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Environmental impacts of composting poultry litter with chemical amendments at the field scale have not been well quantified. The objectives of this study were to measure (i) P runoff and (ii) forage yield and N uptake from small plots fertilized with composted and fresh poultry litter. Two composting studies, aerated using mechanical turning, were conducted in consecutive years. Composted litter was collected at the completion of each study for use in runoff studies. Treatments in runoff studies included an unfertilized control, fresh (uncomposted) poultry litter, and litter composted with no amendment, H3PO4, alum, or a microbial mixture. An additional treatment, litter composted with alum plus the microbial mixture, was evaluated during the first year. Fertilizer treatments were applied at rates equivalent to 8.96 Mg ha(-1) and rainfall simulators were used to produce a 5 cm h(-1) storm event. Composted poultry litter, regardless of treatment, had higher total P concentrations than fresh poultry litter. Composting poultry litter resulted in reductions of N/P ratios by as much as 51%. Soluble reactive P concentrations were lowest in alum-treated compost, which reduced soluble P concentrations in runoff water by as much as 84%. Forage yields and N uptake were greatest from plots fertilized with fresh poultry litter. Composting poultry litter without the addition of C sources can increase P concentrations in the end product and surface runoff. This study also indicated that increased rates of composted poultry litter would be required to meet equivalent N rates supplied by fresh poultry litter.  相似文献   

Alum (Al2(SO4)(3).14H2O) additions to poultry litter result in lower ammonia (NH3) volatilization and phosphorus (P) runoff; however, the long-term effects of alum on soil P behavior have been unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term effects of poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) on P availability in soils and P runoff. Two studies were initiated in 1995: a small plot (1.5x3.0 m) study and a paired watershed (0.405 ha) study. In the small plot study 13 treatments (control, four rates of normal litter, four rates of alum-treated litter, and four rates of NH4NO3) were applied to tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plots. Results show that after 7 yr water-extractable P (WEP) in surface soil samples was greater with normal litter, but Mehlich III P was greater in surface soils fertilized with alum-treated litter. When soil samples were taken at depth intervals to 50 cm in Year 7, Mehlich III P was only greater in the surface 5 cm for soils fertilized with alum-treated litter. At lower depths Mehlich III P was greater with normal litter, and WEP was up to 288% greater when normal litter was used, indicating that alum significantly reduced P leaching. Uptake of P by fescue was not affected by alum. Results from the paired watershed study showed P loss in runoff was 340% greater for normal litter than for alum-treated litter. This research, combined with earlier work that shows alum use improves air and soil quality, supports the use of alum as a long-term solution to reducing P runoff and leaching.  相似文献   

