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Anaerobic lagoons are commonly used for the treatment of swine wastewater. Although these lagoons were once thought to be relatively simple, their physical, chemical, and biological processes are very complex. This study of anaerobic lagoons had two objectives: (i) to quantify denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) and (ii) to evaluate the influence of lagoon characteristics on the DEA. The DEA was measured by the acetylene inhibition method. Wastewater samples and physical and chemical measurements were taken from the wastewater column of nine anaerobic swine lagoons from May 2006 to May 2009. These lagoons were typical for anaerobic swine lagoons in the Carolinas relative to their size, operation, and chemical and physical characteristics. Their mean value for DEA was 87 mg N2O-N m(-3) d(-1). In a lagoon with 2-m depth, this rate of DEA would be compatible with 1.74 kg N ha(-1) d(-1) When nonlimiting nitrate was added, the highest DEA was compatible with 4.38 kg N ha(-1) d(-1) loss. Using stepwise regression for this treatment, the lagoon characteristics (i.e., soluble organic carbon, total nitrogen, temperature, and NO3-N) provided a final step model R2 of 0.69. Nitrous oxide from incomplete denitrification was not a significant part of the system nitrogen balance. Although alternate pathways of denitrification may exist within or beneath the wastewater column, this paper documents the lack of sufficient denitrification enzyme activity within the wastewater column of these anaerobic lagoons to support large N2 gas losses via classical nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

Constructed wetland treatment of swine wastewater probably involves substantial denitrification. Our objective was to assess denitrification and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in such wetlands in relation to plant communities, N loading, carbon or nitrogen limitations, and water depth. Two wetland cells each 3.6 m wide and 33.5 m long were connected in series. One set of cells was planted with rushes and bulrushes, including soft rush (Juncus effusus L.), softstem bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (K.C. Gmel.) Pallal, American bulrush [Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller], and woolgrass bulrush [Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth]. Another set was planted with bur-reeds and cattails, including American bur-reed (Sparganium americanum Nutt.), broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia L.), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia L.). The sets will be referred to herein as bulrush and cattail wetlands, respectively. Denitrification and DEA were measured via the acetylene inhibition method in intact soil cores and disturbed soil samples that were taken during four years (1994-1997). Although DEA in the disturbed samples was greater than denitrification in the core samples, the measurements were highly correlated (r2 > or = 0.82). The DEA was greater in the bulrush wetlands than the cattail wetlands, 0.516 and 0.210 mg N kg(-1) soil h(-1), respectively; and it increased with the cumulative applied N. The DEA mean was equivalent to 9.55 kg N ha(-1) d(-1) in the bulrush wetlands. We hypothesized and confirmed that DEA was generally limited by nitrate rather than carbon. Moreover, we determined that one of the most influential factors in DEA was wetland water depth. In bulrush wetlands, the slope and r2 values of the control treatment were -0.013 mg N kg(-1) soil h(-1) mm(-1) depth and r2 = 0.89, respectively. Results of this investigation indicate that DEA can be very significant in constructed wetlands used to treat swine wastewater.  相似文献   

In manure disposal systems, denitrification is a major pathway for N loss and to reduce N transport to surface and ground water. We measured denitrification and the changes in soil N pools in a liquid manure disposal system at the interface of a pasture and a riparian forest. Liquid swine manure was applied weekly at two rates (approximately 800 and 1600 kg N ha-1 yr-1) to triplicate plots of overland flow treatment systems with three different vegetation treatments. Denitrification (acetylene block technique on intact cores) and soil N pools were determined bimonthly for 3 yr. The higher rate of manure application had higher denitrification rates and higher soil nitrate. Depth 1 soil (0-6 cm) had higher denitrification, nitrate, and ammonium than depth 2 soil (6-12 cm). The vegetation treatment consisting of 20 m of grass and 10 m of forest had lower denitrification. Denitrification did not vary significantly with position in the plot (7, 14, 21, and 28 m downslope), but nitrate decreased in the downslope direction while ammonium increased downslope. Denitrification ranged from 4 to 12% of total N applied in the manure. Denitrification rates were similar to those from a nearby dairy manure irrigation site, but were generally a lower percent of N applied, especially at the high swine effluent rate. Denitrification rates for these soils range from 40 to 200 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for the top 12 cm of soil treated with typical liquid manure that is high in ammonium and low in nitrate.  相似文献   

