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Effects of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition and the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to store carbon (C) depend in part on the amount of N retained in the system and its partitioning among plant and soil pools. We conducted a meta-analysis of studies at 48 sites across four continents that used enriched 15N isotope tracers in order to synthesize information about total ecosystem N retention (i.e., total ecosystem 15N recovery in plant and soil pools) across natural systems and N partitioning among ecosystem pools. The greatest recoveries of ecosystem 15N tracer occurred in shrublands (mean, 89.5%) and wetlands (84.8%) followed by forests (74.9%) and grasslands (51.8%). In the short term (< 1 week after 15N tracer application), total ecosystem 15N recovery was negatively correlated with fine-root and soil 15N natural abundance, and organic soil C and N concentration but was positively correlated with mean annual temperature and mineral soil C:N. In the longer term (3-18 months after 15N tracer application), total ecosystem 15N retention was negatively correlated with foliar natural-abundance 15N but was positively correlated with mineral soil C and N concentration and C:N, showing that plant and soil natural-abundance 15N and soil C:N are good indicators of total ecosystem N retention. Foliar N concentration was not significantly related to ecosystem 15N tracer recovery, suggesting that plant N status is not a good predictor of total ecosystem N retention. Because the largest ecosystem sinks for 15N tracer were below ground in forests, shrublands, and grasslands, we conclude that growth enhancement and potential for increased C storage in aboveground biomass from atmospheric N deposition is likely to be modest in these ecosystems. Total ecosystem 15N recovery decreased with N fertilization, with an apparent threshold fertilization rate of 46 kg N x ha(-1) x yr(-1) above which most ecosystems showed net losses of applied 15N tracer in response to N fertilizer addition.  相似文献   

The dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool in marine waters contains a diverse mixture of compounds. It is therefore difficult to accurately estimate planktonic uptake of DON using the limited number of radiolabeled compounds commercially available. We describe a method to estimate DON uptake rates using 15N-labeled DON recently released from phytoplankton. To make 15N-labeled DON, we incubated surface water with 15NH 4 + and then isolated the DON, including any recently released DO15N, with ion retardation resin. This DON was then added to a freshly collected water sample from the same environment to quantify the rate of DON uptake. The technique was applied to investigate rates of DON uptake relative to inorganic nitrogen in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay during May 1990 and August 1991. The May experiment took place after the spring bloom, and rates of DON uptake [ranging from 0.31 to 0.53 g-atom (g-at) Nl-1 h-1] often exceeded rates of NH 4 + and NO 3 - uptake combined. The rates of DON uptake at this time were higher than estimated bacterial productivity and were not correlated with bacterial abundance or bacterial productivity. They were, however, correlated with rates of NO 3 - uptake. In May, we estimate that only 7 to 32% of DON uptake was a result of urea utilization. In contrast, in August, when regenerated nutrients predominate in Chesapeake Bay, rates of DON uptake (ranging from 0.14 to 0.51 g-atom Nl-1 h-1) were an average of 50% of the observed rates of NH 4 + uptake. Consistent with the May experiment, rates of DON uptake were not correlated with bacterial production. A sizable fraction of DON uptake, however, appeared to be due to urea utilization; rates of urea uptake, measured independently, were equivalent to an average of 74% of the measured rates of DON uptake. These findings suggest that, during both periods of study, at least a fraction of the measured DON uptake may have been due to utilization by phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The isotopic signatures of 15N and 18O in N2O emitted from tropical soils vary both spatially and temporally, leading to large uncertainty in the overall tropical source signature and thereby limiting the utility of isotopes in constraining the global N2O budget. Determining the reasons for spatial and temporal variations in isotope signatures requires that we know the isotope enrichment factors for nitrification and denitrification, the two processes that produce N2O in soils. We have devised a method for measuring these enrichment factors using soil incubation experiments and report results from this method for three rain forest soils collected in the Brazilian Amazon: soil with differing sand and clay content from the Tapajos National Forest (TNF) near Santarém, Pará, and Nova Vida Farm, Rond?nia. The 15N enrichment factors for nitrification and denitrification differ with soil texture and site: -111 per thousand +/- 12 per thousand and -31 per thousand +/- 11 per thousand for a clay-rich Oxisol (TNF), -102 per thousand +/- 5 per thousand and -45 per thousand +/- 5 per thousand for a sandier Ultisol (TNF), and -10.4 per thousand +/- 3.5 per thousand (enrichment factor for denitrification) for another Ultisol (Nova Vida) soil, respectively. We also show that the isotopomer site preference (delta15Nalpha - delta15Nbeta, where alpha indicates the central nitrogen atom and beta the terminal nitrogen atom in N2O) may allow differentiation between processes of production and consumption of N2O and can potentially be used to determine the contributions of nitrification and denitrification. The site preferences for nitrification and denitrification from the TNF-Ultisol incubated soils are: 4.2 per thousand +/- 8.4 per thousand and 31.6 per thousand +/- 8.1 per thousand, respectively. Thus, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria populations under the conditions of our study exhibit significantly different 15N site preference fingerprints. Our data set strongly suggests that N2O isotopomers can be used in concert with traditional N2O stable isotope measurements as constraints to differentiate microbial N2O processes in soil and will contribute to interpretations of the isotopic site preference N2O values found in the free troposphere.  相似文献   

