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Scenario-based land surface temperature (LST) modeling is a powerful tool for adopting proper urban land use planning policies. In this study, using greater Isfahan as a case study, the artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm was utilized to explore the non-linear relationships between urban LST and green cover spatial patterns derived from Landsat 8 OLI imagery. The model was calibrated using two sets of variables: Normalized Difference Built Index (NDBI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Furthermore, Compact Development Scenario (CDS) and Green Development Scenario (GDS) were defined. The results showed that GDS is more successful in mitigating urban LST (mean LST?=?40.93) compared to CDS (mean LST?=?44.88). In addition, urban LST retrieved from the CDS was more accurate in terms of ANOVA significance (sig?=?0.043) than the GDS (sig?=?0.010). The findings of this study suggest that developing green spaces is a key strategy to combat against the risk of LST concerns in urban areas.  相似文献   

Soil specific surface area (SSA) is an important property of soil. Depending on the measurement techniques, determination of the SSA is costly and time consuming. Hence, a limited number of studies have been conducted to predict the SSA from the soil variables. In this study, the soil samples were taken from the literature. Fractal parameters (FP) were calculated by the model of Bird et al. (European Journal of Soil Science 51, 55–63, 2000) used as the input variables to predict the SSA. Some studies have been carried out on the prediction capability of the different parameters using the artificial neural networks (ANNs). The ANNs were further used and 20 models were developed to investigate the value of input variables to predict the SSA. The results showed that the PTF13 (RMSE?=?0.13) and PTF18 (RMSE?=?0.13) with the input variables of particle-size distribution and Atterberg limits revealed better performance than the other PTFs (in the training step). It is because of the fact that free swelling index (FSI) and Atterberg limits were closely correlated to the soil clay mineralogy as one of the important factors controlling the SSA. In general, this results demonstrated that the PTF9 with the variables of sand, clay, plastic limit (PL), liquid limit (LL), and FSI showed the best (RMSE?=?0.37) results in the estimation of the SSA. In conclusion, there was not a strong correlation between the soil mechanical properties and SSA but also ANNs were a suitable method to predict the SSA from the soil variables.  相似文献   

Soil salinity in the Aral Sea Basin is one of the major limiting factors of sustainable crop production. Leaching of the salts before planting season is usually a prerequisite for crop establishment and predetermined water amounts are applied uniformly to fields often without discerning salinity levels. The use of predetermined water amounts for leaching perhaps partly emanate from the inability of conventional soil salinity surveys (based on collection of soil samples, laboratory analyses) to generate timely and high-resolution salinity maps. This paper has an objective to estimate the spatial distribution of soil salinity based on readily or cheaply obtainable environmental parameters (terrain indices, remote sensing data, distance to drains, and long-term groundwater observation data) using a neural network model. The farm-scale (∼15 km2) results were used to upscale soil salinity to a district area (∼300 km2). The use of environmental attributes and soil salinity relationships to upscale the spatial distribution of soil salinity from farm to district scale resulted in the estimation of essentially similar average soil salinity values (estimated 0.94 vs. 1.04 dS m−1). Visual comparison of the maps suggests that the estimated map had soil salinity that was uniform in distribution. The upscaling proved to be satisfactory; depending on critical salinity threshold values, around 70–90% of locations were correctly estimated.  相似文献   

Concentrations of outdoor radon-222 (222Rn) in temperate grazed peatland and deciduous forest in northwestern Turkey were measured, compared, and modeled using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and multiple nonlinear regression (MNLR) models. The best-performing multilayer perceptron model selected out of 28 ANNs considerably enhanced accuracy metrics in emulating 222Rn concentrations relative to the MNLR model. The two ecosystems had similar diel patterns with the lowest 222Rn concentrations in the afternoon and the highest ones near dawn. Mean level (5.1?+?2.5 Bq?m?3 h?1) of 222Rn in the forest was three times smaller than that (15.8?+?9.7 Bq?m?3) of 222Rn in the peatland. Mean 222Rn level had negative and positive relationships with air temperature and relative humidity, respectively.  相似文献   

Hyrcanian forests of North of Iran are of great importance in terms of various economic and environmental aspects. In this study, Spot-6 satellite images and regression models were applied to estimate above-ground biomass in these forests. This research was carried out in six compartments in three climatic (semi-arid to humid) types and two altitude classes. In the first step, ground sampling methods at the compartment level were used to estimate aboveground biomass (Mg/ha). Then, by reviewing the results of other studies, the most appropriate vegetation indices were selected. In this study, three indices of NDVI, RVI, and TVI were calculated. We investigated the relationship between the vegetation indices and aboveground biomass measured at sample-plot level. Based on the results, the relationship between aboveground biomass values and vegetation indices was a linear regression with the highest level of significance for NDVI in all compartments. Since at the compartment level the correlation coefficient between NDVI and aboveground biomass was the highest, NDVI was used for mapping aboveground biomass. According to the results of this study, biomass values were highly different in various climatic and altitudinal classes with the highest biomass value observed in humid climate and high-altitude class.  相似文献   