Prediction of phosphorus (P) availability from soil-applied composts and manure is important for agronomic and environmental reasons. This study utilized chemical properties of eight composted and two non-composted beef cattle (Bos taurus) manures to predict cumulative phosphorus uptake (CPU) during a 363-d controlled environment chamber bioassay. Ten growth cycles of canola (Brassica napus L.) were raised in pots containing 2 kg of a Dark Brown Chernozemic clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, Typic Haploboroll) mixed with 0.04 kg of the amendments. Inorganic P fertilizer (KH2PO4) and an unamended control were included for comparison. All treatments received a nutrient solution containing an adequate supply of all essential nutrients, except P, which was supplied by the amendments. Cumulative P uptake was similar for composted (74 mg kg-1 soil) and non-composted manures (60 mg kg-1 soil) and for the latter and the fertilizer (40 mg kg-1 soil). However, the CPU was significantly higher for organic amendments than the control (24 mg kg-1 soil) and for composted manure than the fertilizer. Apparent phosphorus recovery (APR) from composted manure (24%) was significantly lower than that from non-composted manure (33%), but there was no significant difference in APR between the organic amendments and the fertilizer (27%). Partial least squares (PLS) regression indicated that only two parameters [total water-extractable phosphorus (TPH2O) and total phosphorus (TP) concentration of amendments] were adequate to model amendment-derived cumulative phosphorus uptake (ACPU), explaining 81% of the variation in ACPU. These results suggest that P availability from soil-applied composted and non-composted manures can be adequately predicted from a few simple amendment chemical measurements. Accurate prediction of P availability and plant P recovery may help tailor manure and compost applications to plant needs and minimize the buildup of bioavailable P, which can contribute to eutrophication of sensitive aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Aluminum sulfate (alum; Al(2)(SO(4))(3).14H(2)O) is used as a chemical treatment of poultry litter to reduce the solubility and release of phosphate, thereby minimizing the impacts on adjacent aquatic ecosystems when poultry litter is land applied as a crop fertilizer. The objective of this study was to determine, through the use of X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and sequential extraction, how alum amendments alter P distribution and solid-state speciation within the poultry litter system. Our results indicate that traditional sequential fractionation procedures may not account for variability in P speciation in heterogeneous animal manures. Analysis shows that NaOH-extracted P in alum amended litters is predominantly organic ( approximately 80%), whereas in the control samples, >60% of NaOH-extracted P was inorganic P. Linear least squares fitting (LLSF) analysis of spectra collected of sequentially extracted litters showed that the P is present in inorganic (P sorbed on Al oxides, calcium phosphates) and organic forms (phytic acid, polyphosphates, and monoesters) in alum- and non-alum-amended poultry litter. When determining land application rates of poultry litter, all of these compounds must be considered, especially organic P. Results of the sequential extractions in conjunction with LLSF suggest that no P species is completely removed by a single extractant. Rather, there is a continuum of removal as extractant strength increases. Overall, alum-amended litters exhibited higher proportions of Al-bound P species and phytic acid, whereas untreated samples contained Ca-P minerals and organic P compounds. This study provides in situ information about P speciation in the poultry litter solid and about P availability in alum- and non-alum-treated poultry litter that will dictate P losses to ground and surface water systems.  相似文献   

Research has shown that alum [Al(2)(SO(4))(3).14H(2)O] applications to poultry litter can greatly reduce phosphorus (P) runoff, as well as decrease ammonia (NH(3)) volatilization. However, the long-term effects of fertilizing with alum-treated litter are unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term effects of normal poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate (NH(4)NO(3)) on aluminum (Al) availability in soils, Al uptake by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and tall fescue yields. A long-term study was initiated in April of 1995. There were 13 treatments (unfertilized control, four rates of normal litter, four rates of alum-treated litter, and four rates of NH(4)NO(3)) in a randomized block design. All fertilizers were broadcast applied to 52 small plots (3.05 x 1.52 m) cropped to tall fescue annually in the spring. Litter application rates were 2.24, 4.49, 6.73, and 8.98 Mg ha(-1) (1, 2, 3, and 4 tons acre(-1)); NH(4)NO(3) rates were 65, 130, 195, and 260 kg N ha(-1) and were based on the amount of N applied with alum-treated litter. Soil pH, exchangeable Al (extracted with potassium chloride), Al uptake by fescue, and fescue yields were monitored periodically over time. Ammonium nitrate applications resulted in reductions in soil pH beginning in Year 3, causing exchangeable Al values to increase from less than 1 mg Al kg(-1) soil in Year 2 to over 100 mg Al kg(-1) soil in Year 7 for many of the NH(4)NO(3) plots. In contrast, normal and alum-treated litter resulted in an increase in soil pH, which decreased exchangeable Al when compared to unfertilized controls. Severe yield reductions were observed with NH(4)NO(3) beginning in Year 6, which were due to high levels of acidity and exchangeable Al. Aluminum uptake by forage and Al runoff from the plots were not affected by treatment. Fescue yields were highest with alum-treated litter (annual average = 7.36 Mg ha(-1)), followed by normal litter (6.93 Mg ha(-1)), NH(4)NO(3) (6.16 Mg ha(-1)), and the control (2.89 Mg ha(-1)). These data indicate that poultry litter, particularly alum-treated litter, may be a more sustainable fertilizer than NH(4)NO(3).  相似文献   