Riparian buffers are used throughout the world for the protection of water bodies from nonpoint-source nitrogen pollution. Few studies of riparian or treatment wetland denitrification consider the production of nitrous oxide (N2O). The objectives of this research were to ascertain the level of potential N2O production in riparian buffers and identify controlling factors for N2O accumulations within riparian soils of an agricultural watershed in the southeastern Coastal Plain of the USA. Soil samples were obtained from ten sites (site types) with different agronomic management and landscape position. Denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) was measured by the acetylene inhibition method. Nitrous oxide accumulations were measured after incubation with and without acetylene (baseline N2O production). The mean DEA (with acetylene) was 59 microg N2O-N kg(-1) soil h(-1) for all soil samples from the watershed. If no acetylene was added to block conversion of N2O to N2, only 15 microg N2O-N kg(-1) soil h(-1) were accumulated. Half of the samples accumulated no N2O. The highest level of denitrification was found in the soil surface layers and in buffers impacted by either livestock waste or nitrogen from legume production. Nitrous oxide accumulations (with acetylene inhibition) were correlated to soil nitrogen (r2=0.59). Without acetylene inhibition, correlations with soil and site characteristics were lower. Nitrous oxide accumulations were found to be essentially zero, if the soil C/N ratios>25. Soil C/N ratios may be an easily measured and widely applicable parameter for identification of potential hot spots of N2O productions from riparian buffers.  相似文献   

The influence of riparian zone lithology on nitrate dynamics is poorly understood. We investigated vertical variations in potential denitrification activity in relation to the lithology and stratigraphy of five headwater riparian zones on glacial till and outwash landscapes in southern Ontario, Canada. Conductive coarse sand and gravel layers occurred in four of the five riparian areas. These layers were thin and did not extend to the field-riparian perimeter in some riparian zones, which limited their role as conduits for ground water flow. We found widespread organic-rich layers at depths ranging from 40 to 300 cm that resulted from natural floodplain processes and the burial of surface soils by rapid valley-bottom sedimentation after European settlement. The organic matter content of these layers varied considerably from 2 to 5% (relic channel deposit) to 5 to 21% (buried soils) and 30 to 62% (buried peat). Denitrification potential (DNP) was measured by the acetylene block method in sediment slurries amended with nitrate. The highest DNP rates were usually found in the top 0- to 15-cm surface soil layer in all riparian zones. However, a steep decline in DNP with depth was often absent and high DNP activity occurred in the deep organic-rich layers. Water table variations in 2000-2002 indicated that ground water only interacted frequently with riparian surface soils between late March and May, whereas subsurface organic layers that sustain considerable DNP were below the water table for most of the year. These results suggest that riparian zones with organic deposits at depth may effectively remove nitrate from ground water even when the water table does not interact with organic-rich surface soil horizons.  相似文献   

Streamside vegetated buffer strips (riparian zones) are often assumed to be zones of ground water nitrate (NO3(-)) attenuation. At a site in southwestern Ontario (Zorra site), detailed monitoring revealed that elevated NO3(-) -N (4-93 mg L(-1)) persisted throughout a 100-m-wide riparian floodplain. Typical of riparian zones, the site has a soil zone of recent river alluvium that is organic carbon (OC) rich (36 +/- 16 g kg(-1)). This material is underlain by an older glacial outwash aquifer with a much lower OC content (2.3 +/- 2.5 g kg(-1). Examination of NO3(-), Cl(-), SO4(2-), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations; N/Cl ratios; and NO3(-) isotopic composition (delta15N and delta18O) provides evidence of four distinct NO3(-) source zones within the riparian environment. Denitrification occurs but is incomplete and is restricted to a narrow interval located within ~0.5 m of the alluvium-aquifer contact and to one zone (poultry manure compost zone) where elevated DOC persists from the source. In older ground water close to the river discharge point, denitrification remains insufficient to substantially deplete NO3(-). Overall, denitrification related specifically to the riparian environment is limited at this site. The persistence of NO3(-) in the aquifer at this site is a consequence of its Pleistocene age and resulting low OC content, in contrast to recent fluvial sediments in modern agricultural terrain, which, even if permeable, usually have zones enriched in labile OC. Thus, sediment age and origin are additional factors that should be considered when assessing the potential for riparian zone denitrification.  相似文献   

