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Non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases are considered in Canada's National Report on Climate Change: Actions to Meet Commitments Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. By including all major greenhouse gases and their anthropogenic sources and sinks using best available science, the Report provides a practical illustration of the comprehensive approach policy to implementing the Convention's requirements. In addition to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion, the Report includes information on other sources and sinks for carbon dioxide, and for methane and nitrous oxide. Other gases considered include polyflourocarbons, hydroflourocarbons, and the primary tropospheric ozone precursors, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Current Global Warming Potential indices are used to compare and integrate the best estimates of climate change impacts of the major greenhouse gases. The presentation of emission data is intended to be transparent and comparable. The relative quality of the data for various gases and sources is indicated. The existence of environmental, economic, and other benefits to limiting emissions of all greenhouse gases, in addition to carbon dioxide, should be recognized. Continuing assessments and actions on non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions, both nationally and internationally, are suggested.  相似文献   

Measurements of ozone in the urban environment of Delhi were carried out at ground level and heights of 23m, 51m, 117m and 153m at four different sites synoptically during 1989–90. A considerable ozone build up was observed all over Delhi and a significant vertical variation in its concentration was observed at all sites. At any given time O3 levels were lowest at ground level and invariably increased with increasing distance from the ground.  相似文献   

The variability of pollutants is an important factor in determining human exposure to the chemicals. This study presents the result of investigation of variability of Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban area of Delhi, capital of India. Fifteen locations, in five categories namely residential, commercial, industrial, traffic intersections and petrol pump were monitored for one year every month during peak hours in morning and evening. Measurement focused on target VOCs as defined by USEPA. Variability was divided into measurement, spatial, temporal and temporal–spatial interaction components. Temporal component along with temporal–spatial interaction were found to be the major contributors to the variability of measured VOC concentrations. Need of continuous monitoring to capture short–term peak concentration and averages is evident.  相似文献   

The pollution levels in New Delhi from industrial, residential, and transportation sources are continuously growing. As one of the major pollutants, ground-level ozone is responsible for various adverse effects on both humans and foliage. The present study aims to predict daily ground-level ozone concentration maxima over a site situated in New Delhi through neural networks (NN) and multiple-regression (MR) analysis. Although these methodologies are case and site specific, they are being developed and used widely. Therefore, to test these methodologies for New Delhi where no such study is available for ground-level ozone, six models have been developed based on NNs and MR using the same input data set. The changes in the performance capability of the two methods are sensitive to the selection of input parameters. The results are encouraging, and remarkable improvements in the performance of the models have been observed.  相似文献   

Street dust was collected from five roads with different traffic volumes in the metropolitan area of Beijing and separated into five size fractions. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed on street dust in different size ranges and their correlation with specific surface area and total organic carbon (TOC) were investigated. Results show that the concentration of 16-PAHs of sieved samples ranges from 0.27 to 1.30 mg/kg for all the sampling sites. Particles smaller than 40 μm in diameter have the highest 16-PAHs concentration among all of the size ranges for street dust from the four sampling sites with vehicles running on. PAHs with three or four rings account for 68% of the overall 16-PAHs on average. Remarkable positive correlation exists between 16-PAHs concentration and specific surface area with R 2 values from 0.7 to 0.96 for the four sampling sites with vehicles running on. The relationship between the concentration of 16-PAHs and TOC is less clear.  相似文献   

The Gambia has successfully completed a national greenhouse gas emissions inventory based on the results of a study funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Global Environment Facility (GEF) Country Case Study Program. The concepts of multisectoral, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary collaboration were most useful in the preparation of this inventory. New data were gathered during the study period, some through regional collaboration with institutions such as Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA-TM) Energy Program and the Ecological Monitoring Center in Dakar, Senegal, and some through national surveys and the use of remote sensing techniques, as in the Bushfires Survey. Most of the data collected are used in this paper. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/International Energy Agency (IPCC/OECD/IEA) methodology is used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions. Many of the default data in the IPCC/OECD/IEA methodology have also been used. Overall results indicate that in the biomass sectors (agriculture, forestry, and land-use change) carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted most, with a total of 1.7 Tg. This is followed by methane (CH4), 22.3 Gg; carbon monoxide (CO), 18.7 Gg; nitrogen oxides (NOx), 0.3 Gg; and nitrous oxide (N2O), 0.014 Gg. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was used as an index to describe the relative effects of the various gases reported here. Based on the emissions in The Gambia in 1993, it was found that CO2 will contribute 75%, CH4 about 24.5%, and N2O 0.2% of the warming expected in the 100-year period beginning in 1993. The results in this analysis are limited by the shortcomings of the IPCC/OECD/IEA methodology and scarce national data. Because the methodology was developed outside of the developing world, most of its emissions factors and coefficients were developed and tested in environments that are very different from The Gambia. This is likely to introduce some uncertainties into the results of the calculations. Factors and coefficients that are country-or region-specific are likely to provide more accurate results and should be developed. The surveys were conducted either during the wet season or just at the end of the wet season. This seasonal factor should contribute to variations in the results, particularly in the livestock numbers and composition survey. Use of one-time survey data is also likely to introduce uncertainty into the results.  相似文献   