Large and repeated manure applications can exceed the P sorption capacity of soil and increase P leaching and losses through subsurface drainage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fate of P applied with increasing N rates in dairy wastewater or poultry litter on grassland during a 4-yr period. In addition to P recovery in forage, soil-test phosphorus (STP) was monitored at depths to 180 cm in a Darco loamy sand (loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic Grossarenic Paleudults) twice annually. A split-plot arrangement of a randomized complete block design comprised four annual N rates (0, 250, 500, and 1000 kg ha(-1)) for each nutrient source on coastal bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] over-seeded with ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L. cv. TAM90). Increasing annual rates of N and P in wastewater and poultry litter increased P removal in forage (P = 0.001). At the highest N rate of each nutrient source, less than 13% of applied P was recovered in forage. The highest N rates delivered 8 times more P in wastewater or 15 times more P in poultry litter than was removed in forage harvests during an average year. Compared with controls, annual P rates up to 188 kg ha(-1) in dairy wastewater did not increase STP concentrations at depths below 30 cm. In contrast, the highest annual P rate (590 kg ha(-1)) in poultry litter increased STP above that of controls at depth intervals to 120 cm during the first year of sampling. Increases in STP at depths below 30 cm in the Darco soil were indicative of excessive P rates that could contribute to nonpoint-source pollution in outflows from subsoil through subsurface drainage.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in runoff from pastures amended with poultry litter may be a significant contributor to eutrophication of lakes and streams in Georgia and other areas in the southeastern United States. The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of litter application rate and initial runoff timing on the long-term loss of P in runoff from surface-applied poultry litter and to develop equations that predict P loss in runoff under these conditions. Litter application rates of 2, 7, and 13 Mg ha(-1), and three rainfall scenarios applied to 1- x 2-m plots in a 3 x 3 randomized complete block design with three replications. The rainfall scenarios included (i) sufficient rainfall to produce runoff immediately after litter application; (ii) no rainfall for 30 d after litter application; and (iii) small rainfall events every 7 d (5 min at 75 mm h(-1)) for 30 d. Phosphorus loss was greatest from the high litter rate and immediate runoff treatments. Nonlinear regression equations based on the small plot study produced fairly accurate (r(2) = 0.52-0.62) prediction of P concentrations in runoff water from larger (0.75 ha) fields over a 2-yr period. Predicted P concentrations were closest to observed values for events that occurred shortly after litter application, and the relative error in predictions increased with time after litter application. In addition, previously developed equations relating soil test P levels to runoff P concentrations were ineffective in the presence of surface-applied litter.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) losses from pastures fertilized with poultry litter contribute to the degradation of surface water quality in the United States. Dietary modification and manure amendments may reduce potential P runoff losses from pastures. In the current study, broilers were fed a normal diet, phytase diet, high available phosphorus (HAP) corn diet, or HAP corn + phytase diet. Litter treatments were untreated control and alum added at 10% by weight between flocks. Phytase and HAP corn diets reduced litter dissolved P content in poultry litter by 10 and 35%, respectively, compared with the normal diet (789 mg P kg(-1)). Alum treatment of poultry litter reduced the amount of dissolved P by 47%, while a 74% reduction was noted after alum treatment of litter from the HAP corn + phytase diet. The P concentrations in runoff water were highest from plots receiving poultry litter from the normal diet, whereas plots receiving poultry litter from phytase and HAP corn diets had reduced P concentrations. The addition of alum to the various poultry litters reduced P runoff by 52 to 69%; the greatest reduction occurred when alum was used in conjunction with HAP corn and phytase. This study demonstrates the potential added benefits of using dietary modification in conjunction with manure amendments in poultry operations. Integrators and producers should consider the use of phytase, HAP corn, and alum to reduce potential P losses associated with poultry litter application to pastures.  相似文献   