To examine possible connections between lake trophic status and runoff from surrounding subwatersheds, we determined patterns of sediment and nutrient deposition in a hypereutrophic, 16-ha impoundment on the Virginia coastal plain. Spatial survey of nutrients in surface sediments documented a strong correlation between total P and extractable Fe (r2 = 0.53). Elevated biogenic silica concentrations up to 0.25% by weight were measured in sections of the lake receiving perennial stream discharge. Sediment C to N ratios were > 20 in those same sections, suggesting a large allochthonous contribution to organic matter deposition. Sediment cores 0.9 to 2.3 m in length, representing 70 years of deposition, were analyzed to develop vertical profiles of changes in sediment and nutrient deposition in deltas downstream from two more-developed and three less-developed subwatersheds (with 49 and 9% commercial and residential development, respectively). The average sediment weight percent +/- standard deviation of biogenic silica (0.027 +/- 0.037 vs. 0.009 +/- 0.006%) and total P (0.040 +/- 0.025 vs. 0.024 +/- 0.019%) was significantly higher downstream of more-developed subwatersheds. Using elevated P loadings and biogenic silica deposition as proxies for algal production, transition of the lake to its current hypereutrophic state appears to have occurred in the last 70 yr. Changes in trophic status as revealed by sediment analysis of this small lake on the Virginia coastal plain reflect a common pattern of eutrophication observed for the entire Chesapeake Bay drainage basin. Analysis of sediments from stream deltas appears to be a reasonable strategy for identifying and targeting subwatershed areas needing better management of nutrient runoff that otherwise would lead to eutrophication of downstream waters.  相似文献   

Surface runoff water quality in a managed three zone riparian buffer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Managed riparian forest buffers are an important conservation practice but there are little data on the water quality effects of buffer management. We measured surface runoff volumes and nutrient concentrations and loads in a riparian buffer system consisting of (moving down slope from the field) a grass strip, a managed forest, and an unmanaged forest. The managed forest consisted of sections of clear-cut, thinned, and mature forest. The mature forest had significantly lower flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl N (TKN), sediment TKN, total N (nitrate + TKN), dissolved molybdate reactive P (DMRP), total P, and chloride. The average buffer represented the conditions along a stream reach with a buffer system in different stages of growth. Compared with the field output, flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, DMRP, and total P decreased significantly within the buffer and flow-weighted concentrations of TKN, total N, and chloride increased significantly within the buffer. All loads decreased significantly from the field to the middle of the buffer, but most loads increased from the middle of the buffer to the sampling point nearest the stream because surface runoff volume increased near the stream. The largest percentage reduction of the incoming nutrient load (at least 65% for all nutrient forms) took place in the grass buffer zone because of the large decrease (68%) in flow. The average buffer reduced loadings for all nutrient species, from 27% for TKN to 63% for sediment P. The managed forest and grass buffer combined was an effective buffer system.  相似文献   

A close relationship has been reported between sediment organic C (SedOC) content and its P sorption capacity (P(max)) and total P (TP) concentration. Phosphorus sorbed to organically complexed cations is a proposed explanation for this relationship. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine relationships between in-stream wetland SedOC content and both the sediment's P(max) and TP concentrations, and (ii) to ascertain the role of both organically complexed and oxalate-extractable cations on the sediment P(max) and TP values. The sediment's oxalate-extractable Fe (Fe(ox)) and Al (Al(ox)) contents were determined using acidified ammonium oxalate, while sodium pyrophosphate was used to extract organically complexed cations (Al(pryo), Ca(pyro), Fe(pyro), Mg(pyro), and Mn(pyro)). Both the sediment's P(max) and TP contents were strongly correlated with its SedOC concentration (r(2) > 0.90, P < 0.001). Only the Al(ox) contents were significantly correlated with TP and P(max), suggesting that amorphous Al forms have an important role in P sorption. All five pyrophosphate-extracted cations were significantly correlated with SedOC contents. Regression analyses showed that the Al(pyro) accounted for 88% of the variation in sediment P(max) values, whereas a combination of Al(pyro) and Ca(pyro) accounted for 98% of the variation in sediment TP concentrations. Additionally, Al and Ca chelated by SedOC compounds also have an important role in P binding and indicate that a linkage exists between the wetlands SedOC and P(max) content and its ability to accumulate TP. This study identified that two different mechanisms have significant roles in regulating P sorption by sediments in a southeastern Coastal Plain in-stream wetland.  相似文献   

