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Manure application supplies plant nutrients, but also leads to trace element accumulation in soil. This study investigated total and EDTA-extractable B, Cd, Co, Cu and Zn in soil after 25 annual manure applications. The residual effect of 14 annual manure applications followed by 11 yr with no applications was also investigated. Manure was applied at 0, 30, 60 and 90 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) (wet weight) under rainfed (treatments Mr0, Mr30, Mr60, and Mr90) and at 0, 60, 120 and 180 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) under irrigated conditions (Mi0, Mi60, Mi120, and Mi180). The manure applications had no significant effect on soil B, Cd and Co content under both rainfed and irrigated conditions, but significantly increased total Cu and Zn content under irrigated conditions with Zn in Mi120 and Mi180 reaching the lower maximum concentration (MAC) level set by the European Community. Manure application also significantly increased EDTA-extractable Cd and Zn content in soil. Up to 27% of the total Cd (0.156 mg kg(-1)) and 21% of total Zn (38 mg kg(-1)) are found in EDTA-extractable form (Mi180 at 0-15 cm). EDTA-extractable Cd and Zn content was also significantly elevated in the irrigated residual plots due to the higher manure rates used. Thus, the impacts of cattle manure application on trace elements in soil are long lasting. Elevated Cd and Zn are a concern as other studies have linked them with certain types of cancers and human illnesses.  相似文献   

Detectable levels of dioxins have been reported in biosolids, but very little information is available on the effect of long-term application of biosolids on dioxins accumulation in soil and uptake by plants. We analyzed dioxins in soil and corn tissue samples from field plots after 30 continuous applications of biosolids at 0 (Control), 16.8, and 67.2 Mg biosolids ha(-1) yr(-1) resulting in 0, 504, and 2016 Mg ha(-1) cumulative loadings of biosolids, respectively. The levels of dioxins in soil were only 79.9, 115.5, and 247.5 ng toxic equivalents (TEQs) kg(-1) in the 0, 504, and 2016 Mg biosolids ha(-1) plots, respectively. Dioxins were not detected in the corn grain, and only trace levels (6.8-7.5 ng TEQs kg(-1)) were found in the corn stover; however, these values were not statistically different between control and biosolids-amended soils. These observations suggest that although long-term application of biosolids may increase the levels of dioxins in soil, it does not affect dioxins uptake by corn.  相似文献   

The long-term application of biosolids that periodically contained elevated metal concentrations has raised questions about potential effects on animal health. To address these concerns, we determined metal concentrations (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, and Zn) in both soil and bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] forage from 10 fields in the following categories of biosolids application: six or more years (>6YR), less than six years (<6YR), and no applications (NS). Soil metal concentrations in all groups were similar to values reported for mineral soils in Georgia, and well below USEPA cumulative limits. Average metal concentrations in the forage were below the maximum tolerable level (MTL) for beef cattle, although two biosolids-amended fields in the >6YR group produced forage that was at or near the MTL for Cd and Mo, and one field in the <6YR group produced forage above the MTL for Cd. The Cu to Mo ratios in forage decreased with increasing time of sludge application, with the average in the >6YR group at a proposed 5:1 Cu to Mo ratio limit to protect ruminant health. Sulfur concentrations in the forage from all three groups was near the MTL of 4 g kg(-1). The study indicated that toxic levels of metals have not accumulated in the soils due to long-term biosolids application. Overall forage quality from the biosolids-amended fields was similar to that of commercially fertilized fields; however, due to the relatively high S and potential for a low Cu to Mo ratio, Cu supplements should be used to ensure ruminant health.  相似文献   

The entry of Cd into the food chain is of concern as it can cause chronic health problems. To investigate the relationship between soil properties and the concentration of Cd in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and harley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain, we analyzed 162 wheat and 215 barley grain samples collected from paired soil and crop surveys in Britain, and wheat and barley samples from two long-term sewage sludge experiments. Cadmium concentrations were much lower in barley grain than in wheat grain under comparable soil conditions. Multiple regression analysis showed that soil total Cd and pH were the significant factors influencing grain Cd concentrations. Significant cultivar differences in Cd uptake were observed for both wheat and barley. Wheat grain Cd concentrations could be predicted reasonably well from soil total Cd and pH using the following model: log(grain Cd) = a + b log(soil Cd) - c(soil pH), with 53% of the variance being accounted for. The coefficients obtained from the data sets of the paired soil and crop surveys and from long-term sewage sludge experiments were similar, suggesting similar controlling factors of Cd bioavailability in sludge-amended or unamended soils. For barley, the model was less satisfactory for predicting grain Cd concentration (22% of variance accounted for). The model can be used to predict the likelihood of wheat grain Cd exceeding the new European Union (EU) foodstuff regulations on the maximum permissible concentration of Cd under different soil conditions, particularly in relation to the existing Directive and the proposed new Directive on land applications of sewage sludge.  相似文献   