用电设备和无线通信服务的增长导致城市电磁环境水平逐渐升高,对人体健康和电子系统正常工作构成潜在威胁。于2021年对北京城区约407 km道路上的28 578个采样点进行电磁环境监测,89%的采样点电磁环境水平在3 V/m以内,但存在少量电磁环境水平高于12 V/m的采样点。结合进一步频谱分析发现,地理坐标为116.48°E、39.91°N附近路段电磁环境水平超出了《电磁环境控制限值》(GB 8702—2014)要求。此外,利用关联分析经典算法Apriori对电磁环境和人口热力的关联规则进行提取,结果表明,电磁环境水平较高的区域往往具有极高等级的人口热力,从而为电磁环境风险的快速判别提供参考。建议重点加强对人口热力极高区域的电磁环境监测,同时持续关注城市电磁环境变化趋势,以实现对电磁环境风险的及早预警和处理。  相似文献   

为提高四川省城市放射性废物库的安全管理水平,确保库区辐射环境安全和库内放射源实体安全,对2016—2021年四川省城市放射性废物库的库区环境监测结果进行了分析。分析表明:库区的γ辐射剂量率满足《核技术利用放射性废物贮存库选址、设计与建造技术要求》(试行)的要求,库区表面污染水平满足《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》(GB 18871—2002)的规定,库区气溶胶历年监测数据一致性较好。此外,库区完善的安防措施为库区的安全运行提供了有力保障。四川省城市放射性废物库的运行未对库区环境造成不良影响,库区辐射环境质量良好。废物库的运行状态良好,库区辐射安全可控,其安全运行对保障全省核技术利用产业的发展和辐射环境的安全起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

水质富营养化污染的频繁发生,使藻毒素污染成为突出的环境问题,对人类身体健康产生严重的威胁.文章介绍了目前常见的藻毒素的产生及其对人体健康的危害,提出应根据不同的监测对象,在不同的时期采用不同的监测方法,对藻毒素污染进行有效的监测和评价,对其污染的发生和危害进行有效监控.  相似文献   

Air pollution has assumed gigantic proportion killing almost half a million Asians every year. Urban pollution mainly comprises of emissions from buses, trucks, motorcycle other forms of motorized transport and its supporting activities. As Asia's cities continue to expand the number of vehicles have risen resulting in greater pollution. Fugitive emissions from retail distribution center in urban area constitute a major source. Petrol vapours escape during refueling adding pollutants like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene to ambient air. This paper discusses a study on fugitive emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) at some refueling station in two metropolitan cities of India, i.e., Mumbai and Delhi. Concentration of VOCs in ambient air at petrol retail distribution center is estimated by using TO-17 method. Concentration of benzene in ambient air in Delhi clearly shows the effect of intervention in use of petroleum and diesel fuel and shift to CNG. Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model is used to estimate source contributions. At Delhi besides diesel combustion engines, refueling emissions are also major sources. At Mumbai evaporative emissions are found to contribute maximum to Total VOC (TVOC) concentration in ambient air.  相似文献   

标准样品在环境监测应用中几点问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境(有证)标准样品(CERM)已成为环境监测及其质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)重要工具和常用方法,科学理解和合理使用CERM越来越重要。 文章将CERM在环境监测应用中的有关问题归结为"泛标样"倾向和对CERM特性值误区两个方面,结合典型案例,通过不确定度评定分析相关误区或偏颇,并提出选择性使用CERM、按规定条件使用CERM、全面了解掌握CERM特性值、合理运用CERM特性值范围和慎重评价CERM特性值范围内测定结果的差异等具体对策和建议。  相似文献   

Measurements of aerosol particles in the air of an urban area in the UK have been made. Ambient air was sampled and the particulates measured after passing through a size selective PM10 inlet. Particle mass was measured using a Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM). Particle number and size distributions were obtained using an Electrical Aerosol Analyser (EAA) and an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS). Measurements were also made of local meteorological parameters. Fine particle number concentrations were found to show better temporal agreement, including diurnal variation, with particle mass concentrations than the coarser particle number concentrations.  相似文献   

评价了2013年南京亚青会期间环境质量临时管控措施落实及绩效情况,分析了对改善空气质量产生的影响及存在的主要问题。结果表明:南京亚青会空气质量保障临时管控措施落实情况较好,空气质量保持良好。环比7月份,8月份减排SO2、NOx、颗粒物分别达到715,528与2 029 t。环比上年同期,2013年8月份SO2、NO2、PM10与PM2.5浓度分别下降22.2%,26.8%,18%与11.6%。企业停、限产优势在于能协同控制多种污染物,但成本较高,操作难度大;工地停工控制一次颗粒物非常有效,且易于操作。最后总结了亚青会保障存在的问题及成功经验,并提出青奥会空气质量保障对策建议。  相似文献   