Trace element speciation in poultry litter   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Trace elements are added to poultry feed for disease prevention and enhanced feed efficiency. High concentrations are found in poultry litter (PL), which raises concerns regarding trace element loading of soils. Trace metal cation solubility from PL may be enhanced by complexation with dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Mineralization of organo-As compounds may result in more toxic species such as As(III) and As(V). Speciation of these elements in PL leachates should assist in predicting their fate in soil. Elemental concentrations of 40 PL samples from the southeastern USA were determined. Water-soluble extractions (WSE) were fractionated into hydrophobic, anionic, and cationic species with solid-phase extraction columns. Arsenic speciation of seven As species, including the main As poultry feed additives, roxarsone (ROX; 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid) and p-arsanilic acid (p-ASA; 4-aminophenylarsonic acid), was performed by ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS). Total As concentrations in the litter varied from 1 to 39 mg kg(-1), averaging 16 mg kg(-1). Mean total Cu, Ni, and Zn concentrations were 479, 11, and 373 mg kg(-1), respectively. Copper and Ni were relatively soluble (49 and 41% respectively) while only 6% of Zn was soluble. Arsenic was highly soluble with an average of 71% WSE. Roxarsone was the major As species in 50% of PL samples. However, the presence of As(V) as the major species in 50% of the PL samples indicates that mineralization of ROX had occurred. The high solubility of As from litter and its apparent ready mineralization to inorganic forms coupled with the large quantity of litter that is annually land-applied in the USA suggests a potential detrimental effect on soil and water quality in the long term.  相似文献   

Prediction of manure nitrogen availability to crops is key to ensuring adequate production while minimizing potential adverse environmental impacts. This field study estimated first-year and residual N availability from several manures subjected to various levels of processing, and evaluated the applicability of the pre-sidedress soil N test (PSNT) in fields receiving the different manures using corn (Zea mays L.) as the test crop. Plots received several rates of fresh (FP), dried (DP), or composted (CP) poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus) manure, composted cow (Bos taurus) (CC) manure, ammonium nitrate (AN), or no N. Crop yields and N uptake from plots where CC was applied were undistinguishable from controls in most years, whereas poultry manures significantly increased corn production. Average apparent first-year N availability, as measured by fertilizer equivalence, was 57, 53, 14, and 4% for FP, DP, CP, and CC respectively. Apparent second-year N availability, as measured by relative effectiveness, was 18, 19, 12, and 7% for FP, DP, CP, and CC; however, for CC both first- and second-year estimates of apparent N recovery (ANR) could statistically not be separated from the controls. Apparent nitrogen avail-ability was greater for less processed manures and for CP compared to CC, emphasizing that producers should know the source and level of compost stability when these materials are used as a primary nutrient source. The PSNT successfully (87% correct) identified sites with a critical value of 24 mg kg(-1) that were N sufficient across a variety of N amendments from those that would have benefitted from additional N input.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the environmental fate of the hormones 17beta-estradiol and testosterone excreted in animal waste. Land application of manure has a considerable potential to affect the environment with these endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). Composting is known to decompose organic matter to a stable, humus-like material. The goal of the present study was to quantitatively assess levels of water-soluble 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in composting chicken manure with time. Chicken layer manure was mixed with hay, straw, decomposed leaves, and starter compost, adjusted to approximately 60% moisture, and placed into a windrow. A clay-amended windrow was also prepared. Windrows were turned weekly, and temperature, oxygen, and CO(2) in the composting mass were monitored for either 133 or 139 d. Commercial enzyme immunoassay kits were used to quantitate the levels of 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in aqueous sample extracts. Water-soluble quantities of both hormones diminished during composting. The decrease in 17beta-estradiol followed first-order kinetics, with a rate constant k = -0.010/d. Testosterone levels declined at a slightly higher rate than 17beta-estradiol (i.e., k = -0.015/d). Both hormones could still be measured in aqueous extracts of compost sampled at the conclusion of composting. The decline in water-soluble 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in extracts of clay-amended compost was not statistically different from normal compost. These data suggest that composting may be an environmentally friendly technology suitable for reducing, but not eliminating, the concentrations of these endocrine disrupting hormones at concentrated animal operation facilities.  相似文献   