The amount of biosolids recycled in agriculture has steadily increased during the last decades. However, few models are available to predict the accompanying risks, mainly due to the presence of trace element and organic contaminants, and benefits for soil fertility of their application. This paper deals with using data mining to assess the benefits and risks of biosolids application in agriculture. The analyzed data come from a 10-yr field experiment in northeast France focusing on the effects of biosolid application and mineral fertilization on soil fertility and contamination. Biosolids were applied at agriculturally recommended rates. Biosolids had a significant effect on soil fertility, causing in particular a persistent increase in plant-available phosphorus (P) relative to plots receiving mineral fertilizer. However, soil fertility at seeding and crop management method had greater effects than biosolid application on soil fertility at harvest, especially soil nitrogen (N) content. Levels of trace elements and organic contaminants in soils remained below legal threshold values. Levels of extractable metals correlated more strongly than total metal levels with other factors. Levels of organic contaminants, particularly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, were linked to total metal levels in biosolids and treated soil. This study confirmed that biosolid application at rates recommended for agriculture is a safe option for increasing soil fertility. However, the quality of the biosolids selected has to be taken into account. The results also indicate the power of data mining in examining links between parameters in complex data sets.  相似文献   

Increasing antibiotic resistance genes in the environment may pose a threat to public health. In this study, tetracycline and sulfonamide resistance genes (Tet-W, Tet-O, and Sul-I) were quantified in 24 manure samples from three farms and 18 biosolids samples from seven different wastewater treatment plants using quantitative polymerase chain reaction methods. Concentrations of Tet-W and Tet-O genes were observed to be significantly higher (p < 0.05) in manure than in biosolids samples. The background soil samples showed significantly lower concentration of the above genes compared with manure and biosolids. Lime-stabilized biosolids showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower concentration of antibiotic resistance genes compared with other biosolids treatment methods. Elevated levels of antibiotic resistance genes (Tet-W, Tet-O, and Sul-I) were observed in the amended soil samples after the land application of manure or biosolids (Site A) monitored for a period of about 4 mo. However, at another site (Site B), no significant increase (p > 0.05) in concentration of antibiotic resistance genes was observed after biosolids application on soil. Even though the concentration of antibiotic resistance genes in manure was statistically higher than that in biosolids, when they were applied on land, the contribution to the soil depended on the background soil concentration and the soil characteristics. Further study of multiple soil samples in various locations is needed.  相似文献   

Trace element solubility and availability in land-applied residuals is governed by fundamental chemical reactions between metal constituents, soil, and residual components. Iron, aluminum, and manganese oxides; organic matter; and phosphates, carbonates, and sulfides are important sinks for trace elements in soil-residual systems. The pH of the soil-residual system is often the most important chemical property governing trace element sorption, precipitation, solubility, and availability. Trace element phytoavailability in residual-treated soils is often estimated using soil extraction methods. However, spectroscopic studies show that sequential extraction methods may not be accurate in perturbed soil-residual systems. Plant bioassay is the best method to measure the effect of residuals on phytoavailability. Key concepts used to describe phytoavailability are (i) the salt effect, (ii) the plateau effect, and (iii) the soil-plant barrier. Metal availability in soil from metal-salt addition is greater than availability in soil from addition of metal-containing residuals. Plant metal content displays plateaus at high residual loadings corresponding to the residual's metal concentration and sorption capacity. The soil-plant barrier limits transmission of many trace elements through the food chain, although Cd (an important human health concern) can bypass the soil-plant barrier. Results from many studies that support these key concepts provide a basis of our understanding of the relationship between trace element chemistry and phytoavailability in residual-treated soils. Research is needed to (i) determine mechanisms for trace element retention of soil-residual systems, (ii) determine the effect of residuals on ecological receptors and the ability of residuals to reduce ecotoxicity in metal-contaminated soil, and (iii) predict the long-term bioavailability of trace elements in soil-residual systems.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are one method under investigation for the remediation of trace element-contaminated agricultural drainwater. A greater understanding of the retention of trace elements by the bulk soil and soil constituents is necessary for their safe and effective use. To determine the capacity of soil, calcite, and goethite-coated quartz sand for retention of As, Mo, and V under field conditions, an in situ method was used whereby permeable bags containing those minerals were placed near the sediment surface of a flow-through constructed wetland for 3 or 12 mo. Accumulations of As, Mo, and V occurred on goethite-coated sand. Concentrations of Mo on goethite-coated sand were much higher in samples from a wetland cell with a water depth of 15 cm (38.23 +/- 7.27 mg kg(-1)) compared with those from a cell with a water depth of 3 cm (8.30 +/- 1.45 mg kg(-1)). Calcite sorbed no As and low amounts of Mo and V, indicating that it is not an important sink for those elements under these conditions. In soil bags, total As and V concentrations showed little change over 12 mo. Molybdenum accumulated in the soil bags, resulting in total concentrations (12 mo) of 27.22 +/- 2.69 mg kg(-1) and 11.42 +/- 1.35 mg kg(-1) at water depths of 15 and 3 cm, respectively. Nearly half of the Mo accumulation on soil became water soluble after air-drying. This has important implications for systems that may undergo changes in redox status, possibly resulting in large fluxes of water-soluble Mo.  相似文献   

