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环境保护与经济发展是相互依存,互为促进的,符合可持续的科学发展观。在环境就是生产力,环境就是经济资源的今天,“绿色广东”的建设,是站在促进广东经济社会环境协调发展的高度,向和谐社会迈进。这是一个大课题,涉及到绿色经济、绿色环境等重要内容。正是从这个意义上,燃油清净剂对“绿色交通”工程的推进具有现实的意义。针对目前燃油清净剂推广所遭遇的问题,以及所引发的讨论,本刊将给予进一步的关注。  相似文献   

近年来,紫金县在努力创建“富裕紫金、和谐紫金、和谐紫金、文明紫金、活力紫金”的基础上,作出建设“绿色紫金”的战略决定,积极探索绿色经济发展之路,将绿色经济、绿色环境、绿色生态和绿色文明摆在社会发展的突出位置,取得了明显的成绩,有效地促进了全县经济与环境、资源的协调发展。  相似文献   

绿色GDP就是从现行统计的GDP中,扣除由于环境污染、自然资源退化、教育低下、人口数量失控、管理不善等因素引起的经济损失成本。和通常的GDP相比,绿色GDP可以理解为“真实GDP”,不但反映了经济增长的数量,更反映了质量,能更为科学地衡量一个国家和区域的真实发展和进步。  相似文献   

游雪 《沿海环境》2001,(2):25-25
何谓经济?著名经济学家于光远指出:经济是人的一种活动,它包括主体、 目的和手段。如果我们把从事经济的人看成是经济的“主体”,那么经济就是一定的主体(从事经济活动的人)通过供给满足需求,并实现增值的一种活动。现实的经济活动中出现的主要问题,无非就是产品短缺或过剩。当今,绿色的概念正在被广泛地使用。随着绿色浪潮席卷全球,从创建绿色生态农业到倡导“清洁生产”的工业,从绿色交运事业到绿色建筑工程,从绿色消费以至绿色旅游、绿色营销、绿色策划等,都竞相以“绿色化”为荣耀。经济绿色化已形成一种潮流。 一种遵循“…  相似文献   

傅晓方 《环境》2001,(8):18-19
近年来,广州市天河区大力实施可持续发展战略,将发展的目标定位为“建设现代文明生态城区”,经济、社会和生态环境得到协调发展,坚持走可持续发展道路,把“科技兴区、教育强区、环境建区”作为决策管理目标以及推进可持续发展战略的工作重点;大力倡导“环境就是形象,环境就是效益、环境就是生产力”,实施“绿色文化”战略,坚持以经济建设为中心,加大城市规划、建设和管理力度;提出了“建没物质富有、知识富有、精神富有的现代文明生态区”跨世纪的发展战略目  相似文献   

朱达 《环境保护》1997,(3):38-39
保护环境就是保护生产力朱达1996年7月,第四次全国环境保护会议在北京召开,江泽民同志在会上发表重要讲话。江泽民同志指出“保护环境的实质就是保护生产力”,精辟地揭示了保护环境和发展社会生产力之间的辩证关系。1环境保护与生产力的概念传统的马克思主义哲学...  相似文献   

陈光荣 《环境》2006,(12):20
广东省委提出了建设绿色广东的重要战略,就是要以科学发展观为指导,发展循环再生的绿色经济,建设舒适优美的绿色环境,构筑人与自然和谐的绿色生态,培育以人为本的绿色文明。  相似文献   

在建设绿色广东的战略部置下,新塘镇结合镇域实际,与时俱进,围绕建设“广州东部工商并举的现代化生态新城区”的目标,提出大力推进生态镇建设,打造“现代化新塘”、“绿色新塘”的发展目标。目前,可持续发展理念、绿色经济等,已经融进这个中心镇的发展思路和具体工作之中。  相似文献   

绿色经济作为一种“可承受的经济”,正经历着一个新的历史进程。从盲目追求生产增长而造成社会分裂和生态危机,发展到维护人类生存环境,合理保护资源、能源以及有益于人体健康为特征的平衡式经济,绿色经济正扮演着越来越重要的角色。自绿色经济的概念被正式提出以来。广泛应用于包括环境保护领域在内的许多领域之中,其内涵和外延也得到不断丰富和发展。目前,中国正努力以可持续增长为目标,改造现存的资源消耗与环境污染严重的非持续性的“黑色”经济,建立和完善生态化的经济发展体制,推动科学技术生态化、生产力生态化、国民经济体系生态化。这一系列绿色课题正成为经济发展的研究重心。为此,本刊记者就如何以绿色经济促进发展方式转变等问题专访了环境保护部政策研究中心主任夏光。  相似文献   