Riparian habitats are important for the maintenance of regional biodiversity. Many studies have compared bird distributions between riparian and non-riparian habitats but have not established how wide riparian habitats used by birds are, as measured by distance from the nearest stream. We investigated the distribution of understory birds along gradients of distance from streams, soil clay content, and slope in a central Amazonian forest, by mist-netting birds three times in 45 plots. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to reduce the dimensionality of species quantitative (abundance) and qualitative (presence-absence) composition to one multivariate axis. Estimates of the width of riparian habitats as indicated by understory birds depended on the community attribute considered, measuring 90 m for species quantitative composition and 140 m for species qualitative composition. Species distributions were correlated with clay content but were independent of slope, while distance from streams was positively correlated with clay content but independent of slope. Clay content affects plant species composition, which in turn, may influence bird species composition. However, distribution patterns of birds in relation to distance from streams are consistent among studies carried out in many different temperate and tropical regions, indicating an effect of distance from streams itself. Protection of riparian habitats is one of the most widely used conservation strategies, and Brazilian environmental legislation mandates the protection of a 30 m wide strip of riparian vegetation on either side of small streams. We show that the protected strip should be much wider and recommend strategies to place other forms of land protection contiguous with riparian areas so that Brazilian environmental legislation better fulfills its role of protecting biodiversity associated with riparian habitats.  相似文献   

Nepstad DC  Tohver IM  Ray D  Moutinho P  Cardinot G 《Ecology》2007,88(9):2259-2269
Severe drought episodes such as those associated with El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events influence large areas of tropical forest and may become more frequent in the future. One of the most important forest responses to severe drought is tree mortality, which alters forest structure, composition, carbon content, and flammability, and which varies widely. This study tests the hypothesis that tree mortality increases abruptly during drought episodes when plant-available soil water (PAW) declines below a critical minimum threshold. It also examines the effect of tree size, plant life form (palm, liana, tree) and potential canopy position (understory, midcanopy, overstory) on drought-induced plant mortality. A severe, four-year drought episode was simulated by excluding 60% of incoming throughfall during each wet season using plastic panels installed in the understory of a 1-ha forest treatment plot, while a 1-ha control plot received normal rainfall. After 3.2 years, the treatment resulted in a 38% increase in mortality rates across all stems >2 cm dbh. Mortality rates increased 4.5-fold among large trees (>30 cm dbh) and twofold among medium trees (10-30 cm dbh) in response to the treatment, whereas the smallest stems were less responsive. Recruitment rates did not compensate for the elevated mortality of larger-diameter stems in the treatment plot. Overall, lianas proved more susceptible to drought-induced mortality than trees or palms, and potential overstory tree species were more vulnerable than midcanopy and understory species. Large stems contributed to 90% of the pretreatment live aboveground biomass in both plots. Large-tree mortality resulting from the treatment generated 3.4 times more dead biomass than the control plot. The dramatic mortality response suggests significant, adverse impacts on the global carbon cycle if climatic changes follow current trends.  相似文献   