Carbon-rich biochar derived from the pyrolysis of biomass can sequester atmospheric CO, mitigate climate change, and potentially increase crop productivity. However, research is needed to confirm the suitability and sustainability of biochar application to different soils. To an irrigated calcareous soil, we applied stockpiled dairy manure (42 Mg ha dry wt) and hardwood-derived biochar (22.4 Mg ha), singly and in combination with manure, along with a control, yielding four treatments. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied when needed (based on preseason soil test N and crop requirements) in all plots and years, with N mineralized from added manure included in this determination. Available soil nutrients (NH-N; NO-N; Olsen P; and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable K, Mg, Na, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe), total C (TC), total N (TN), total organic C (TOC), and pH were evaluated annually, and silage corn nutrient concentration, yield, and uptake were measured over two growing seasons. Biochar treatment resulted in a 1.5-fold increase in available soil Mn and a 1.4-fold increase in TC and TOC, whereas manure produced a 1.2- to 1.7-fold increase in available nutrients (except Fe), compared with controls. In 2009 biochar increased corn silage B concentration but produced no yield increase; in 2010 biochar decreased corn silage TN (33%), S (7%) concentrations, and yield (36%) relative to controls. Manure produced a 1.3-fold increase in corn silage Cu, Mn, S, Mg, K, and TN concentrations and yield compared with the control in 2010. The combined biochar-manure effects were not synergistic except in the case of available soil Mn. In these calcareous soils, biochar did not alter pH or availability of P and cations, as is typically observed for acidic soils. If the second year results are representative, they suggest that biochar applications to calcareous soils may lead to reduced N availability, requiring additional soil N inputs to maintain yield targets.  相似文献   

Continuous N-based application of biosolids contributes to a gradual increase of trace elements and P in soils. The objectives of this study were to assess the accumulation and vertical transport of Cu, Zn, C, N, and P within the profile of two coastal plain soils. Liquid (6-8% total solids) biosolids were applied to an Acredale silt loam (fine silty, mixed, thermic typic Ochraqualfs) and Bojac loamy sand (coarse loamy, mixed, thermic typic Hapludult) annually from 1984 to 1998. The repeated applications supplied 70, 204, and 3823 kg ha(-1) of Cu, Zn, and P, respectively, to the Acredale and 81, 225, and 4265 kg ha(-1) of Cu, Zn, and P, respectively, to the Bojac. The total C and N contents were not different than background levels in the Bojac soil and were slightly higher in the Acredale soil 7 years after cessation of biosolids application. Phosphorus, Cu and Zn are still concentrated in the top 0.25 m of the Acredale soil. Enrichment of P, Cu, and Zn were detected to the deepest soil increment in the coarse-textured Bojac soil. Approximately 20 to 40% of the Cu and Zn applied in the biosolids could not be accounted, which was likely due to a combination of leaching and incomplete extraction. Excessive Mehlich 1-P concentrations and a high degree of P saturation were found in amended soil, raising the potential for P release to runoff or leaching water.  相似文献   

