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Soil quality at a national scale in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New Zealand is a signatory to international conventions on environmental performance, and soil quality information is needed for reporting both at a national and regional level. Soil quality was measured at 222 sites in five regions of New Zealand (12 soil orders and 9 land-use categories). Topsoil (0-100 mm) properties measured were total carbon and nitrogen, potentially mineralizable N, pH, Olsen P, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, and total available and readily available water. Our objectives were to gauge the representativeness of the sample, determine the contribution from land use or soil order to variability, rationalize the data set, and identify concerns for long-term sustainable land use. Soil and land use combinations were both under- or overrepresented in the data set compared with national distribution. Soil order and land-use categories explained 55 to 76% of the variance in soil properties. Total C contents of pastures were comparable with indigenous forest soils, but pastures were less acidic and with higher N and P contents. Plantation forests had characteristics similar to indigenous forests on comparable soils. Cropland soils comprised <1% of the national land cover and generally had high inorganic fertility and low organic matter, with evidence of compaction. Seven characteristics (total C, total N, mineralizable N, pH, Olsen P, bulk density, and macroporosity) explained 87% of the total variability. The findings are being used by monitoring agencies to raise awareness about soil quality in the wider community, set land management guidelines, and develop policies.  相似文献   

Environmental policy makers are interested in ways to prevent environmental degradation without significantly limiting economic and social development. Increasingly, market-based instruments are being incorporated into the suite of policy tools to accomplish these aims. However, the lack of information on market-based instruments accessible to non-economists limits understanding of how and when a market-based instrument can be integrated into a traditional policy regime. This paper aims to address the lack of accessible information using a generic screening process for policy instruments demonstrated through application to a non-point source pollution problem in Lake Taupo, New Zealand.  相似文献   

This study examines the quality of local and regional environmental plans produced under New Zealand's Resource Management Act (RMA) of 1991, which sets forth a national sustainable development strategy. Plan quality characteristics are defined and used as criteria for plan evaluation. A key finding is that planning programmes have significantly advanced since passage of the RMA, but that high quality plans are not necessarily produced by simply passing mandate legislation. Implications of study findings for sustainable development initiatives in other countries and for future research are presented.  相似文献   

On enactment, both the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 1970 of the US and the Resource Management Act (RMA), 1991 of New Zealand received accolades for innovativeness. However, is such praise justified when these acts are explored through the literature on policy innovation? This paper suggests that it is. More importantly, recognizing how different attributes of innovation contribute to having a policy adopted suggests what the crafters of future environmental policies might do well to consider. It is critical to attend to the political climate in which a policy is being drafted.  相似文献   

Soil conservation has been a matter of federal natural resource policy for over a half century in the United States. A variety of federal programs have been undertaken to encourage soil conservation. There are goals which are essential to these programs, and there are related ancillary programs with different goals which often have had an impact on the extent to which the central soil conservation objectives have been effectively implemented. This article analyzes four aspects of federal soil conservation goals and programs: the evolution of the constellation of soil conservation goals, the problems with goal implementation, implementation effectiveness, and the appropriateness of the implementation and administration of federal goals.  相似文献   

通过对新西兰猕猴桃的考察,本文介绍了新西兰猕猴桃的科研、产业化状况及市场情况。  相似文献   

Research into global environmental change in the United Kingdom, has sought to influence public policy. It has also served to refashion the social sciences themselves, forcing them to consider sustainability as a dimension of all social and economic behaviour. This paper describes the way in which the principle of enhanced sustainability might become a point of reference in social science research. It discusses, some of the lessons that have been learned from the Global Environmental Change Programme and then considers the relationship between this work and research on the environment undertaken within the natural sciences.This paper was presented as a keynote delivery at the Global Forum '94 Conference Towards a sustainable Future: Promoting Sustainable Development, Manchester, UK.  相似文献   

This paper addresses some issues related to the carbon cycle and its utilization by society. Traditional uses for agriculture, forestry, as a source of fuel and other products, and for pastoral farming, among others, have recently been supplemented by identifying its potential for mitigating the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Through the Kyoto Protocol, carbon has become a commodity and the CO(2)-absorbing capability of the vegetation and soils an economically valuable asset. The multi-facetted roles of the C cycle and its sensitivity to human activities present a demand for techniques that permit accurate, timely and affordable characterization of the various components of this cycle, especially on land where most human activities take place. Such techniques must satisfy a range of demands in terms of purpose, clients for the information, and biosphere properties. However, if successful, they offer the potential to support monitoring, reporting, policy setting, and management of terrestrial biospheric resources. The context for these requirements and possibilities is illustrated with reference to the China Carbon Sequestration Project and its findings.  相似文献   

Citizen science projects are increasingly recognised as catalyst for triggering behaviour change and building social capital around environmental issues. However, overview studies observe recurrent challenges in many citizen science projects in terms of combining high levels of data quality with deep citizen engagement and policy influence. This paper reports on the findings of the CurieuzeNeuzen project (www.CurieuzeNeuzen.eu), a large-scale citizen science project on air quality in Antwerp, delivering results in the three areas described above. Through CurieuzeNeuzen, 2,000 citizens studied the air quality levels in and around Antwerp in 2016 and were intensively deliberating on possible causes and solutions. Surveys were conducted at the start and towards the end of the project, with participants stating that their participation resulted in changed views and behaviour towards air pollution, mobility solutions, and city planning. The findings were picked-up academically and contributed to policy debates on air quality at city and regional level.  相似文献   

This paper describes the frustrating reality of sustainability implementation in the USA and New Zealand (NZ), an early adopter of sustainability mandates. Local government has a key role in implementation, but has been slow to uptake sustainable practices. We surveyed senior planners in small to medium-sized local government agencies in both countries to identify which features of local government support (or hinder) sustainability in practice.