Eschtruth AK  Battles JJ 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1314-1322
The widely held belief that riparian communities are highly invasible to exotic plants is based primarily on comparisons of the extent of invasion in riparian and upland communities. However, because differences in the extent of invasion may simply result from variation in propagule supply among recipient environments, true comparisons of invasibility require that both invasion success and propagule pressure are quantified. In this study, we quantified propagule pressure in order to compare the invasibility of riparian and upland forests and assess the accuracy of using a community's level of invasion as a surrogate for its invasibility. We found the extent of invasion to be a poor proxy for invasibility. The higher level of invasion in the studied riparian forests resulted from greater propagule availability rather than higher invasibility. Furthermore, failure to account for propagule pressure may confound our understanding of general invasion theories. Ecological theory suggests that species-rich communities should be less invasible. However, we found significant relationships between species diversity and invasion extent, but no diversity-invasibility relationship was detected for any species. Our results demonstrate that using a community's level of invasion as a surrogate for its invasibility can confound our understanding of invasibility and its determinants.  相似文献   

We investigated N cycling and denitrification rates following five years of N and dolomite amendments to whole-tree harvested forest plots at the long-term soil productivity experiment in the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia, USA. We hypothesized that changes in soil chemistry and nutrient cycling induced by N fertilization would increase denitrification rates and the N2O:N2 ratio. Soils from the fertilized plots had a lower pH (2.96) than control plots (3.22) and plots that received fertilizer and dolomite (3.41). There were no significant differences in soil %C or %N between treatments. Chloroform-labile microbial biomass carbon was lower in fertilized plots compared to control plots, though this trend was not significant. Extractable soil NO3- was elevated in fertilized plots on each sample date. Soil-extractable NH4+, NO3-, pH, microbial biomass carbon, and %C varied significantly by sample date suggesting important seasonal patterns in soil chemistry and N cycling. In particular, the steep decline in extractable NH4+ during the growing season is consistent with the high N demands of a regenerating forest. Net N mineralization and nitrification also varied by date but were not affected by the fertilization and dolomite treatments. In a laboratory experiment, denitrification was stimulated by NO3- additions in soils collected from all field plots, but this effect was stronger in soils from the unfertilized control plots, suggesting that chronic N fertilization has partially alleviated a NO3- limitation on denitrification rates. Dextrose stimulated denitrification only in the whole-tree-harvest soils. Denitrification enzyme activity varied by sample date and was elevated in fertilized plots for soil collected in July 2000 and June 2001. There were no detectable treatment effects on N2O or N2 flux from soils under anaerobic conditions, though there was strong temporal variation. These results suggest that whole-tree harvesting has altered the N status of these soils so they are less prone to N saturation than more mature forests. It is likely that N losses associated with the initial harvest and high N demand by aggrading vegetation is minimizing, at least temporarily, the amount of inorganic N available for nitrification and denitrification, even in the fertilized plots in this experiment.  相似文献   

Moran EV  Clark JS 《Ecology》2012,93(5):1082-1094
Inequality in reproductive success has important implications for ecological and evolutionary dynamics, but lifetime reproductive success is challenging to measure in long-lived species such as forest trees. While seed production is often used as a proxy for overall reproductive success, high mortality of seeds and the potential for trade-offs between seed number and quality draw this assumption into question. Parentage analyses of established seedlings can bring us one step closer to understanding the causes and consequences of variation in reproductive success. In this paper we demonstrate a new method for estimating individual seedling production and average percentage germination, using data from two mixed-species populations of red oaks (Quercus rubra, Q. velutina, Q. falcata, and Q. coccinea). We use these estimates to examine the distribution of female reproductive success and to test the relationship between seedling number and individual seed production, age, and growth rate. We show that both seed and seedling production are highly skewed, roughly conforming to zero-inflated lognormal distributions, rather than to the Poisson or negative-binomial distributions often assumed by population genetics analyses. While the number of established offspring is positively associated with mean annual seed production, a lower proportion of seeds from highly fecund individuals become seedlings. Our red oak populations also show evidence of trade-offs between growth rate and reproductive success. The high degree of inequality in seedling production shown here for red oaks, and by previous studies in other species, suggests that many trees may be more vulnerable to genetic drift than previously thought, if immigration in limited by fragmentation or other environmental changes.  相似文献   

