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Summary While there is a burgeoning literature on national approaches to environmental policy and programmes, much less interest thus far has been shown in the role of local government. However, the State of Victoria in Australia, in the period 1988–1990, took a world lead in encouraging local municipalities to formulate Local Conservation Strategies (LCSs) with a high level of citizen input. The paper places this programme initiative in context and reports on the results of consultations and workshops with local Municipal Conservation Officers who have been in the front line in terms of developing and implementing LCSs in that State. In particular, the paper explores the process of LCS formulation and highlights some of the benefits and problems with the programme so far.Dr David Mercer is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Science at Monash University, Melbourne. His major research interest is Australian environmental policy. Dr Meg Keen's research interests are in environmental education and management.  相似文献   

It is noted that nature conservation has gained progressively in importance as a planning issue. The paper reports on the role of the Nature Conservancy Council, and in particular their Assistant Regional Officers, in consulting over the production of local plans. Local plan policies may assist valuably in the protection of important sites, although sympathetic planning authorities can also assist nature conservation in a variety of other ways. Sustained and systematic liaison with planning authorities is necessary for nature conservation to become a substantive local plan issue.  相似文献   

Extensive losses of semi‐natural rural biotopes have led to pressures for conservation and habitat creation. Of particular concern is the loss of large‐scale structure and regional distinctiveness. If this is to be regained, planners will require both an effective body of theory relating to large‐scale visual and ecological cohesion, and effective methods of implementation. This study reviews the value of landscape ecology as a theoretical framework and discusses some applications, with particular reference to the re‐forestation of lowland Britain.  相似文献   

The country parks programme and countryside conservation in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Urban and agricultural developments in Hong Kong are intensive and spatially concentrated in a quarter of the land, leaving a sizeable area of hilly countryside with unrestricted access, relatively empty and unspoilt. Care for this common heritage, in the past, focused on afforestation of the denuded hillslopes especially in reservoir catchments. The remaining parts, covered by grasses and shrubs, hardly received attention. The rapid population growth, urban encroachment and unplanned recreational use, threatened to engulf and ruin the countryside from the 1960s. A country parks programme was initiated belatedly in 1972, and was rapidly accomplished, so that in 1979 40 percent of the land was designated. The parks are broadly divided into high-intensity recreation, low-intensity recreation, and conservation zones. The programme has been successful in encouraging informal outdoor recreation, but has also engendered environmental problems which contradict the principal conservation goal. The overuse of sites and footpaths causes soil and vegetation damage. Hill fires, ignited by, and widely dispersed litter, left by, irresponsible and careless visitors, are additional forces of degradation. Long-term management should aim at containing these problems and plan for the anticipated changing recreational demands in the future.Dr C. Y. Jim is a lecturer in biogeography and soil science at the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This paper takes a close look at communication, process, power and institutional arrangements in the context of strategic planning. It introduces an eight step process for structuring strategic thinking and acting and develops the concept of “arenas” as a very influential — yet often very subtle — exercise of power over the course of a strategic planning process.  相似文献   

Summary The State Council of China has adopted Agenda 21for China and biodiversity conservation is one plank of its agenda for China's sustainable development. This paper offers a brief discussion of China's White Paper on Agenda 21 and examines, as a case study, the problem of sustaining biological diversity in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan. This area is rated as one of megadiversity, and therefore, as one deserving a high priority for conservation purposes. After discussing the general socio-economic obstacles to biodiversity conservation in Xishuangbanna, the article outlines the types of strategies adopted in China for reducing pressures of local communities on biodiversity and nature conservation. China's preferred strategy for easing pressures on biodiversity conservation in nature reserves is to improve economic opportunities outside of the reserves and raise the income levels of people living in the neighbourhood of the reserves. This approach has been adopted in Xishuangbanna and there are plans to extend it. Community development projects such as agroforestry, joint ventures in tourism and so on are being encouraged. Mechanisms for selecting suitable community development projectse.g. using rapid rural appraisal (RRA), are considered. Without economic development at the local level, plans for biodiversity conservation are unlikely to succeed in China or for that matter elsewhere in the developing world.Dr Clem Tisdell is Professor and Head of Department of Economics at the University of Queensland. Zhu Xiang may be contacted at The World Bank Loan Project, Ministry of Forestry, Beijing 100714, PR of China. This paper represents a revised version of an article presented to the International Conference: China's Economy Towards 2000, held at La Trobe University, Melbourne, 14–15 February 1995.  相似文献   