介绍了美国2011年10月发射的环境监测卫星Suomi NPP的业务特性,利用该卫星获取的可见光/红外成像辐射仪VIIRS 遥感影像资料,开展了其在江苏省生态环境监测工作中应用效果研究。结果表明,NPP 卫星 VIIRS 载荷可有效地对江苏省太湖蓝藻水华、秸秆焚烧火点等进行遥感监测和分析,且观测性能较 MODIS 有所优化,还提供了夜间灯光强度、气溶胶、大气颗粒物等遥感产品,是生态环境监测的新型遥感信息源,可提升宏观生态环境问题的遥感监测能力。  相似文献   

介绍了激光雷达通过垂直扫描、水平扫描和车载走航等方法在湖北大气环境监测中的应用实例。利用地基激光雷达并结合星载激光雷达监测一次沙尘传输过程,沙尘传输高度为500~4 000 m之间,且出现3次尘降,地面PM10出现3次峰值。利用激光雷达探测大气边界层高度,颗粒物浓度受边界层高度影响,当边界层高度降到500 m以下时,PM2.5浓度达到120 μg/m3,边界层高度上升到1 500 m以上时,PM2.5浓度降到30 μg/m3以下。利用激光雷达水平扫描技术,对襄阳市高新区污染物的影响进行溯源,监测得出颗粒物浓度上升的主要原因为地面扬尘。利用激光雷达车载走航监测技术,监测黄冈市颗粒物空间分布特征,在不同区域监测到2处污染扩散带,分别位于工业区与生活区。  相似文献   

Infrared spectrometry is a versatile basis to analyse greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A multicomponent air pollution software (MAPS) was developed for retrieval of gas concentrations from radiation emission as well as absorption measurements. Concentrations of CO, CH4, N2O, and H2O as well as CO2, NO, NO2, NH3, SO2, HCl, HCHO, and the temperature of warm gases are determined on-line. The analyses of greenhouse gases in gaseous emission sources and in ambient air are performed by a mobile remote sensing system using the double-pendulum interferometer K300 of the Munich company Kayser-Threde. Passive radiation measurements are performed to retrieve CO, N2O, and H2O as well as CO2, NO, SO2, and HCl concentrations in smoke stack effluents of thermal power plants and municipal incinerators and CO and H2O as well as CO2 and NO in exhausts of aircraft engines. Open-path radiation measurements are used to determine greenhouse gas concentrations at different ambient air conditions and greenhouse gas emission rates of diffusive sources as garbage deposits, open coal mining, stock farming together with additional compounds (e.g. NH3), and from road traffic together with HCHO. Some results of measurements are shown. A future task is the verification of emission cadastres by these inspection measurements.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate total and bioavailable concentration of heavy metals in agricultural soils in order to estimate their distribution, to identify the possible correlations among toxic elements and the pollution sources, to distinguish the samples in relation to sampling site or to sampling depth, and to evaluate the available fraction providing information about the risky for plants. In particular, we reinvestigated total concentrations of As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn and available concentrations of As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn in soil from Apulia (Southern Italy). Analytical results showed that total concentrations, for all soils, are in the range permitted by regulations in force in Italy, but some soils evidence slight enrichment of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn. All the heavy metals in the available fraction were below the detection limits of the analytical techniques used except Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been reported in air, surface waters, suspended sediments, soil, sediment, fish, marine mammals, and bird eggs throughout Canada, from the St. Lawrence Estuary to the Strait of Georgia and the northernmost reaches of the Canadian Arctic. Canadian scientists have detected the presence of PBDEs in breast milk in every Canadian province. In fact, recent data on temporal trends strongly suggests that the concentrations of PBDEs are on the rise in the Canadian environment. These findings are similar to those reported in other nordic countries, and have prompted several countries to implement environmental monitoring programs. Among the key challenges currently facing Canada and other countries concerns how best to measure these chemicals in different matrices. In this paper, several analytical methods cited in the scientific literature for determining PBDE concentrations in different abiotic and biological matrices are reviewed. The critical criteria required for accurate determination of PBDEs in complex environmental matrices are discussed, including instrument sensitivity, reliability, potential interference's and the need for specialized instrumentation for the determination of compounds up to 975 Daltons. While a single analytical method that meets these and other criteria has not yet been perfected by scientists, GC/HRMS-based methods amenable to isotope dilution techniques warrant further refinement, and likely represent the best tools for future environmental monitoring programs.  相似文献   

利用丽水城区中心及其近郊2个站点的逐时水汽压资料,定义了干(湿)岛强度指数及干(湿)岛强度等级,并发现了丽水小城区干(湿)岛变化强度、频次及时空分布规律,研究发现城区中心的干岛现象与热岛现象之间存在着正相关.湿岛的形成与露、雾、结冰、霜、雨等天气现象有关.  相似文献   

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