Poultry litter provides a rich nutrient source for crops, but the usual practice of surface-applying litter can degrade water quality by allowing nutrients to be transported from fields in surface runoff while much of the ammonia (NH3)-N escapes into the atmosphere. Our goal was to improve on conventional titter application methods to decrease associated nutrient losses to air and water while increasing soil productivity. We developed and tested a knifing technique to directly apply dry poultry litter beneath the surface of pastures. Results showed that subsurface litter application decreased NH3-N volatilization and nutrient losses in runoff more than 90% (compared with surface-applied litter) to levels statistically as low as those from control (no litter) plots. Given this success, two advanced tractor-drawn prototypes were developed to subsurface apply poultry litter in field research. The two prototypes have been tested in pasture and no-till experiments and are both effective in improving nutrient-use efficiency compared with surface-applied litter, increasing crop yields (possibly by retaining more nitrogen in the soil), and decreasing nutrient losses, often to near background (control plot) levels. A paired-watershed study showed that cumulative phosphorus losses in runoff from continuously grazed perennial pastures were decreased by 55% over a 3-yr period if the annual poultry litter applications were subsurface applied rather than surface broadcast. Results highlight opportunities and challenges for commercial adoption of subsurface poultry litter application in pasture and no-till systems.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature reports 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid (roxarsone) degradation in poultry litter (PL) to the more toxic inorganic arsenic (As). Aluminum-based drinking-water treatment residuals (WTR) present a low-cost amendment technology to reduce As availability in PL, similar to the use of alum to reduce phosphorus availability. Batch experiments investigated the effectiveness of WTR in removing roxarsone and inorganic As species from PL aqueous suspensions. Incubation experiments with WTR-amended PL evaluated the effects of WTR application rates (2.5-15% by weight) and incubation time (up to 32 d) at two incubation temperatures (23 and 35 degrees C) on As availability in PL. Batch PL aqueous experiments showed the high affinity of As(V), As(III), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and roxarsone for the WTR. The 10% WTR amendment rate decreased As availability in PL by half of that of the unamended (no WTR) PL-incubated samples. The reduction in dissolved As concentrations during incubation of WTR-amended PL samples was kinetically limited, being complete within 13 d. Parallel reductions in roxarsone, As(V), and DMA concentrations were observed with liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, whereas As(III) and MMA concentrations were always <5% of dissolved As. Incubation temperature did not significantly (p > 0.05) influence dissolved As concentrations in the WTR-amended PL. Potential formation of a copper-containing roxarsone metabolite was considered in PL aqueous suspensions with the aid of electrospray mass spectrometry. Further experiments in the field are necessary to ensure that sorbed As is stable in WTR-amended PL.  相似文献   

While the poultry industry is a major economic benefit to several areas in the USA, land application of poultry litter to recycle nutrients can lead to impaired surface and ground water quality. Amending poultry litter with alum [Al3(SO4)2 x 14H2O] has received considerable attention as a method of economically reducing ammonia volatilization in the poultry house and soluble phosphorus in runoff waters. The objective of this study was to characterize the effect of alum on broiler litter decomposition and N dynamics under laboratory conditions. Litter that had been amended with alum in the poultry house after each of the first four of five flock cycles (Experiment I) and litter that had been amended with alum after removal from a poultry house after the third flock cycle (Experiment II) were compared with unamended litter in separate studies. The litters in Experiment I were surface-applied to simulate application to grasslands, while the litters in Experiment II were incorporated to simulate application to conventionally tilled crops. The only statistically significant differences in decomposition due to alum occurred early in Experiment II and the differences were small. The only statistically significant differences in net N mineralization, soil inorganic N, and soil NH4+-N in either experiment was found in Experiment I after 70 d of incubation where soil inorganic N was significantly greater for the alum treatment. Thus, alum had little effect on decomposition or N dynamics. Results of many of the studies on litter not amended with alum should be applicable to litters amended with alum to reduce P availability.  相似文献   