Effect of biosolids processing on lead bioavailability in an urban soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The potential for biosolids products to reduce Pb availability in soil was tested on a high Pb urban soil with biosolids from a treatment plant that used different processing technologies. High Fe biosolids compost and high Fe + lime biosolids compost from other treatment plants were also tested. Amendments were added to a Pb-contaminated soil (2000 mg kg(-1) Pb) at 100 g kg(-1) soil and incubated for 30 d. Reductions in Pb bioavailability were evaluated with both in vivo and in vitro procedures. The in vivo study entailed feeding a mixture of the Pb-contaminated soil and AIN93G Basal Mix to weanling rats. Three variations of an in vitro procedure were performed as well as conventional soil extracts [diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and Ca(NO3)2] and sequential extraction. Addition of the high Fe compost reduced the bioavailability of soil Pb (in both in vivo and in vitro studies) by 37 and 43%, respectively. Three of the four compost materials tested reduced Pb bioavailability more than 20%. The rapid in vitro (pH 2.3) data had the best correlation with the in vivo bone results (R = 0.9). In the sequential extract, changes in partitioning of Pb to Fe and Mn oxide fractions appeared to reflect the changes in in vivo Pb bioavailability. Conventional extracts showed no changes in metal availability. These results indicate that addition of 100 g kg(-1) of high Fe and Mn biosolids composts effectively reduced Pb availability in a high Pb urban soil.  相似文献   

Agronomic use of biosolids as a fertilizer material remains controversial in part due to public concerns regarding the potential pollution of soils, crop tissue, and ground water by excess nutrients and trace elements in biosolids. This study was designed to assess the effects of long-term commercial-scale application of biosolids on soils and crop tissue sampled from 18 production farms throughout Pennsylvania. Biosolids application rates ranged from 5 to 159 Mg ha(-1) on a dry weight basis. Soil cores and crop tissue samples from corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine spp.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), orchardgrass (Dactylis spp.) hay, and/or sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] were collected for three years from georeferenced locations at each farm. Samples were tested for nutrients, trace elements, and other variables. Biosolids-treated fields had more post-growing season soil NO3 and Ca and less soil K than control fields and there was some evidence that soil P concentrations were higher in treated fields. The soil concentrations of Cu, Cr, Hg, Mo, Mn, Pb, and Zn were higher in biosolids-treated fields than in control fields; however, differences were < or = 0.06 of the USEPA Part 503 cumulative pollutant loading rates (CPLRs). There were no differences in the concentrations of measured nutrients or trace elements in the crop tissue grown on treated or control fields at any time during the study. Commercial-scale biosolids application resulted in soil trace element increases that were in line with expected increases based on estimated trace element loading. Excess NO3 and apparent P buildup indicates a need to reassess biosolids nutrient management practices.  相似文献   

Municipal biosolids and agricultural limestone were incorporated into the surface of alluvial highly acidic, metal-contaminated mine tailings in Leadville, CO, in 1998. Amended sites were seeded and a plant cover was subsequently established. A range of chemical and biological parameters were measured over time to determine if treatment was sufficient to restore ecosystem function. An uncontaminated upstream control (UUC), a contaminated vegetated area (CVA), and soils collected from the tailings deposits before amendment addition were used for comparison. Standard soil extracts showed decreases in extractable Pb, Zn, and Cd in the amended soils. Increased CO2 evolution, reduced N2O, and elevated NO3- in the amended tailings indicated an active microbial community. Levels of CO2 and NO3- were elevated in comparison with the CVA and UUC. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and earthworm (Eisenia foetida) survival and metal uptake values were similar in amended tailings to a laboratory control soil. Ryegrass and worms in unamended tailings died. Field plant diversity was lower in amended areas than in CVA or UUC, with a higher percentage of the vegetative cover consisting of grasses. Small mammal analysis showed a low potential for elevated body Cd and Pb in the amended tailings. A re-entrainment study using fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) showed no danger for resuspended amended tailings, as survival of fish was similar to the laboratory control. Data suggest that ecosystem function has been restored to the amended tailings, but that these systems are not yet in equilibrium.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern about the environmental fate and impact of biosolids-associated anthropogenic organic chemicals, among which 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) is one of the most studied chemicals. This is primarily because 4-NP is an endocrine disruptor and has been frequently detected in environmental samples. Due to its high hydrophobicity, 4-NP has high affinity for biosolids. Land application of 4-NP-containing biosolids could potentially introduce large quantities of this chemical into the environment. A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of artificial sunlight on 4-NP degradation in biosolids applied to soil. When exposed to artificial sunlight for 30 d, the top-5-mm layer of biosolids showed a 55% reduction of 4-NP, while less than 15% of the 4-NP was degraded when the biosolids were kept in the dark. Our results indicate that sensitized photolysis reaction plays an important role in reducing the levels of 4-NP in land-applied biosolids. Surface application rather than soil incorporation of biosolids could be effective in reducing biosolids-associated organic chemicals that can be degraded through photolysis reactions. However, the risks of animal ingestion, foliar deposition, and runoff should also be evaluated when biosolids are applied on the soil surface.  相似文献   