In Scotland, land use planning decisions have been aided by a series of National Planning Guidelines published over a period of nearly 20 years. The Guidelines represent a distinctive contribution to planning practice and have enabled the Scottish Office to inform local authorities of governmental policy on key land use issues. The Guidelines have been accompanied by Land Use Summary Sheets, providing assessments of specific land resources, and Circulars setting down ministerial policy. These instruments have attracted considerable interest outwith Scotland and their future development is also of wider significance. Current proposals seek to change these arrangements and, in particular, to replace the Guidelines with National Planning Policy Guidelines. The effects of the proposed changes are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines some problems concerning the present global environmental status, and looks at the principal concepts, aims and objectives of nature conservation. Reference is made to the State of Alagoas in Brazil in relation to its leading environmental problems and the government's efforts to address the situation. The main stumbling-blocks to conservation achievements in Alagoas are also explored.  相似文献   


Risks and futures methods have complementary strengths as tools for managing strategic decisions under uncertainty. When combined, these tools increase organisational competency to evaluate and manage long-term risks, improving the flexibility and agility of the organisation to deal with gross uncertainties. Here, we set out a framework to guide the assessment of strategic risks for long-term business planning, based on its application at Portugal’s largest water utility, Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres. Our approach extends strategic risk assessment by incorporating scenario planning—a futures approach used to help the utility move beyond single point forecast of risks to focus on critical dimensions of uncertainty that are fundamental to the resilience of corporate objectives and their vulnerability to external pressures. We demonstrate how we combine two complementary approaches—risk and futures—and use them to assess (i) how a set of baseline strategic risks for a water utility evolves under alternative futures, (ii) the aggregate corporate-level risk exposure, and (iii) the process and responses needed to manage multiple, interdependent strategic risks. The framework offers a corporate approach to evolving strategic risks and improves a utility’s (i) knowledge of uncertainties, (ii) ability to assess the impacts of external developments over long time horizons and the consequences of actions and (iii) degree of flexibility to adapt to possible future challenges. The framework supports risk managers in their long-term strategic planning, through the appraisal and management of multiple, interdependent long-term strategic risks and can be replicated in other organisational contexts to bridge operational and corporate perspectives of enterprise risk.


Summary This paper draws the attention to the major threats to nature conservation in Nigeria, and reviews critically the measures adopted for the protection of wildlife. The major problems include habitat degradation (through uncontrolled logging, agricultural projects, industrial plantations, highway and urban development, and exploitation for fuelwood), over-hunting and poachingSteps taken so far to protect wildlife include the creation of one national park and eighteen game reserves, enactment of wildlife laws, signing of international treaties, and manpower development. These measures have however failed to produce the desired effect owing largely to public apathy, low level of funding, inadequate game laws and weak enforcement of existing legal provisions.It is suggested that the Federal Government should intervene more positively in favour of conservation by creating more national parks and assuming joint responsibility with the states for formulating wildlife laws. Furthermore, the role of non-governmental organizations in influencing conservation policies and mobilizing public opinion will be crucial in the difficult years ahead.Dr. P. A. Anadu, although recently on secondment to the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK; is currently on the staff of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife in the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Benin.  相似文献   

Current planning policy places increased emphasis on the protection of the natural environment. The negotiation of planning agreements between local authorities and developers has emerged as one route through which the private sector has sought to compensate for the loss of environmental resources arising from development. We argue that the utilization of conservation gain mirrors the valuation procedures for public goods found within cost — benefit techniques, which may be inappropriate for the treatment of natural environmental systems. The paper examines the negotiation of these gains from the perspective of different actors in the land development process. Both quantitative and interview material from four local planning authorities are used. The paper concludes by considering the scope for a broader use of conservation gain.  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity is an important issue world wide and in Australia the maintenance of native biodiversity on farms makes an important contribution to overall conservation objectives. This paper seeks to explain Australian farmers' rationale for maintaining biodiversity on their farms for personal as opposed to business reasons by developing a decision-systems theory from in-depth interviews. This difference has implications for policy development. The decision-systems theory is divided into two main sections. The first section contains five parts. (1) A hierarchy of motivation stories, (2) the concept of suitability and availability of opportunities, (3) a hierarchy of three decision-systems, (4) the concept of personal career paths, (5) the concept of Lenses. The second section contains one part, a policy classification system called 'boxes of influence' that suggests how policy developers can use the information in the first section to develop new biodiversity conservation policy. The paper suggests that decision-systems theory could be used to shed new light on current trends in agriculture and become an important investigative tool for policy development concerning the conservation of biodiversity on farms.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the functioning of regional innovation networks (RINs) in the Netherlands. RINs are designed to achieve sustainable and socially acceptable regional economic development. By focusing on inter-human processes, the study aimed to gain more and deeper insights into the nature, the workings, the potential and the limitations of RINs in processes of innovation. An important insight from the study concerns the role of governments in RINs. Although the intention of the central government was to experiment with a fully bottom-up process, all RINs were eager to involve the government at different levels, at different times and for different purposes.  相似文献   