打通“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化路径是生态经济研究的重要内容,也是衔接脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴的有效途径.结合扶贫领域生态环境保护项目实施情况,从生态保护修复效益、环境污染治理效益、“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化效益方面构建了生态环境损益与“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化效益评估指标体系,并选择江西省崇义县进行案例研究.结果表明:①构建的生态环境损益与“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化效益评估指标体系包括生态保护修复实现的增值量、环境污染治理产生的减损量和“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化的经济收入.②崇义县良好生态环境实现的“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化效益初步显现,2018年崇义县“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化的经济收入为22.77×108元,是2013年的3.77倍,通过“绿水青山”向“金山银山”转化的经济收入得到逐步释放.③生态环保扶贫不仅可以提高区域生态环境质量,而且可以防止产生新的生态破坏与环境污染事件,通过发展生态经济,促进贫困地区县域经济绿色转型发展,巩固脱贫攻坚成果和支撑乡村振兴.研究显示,着眼于生态环保扶贫促绿色转型发展和生态产品价值实现,保护修复生态环境获得合理回报,“绿水青山就是金山银山”转化效益评估包括绿色有机农产品产值、生态旅游和生态补偿类收入,指标简单、可操作性强,可为生态环保扶贫政策优化和贫困地区可持续发展管理提供参考.   相似文献   

A short survey of application areas and selection criteria for the different remote-sensing methods is presented. Microwave sensing is still regarded as one of the more progressive methods and its problem of angular resolution and the principle of synthetic-aperture radar are discussed. Experimental results of microwave probing are presented with examples from agriculture, meteorology, and hydrology.  相似文献   

Human population and the global environment   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
A stable ecosystem resists large, rapid changes in the sizes of its constituent populations which upset the orderly flow of energy and nutrients. An early example of such alteration was the conversion to desert of the rich Tigris and Euphrates valleys through erosion and salt accumulation resulting from faulty irrigation practices that caused the downfall of the great Mesopotamian civilization. Overgrazing and poor cultivation practices have contributed over the millennia to the expansion of the Sahara Desert. Attempts to cultivate too intensively the fragile soil of tropical rainforest areas are suspected of being in part responsible for the collapse of the Mayan civilization. The 19th century Irish potato famine because of heavy reliance of the Irish population on a single, highly productive crop led to 1.5 million deaths when the potato monoculture, a simple agricultural ecosystem, fell victim to a fungus. Modern agriculture's desire to maximize yields per acre are worrisome ecologically (increases in the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers). The liabilities include that as larger land areas are farmed the tracts available for reservoirs of species diversity and for natural ecosystems become smaller. Pressure to expand agriculture to steep hillsides unsuitable for cultivation has led to serious erosion in Indonesia, and increasing slash-and-burn practices are destroying tropical forests in the Philippines. The enormous expansion of wheat or rice monoculture has increased the probability of epidemic crop failure from insects or disease. 37% of the world's population is under 15 years of age which means that population will grow for 50-70 years more before leveling off. Despite a declining growth rate population would still increase 30% or more during the transition to stability. Zero global population growth is required for a prosperous and environmentally sustainable civilization.  相似文献   