Annually emerging cicadas are a numerically and ecologically dominant species in Southwestern riparian forests. Humans have altered disturbance regimes that structure these forests such that floods are less common and wildfires occur more frequently than was historically the case. Impacts of these changes on primary consumers such as riparian cicadas are unknown. Because cicadas are consumed by a variety of animal species, disturbances that alter timing of their emergence or abundance could have consequences for species at higher trophic levels. We trapped emerging cicadas (Tibicen dealbatus) in burned and unburned riparian forest plots along the Middle Rio Grande in central New Mexico (USA) to determine effects of wildfire and vegetation structure on their density and phenology. We measured vegetation variables and soil temperature at cicada traps and related these variables to variation in emergence density and phenology. We also experimentally heated soil under emergence traps to examine the relationship between soil temperature and emergence phenology. Emergence density was similar in wildfire and unburned plots, though emergence date averaged earlier in wildfire plots and experimentally heated traps. We identified models containing cottonwood proximity (distance from the nearest cottonwood tree) and cottonwood canopy coverage as the most parsimonious explanations of emergence density at each trap. Model selection results were consistent with the literature and field observations that showed that cottonwood trees are an essential resource for T. dealbatus. Cottonwood canopy was also correlated with low soil temperatures, which are associated with later emergence dates. Failure of cottonwoods to reestablish following wildfire could result in cicadas emerging at lower densities and at earlier dates. For cicadas to emerge at densities and times that provide the greatest benefits to birds and other riparian-obligate secondary consumers, riparian forests should be protected from fire, and native vegetation in wildfire sites should be restored.  相似文献   

This article examines the utility of a digitally derived cartographic depth-to-water (DTW) index to model and map variations in drainage, vegetation and soil type and select soil properties within a forested area (40 ha) of the Swan Hills, Alberta, Canada. This index was derived from a LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) derived digital elevation model (DEM), with at least 1 ground return per m2. The resulting DTW pattern was set to be zero along all DEM-derived flow channels, each with a 4 ha flow-initiation threshold. Soil type (luvisol, gleysol, mesisol), drainage type (very poor to excessive), vegetation type (hydric to xeric) and forest floor depth were determined along hillslope transects. These determinations conformed more closely to the DEM-derived log10(DTW) variations (R2 > 60%) than to the corresponding variations of the widely used topographic wetness index (TWI) (R2 < 25%). Setting log10(DTW) thresholds to represent the wet to moist to dry transitions between vegetation, drainage and soil type enabled a high-resolution mapping of these types across the study area. Also determined were soil moisture content, coarse fragment and soil particle composition (sand, silt, clay), pH, total C, N, S, P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, and available Ca, Mg, K, P and NH4, by soil layer type and depth. Most of these variables were also more correlated with log10(DTW) than with TWI, with and without soil layer depth as an additional regression variable. These variables are, therefore, subject to topographic controls to at least some extent, and can be modelled and mapped accordingly, as illustrated for soil moisture, forest floor depth and pH across the study area, from ridge tops to depressions. Further examinations revealed that the DEM-produced DTW and TWI patterns complemented one another, with DTW delineating soils in relation to local water-table influences, and with TWI delineating where the water would flow and accumulate.  相似文献   

Averill C  Finzi A 《Ecology》2011,92(4):883-891
It is hypothesized that decreasing mean annual temperature and rates of nitrogen (N) cycling causes plants to switch from inorganic to organic forms of N as the primary mode of N nutrition. To test this hypothesis, we conducted field experiments and collected natural-abundance delta15N signatures of foliage, soils, and ectomycorrhizal sporocarps along a steep elevation-climate gradient in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA. Here we show that with increasing elevation organic forms of N became the dominant source of N taken up by hardwood and coniferous tree species based on dual-labeled glycine uptake analysis, an important confirmation of an emerging theory for the biogeochemistry of the N cycle. Variation in natural abundance foliar delta15N with elevation was also consistent with increasing organic N uptake, though a simple, mass balance model demonstrated that the uptake of delta15N depleted inorganic N, rather than fractionation upon transfer of N from mycorrhizal fungi, best explains variations in foliar delta15N with elevation.  相似文献   

