect to home when the parietal eye was entirely covered with a patch during the displacement and return, while control lizards fitted with a sham parietal eye patch were well oriented towards home. In both groups, the lateral eyes were unobstructed and had complete access to visual cues including celestial cues and landmarks. These results suggest that the parietal eye plays a highly significant role in sleepy lizard homing, perhaps mediating a sky polarization compass sense.  相似文献   

Summary To test the hypothesis that information on the route of the outward journey is involved in the orientation of displaced homing pigeons, we compared the behavior of control pigeons that had been displaced by the most direct route with that of experimental pigeons that had been transported along detours to the same release sites. At distances of 40 km we found no consistent effect. At distances between 75 and 130 km, however, deviations to the left of the direct route induced deflections to the left, while deviations to the right induced deflections to the right, i.e. the deflections of the vanishing bearings tended to compensate for the initial detour of the outward journey. The deflections were smaller than the deviations of the routes; they were not related to the routes themselves or the location of the release sites. A significant correlation emerged with the vector length of the controls, as longer vectors were associated with smaller deflections. This suggests that information on the route of the outward journey is used together with local map information in the navigational process, the significance of the route-specific information apparently depending on quality and reliability of the available local information. The nature of factors controlling the detour effect is still open.Correspondence to: R. Wiltschko  相似文献   

Summary Polybia sericea (Olivier) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) foragers were trained to visit experimental foraging plots and tests were conducted to determine the role of visual, olfactory, and chemotactile cues in prey location. Foragers approached prey from downwind and hovered downwind of visual and olfactory stimuli. Olfactory cues were more likely to elicit landing than were visual cues. Biting of potential prey was most consistently elicited by a combination of visual, tactile, and chemotactile cues. Foragers encountering large prey carried a piece back to the nest and returned for prey remains. These returning foragers used visual cues to direct intensive aerial search; olfactory prey cues elicited landing.  相似文献   

A variety of social insects use visual cues for homing. In this study, we examine the possible factors affecting the learning and retention of nest-associated visual cues by the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti and the manner in which such cues are encoded by foraging ants. We placed four prominent cylindrical landmarks around a nest and trained foragers from that nest to a food source. Ants were tested with the landmark array in a distant testing field after (1) a known number of exposures to the landmarks (1, 3, 7 or 15 trials, spread over a period of 1 day, 2 days or ≥3 days) and (2) after a known period of delay (0, 24, 48, 96 or 192 h). The results show that a combination of an increase in training trials and an increase in number of training days affected the acquisition of landmark memory. Moreover, once the landmarks were learnt, they became a part of long-term memory and lasted throughout the ants’ foraging lifetime. To examine visual cue encoding behaviour, ants trained under similar conditions for 4 days were tested with (1) an identical landmark array, (2) landmarks of the same size used in training, but placed at twice the distance from each other, and (3) landmarks whose dimensions were doubled and placed at twice the distance from each other. In conditions (1) and (3), the ants searched extensively at the centre of the four landmarks, suggesting that, similar to the Saharan ant (genus Cataglyphis) and the honeybee, M. bagoti too uses a snapshot to match the view of the landmarks around the nest. But contrary to the snapshot model, in condition (2), the ants did not search extensively at the centre of the landmarks, but searched primarily 0.5 m from the landmark, the distance from each landmark to the nest during training. We discuss how various search models fare in accounting for these findings.  相似文献   

Summary During recruitment, running velocity of both outbound and laden workers of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lundi depended on the information about resource quality they received from the first successful recruiter. In independent assays, single scout ants were allowed to collect sugar solutions of different concentrations and to recruit nestmates. Recruited workers were presented with standardized paper discs rather than the sugar solution given to the original recruiting ant. Outbound recruited workers were observed to run faster the more concentrated the solution found by the recruiter. Speed of disc-laden workers also depended on the concentration of the solution found by the recruiter, i.e. on the information about food quality they received, since they had no actual contact with the sugar solution. Disc-laden workers ran, as intuitively expected, slower than outbound workers. The reduction in speed, however, could not be attributed to the effects of the load itself, because workers collecting discs of the same weight, but with added sugar, ran as rapidly as outbound, unladen workers. Workers collecting standardized sugared discs reinforced the chemical trail on their way to the nest. The percentage of trail-layers was higher when workers were recruited to 10% than to 1% sugar solution, even though they collected the same kind of discs at the source. Their evaluation of resource quality, therefore, depended on their motivational state, which was modulated by the information they received during recruitment. Using previously published data on energetics of locomotion in leaf-cutting ants, travel costs of A. lundi workers recruited to sugar solutions of different concentration could be estimated. For workers recruited to the more concentrated solution, both speed and oxygen consumption rate increased by a roughly similar factor. Therefore, although workers ran faster to the high-quality resource, their actual energy investment per trip remained similar to that made by workers recruited to the low-quality resource. It is suggested that the more motivated workers reduced travel time without increasing energy costs during the trip. The adaptive value of these responses seems to be related to a rapid transmission of information about a newly discovered food source.  相似文献   