Selenium occurs naturally in the soil environment in amounts which may cause nutritional toxicity or deficiency to livestock in areas throughout the world. Normal soils contain between 0.1 and 2.0 μg g?1 selenium compared with 30–324 μg g?1 (dry weight) or above from a seleniferous area. Plant selenium concentrations can generally be used as an indicator of the soil selenium status. Selenium accumulator plants may contain thousands of μg g?1 selenium and grow healthily on highly seleniferous soils. Most plants contain small amounts of selenium; less than 1 μg g?1 when growing on normal soils. A third group of plants, containing large amounts of sulphur, contain higher amounts of selenium when growing on normal soils.Animals consuming plants containing unusually small or large amounts of selenium over a prolonged period may develop nutritional selenium disorders. Development of sensitive analytical techniques has permitted detection of the very low amounts of selenium present in livestock suffering from selenium deficiency and associated problems. Required amounts of selenium necessary for animal nutrition range from 0.04 to 0.10 μg g?1 depending on the animal species and the level of vitamin E in the diet. Amounts of selenium causing nutritional toxicity are usually an order of magnitude higher than those producing deficiency.Factors affecting selenium absorption in animals include the form of selenium in the diet and the type of animal. Ruminants moderate their dietary intake by reducing selenium to insoluble forms, which they excrete. Monogastric animals, by contrast, may absorb up to 80% or more of their dietary selenium intake, depending on its biological availability.Although there are areas where livestock poisoning occurs, much evidence has been accumulated to indicate that agricultural livestock is deficient, or bordering on selenium deficiency, in many areas of the world. Overt selenium deficiency in man has been reported in China, indicating the possibility of widespread non-overt sub-clinical selenium deficiency in humans. No definite evidence for human selenium toxicity has been reported.Although anthropogenic selenium contributes to the total selenium in the soil environment, most of it is biologically unavailable. Organisms such as bacteria and fungi reduce biologically available selenium to elemental insoluble forms, whilst others produce volatile organic forms of selenium which are lost to the atmosphere. Some bacteria are able to oxidise colloidal selenium so that it becomes biologically available. Whether the overall amount of biologically available selenium is increasing or decreasing in the soil environment is of vital consequence to agricultural productivity. It is recommended that work should be carried out to quantify amounts of available selenium that are lost from soil systems, and to identify the forms and amounts of selenium that enter the soil environment from natural and anthropogenic sources. Tests to indicate the presence of non-overt selenium deficiency in animals, such as blood selenium measurements, are recommended for areas under suspicion from soil and crop analyses.  相似文献   

The interaction of chemicals with biological organisms is as old as life itself. Chemical pollution is usually considered to be human interference with natural chemical cycles and the release of man-made, unnatural compounds. The article traces five areas of chemical pollution and health hazards: air pollution, water pollution, occupational exposure, pollution from agricultural practices and contamination of food. It is suggested that historic perspective can aid in rational and prudent evaluation of present-day pollution problems.  相似文献   

Pesticide use in agriculture can cause undesirable effects on humans and the natural environment. One of the objectives of integrated agriculture is the elimination or reduction of possible sources of environmental pollution such as pesticides. To achieve this objective, farmers need a method to assist them in estimating the environmental impact of pesticide use. This paper addresses a two-part question: what factors should be taken into consideration to assess pesticide environmental impact, and how can impact be quantified? As the environmental impact of a pesticide depends on its dispersion in the environment and on its toxicological properties, the literature on these topics is reviewed to address the first part of the question. To address the second part of the question, six recent approaches to assess the impact of pesticides on the environment are compared regarding choice, transformation and aggregation of input parameters. The use of simulation models to assess environmental impact is discussed.  相似文献   

黄华章 《环境》2007,(2):90-91
我校是以中国民主革命先驱、伟大的爱国主义者廖仲恺先生名字命名的一所完全中学。多年来,我校以仲恺先生的“人生最重是精神,精神日新德日新”作为校训,坚持“师名人风范,育一代英才”的办学理念,在建设校园文化工作中把创建绿色学校、创建安全文明校园、和谐校园、节约型校园、书香校园有机地结合起来,以创建省绿色学校作为建设校园文化的核心,打造绿色的校园文化,为素质教育的开展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

环境中砷的存在形态研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
采用氢化物发生-电热石英管-原子吸收光度法对土壤、海水、海洋生物及人尿样中不同形态的砷进行了广泛的分析测定。结论指出,土壤中砷以无机砷为主,而无机砷中又以As(Ⅴ)为主;海水和人尿中以有机胂为主;海洋生物体中也主要以有机胂形态存在。  相似文献   

<正>生态文明贵阳国际论坛2014年年会的召开,使人们开始意识到经济是无法脱离自然环境而存在的。两个多世纪以来,西方的经济发展一直以生产物资和提供服务为重,经济力量在全世界范围内寻求新型自然资源和加工制造工艺,促成现代化的生活方式。人类既是生产者,又是消费  相似文献   

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