Land application of biosolids is a beneficial-use practice whose ecological effects depend in part on hydrological effects. Biosolids were surface-applied to square 0.5-m2 plots at four rates (0, 7, 34, and 90 dry Mg ha(-1)) on each of three soil-cover combinations in Chihuahuan Desert grassland and shrubland. Infiltration and erosion were measured during two seasons for three biosolids post-application ages. Infiltration was measured during eight periods of a 30-min simulated rain. Biosolids application affected infiltration rate, cumulative infiltration, and erosion. Infiltration increased with increasing biosolids application rate. Application of biosolids at 90 dry Mg ha(-1) increased steady-state infiltration rate by 1.9 to 7.9 cm h(-1). Most of the measured differences in runoff among biosolids application rates were too large to be the result of interception losses and/or increased hydraulic gradient due to increased roughness. Soil erosion was reduced by the application of biosolids; however, the extent of reduction in erosion depended on the initial erodibility of the site. Typically, the greatest marginal reductions in erosion were achieved at the lower biosolids application rates (7 and 34 dry Mg ha(-1)); the difference in erosion between 34 and 90 dry Mg ha(-1) biosolids application rates was not significant. Surface application of biosolids has important hydrological consequences on runoff and soil erosion in desert grasslands that depend on the rate of biosolids applied, and the site and biosolids characteristics.  相似文献   

Modeling diffuse phosphorus (P) loss may indicate management strategies to minimize P loss from agricultural sources. An empirical model predicting flow-weighted phosphorus concentrations (MRP) was derived using data collected from 35 Irish river catchments. Monitoring records of riverine P and stream flow data were used to calculate MRP values averaged for the years 1991-1994. These data were modeled using land use, soil type, and soil P data. Soil type in catchments was described using soil survey classifications weighted according to their P desorption properties from laboratory results. Soil test P concentrations for the studied watersheds were obtained from a national database. Soil P levels were weighted based on the results of field experiments measuring P losses in overland flow from fields at different soil test P levels. The 35 catchments were statistically clustered into two populations (A and B) based on differences in soil type, specifically, soil hydrology. Catchments in Cluster A had predominantly poorly drained soils and comparatively higher MRP concentrations (0.03-0.17 mg L(-1)) than Cluster B areas (0.01-0.7 mg L(-1)) with mostly well-drained soils. Regression equations derived for A and B type catchments predicted MRP values with 68 and 62% of the variation explained in the models, respectively. Data extracted for the rest of the country were applied to the models to delineate areas at risk on a national scale. While the models were only moderately accurate they highlighted the influence of land management, specifically, high production grassland receiving high P inputs, in conjunction with the effect of soil type and soil hydrology on the transport of P to surface waters.  相似文献   

Soil carbon sequestration (SCS) has the potential to attenuate increasing atmospheric CO2 and mitigate greenhouse warming. Understanding of this potential can be assisted by the use of simulation models. We evaluated the ability of the EPIC model to simulate corn (Zea mays L.) yields and soil organic carbon (SOC) at Arlington, WI, during 1958-1991. Corn was grown continuously on a Typic Argiudoll with three N levels: LTN1 (control), LTN2 (medium), and LTN3 (high). The LTN2 N rate started at 56 kg ha(-1) (1958), increased to 92 kg ha(-1) (1963), and reached 140 kg ha(-1) (1973). The LTN3 N rate was maintained at twice the LTN2 level. In 1984, each plot was divided into four subplots receiving N at 0, 84, 168, and 252 kg ha(-1). Five treatments were used for model evaluation. Percent errors of mean yield predictions during 1958-1983 decreased as N rate increased (LTN1 = -5.0%, LTN2 = 3.5%, and LTN3 = 1.0%). Percent errors of mean yield predictions during 1985-1991 were larger than during the first period. Simulated and observed mean yields during 1958-1991 were highly correlated (R2 = 0.961, p < 0.01). Simulated SOC agreed well with observed values with percent errors from -5.8 to 0.5% in 1984 and from -5.1 to 0.7% in 1990. EPIC captured the dynamics of SOC, SCS, and microbial biomass. Simulated net N mineralization rates were lower than those from laboratory incubations. Improvements in EPIC's ability to predict annual variability of crop yields may lead to improved estimates of SCS.  相似文献   