Hobbie JE  Hobbie EA 《Ecology》2006,87(4):816-822
When soil nitrogen is in short supply, most terrestrial plants form symbioses with fungi (mycorrhizae): hyphae take up soil nitrogen, transport it into plant roots, and receive plant sugars in return. In ecosystems, the transfers within the pathway fractionate nitrogen isotopes so that the natural abundance of 15N in fungi differs from that in their host plants by as much as 12% per hundred. Here we present a new method to quantify carbon and nitrogen fluxes in the symbiosis based on the fractionation against 15N during transfer of nitrogen from fungi to plant roots. We tested this method, which is based on the mass balance of 15N, with data from arctic Alaska where the nitrogen cycle is well studied. Mycorrhizal fungi provided 61-86% of the nitrogen in plants; plants provided 8-17% of their photosynthetic carbon to the fungi for growth and respiration. This method of analysis avoids the disturbance of the soil-microbe-root relationship caused by collecting samples, mixing the soil, or changing substrate concentrations. This analytical technique also can be applied to other nitrogen-limited ecosystems, such as many temperate and boreal forests, to quantify the importance for terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycling of nutrient transfers mediated by mycorrhizae at the plant-soil interface.  相似文献   

Zak DR  Holmes WE  Pregitzer KS 《Ecology》2007,88(10):2630-2639
Anthropogenic O3 and CO2-induced declines in soil N availability could counteract greater plant growth in a CO2-enriched atmosphere, thereby reducing net primary productivity (NPP) and the potential of terrestrial ecosystems to sequester anthropogenic CO2. Presently, it is uncertain how increasing atmospheric CO2 and O3 will alter plant N demand and the acquisition of soil N by plants as well as the microbial supply of N from soil organic matter. To address this uncertainty, we initiated an ecosystem-level 15N tracer experiment at the Rhinelander (Wisconsin, USA) free air CO2-O3 enrichment (FACE) facility to understand how projected increases in atmospheric CO2 and 03 alter the distribution and flow of N in developing northern temperate forests. Tracer amounts of 15NH4+ were applied to the forest floor of developing Populus tremuloides and P. tremuloides-Betula papyrifera communities that have been exposed to factorial CO2 and O3 treatments for seven years. One year after isotope addition, both forest communities exposed to elevated CO2 obtained greater amounts of 15N (29%) and N (40%) from soil, despite no change in soil N availability or plant N-use efficiency. As such, elevated CO2 increased the ability of plants to exploit soil for N, through the development of a larger root system. Conversely, elevated O3 decreased the amount of 15N (-15%) and N (-29%) in both communities, a response resulting from lower rates of photosynthesis, decreases in growth, and smaller root systems that acquired less soil N. Neither CO2 nor 03 altered the amount of N or 15N recovery in the forest floor, microbial biomass, or soil organic matter. Moreover, we observed no interaction between CO2 and 03 on the amount of N or 15N in any ecosystem pool, suggesting that 03 could exert a negative effect regardless of CO2 concentration. In a CO2-enriched atmosphere, greater belowground growth and a more thorough exploitation of soil for growth-limiting N is an important mechanism sustaining the enhancement of NPP in developing forests (0-8 years following establishment). However, as CO2 accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere, future O3 concentrations threaten to diminish the enhancement of plant growth, decrease plant N acquisition, and lessen the storage of anthropogenic C in temperate forests.  相似文献   


