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中俄能源合作是中俄两国经贸合作的重要组成部分,也是发展两国战略协作伙伴关系的重要领域。中俄两国能源合作既有利于缓解中国能源安全紧张问题,也有利于俄罗斯开拓广阔的能源消费市场,促进本国经济发展,同时对地区经济发展起到重要作用。分析了中俄能源合作的背景、基础、特点与障碍,提出了发展中俄能源合作的战略选择。  相似文献   

龙韬 《绿叶》2010,(5):79-83
作为世界能源消费大国和第二大能源进口国的中国,由于缺乏长远的整体战略,各种政策手段配合不力甚至相互脱节,在能源方面遭受了重大损失。如何才能把握能源的主动权?在传统能源领域,要积极开展国际合作,加强自己的军事力量、树立蓝色国防观,保障海外能源运输通道的安全。在新兴能源领域,要争取掌控原创性的技术,大力开发新能源。这中间,把自己疆域内的能源开发好是重点,因为它最可控、最可靠。  相似文献   

<正>中石油2014海外油气作业当量连续两年超过1.2亿t,继续保持海外油气业务安全平稳、可持续发展的良好发展势头。2014年,中国石油海外油气业务再次迎来了"合作大年"。这一年,中国石油与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、委内瑞拉、伊拉克等国家石油公司签署一系列油气"大单",五大油气合作区、四大油气战略通道的战略布局更加优化。  相似文献   

黑龙江省在开展对俄科技合作中充分利用地缘和历史渊源的优势,采取技贸结合、产学研结合等多种方式,形成了全方位、多渠道、多形式的科技交流合作新局面.借鉴博弈论和区域经济学的观点,以黑龙江省与俄罗斯煤炭合作的利益博弈为基础,探讨了煤炭技术发展水平不同的两地在参与区域煤炭合作时应采取的不同策略,以此为两地区域科技合作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

定量分析碳排放驱动因素,对优化能源结构、调整产业结构、推进技术进步、发展低碳经济具有重要的理论和现实意义.利用碳排放估算模型,测算了黑龙江省1995-2012年能源消费的碳排放量.基于扩展的STIRPAT模型,实证研究了各驱动因子对碳排放总量的影响及其驱动程度.结果表明,能源结构、经济发展水平、城市化率、人口总量对碳排放量有正向驱动作用,而产业结构、能源强度对碳排放总量的增加具有抑制作用,提出有效促进能源消费结构优化、加大产业结构调整、大力推进技术创新是实现黑龙江省低碳经济发展的有效路径.  相似文献   

王建 《绿叶》2010,(5):74-78
中国人口多、石油资源少,无法依赖世界资源完成能源结构从以煤为主到以石油为主的转变。同时中国是世界上制造业最发达的国家,生产的产品要供各国消费,因而对能源的需求量比其他国家大得多。这种全球分工结构导致中国在开发新能源方面有更强烈的迫切性。大国不能走一步看一步,我们要把能源问题纳入国家未来总体发展战略中统筹考虑,做好经济、政治、外交、军事等方面的安排,从现在开始为长远铺路。  相似文献   

3月21日,中国国家主席胡锦涛、俄罗斯联邦总统普京在北京举行了会谈,并签署了《中俄联合声明》。声明指出,在能源领域,中俄双方均支持两国企业投资开发油气资源和挖掘中国和俄罗斯的能源潜力,以及开展其他形式的互利合作,包括在石油天然气加工、石化及动力机械制造等方面的合作  相似文献   

毕竞悦 《绿叶》2012,(12):52-54
美国的“页岩气革命”对世界能源走势产生了重大影响,作为清洁、高效的非常规油气资源,其成为低碳经济背景下能源消费大国趋之若鹜的目标。对此局势的战略性跟进,中国需保持清醒与冷静。根据循环经济和资源综合开发的要求,目前宜优先发展煤层气(瓦斯)。对于页岩气产业,应补贴勘探和技术研发,先做好页岩气资源的战略性储备工作。  相似文献   

我国油气资源与发展战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着中国经济的高速发展,油、气资源的消费量逐年增加,我国现已成为世界上第二位油、气消费大国,石油对外依存度高达40%,石油战备储备不足,难以应对动荡的国际形势.因此,21世纪我国油、气资源发展的战略是:大力开发天然气生产业;建立国家石油战略储备;开拓国际原油市场,分享世界石油资源;扩大老油田的资源与提高能源效率并重.  相似文献   

能源是国民经济的重要物质基础。40多年来,我国的能源工业取得了举世瞩目的成就,已成为世界第三能源生产大国,能源结构已由单一的煤炭发展到包括煤炭、石油、天然气、水电、核能、生物质能、太阳能和风能等多元化的能源体系。但同时,我国能源工业却面临着许多严重问题。主要有:①能源资源存在的劣势。能源与人口相比较,我国能源资源相对不足,人均能源拥有量远低于世界平均水平;能源与交通条件相联系,能源资源分布不均衡已成为能源工业发展的障碍。在工业化水平高、交通条件好的沿海地区缺乏煤炭  相似文献   

石油天然气开采业(稠油)清洁生产指标体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文给出了石油天然气开采业清洁生产审核的指标体系,可作为该行业清洁生产审核的主要依据。通过清洁生产审核,使我国相应的行业生产过程更加符合清洁生产的要求,使清洁生产工作标准化和规范化,并带动其他行业的清洁生产工作。其清洁生产指标经预测,可以反映当前我国石油天然气开采业的实际水平,为我国石油天然气开采业开展清洁生产审核工作,打下良好的技术基础。  相似文献   