There is evidence that contact with the natural environment and green space promotes good health. It is also well known that participation in regular physical activity generates physical and psychological health benefits. The authors have hypothesised that ‘green exercise’ will improve health and psychological well-being, yet few studies have quantified these effects. This study measured the effects of 10 green exercise case studies (including walking, cycling, horse-riding, fishing, canal-boating and conservation activities) in four regions of the UK on 263 participants. Even though these participants were generally an active and healthy group, it was found that green exercise led to a significant improvement in self-esteem and total mood disturbance (with anger-hostility, confusion-bewilderment, depression-dejection and tension-anxiety all improving post-activity). Self-esteem and mood were found not to be affected by the type, intensity or duration of the green exercise, as the results were similar for all 10 case studies. Thus all these activities generated mental health benefits, indicating the potential for a wider health and well-being dividend from green exercise. Green exercise thus has important implications for public and environmental health, and for a wide range of policy sectors.  相似文献   

Spatial planning typically involves multiple stakeholders. To any specific planning problem, stakeholders often bring different levels of knowledge about the components of the problem and make assumptions, reflecting their individual experiences, that yield conflicting views about desirable planning outcomes. Consequently, stakeholders need to learn about the likely outcomes that result from their stated preferences; this learning can be supported through enhanced access to information, increased public participation in spatial decision-making and support for distributed collaboration amongst planners, stakeholders and the public. This paper presents a conceptual system framework for web-based GIS that supports public participation in collaborative planning. The framework combines an information area, a Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support System (MC-SDSS) and an argumentation map to support distributed and asynchronous collaboration in spatial planning. After analysing the novel aspects of this framework, the paper describes its implementation, as a proof of concept, in a system for Web-based Participatory Wind Energy Planning (WePWEP). Details are provided on the specific implementation of each of WePWEP's four tiers, including technical and structural aspects. Throughout the paper, particular emphasis is placed on the need to support user learning throughout the planning process.  相似文献   

Polaroid Corporation is committed to a policy of respect for the environment. Each division is charged with responsibility to achieve environmental goals for compliance, toxic use and waste reduction, and community outreach. This article shows how a major manufacturing division is now striving to meet new compliance demands by combining strategic planning and Total Quality techniques.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution and degradation of ecosystems considerably affect the natural resources. The Turkish Government is aware of the importance of the preservation of natural ecology and thereby the environmental conservation of many species in their natural habitat. This paper provides critical assessments of the problems and possible solutions in the identification, implementation and management of the Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) system by giving basic information about stakeholders and their responsibilities that currently offer nature conservation in Turkey. The goals of the article are to analyze how the SPAs interface with the local people, especially the villagers who have dwelt there before SPA designation and how people-SPA conflicts resolved; to show how effective the SPA conservation objectives have been; to outline the significance of informing and empowering people in nature conservation for the protected area management and to show the importance of planning at all levels during protection of the natural, archeological and cultural values of the SPAs.  相似文献   

The success of river and lake basin development and management is rooted in the knowledge of its resources, both physical and human. Within the framework of an integrated basin plan, each economic sector depends on the adequacy of such data for its individual development. The management and conservation of the basin itself in turn depends on knowing the requirements of those sectors and their probable impact on each other and on the status of the basin's resources, its ecology and environment. The development of African river basin resources is subject to various constraints, some for physical and climatic reasons, others tied to socio-cultural characteristics and the priorities of national economies. These are reflected in financial, manpower and institutional limitations, problems of finding technologies suited to specific local conditions and concern for human health. The scale and complexity of river basin development make it difficult to predict precise outcomes of planned proposals, but a progressive approach which links long-term activities with achievable, shorter term production projects offers prospects for ultimate success.  相似文献   

The British Government is proposing a new system of single‐tier development plans for England and Wales, with clear implications for the strategic level of planning. This paper considers a proposal by the Committee of Inquiry into Town and Country Planning set up by the Nuffield Foundation, for a revised strategic planning network which includes a ‘local strategy’. The paper considers the lessons to be drawn from the use of regional reports in Scotland since the early 1970s and concludes on a note of caution for the Government's proposals.  相似文献   

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