The international marine ecological safety monitoring demonstration station in the Yellow Sea was developed as a collaborative project between China and Russia. It is a nonprofit technical workstation designed as a facility for marine scientific research for public welfare. By undertaking long-term monitoring of the marine environment and automatic data collection, this station will provide valuable information for marine ecological protection and disaster prevention and reduction. The results of some initial research by scientists at the research station into predictive modeling of marine ecological environments and early warning are described in this paper. Marine ecological processes are influenced by many factors including hydrological and meteorological conditions, biological factors, and human activities. Consequently, it is very difficult to incorporate all these influences and their interactions in a deterministic or analysis model. A prediction model integrating a time series prediction approach with neural network nonlinear modeling is proposed for marine ecological parameters. The model explores the natural fluctuations in marine ecological parameters by learning from the latest observed data automatically, and then predicting future values of the parameter. The model is updated in a “rolling” fashion with new observed data from the monitoring station. Prediction experiments results showed that the neural network prediction model based on time series data is effective for marine ecological prediction and can be used for the development of early warning systems.  相似文献   

In this study a large dataset on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content of Swiss soils was analysed to evaluate two source apportionment tools, i.e., characteristic PAH ratios/molecular markers and a linear mixing model. Population density and total organic carbon (TOC) content were identified by a multiple regression model as independently and positively influencing the PAH concentrations in Swiss background soil. Specifically, TOC was more strongly positively correlated with the sum of light PAH (naphthalene to phenanthrene) than with the sum of heavy PAH (anthracene to benzo[ghj]perylene), whereas population density was more strongly positively correlated with the sum of heavy PAH than with light PAH. In addition, the sum of the heavy PAH as well as the total sum correlated negatively with sample site altitude. It is therefore hypothesised that heavy PAH are less mobile, whereas light PAH were closer to equilibrium with TOC in the soil. Similar results were found for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). The characteristic ratios and molecular markers pointed to pyrogenic origin of PAH in Swiss background soil but did not allow for further differentiation of individual fuel contributions, even though attempts to take environmental fractionation processes into account were made. The comparison of three soil profiles identified with a linear mixing model from the pattern of 16 PAH with >300 PAH emission profiles from the literature suggested urban dust, wood combustion and binders from asphalt as PAH sources. However, also here, environmental fractionation processes probably obscured source characteristic PAH ratios and fingerprints, which thus need to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to establish a turbidity forecasting model as well as an early-warning system for turbidity management using rainfall records as the input variables. The Taipei Water Source Domain was employed as the study area, and ANOVA analysis showed that the accumulative rainfall records of 1-day Ping-lin, 2-day Ping-lin, 2-day Fei-tsui, 2-day Shi-san-gu, 2-day Tai-pin and 2-day Tong-hou were the six most significant parameters for downstream turbidity development. The artificial neural network model was developed and proven capable of predicting the turbidity concentration in the investigated catchment downstream area. The observed and model-calculated turbidity data were applied to developing the turbidity early-warning system. Using a previously determined turbidity as the threshold, the rainfall criterion, above which the downstream turbidity would possibly exceed this respective threshold turbidity, for the investigated rain gauge stations was determined. An exemplary illustration demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed turbidity early-warning system as a precautionary alarm of possible significant increase of downstream turbidity. This study is the first report of the establishment of the turbidity early-warning system. Hopefully, this system can be applied to source water turbidity forecasting during storm events and provide a useful reference for subsequent adjustment of drinking water treatment operation.  相似文献   

For monitoring and controlling the extent and intensity of an invasive species, a direct multi-date image classification method was applied in invasive species (salt cedar) change detection in the study area of Lovelock, Nevada. With multidate Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) hyperspectral data sets, two types of hyperspectral CASI input data and two classifiers have been examined and compared for mapping and monitoring the salt cedar change. The two types of input data are all two-date original CASI bands and 12 principal component images (PCs) derived from the two-date CASI images. The two classifiers are an artificial neural network (ANN) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The experimental results indicate that (1) the direct multitemporal image classification method applied in land cover change detection is feasible either with original CASI bands or PCs, but a better accuracy was obtained from the CASI PCA transformed data; (2) with the same inputs of 12 PCs, the ANN outperforms the LDA due to the ANN’s non-linear property and ability of handling data without a prerequisite of a certain distribution of the analysis data.  相似文献   