Influence of biochar on nitrogen fractions in a coastal plain soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Interest in the use of biochar from pyrolysis of biomass to sequester C and improve soil productivity has increased; however, variability in physical and chemical characteristics raises concerns about effects on soil processes. Of particular concern is the effect of biochar on soil N dynamics. The effect of biochar on N dynamics was evaluated in a Norfolk loamy sand with and without NHNO. High-temperature (HT) (≥500°C) and low-temperature (LT) (≤400°C) biochars from peanut hull ( L.), pecan shell ( Wangenh. K. Koch), poultry litter (), and switchgrass ( L.) and a fast pyrolysis hardwood biochar (450-600°C) were evaluated. Changes in inorganic, mineralizable, resistant, and recalcitrant N fractions were determined after a 127-d incubation that included four leaching events. After 127 d, little evidence of increased inorganic N retention was found for any biochar treatments. The mineralizable N fraction did not increase, indicating that biochar addition did not stimulate microbial biomass. Decreases in the resistant N fraction were associated with the high pH and high ash biochars. Unidentified losses of N were observed with HT pecan shell, HT peanut hull, and HT and LT poultry litter biochars that had high pH and ash contents. Volatilization of N as NH in the presence of these biochars was confirmed in a separate short-term laboratory experiment. The observed responses to different biochars illustrate the need to characterize biochar quality and match it to soil type and land use.  相似文献   

The need for ICZM arises often due to inadequate or inappropriate landuse planning practices and policies, especially in urban coastal zones which are more complex due to the larger number of components, their critical dimensions, attributes and interactions. A survey of literature shows that there is no holistic metric for assessing the impacts of landuse planning on the health of a coastal zone. Thus there is a need to define such a metric. The proposed metric, CHI (Coastal zone Health Indicator), developed on the basis of coastal system sustainability, attempts to gauge the health status of any coastal zone. It is formulated and modeled through an expert survey and pertains to the characteristic components of coastal zones, their critical dimensions, and relevant attributes. The proposed metric is applied to two urban coastal zones and validated. It can be used for more coast friendly and sustainable landuse planning/masterplan preparation and thereby for the better management of landuse impacts on coastal zones.  相似文献   

Achieving resource sustainability, particularly in the coastal zone, is complicated by a variety of interdependencies and trade-offs between economic, social, and ecological variables. Although trade-offs between each of these variables are important, this paper emphasizes the social components of resource management. In this regard a distinction is made between individual and cooperative choices. Individual choices frequently are made from a shortterm, self-interested perspective, whereas cooperative choices are made from a long-term, community and resource-sustainability perspective. Typically, when presented with a spectrum of resource management decisions, individuals have a tendency to act in a self-interested manner. Thus, cooperative benefits, such as reduced conflict and improved resource certainty, are not realized. An overview of selected aspects of social dilemma theory suggests that socially cooperative choice outcomes are attainable in coastal zone management by integrating structural and behavioral solutions in resource use decision making. Three barriers to successful integration of structural and behavioral solutions are identified as self-interest, mistrust, and variable perceptions of resource amenities. Examples from coastal zone management indicate that these barriers may be overcome using approaches such as scopereduction, co-management, community education, and local participation. The paper also provides comment on the potential benefits of integrating structural and behavioral solutions in international coastal zone management efforts.  相似文献   