Parental care is a costly part of reproduction. Hence, natural selection should favor males which avoid caring for unrelated young. However, the decision to abandon or reduce care requires cues which are evaluated to give information on potential reproductive value of the offspring. The prediction that male sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus, care for foreign eggs as long as they were spawned in their own nest and at least some of such cues are fulfilled was tested. Egg-guarding males that had recently taken part in a spawning event were given a clutch of eggs that was sired either by themselves or another male, in either their own or another male’s aquarium. Males that had not taken part in a spawning event were used as controls and were given eggs sired by another male. We measured the amount of filial cannibalism and nest building. Control group males did not care for eggs and ate them all before rebuilding the nest. In the other treatments, there were no significant effects of paternity, though males moved to another male’s aquarium increased their clutch area threshold and completely consumed larger clutches than males that were not moved. There was no intermediate response in any treatment in the form of increased partial filial cannibalism or less well-constructed nests. Our results suggest that egg-guarding males cannot distinguish between eggs sired by themselves and those sired by other males but are able to react to cues indicating paternity state. Males do not adopt eggs to attract females in P. minutus.  相似文献   

Social insect foragers have to make foraging decisions based on information that may come from two different sources: information learned and memorised through their own experience (“internal” information) and information communicated by nest mates or directly obtained from their environment (“external” information). The role of these sources of information in decision-making by foragers was studied observationally and experimentally in stingless bees of the genus Melipona. Once a Melipona forager had started its food-collecting career, its decisions to initiate, continue or stop its daily collecting activity were mainly based upon previous experience (activity on previous days, the time at which foraging was initiated the day(s) before, and, during the day, the success of the last foraging flights) and mediated through direct interaction with the food source (load size harvested and time to collect a load). External information provided by returning foragers advanced the start of foraging of experienced bees. Most inexperienced bees initiated their foraging day after successful foragers had returned to the hive. The start of foraging by other inexperienced bees was stimulated by high waste-removal activity of nest mates. By experimentally controlling the entries of foragers (hence external information input) it was shown that very low levels of external information input had large effect on the departure of experienced foragers. After the return of a single successful forager, or five foragers together, the rate of forager exits increased dramatically for 15 min. Only the first and second entry events had large effect; later entries influenced forager exit patterns only slightly. The results show that Melipona foragers make decisions based upon their own experience and that communication stimulates these foragers if it concerns the previously visited source. We discuss the organisation of individual foraging in Melipona and Apis mellifera and are led to the conclusion that these species behave very similarly and that an information-integration model (derived from Fig. 1) could be a starting point for future research on social insect foraging. Received: 16 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 30 August 1997  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the use of magnetic compass cues in the nocturnal homing orientation of the alpine newt Triturus alpestris. Tests were carried out at a site 9 km to the east–northeast of the breeding pond. Newts were tested at night in an outdoor circular arena that provided an unimpeded view of celestial cues, in one of four symmetrical alignments of an earth-strength magnetic field. In tests carried out under partly cloudy skies newts exhibited homeward magnetic compass orientation. Because the moon was visible in some trials, but obscured by clouds in others, we investigated whether the presence of the moon contributed to the scatter in the distribution of magnetic bearings. When the moon was visible, the distribution of magnetic bearings was more scattered than when the moon was obscured by clouds, although in neither case was the distribution significant due, in part, to the small sample sizes. Moreover, when the moon was visible, newts oriented along a bimodal axis perpendicular to the moon azimuth, suggesting that the presence of the moon may have affected the newts behavior. To provide a more rigorous test of the role of magnetic compass cues when celestial cues were unavailable, nocturnal tests were carried out during the following migratory season under total overcast. In the absence of celestial compass cues, the distribution of magnetic bearings exhibited highly significant orientation in the homeward direction. These findings indicate that newts are able to orient in the homeward direction at night using the magnetic compass as the sole source of directional information. Moon light altered the newts behavior. However, this apparently resulted from the asymmetrical distribution of moon light in the testing arena, rather than the use of an alternative compass.  相似文献   