Selenium (Se) biofortification of staple cereal crops can improve the Se nutritional status of populations. A field trial employing an enriched stable isotope of Se (77Se) was undertaken over three consecutive cropping seasons in a coarse-textured, calcareous soil in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The objectives were to (1) assess the feasibility and efficiency of Se biofortification, (2) determine the fate of residual Se, and (3) assess the consequences for dietary Se intake. Isotopically enriched 77Se (77SeFert) was applied, either as selenate or as selenite, at three levels (0, 10, and 20 g ha?1) to a wheat crop. Residual 77SeFert availability was assessed in subsequent crops of maize and wheat without further 77SeFert addition. Loss of 77SeFert was c.35% by the first (wheat) harvest, for both selenium species, attributable to the practice of flood irrigation and low adsorption capacity of the soil. No 77SeFert was detectable in subsequent maize or wheat crops. The remaining 77SeFert in soil was almost entirely organically bound and diminished with time following a reversible (pseudo-)first-order trend. Thus, repeat applications of Se would be required to adequately biofortify grain each year. In contrast to native soil Se, there was no transfer of 77SeFert to a recalcitrant form. Grain from control plots would provide only 0.5 µg person?1 day?1 of Se. By contrast, a single application of 20 g ha?1 SeVI could provide c. 47 µg person?1 day?1 Se in wheat, sufficient to avoid deficiency when combined with dietary Se intake from other sources (c. 25 µg day?1).


碟形沼泽湿地水中氮的动态变化及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对三江平原碟形湿地不同植被类型沼泽水体中氮含量的研究表明,漂筏苔草、毛果苔草和乌拉苔草沼泽水体中各形态氮含量具有明显的季节变化特征.总氮(TN)含量在5-10月份的植物生长季节表现为先增加后降低的趋势,不同植被类型沼泽水体TN含量明显不同.NH4+-N是无机氮的主要存在形态,含量比例在44.81%~98.89%之间.在整个生长季,乌拉苔草沼泽水NH4+-N含量呈先增加后降低的趋势,毛果苔草沼泽水NH4+-N含量在8月份具有峰值,漂筏苔草沼泽水NH4+-N含量较低,波动不大.硝态氮(NO3--N)在生长季中期含量较低,而亚硝态氮(NO2--N)含量较高;生长季末期NO3--N含量增高,而NO2--N含量降低.沼泽水体中不同形态氮浓度与植被类型、植被生长阶段密切相关,并且受到水温、降雨、蒸发、农田排水等因素的影响.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Improper decisions concerning animal carcass disposal sites pose grave threats to environmental biosecurity. However, only a few studies have focused on the...  相似文献   

三江平原湿地岛状林CH4和N2O排放通量的特征   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用静态箱-气相色谱法对三江平原湿地岛状林生长季N2O、CH4的排放通量进行了为期4个月的原位测定,分析了三江平原湿地岛状林CH4、N2O排放通量的季节特征,并初步探讨了CH4、N2O排放通量与温度和土壤水分的关系.湿地岛状林CH4、N2O通量均呈现出明显的正负交替的变化特征, 通量范围分别为-560.45~706.35 μg/(m2·h)和-28.87~43.59 μg/(m2·h), 季节均值分别为41.88 μg/(m2·h)和11.56 μg/(m2·h).结果表明, 湿地三江平原湿地岛状林土壤是CH4和N2O的汇.相关分析表明,CH4和N2O的排放与箱内温度具有弱相关性.土壤水分是影响湿地岛状林土壤CH4吸收、排放关系的重要因素, 而土壤的干湿交替能促进岛状林土壤N2O的排放.  相似文献   

广州市城市森林土壤重金属污染状况及其评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
城市森林土壤能储淤城市环境中的重金属污染元素,影响土壤环境质量.文章对广州市的城市森林区域中土壤重金属的污染状况进行研究,应用单项污染元素指数和综合污染指数对广州市城市森林土壤进行环境质量评价,结果表明:广州市机场高速林带林区土壤中As、Pb、Cd三重金属污染元素超标,广深铁路林带林区土壤中Cd重金属元素超标, 其他各林区严格控制环境重金属污染物未超标;帽峰山森林公园土壤重金属综合污染指数最低,表明森林群落对重金属污染元素的消减作用明显.土壤酶活性可以表征森林土壤中重金属污染状况,森林土壤中As、Cu、Zn含量与过氧化氢酶活性呈显著负相关性;对可能影响城市森林土壤重金属含量因素的10个因子进行主成分分析,建立了城市森林土壤环境质量评价综合模型.  相似文献   

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