Riparian buffers can be effective at removing phosphorus (P) in overland flow, but their influence on subsurface P loading is not well known. Phosphorus concentrations in the soil, soil solution, and shallow ground water of 16 paired cropland-buffer plots were characterized during 2004 and 2005. The sites were located at two private dairy farms in Central New York on silt and gravelly silt loams (Aeric Endoaqualfs, Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts, Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, Glossaquic Hapludalfs, and Glossic Hapludalfs). It was hypothesized that P availability (sodium acetate extractable-P) and soil-landscape variability would affect P release to the soil solution and shallow ground water. Results showed that P availability tended to be greater in crop fields relative to paired buffer plots. Soil P was a good indicator of soil solution dissolved (<0.45 microm) molybdate-reactive P (DRP) concentrations among plots, but was not independently effective at predicting ground water DRP concentrations. Mean ground water DRP in corn fields ranged from < or =20 to 80 microg L(-1), with lower concentrations in hay and buffer plots. More imperfectly drained crop fields and buffers tended to have greater average DRP, particulate (> or =0.45 microm) reactive P (PRP), and dissolved unreactive P (DUP) concentrations in ground water. Soil organic matter and 50-cm depth soil solution DRP in buffers jointly explained 75% of the average buffer ground water DRP variability. Results suggest that buffers were relatively effective at reducing soil solution and shallow ground water DRP concentrations, but their impact on particulate and organic P in ground water was less clear.  相似文献   

In the United States, swine (Sus scrofa) operations produce more than 14 Tg of manure each year. About 30% of this manure is stored in anaerobic lagoons before application to land. While land application of manure supplies nutrients for crop production, it may lead to gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Our objectives were to quantify gaseous fluxes of NH3 and N2O from effluent applications under field conditions. Three applications of swine effluent were applied to soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. 'Brim'] and gaseous fluxes were determined from gas concentration profiles and the flux-gradient gas transport technique. About 12% of ammonium (NH4-N) in the effluent was lost through drift or secondary volatilization of NH3 during irrigation. An additional 23% was volatilized within 48 h of application. Under conditions of low windspeed and with the wind blowing from the lagoon to the field, atmospheric concentrations of NH3 increased and the crop absorbed NH3 at the rate of 1.2 kg NH3 ha(-1) d(-1), which was 22 to 33% of the NH3 emitted from the lagoon during these periods. Nitrous oxide emissions were low before effluent applications (0.016 g N2O-N ha(-1) d(-1)) and increased to 25 to 38 g N2O-N ha(-1) d(-1) after irrigation. Total N2O emissions during the measurement period were 4.1 kg N2O-N ha(-1), which was about 1.5% of total N applied. The large losses of NH3 and N2O illustrate the difficulty of basing effluent irrigation schedules on N concentrations and that NH3 emissions can significantly contribute to N enrichment of the environment.  相似文献   

Floodplain forests provide unique ecological structure and function, which are often degraded or lost when watershed hydrology is modified. Restoration of damaged ecosystems requires an understanding of surface water, groundwater, and vadose (unsaturated) zone hydrology in the floodplain. Soil moisture and porewater salinity are of particular importance for seed germination and seedling survival in systems affected by saltwater intrusion but are difficult to monitor and often overlooked. This study contributes to the understanding of floodplain hydrology in one of the last bald cypress [Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.] floodplain swamps in southeast Florida. We investigated soil moisture and porewater salinity dynamics in the floodplain of the Loxahatchee River, where reduced freshwater flow has led to saltwater intrusion and a transition to salt-tolerant, mangrove-dominated communities. Twenty-four dielectric probes measuring soil moisture and porewater salinity every 30 min were installed along two transects-one in an upstream, freshwater location and one in a downstream tidal area. Complemented by surface water, groundwater, and meteorological data, these unique 4-yr datasets quantified the spatial variability and temporal dynamics of vadose zone hydrology. Results showed that soil moisture can be closely predicted based on river stage and topographic elevation (overall Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency = 0.83). Porewater salinity rarely exceeded tolerance thresholds (0.3125 S m(-1)) for bald cypress upstream but did so in some downstream areas. This provided an explanation for observed vegetation changes that both surface water and groundwater salinity failed to explain. The results offer a methodological and analytical framework for floodplain monitoring in locations where restoration success depends on vadose zone hydrology and provide relationships for evaluating proposed restoration and management scenarios for the Loxahatchee River.  相似文献   

The San Rossore Natural Park, located on the Tuscany (Italy) coast, has been utilized over the last 10 years for many remote sensing campaigns devoted to coastal zone monitoring. A wet area is located in the south-west part of the Natural Park and it is characterized by a system of ponds and dunes formed by sediment deposition occurring at the Arno River estuary. The considerable amount of collected data has permitted us to investigate the evolution of wetland spreading and land coverage as well as to retrieve relevant biogeochemical parameters, e.g. green biomass, from remote sensing images and products. This analysis has proved that the monitoring of coastal wetlands, characterized by shallow waters, moor and dunes, demands dedicated aerospace sensors with high spatial and spectral resolution. The outcomes of the processing of images gathered during several remote sensing campaigns by airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral sensors are presented and discussed. A particular effort has been devoted to sensor response calibration and data validation due to the complex heterogeneity of the observed natural surfaces.  相似文献   