Summary The process by which the foragers build up a foraging system between the nest hole and the food source, starting from an initial random distribution, was investigated under conditions of both light and dark in the laboratory.The extent to which trail pheromone is used can be determined by observing the abdominal position of workers moving outside the nest and can be classified into three categories, namely no trail-laying, marking and directional trail-laying.When workers of this species emerge from the nest hole into light emitted from a certain direction they orientate photo-menotactically. First, they mark the area around the nest hole, moving in small loops; they then make larger exploratory loops without trail-laying. Once they find a source of food they return directly to the immediate vicinity of the nest hole. As the area around the hole has already been marked it is easy for the termites to locate the hole. When a piece of food has been deposited by the hole the termites display directional trail-laying behaviour by leaving a trail in the direction of the source of food, this trail being stronger nearer the nest and decreasing as it approaches its goal. Inexperienced explorers are biased in this direction with a statistically higher frequency. If successful they join in the foraging and repeatedly contribute to the trail, which then gradually brings together most of the foraging population.In darkness exploratory loops are made with continuous marking, always returning to the nest hole, whereby a scent gradient decreasing away from the hole is formed. Once a source of food has been discovered the termites are neither able to return directly to the nest hole nor to return along their outward marking trail. They leave marking trails making exploratory loops from the food source with successively increasing radii. Another scent gradient, decreasing outwards from the food, is created. If the termite reaches the increasing scent around the nest hole from the decreasing scent around the food source it will locate the hole chemotactically. As other food finders repeatedly cross from one field to the other the scents will combine and become concentrated, thus forming a foraging path.  相似文献   

Communication of feeding locations is widespread in social animals. Many ants use pheromone trails to guide nestmates to food sources, but trail properties and how they are used vary. The ant Pheidole oxyops retrieves prey cooperatively using multiple workers. The recruited workers are guided to the prey by a pheromone trail laid by the initial discoverer. In comparison to other ants, this trail has extreme properties. Despite being laid by just one ant, freshly laid trails are followed very accurately (84.4?% correct choices at a bifurcation), but decay in only 5–7?min. This extreme accuracy and short duration probably reflect adaptations to underlying differences in feeding ecology. In particular, P. oxyops needs to rapidly recruit nestmates to a precise location in a competitive environment. Rapid decay combined with a natural walking speed of 1.4?m/min should set an upper limit of 4?m (an 8-m round trip) on recruitment range. However, experimentally placed food items up to 8?m from the nest entrance were cooperatively retrieved. This greater range is due to the trail having a dual recruitment role. It not only recruits from the nest but also intercepts ants already outside the nest, causing them to join the trail. Seventy-five per cent of ants joining the trail then followed it towards the food item. Even when direct recruitment from the nest was prevented, this secondary recruitment action resulted in seven times as many ants locating a food source than by chance discovery and in items being moved 46?% sooner.  相似文献   

Visual cues are important navigational tools for many solitary foraging insects. In addition to information provided by path integration, desert ants learn and use visual cues for homing back to their nest. In this study, we compared the visually based learning of two desert ant species: the North African Cataglyphis fortis and the Australian Melophorus bagoti, each of which lives in ecologically similar but visually different environments. In our experiment, ants’ choice performance was measured by training foragers in a channel system. We used a decision box with two visual stimuli during their homebound trips, with one of the stimuli always being the correct one that provided thoroughfare. To determine any habitat effects on learning, we examined intraspecific comparisons in C. fortis with different nest surroundings. The intraspecific comparison in C. fortis revealed no differences in learning the task. In general, C. fortis showed little learning in our task and the results were similar for ants from barren and cluttered environments. Overall, M. bagoti learned the task faster and had a higher level of accuracy than C. fortis. One explanation for this species-specific difference could be that the cluttered habitat of M. bagoti favours the evolution of visual associative learning more so than the plain habitat of C. fortis.  相似文献   

Animals pay opportunity costs when pursuing one of several mutually exclusive courses of action. We quantified the opportunity costs of conforming to the behaviour of others in foraging sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius), using an arena in which they were given the option of shoaling in one area or searching for food in another. Fish foraging in the absence of stimulus conspecifics found the prey patch sooner and spent longer exploiting it than those in trials where a stimulus shoal was present. Furthermore, in trials where the stimulus shoal exhibited feeding cues, subjects approached them sooner and spent more time shoaling with them, exploring less of the arena than in trials where the stimulus shoal exhibited no such cues. This suggests sensitivity not only to the mere presence of conspecifics, but also to the social information that they produce. We also saw that groups of focal fish, compared to single individuals, were less influenced by the stimulus shoal and explored more of the arena, a behaviour that may be attributed to facilitation, competition or both. Such opportunity costs are likely to be offset by benefits such as reduced predation risk, and we discuss this in terms of the trade-offs associated with living in groups.  相似文献   