Environmentally sustainable practices are not well entrenched in either country. In the USA, the framing of sustainability and public support are significant predictors of implementation. However, sustainability is rarely a priority. In NZ, local government capacity is the main driver of implementation. We recommend that planners promote sustainability values, reconcile economic development goals with sustainability (e.g., green economy model), and translate public support for sustainability into institutional priorities. NZ localities also need increased capacity and US localities need continued Federal and State support.  相似文献   

The Resource Management Act 1991 provides a new mandate for effectsbased planning with its goal of sustainable management. Regional, city and district councils are responsible for administering the Act, including preparation of regional policy statements, regional and district plans. The paper reports on a collaborative research programme,funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. The three-year programme has two objectives: (1) to determine the quality of policy statements and plans; and (2) to identify the extent and means by which councils co-ordinate policy statements and plans. Preliminary findings on implementation of the Act are presented.  相似文献   

Deregulation in the European Union: environmental perspectives. U. Collier (Ed.), 1998, London, Routledge, ISBN 0 415 15694 7, £47.50 (hbk)

Protecting the European Environment: enforcing EC environmental law. H. Somsen (Ed.), 1996, London, Blackstone Press, ISBN 185 431 6044, £19.95

Green Parties and Politics in the European Union. Elizabeth Bomberg, 1998, London, Routledge, ISBN 0 415102 650, £15.99 (pbk)

British Environmental Policy and Europe. Philip Lowe &; Stephen Ward (Eds), 1998, London, Routledge, ISBN 0 415155 010, £16.99 (pbk)

Wolf in the Garden: the land rights movement and the new environmental debate. Philip D. Brick &; R. McGreggor Cawley (Eds), 1996, Lanham, MD, Rowman &; Littlefield, ISBN 08476 8184 X, US$67.50 (hbk) ISBN 08476 8185 8, US$24.95 (pbk)

Fresh Water. E. C. Pielou, 1998, Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0 226 66815 0, US$24/£19.25 (hbk)

Environment and Politics. Timothy Doyle &; Doug McEachern, 1998, London, Routledge, ISBN 0415 14776, £10.99

Eat Your Genes: how genetically modified food is entering our diet. S. Nottingham, 1998, London, Zed Books, ISBN 1 85649 577 9, £32.95 (hbk) ISBN 1 85649 578 7, £11.95 (pbk)

Working for Better Environmental Performance in SMEs. PACTE programme of the European Commission, 1997, Project of Berlin, Bristol, Copenhagen and Vienna1 (no charge)

Love Canal, the Story Continues. Lois Marie Gibbs, 1998, Gabriola Island, BC, New Society Publishers, ISBN 0 86571 382 0, US$16.95/Can$19.95 (pbk)  相似文献   

This paper describes the primary energy resources of New Zealand and their relative importance. It describes the principal legislation that provides environmental protection and public participation with which State and private agencies are bound to comply. The paper then discusses air pollution in further detail and cites three examples where there is cause for concern. By international standards, air pollution is not a serious problem in New Zealand and so the economic consequences have received little attention Two simple examples are cited. A map showing the main centers and the location of facilities referred to in the text is included  相似文献   

The Resource Management Act, passed in 1991, has significantly revised the practice of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in New Zealand. In contrast to a previous emphasis on environmental impact reports of major projects, the new requirements call for environmental impact assessment of all resource consent applications and of all regional, district and city policies and plans. This signals a change directed at incorporating environmental considerations into day‐to‐day planning decisions, with the purpose of achieving sustainable management. The paper identifies and discusses some key issues which are critical for successful integration of EIA within a planning framework.  相似文献   

澳大利亚与新西兰应对气候变化出现值得关注的新动向,专家建议政府加强气候变化研究,并广泛深入开展古气候、古地理研究以预测未来,进一步加强气候变化的防灾减灾力度等;为此政府制定永久性节水法规,降低用水标准,公布水体杀虫剂、除草剂的浓度安全标准;重新强调保护土壤的重要性,削减城市用地定额,建立严格的土壤安全标准。  相似文献   

Since taking office 1 December 1988, Mexico's incumbent president, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, has introduced important innovations in environmental policy that distinguish his administration from those of his predecessors. Greater administrative continuity, improved regulatory capacity achieved through statutory change, focused priorities centering on pollution abatement in Mexico City, and an aggressive search for external financing for pollution control are hallmarks of Salinas' approach. The success of these environmental reforms depends heavily on economic recovery, however, and environmental policy still suffers from underfunding, bureaucratic fragmentation, and heavy reliance on voluntarist enforcement mechanisms. Recently, U.S. congressional debate on a proposed free trade agreement with Mexico has been a factor in spurring the Salinas government to take new antipollution and conservation measures. Mexico's growing environmental movement is also an important force behind the government's new responsiveness in environmental matters. The Salinas administration recognizes the issue's political salience and has sought to defuse environmental criticism using a large arsenal of resources at its disposal. Salinas' environmental policy strategy may thus be characterized as both proactive and reactive in nature. While the reforms are evidence that Mexico is beginning to take environmental matters more seriously, economic recovery and sustained environmental activism remain vital to further progress.  相似文献   

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