Even after 30 years of strict de jure protection, today's de facto extraction of products from Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park (RCNP) and their great economic importance to local households suggests that this reality should be explicitly internalised in managing this world heritage park. Several studies have quantified local people's use of protected areas and estimated the value of such areas to them. However, few studies incorporate economic analyses to investigate the effect of management interventions on local communities' resource use and collection behaviour. In Nepal, buffer zones and especially buffer zone community forestry are seen as means to define and demarcate places, where local people may legally extract goods that are either identical to or relevant substitutes for products that are collected in protected areas. The intention is to resolve park-people conflicts over resource use. This article presents the findings of an in-depth study of the importance of natural resources to the livelihoods of 18 households. One village was located inside RCNP with no realistic alternatives to Park resources, while the other is located in the buffer zone with equal distance to the Park, a national forest and their community forest. For each household, the collection of products, allocation of time, and purchase and sale of goods were recorded daily through 12 consecutive months and economic values were calculated on the basis of local market prices and recorded quantities. The study shows that products from RCNP are of great importance to the livelihoods of local people. Furthermore, we find that products collected in the national forest substitute products from the Park, while the substitution effect of the community forest is small. Accordingly, the study illustrates that, irrespective of buffer zone community forestry, there is still a gap between local people's need for supplementing natural resources and their rights to satisfy them on a legal basis, which is likely to be unsustainable in the longer term. This calls for a thorough evaluation of actual park-people relations and how these may be improved through local participation that goes beyond the current form of buffer zone community forestry and the admitted 7-14 annual days of open access grass cutting within the park.  相似文献   

The contamination of soil and runoff water by two herbicides, diuron [N'-(3,4-dichlorphenyl)-N,N-dimethylurea] and simazine (6-chloro-N,N'-diethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), were monitored on two fields, one no-till and one tilled. Experiments were carried out in a 91.4-ha watershed in southern France during the 1997 growing season in order to understand the patterns of pesticide transport from field to watershed. The persistence of the herbicides in soil was prolonged due to the climatic conditions. At the field scale, annual herbicide loads were due to overland flow and amounted to 65.6 and 6.3 g ha(-1) of diuron for the no-till and tilled field, respectively, and to 29.6 and 1.83 g ha(-1) of simazine. Maximum herbicide concentrations exceeded 580 microg L(-1) during the first storm event after application and decreased thereafter but remained for 8 mo above 0.1 microg L(-1). At the watershed outlet, estimated annual loads amounted to 4.12 g ha(-1) of diuron and 0.56 g ha(-1) of simazine. Among them, 96% of the losses in diuron and 83% of those in simazine were caused by the fast transmission through the network of ditches of the overland flow exiting the fields. For diuron, which was sprayed over most of the vineyards, its in-stream concentrations during storm flow were close to those at the outlet of the fields. The herbicide loads in baseflow were smaller than 0.2 g ha(-1). The patterns of the loads at the field and watershed scales suggested that a major part of the herbicides leaving the fields reinfiltrated to the ground water by seepage through the ditches, and was there degraded or adsorbed.  相似文献   

A mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) containing granular biomass was applied to the treatment of a wastewater simulating the effluent from a personal care industry. The ASBR was operated with cycle lengths (tC) of 8, 12 and 24 h and applied volumetric organic loads (AVOL) of 0.75, 0.50 and 0.25 gCOD/L.d, treating 2.0 L liquid medium per cycle. Stirring frequency was 150 rpm and the reactor was kept in an isothermal chamber at 30 °C. Increase in tC resulted in efficiency increase at constant AVOL, reaching 77% at tC of 24 h versus 69% at tC of 8 h. However, efficiency decreased when AVOL decreased as a function of increasing tC, due to the lack of substrate in the reaction medium. Moreover, replacing part of the wastewater by a chemically balanced synthetic one did not yield the expected effect and system efficiency dropped.  相似文献   

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