This study investigates the recruitment communication mechanisms of a stingless bee, Melipona panamica, whose foragers can evidently communicate the three-dimensional location of a good food source. To determine if the bees communicate location information inside or outside the nest, we conducted removal experiments by training marked foragers to one of two identical feeders and then separating these experienced foragers from potential recruits as they left the nest. The feeders were positioned to test the communication of each dimension. The results show that recruits do not simply follow experienced foragers to the food source. Height and distance are communicated within the nest, while direction is communicated outside the nest. We then examined the pulsed sounds produced by recruiting foragers. While unloading food, recruiting foragers produced several short pulses and one or more very long pulses. On average, the longest unloading pulse per performance was 31–50% longer (P ≤ 0.018) for bees foraging on the forest floor than for bees foraging at the top of the forest canopy (40 m high). While dancing, recruiting foragers produced sound pulses whose duration was positively correlated with the distance to the food source (P < 0.001). Dancing recruiters also produced several short sound pulses followed by one or more long pulses. The longest dance pulse per performance was 291 ± 194 ms for a feeder 25 m from the nest and 1858 ± 923 ms for a feeder 360 m away from the nest. The mechanism of directional communication remains a mystery. However, the direction removal experiment demonstrates that newcomers cannot use forager-deposited scent marks for long-distance orientation (>100 m from the nest). Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 31 May 1998  相似文献   

A swarm of honeybees provides a striking example of an animal group performing a synchronized departure for a new location; in this case, thousands of bees taking off at once to fly to a new home. However, the means by which this is achieved remain unclear. Shortly before takeoff, one hears a crescendo of a high-pitched mechanical signal—worker piping—so we explored the role of this signal in coordinating a swarm’s mass takeoff. Specifically, we examined whether exclusively nest site scouts produce the worker piping signal or whether it is produced in a relay or chain reaction fashion. We found no evidence that bees other than the scouts that have visited the swarm’s chosen nest site produce piping signals. This absence of relay communication in piping suggests that it is a signal that only primes swarms for takeoff and that the release of takeoff is triggered by some other signal or cue; perhaps the takeoff of bees on the swarm periphery as they reach flight temperature in response to piping.  相似文献   

Research on consistent individual differences in behavior, or “behavioral syndromes”, continues to grow rapidly, and yet, the aspects of behavior under consideration have remained remarkably limited. Here, we consider individual variation in consistency of choice (termed here “choosiness”), as expressed during habitat choice. We repeatedly tested the responses of female Western Black Widows, Latrodectus hesperus, to two cues of habitat quality: prey chemical cues and variation in web site illuminance. We estimated females’ response by the distance they positioned themselves from (1) the source of prey chemical cues and (2) the darkest edge of our test arena. Individuals with low variance in their responses are deemed more “choosy”, whereas individuals with high variance are deemed less “choosy”. Generally, most females initiated web construction near the source of the prey chemical cues and tended to place themselves in low-light conditions. However, we detected strong, repeatable differences in females’ intensity of response, and within-individual variance of response (i.e., choosiness) was correlated across situations: females with highly consistent responses towards cricket chemical cues also exhibited highly consistent responses towards variation in light conditions. When deprived of food for extended periods, females were indistinguishable in their responses towards prey chemical cues, but tended to initiate web construction in brighter lighting conditions. Food-deprived females universally exhibited higher variance and diminished consistency in their responses (i.e., they were less choosy). Additionally, higher choosiness was associated with greater mass loss during choice trials, suggesting choosiness is energetically costly. Our results demonstrate that consistency of response to environmental cues is yet another element of behavior that varies among individuals and variation in choosiness could beget speed/quality trade-offs during animal decision making.  相似文献   

The social environment can exert a powerful influence on the expression of an individual’s behaviour patterns. For example, social facilitation occurs where individuals are more likely to express a given behaviour, or express it a greater rate, in the presence of conspecifics. Social facilitation is partly driven by an individual’s perception of risk, which is a function both of the size of its social group and the information that it gathers relating to predator activity and risk. Here I tested the effects of social group size (one, two, four, eight or 16 fish) and the presence of ‘social’, ‘predation’ or ‘neutral’ chemical cues (derived respectively from live conspecifics, injured conspecifics or a blank water control) on the exploratory behaviour of juvenile mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in a novel environment. Focal fish in larger groups explored a greater proportion of the arena during the course of the experiment, demonstrating social facilitation of exploration. After 4 h in the arena, focal fish in all group sizes showed significantly reduced swimming activity, suggesting that the initial faster swimming activity of fish on entry to the arena may be in response to the motivation to explore. The presence of predation cues in the environment had the effect of reducing exploratory behaviour across groups in a novel environment, whereas social cues had no effect on exploratory behaviour. Taken as a whole, these results suggest that there is a high degree of context dependency in the expression of exploratory behaviour, with a strong influence of both the presence of conspecifics and cues relating to potential danger.  相似文献   