Long-term application of phosphorus (P) with animal manure in amounts exceeding removal with crops leads to buildup of P in soil and to increasing risk of P loss to surface water and eutrophication. In most manures, the majority of P is held within inorganic forms, but in soil leachates organic P forms often dominate. We investigated the mobility of both inorganic and organic P in profile samples from a noncalcareous sandy soil treated for 11 yr with excessive amounts of pig slurry, poultry manure, or poultry manure mixed with litter. Solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to characterize NaOH-EDTA-extractable forms of P, corresponding to 64 to 93% of the total P concentration in soil. Orthophosphate and orthophosphate monoesters were the main P forms detected in the NaOH-EDTA extracts. A strong accumulation of orthophosphate monoesters was found in the upper layers of the manure-treated soils. For orthophosphate, however, increased concentrations were found down to the 40- to 50-cm soil layers, indicating a strong downward movement of this P form. This was ascribed to the strong retention of orthophosphate monoesters by the solid phase of the soil, preventing orthophosphate sorption and facilitating downward movement of orthophosphate. Alternatively, mineralization of organic P in the upper layers of the manure-treated soils may have generated orthophosphate, which could have contributed to the downward movement of the latter. Leaching of inorganic P should thus be considered for the assessment and the future management of the long-term risk of P loss from soils receiving large amounts of manure.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste landfill leachate must be removed and treated to maintain landfill cover integrity and to prevent contamination of surface and ground waters. From 2003 to 2007, we studied an onsite disposal system in Ottawa County, Michigan, where leachate was spray irrigated on the vegetated landfill cover. We established six 20-m-diameter circular experimental plots on the landfill; three were spray irrigated as part of the operational system, and three remained as untreated control plots. We quantified the effects of leachate application on soil properties, soil solution chemistry, vegetative growth, and estimated solute leaching. The leachate had high mean levels of electrical conductivity (0.6-0.7 S m(-1)), Cl (760-900 mg L(-1)), and NH(4)-N (290-390 mg L(-1)) but was low in metals and volatile organic compounds. High rates of leachate application in 2003 (32 cm) increased soil electrical conductivity and NO(3)-N leaching, so a sequential rotation of spray areas was implemented to limit total leachate application to <9.6 cm yr(-1) per spray area. Concentrations of NO(3)-N and leaching losses remained higher on irrigated plots in subsequent years but were substantially reduced by spray area rotation. Leachate irrigation increased plant biomass but did not significantly affect soil metal concentrations, and plant metal concentrations remained within normal ranges. Rotating spray areas and timing irrigation to conform to seasonal capacities for evapotranspiration reduced the localized impacts of leachate application observed in 2003. Careful monitoring of undiluted leachate applications is required to avoid adverse impacts to vegetation or soils and elevated solute leaching losses.  相似文献   

Understanding how carbon, nitrogen, and key soil attributes affect gas emissions from soil is crucial for alleviating their undesirable residual effects that can linger for years after termination of manure and compost applications. This study was conducted to evaluate the emission of soil CO2, N2O, and CH4 and soil C and N indicators four years after manure and compost application had stopped. Experimental plots were treated with annual synthetic N fertilizer (FRT), annual and biennial manure (MN1 and MN2, respectively), and compost (CP1 and CP2, respectively) from 1992 to 1995 based on removal of 151 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) by continuous corn (Zea mays L.). The control (CTL) plots received no input. After 1995, only the FRT plots received N fertilizer in the spring of 1999. In 1999, the emissions of CO2 were similar between control and other treatments. The average annual carbon input in the CTL and FRT plots were similar to soil CO2-C emission (4.4 and 5.1 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively). Manure and compost resulted in positive C and N balances in the soil four years after application. Fluxes of CH4-C and N2O-N were nearly zero, which indicated that the residual effects of manure and compost four years after application had no negative influence on soil C and N storage and global warming. Residual effects of compost and manure resulted in 20 to 40% higher soil microbial biomass C, 42 to 74% higher potentially mineralizable N, and 0.5 unit higher pH compared with the FRT treatment. Residual effects of manure and compost on CO2, N20, and CH4 emissions were minimal and their benefits on soil C and N indicators were more favorable than that of N fertilizer.  相似文献   

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