Land application of broiler litter is a common disposal method due to its value as a fertiliser substitute, but presents potential environmental problems because of nutrient runoff. Composting has been suggested as an alternative due to the formation of more stable organic components. The land application of fresh and composted broiler litter are compared as alternative disposal methods. The costs of land application of broiler litter are dominated by spreading because of low nutrient densities relative to commercial fertilisers. Composting broiler litter before land application appears to be substantially less economically attractive than land application of fresh broiler litter because of high costs of production and higher spreading costs due to even lower nutrient density. However, when environmental constraints are placed on the phosphorus concentration from hayfield runoff, composting becomes a more attractive alternative. Composting becomes more viable as the land base for application becomes smaller relative to broiler production; as alternative disposal costs for litter become higher; and as environmental constraints become stricter.  相似文献   

The use of spectroscopic techniques (especially phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance [(31)P-NMR] and X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy) has recently advanced the analysis of the speciation of P in poultry litter (PL) and greatly enhanced our understanding of changes in P pools in PL that receive alum (aluminum sulfate) to reduce water-soluble P and control ammonia emissions from poultry houses. Questions remain concerning changes of P species during long-term storage, drying, or after application of PL to cropland or for other uses, such as turfgrass. In this study, we investigated a set of six PL samples (of which three were alum-amended and three were unamended) that had been characterized previously. The P speciation was analyzed using solid-state (31)P-NMR spectroscopy, and the mineralogy was analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) after storing the samples moist and dried for up to 5 yr under controlled conditions. The magnesium ammonium phosphate mineral struvite was identified in all but one PL samples. Struvite concentrations were generally lower in dried samples (< or = 14%) than in samples stored moist (23 and 26%). The moist samples also had higher concentrations of phosphate bound to aluminum hydroxides. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was in general more sensitive than XRD in detecting and quantifying P species. Although phosphate associated with calcium and aluminum made up a large proportion of P species, they were not detected by XRD.  相似文献   

Phosphorus in runoff from fields where poultry litter is surface-applied is an environmental concern. We investigated the effect of adding phytase and reducing supplemental P in poultry diets and composting poultry manures, with and without Fe and Al amendments, on P in manures, composts, and runoff. We used four diets: normal (no phytase) with 0.4% supplemental P, normal + phytase, phytase + 0.3% P, and phytase + 0.2% P. Adding phytase and decreasing supplemental P in diets reduced total P but increased water-extractable P in manure. Compared with manures, composting reduced both total P, due to dilution of manure with woodchips and straw, and water-extractable P, but beyond a dilution effect so that the ratio of water-extractable P to total P was less in compost than manure. Adding Fe and Al during composting did not consistently change total P or water-extractable P. Manures and composts were surface-applied to soil boxes at a rate of 50 kg total P ha(-1) and subjected to simulated rainfall, with runoff collected for 30 min. For manures, phytase and decreased P in diets had no significant effect on total P or molybdate-reactive P loads (kg ha(-1)) in runoff. Composting reduced total P and molybdate-reactive P loads in runoff, and adding Fe and Al to compost reduced total P but not molybdate-reactive P loads in runoff. Molybdate-reactive P in runoff (mg box(-1)) was well correlated to water-extractable P applied to boxes (mg box(-1)) in manures and composts. Therefore, the final environmental impact of dietary phytase will depend on the management of poultry diets, manure, and farm-scale P balances.  相似文献   