Summary Allegheny wood rats (Neotoma floridana magister) are occasionally found beyond the light penetration zone in caves. The means of orientation used by cave-trapped rats were studied using a radial maze and double-platform jumping tasks. The effects of various sensory manipulations upon their performances were evaluated, including visual deprivation, reversible deafening, control of chemical cues, and vibrissae trimming. The rats performed best when visible light was available, but they were able to do the tasks in the absence of light as long as their hearing was intact. Manipulation of other sensory cues had no effect. Intact animals seldom produced sounds when ambient sounds were available, but when these were very soft they did produce nonvical sounds. It appears that these cave-dwelling wood rats use acoustic means of orientation in the dark and that they are able to use some environmental sounds when these are available.  相似文献   

Upon leaving the hive, foragers carry a small amount of honey, which they subsequently consume to generate energy for flight. We investigated the relationship between waggle-phase duration and crop volume in foragers (both dancers and dance followers) leaving the hive. Our findings indicate that these variables were positively correlated in the two types of bee, suggesting that they were able to adjust the amount of food that they carry depending on the distance to a food source. We also found that dance followers left the hive with a larger amount of honey than dancers. We suggest two possible explanations: (1) dance followers have less information about the location of the food source than dancers, who have a better knowledge of the surrounding area; or (2) honeybees lack a precise calibration method for estimating energy needs from waggle-run duration. The effect of foraging experience was confirmed: bees decreased their honey load at departure with repeated trips to a sugar-syrup feeder. Honeybees showed a different pattern of change when the feeder provided soybean flour as a pollen substitute, possibly because honeybees use honey not only as an energy source but also as “glue” to form “balls” of pollen on their hind legs. Based on our observations that followers of sugar-syrup foragers carry a different amount of honey in their crop than followers of soybean-followers, we suggest that waggle dancers also convey information concerning food type.  相似文献   

Chemical and visual sources of information are used by aquatic prey during risk assessment. Here, we test the behavioral response of littoral prey fish to combinations of chemical alarm cues (skin extract) and the visual presence of a fish shoal. We scented minnow traps with either alarm cues or water (control) placed inside the trap, a jar that contained either a fish shoal or nothing (control), and recorded the number and species of fish captured. We predicted that chemical alarm cues would reduce the number of fish captured and that a fish shoal would increase the number of fish captured. The predicted effect of chemical and visual cues combined depended on the nature of the interaction. We found that the lowest catch rate was for the combination of alarm cue + no shoal, but the highest catch rate occurred for the combination of alarm cue + shoal. Fish shoal + water had the second highest catch rate and no shoal + water had the second lowest catch rate. We conclude that chemical alarm cues induce area avoidance in the absence of a shoal, but a strong behavioral proclivity to increase shoal cohesion in the presence of a shoal. The presence of a shoal in the traps induced alarmed fish to shoal with them and thus, enter the traps. This occurred even though traps were the source of the alarm cue.Communicated by A. Mathis  相似文献   

The function of the vibration signal of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) during house hunting was investigated by removing vibrating bees from swarms and examining the effects on waggle dancing for nest sites, liftoff preparations and swarm movement. We compared house hunting among three swarm types: (1) test swarms (from which vibrating bees were removed), (2) manipulated control (MC) swarms (from which randomly selected workers and some waggle dancers were removed), and (3) unmanipulated control (UC) swarms (from which no bees were removed). The removal of vibrating bees had pronounced effects on liftoff preparations and swarm movement. Compared to the MC and UC swarms, the test swarms had significantly greater liftoff-preparation periods, were more likely to abort liftoff attempts, and in some cases were unable to move to the chosen site after the swarm became airborne. However, the three swarm types did not differ in overall levels of waggle dance activity, the time required to achieve consensus for a nest site, the rate at which new waggle dancers were recruited for the chosen site, or the ability to maintain levels of worker piping necessary to prepare for flight. The removal of vibrating bees may therefore have altered liftoff behavior because of a direct effect on vibration signal activity. A primary function of the signal during house hunting may be to generate a level of activity in workers that enhances and coordinates responses to other signals that stimulate departure and movement to a new location.Communicated by R. Page  相似文献   

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