Eco-environment quality evaluation is an important research theme in environment management. In the present study, Fuzhou city in China was selected as a study area and a limited number of 222 sampling field sites were first investigated in situ with the help of a GPS device. Every sampling site was assessed by ecological experts and given an Eco-environment Background Value (EBV) based on a scoring and ranking system. The higher the EBV, the better the ecological environmental quality. Then, three types of eco-environmental attributes that are physically-based and easily-quantifiable at a grid level were extracted: (1) remote sensing derived attributes (vegetation index, wetness index, soil brightness index, surface land temperature index), (2) meteorological attributes (annual temperature and annual precipitation), and (3) terrain attribute (elevation). A Back Propagation (BP) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was proposed for the EBV validation and prediction. A three-layer BP ANN model was designed to automatically learn the internal relationship using a training set of known EBV and eco-environmental attributes, followed by the application of the model for predicting EBV values across the whole study area. It was found that the performance of the BP ANN model was satisfactory and capable of an overall prediction accuracy of 82.4%, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.801 in the validation. The evaluation results showed that the eco-environmental quality of Fuzhou city is considered as satisfactory. Through analyzing the spatial correlation between the eco-environmental quality and land uses, it was found that the best eco-environmental areas were related to forest lands, whereas the urban area had the relatively worst eco-environmental quality. Human activities are still considered as a major impact on the eco-environmental quality in this area.  相似文献   

The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are the largest snow/ice-free regions on this vast continent, comprising 1 % of the land mass. Due to harsh environmental conditions, the valleys are bereft of any vegetation. Land surface temperature is a key determinate of microclimate and a driver for sensible and latent heat fluxes of the surface. The Dry Valleys have been the focus of ecological studies as they arguably provide the simplest trophic structure suitable for modelling. In this paper, we employ a validation method for land surface temperatures obtained from Landsat 7 ETM + imagery and compared with in situ land surface temperature data collected from four transects totalling 45 iButtons. A single meteorological station was used to obtain a better understanding of daily and seasonal cycles in land surface temperatures. Results show a good agreement between the iButton and the Landsat 7 ETM + product for clear sky cases. We conclude that Landsat 7 ETM + derived land surface temperatures can be used at broad spatial scales for ecological and meteorological research.  相似文献   

When a domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWWTP) is put into operation, variations of the wastewater quantity and quality must be predicted using mathematical models to assist in operating the wastewater treatment plant such that the treated effluent will be controlled and meet discharge standards. In this study, three types of gray model (GM) including GM (1, N), GM (1, 1), and rolling GM (1, 1) were used to predict the effluent biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and suspended solids (SS) from the DWWTP of conventional activated sludge process. The predicted results were compared with those obtained using backpropagation neural network (BPNN). The simulation results indicated that the minimum mean absolute percentage errors of 43.79%, 16.21%, and 30.11% for BOD, COD, and SS could be achieved. The fitness was higher when using BPNN for prediction of BOD (34.77%), but it required a large quantity of data for constructing model. Contrarily, GM only required a small amount of data (at least four data) and the prediction results were analogous to those of BPNN, even lower than that of BPNN when predicting COD (16.21%) and SS (30.11%). According to the prediction, results suggested that GM could predict the domestic effluent variation when its effluent data were insufficient.  相似文献   

The invasive species Spartina alterniflora and native species Phragmites australis display a significant co-occurrence zonation pattern and this co-exist region exerts most competitive situations between these two species, competing for the limited space, directly influencing the co-exist distribution in the future. However, these two species have different growth ratios in this area, which increase the difficulty to detect the distribution situation directly by remote sensing. As chlorophyll content is a key indicator of plant growth and physiological status, the objective of this study was to reduce the effect of interspecies competition when estimating Cab content; we evaluated 79 published representative indices to determine the optimal indices for estimating the chlorophyll a and b (Cab) content. After performing a sensitivity analysis for all 79 spectral indices, five spectral indices were selected and integrated using an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the Cab content of different competition ratios: the Gitelson ratio green index, the transformed chlorophyll absorption ratio index/optimized soil-adjusted vegetation index, the modified normalized difference vegetation index, the chlorophyll fluorescence index, and the Vogelmann chlorophyll index. The ANN method yielded better results (R 2 = 0.7110 and RMSE = 8.3829 μg cm?2) on average than the best single spectral index (R 2 = 0.6319 and RMSE = 9.3535 μg cm?2), representing an increase of 10.78% in R 2 and a decrease of 10.38% in RMSE. Our results indicated that integrating multiple vegetation indices with an ANN can alleviate the impact of interspecies competition and achieve higher estimation accuracy than the traditional approach using a single index.  相似文献   

The validity of a steady-state massbalance model (Arp et al., 1996; referred to asARP) was tested using physicochemical soil data fromthe Monitoring Acid Rain Youth Program (MARYP). FourARP sites were matched with ten MARYP sites accordingto proximity, bedrock type and subsoil pH to test thevalidity of the ARP model for critical loadexceedances. Soil solution pH, base concentration andAl concentration from MARYP sites, which were wellmatched to ARP sites, validated the modelled criticalload exceedances. Higher exceedance areas wereassociated with more acidic pH and lower base andhigher Al concentrations from matched MARYP sites andvice versa. One ARP site was inappropriately matchedwith MARYP sites and could not be validated using baseand Al concentrations. This study also confirmed thesouthern limit of the zero critical load exceedanceisopleth from the model. However, variability of theother exceedance isopleths was noted due to thelimited number of sites used in the model. Thevalidation of these sites in the ARP model and thezero critical load exceedance isopleth nonethelessallows greater confidence in using this model as amanagement tool for acidic deposition.  相似文献   

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