Nutrient loading on impaired watersheds can be reduced through export of sod grown with manure and export of composted manure for turf production on other watersheds. Effects of the sod and manure exports on receiving watersheds were evaluated through monitoring of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) and N concentrations and losses in runoff from establishing turf. Three replications of seven treatments were established on an 8.5% slope of a Booneville soil (loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive Pachic Argicryolls). Three treatments comprised imported 'Tifway' bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy) sod grown with composted dairy manure (382 or 191 kg P ha(-1)) or fertilizer (50 kg P ha(-1)). Three treatments were sprigged with Tifway and top-dressed with either composted manure (92 or 184 kg P ha(-1)) or fertilizer (100 kg P ha(-1)). The control was established bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. Guymon]. During eight fall rain events, mean TDP concentration in runoff (7.8 mg L(-1)) from sprigged Tifway top-dressed with manure (84 kg P ha(-1)) was 1.6 times greater than sod imported with 129 kg manure P ha(-1). During the first fall event, mass losses of TDP (232 mg m(-2)) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) (317 mg m(-2)) from sprigged treatments top-dressed with manure or fertilizer were nearly three times greater than manure-grown sod. Percentages of manure P lost as TDP in runoff from imported sod were 33% of percentages lost from sprigged treatments top-dressed with manure. Sod grown with manure P rates of 190 kg P ha(-1) can be imported without increasing runoff losses of TDP compared with conventional fertilization of establishing turfgrass.  相似文献   

Environmental concerns are driving manure management in many areas from a traditional nitrogen (N) basis toward phosphorus (P)-based nutrient management plans. We investigated how changing nutrient management from an N to a P basis affected crop yields and soil properties in high P soils over a 7-yr period. Three sites were established on farmers' fields, and at each site the same six treatments were applied for 6 or 7 yr. These treatments were (i) no P; (ii) poultry litter applied on an N basis; (iii) inorganic P, equal to the P applied in treatment 2; (iv) poultry litter applied on an estimated annual crop P removal basis; (v) inorganic P, equal to the P applied in treatment iv; and (vi) poultry litter applied once every 2 or 3 yr at a 2- or 3-yr crop removal P rate. All treatments received the same rate of plant-available N. Yields, P balance, soil pH, Mehlich 1 P, and water-soluble P (WSP) were monitored during the experiment. Over the course of the experiment, litter had the beneficial effect of raising soil pH relative to the inorganic treatments. After 7 yr, Mehlich 1 P and WSP were greatest in soils under the N-based treatments, smallest in the no P treatment, and intermediate in the P-based treatments. For example, at the Shenandoah site, Mehlich 1 P decreased by 35 mg kg(-1) under the no P treatment and increased by 36 mg kg(-1) under the inorganic N-based treatment. There were no significant differences between inorganic fertilizer and poultry litter nutrient sources. The results of this study show that soil test P can be decreased in high-P soils over a few years by changing from an N-based to a P-based nutrient management plan or stopping P applications without negatively affecting yields.  相似文献   

Poultry litter provides a rich source of nutrients for perennial forages, but the usual practice of surface-applying litter to pastures can degrade water quality by allowing nutrients to be transported from fields in surface runoff, while much of the NH4-N volatilizes. Incorporating litter into the soil can minimize such problems in tilled systems, but has not been used for perennial forage systems. In this study, we minimized disturbance of the crop, thatch, and soil structure by using a knifing technique to move litter into the root zone. Our objective was to determine effects of poultry litter incorporation on quantity and quality of runoff water. Field plots were constructed on a silt loam soil with well-established bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] and mixed grass forage. Each plot had 8 to 10% slopes, borders to isolate runoff, and a downslope trough with sampling pit. Poultry litter was applied (5.6 Mg ha(-1)) by one of three methods: surface-applied, incorporated, or surface-applied on soil-aeration cuts. There were six treatment replications and three controls (no litter). Nutrient concentrations and mass losses in runoff from incorporated litter were significantly lower (generally 80-95% less) than in runoff from surface-applied litter. By the second year of treatment, litter-incorporated soils had greater rain infiltration rates, water-holding capacities, and sediment retention than soils receiving surface-applied litter. Litter incorporation also showed a strong tendency to increase forage yield.  相似文献   

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