甲烷排放管控是国际石油公司推动低碳能源转型的一项重要举措,也是达成净零碳排放愿景的一个重要手段。研究发现,国内外石油公司的油气生产活动水平、甲烷排放控制水平、甲烷排放核算方法等3个方面均存在较大差异性。我国油井单井产量低,地面工程量大、工艺复杂,流程工艺中甲烷排放突出,油气系统甲烷排放水平较高,油气生产甲烷排放控制水平与国外石油公司相比尚有较大差距,与国外甲烷排放核算方法也存在较大差异性。着眼于甲烷排放管控,我国石油公司应充分衡量甲烷排放现状、生产活动水平、甲烷排放控制措施经济性和适用性等多重因素,严格控制潜在甲烷排放节点,并进一步做好甲烷排放检测、监测和数据统计工作,持续完善甲烷排放报告和核查体系。  相似文献   

A multivariate data analysis was used with environmental data obtained from Hot-Mix asphalt (HMA) plants. The main objectives of the study were to describe and interpret the real “phenomena” that exist on HMA plants; also, to search for the best mixing conditions, i.e. production with less energy consumption and less emissions. Another important objective was to identify means to allow HMA plants to be designed and operated in better ways. Along the study, an approach of the manufacturing process is presented, allowing for an overall comprehension of the plant's operation.There is not only one parameter to be controlled and checked when HMA are being produced. In this context, a multivariate data analysis was carried out, and the main control parameters considered for prediction and regression analysis were Hot-Mix asphalt formula, fuel type, burner flow rate, fuel consumption, negative pressure of the drum, air temperature, moisture of aggregates, asphalt temperature and rate of production.“Global warming emissions”, “organic emissions”, and “energy consumption” were chosen as models of regression. Globally, plants powered by natural gas emit half the amount of CO2, nine times less NOx and eighteen times less CO than plants with fuel oil. Considering NOx and CO2 emissions, small plants are preferable over big plants. For organic emissions, if the asphalt temperature increases, TOC emissions are increased; however, if the rate of production increases, TOC emissions are decreased. Previously supposed as an important parameter, moisture of aggregates had no great importance in the statistical analysis. Likewise, the formula of HMA produced also had no great importance, despite many types of formulas studied.The main conclusions in regards to the means with which Hot-Mix asphalt plants can be designed and operated in better ways were: the manufacturing of hyper-mobile and small HMA plants as opposed to stationary large plants, and the use of burners with natural gas instead of fuel oil in all cases. The production of HMA plants, aiming at a cleaner production, means to operate asphalt plants always considering timespan in the long term. This encompasses undertaking daily, weekly and yearly analyses. Therefore, it is necessary to produce with low rate of production and low bitumen temperature, and to maintain a regular production in order to avoid peaks of production and unnecessary starts and stops. It is also interesting to increase the culture of heated stocks.Finally, this study shows that would be an advantage to use multivariate data analysis and then to estimate with very good accuracy emissions and energy consumption in HMA plants using current parameters of control.  相似文献   

This article focuses on changes in the international petroleum industry during the past 20 years and examines some major trends, especially since the oil price collapse of 1986. The resumption of rapid increases in oil demand since 1986 in the developed market economies and the developing world has already led to a pronounced production shift to OPEC member countries where output increased by 6.6 million barrels per day or, 37% since 1985. Cutbacks in petroleum investments in non-OPEC countries are likely to result in even more dependence on the vast proved oil reserves of OPEC. However, the gap between peak output and sustainable production capacities in OPEC has narrowed and there is an urgent need for sizeable investments to expand capacities. Such investment programmes are already being implemented by transnational oil corporations in countries such as Indonesia and Nigeria where the companies had retained equity participation. In other countries such as Iraq and Venezuela where oil operations had been nationalized, transnational oil corporations are being invited to participate in new arrangements for oil production. New arrangements are also being considered in Eastern Europe and the USSR. New understandings, dialogue and cooperation between oil-consuming and producing countries will be necessary for the security of investments, supplies and markets in this process. The unanswered question is whether such cooperation can be achieved in time in order to avoid yet another energy crisis.  相似文献   

辽河油田公司沈阳采油厂的原油伴生水,平均温度47℃,若不加以利用地将温水直接回注到地层,将会造成热能浪费。如果通过余热利用,则节约能源。文章通过现状调查、经济、技术、政策可行性分析认为:沈阳采油厂污水余热的可挖潜力很大,回用污水余热在技术与政策方面均有较大的可行性且具有可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify key factors affecting energy-induced CO2emission changes from 34 industries in Taiwan, in order to have an integrated understanding of the industrial environmental-economic-energy performance and to provide insights for relevant policy making in Taiwan. Grey relation analysis was used in this paper to analyse how energy-induced CO2emissions from 34 industries in Taiwan are affected by the factors: production, total energy consumption, coal, oil, gas and electricity uses. The methodology was modified by taking account of the evolutionary direction among relevant factors. Furthermore, tests of sensitivity and stability, which are seldom discussed in most grey relation analyses, were conducted to ensure the reliability of outcomes. We found that values ranging from 0·3 to 0·5 are appropriate, and the analytical results with value of 0·5 offer moderate distinguishing effects and good stability. Results indicate that industrial production has the closest relationship with aggregate CO2emission changes; electricity consumption the second in importance. It reveals that the economy in Taiwan relied heavily on CO2intensive industries, and that electricity consumption had become more important for economic growth. The relational order of fuels is electricity, coal, oil then gas, accordant with their CO2emission coefficients in Taiwan. The positive relational grade of aggregate production implies that the aggregate industrial CO2intensity tended to decline. The total energy consumption had a smaller and negative relational grade with CO2emissions, and implies an improvement on aggregate energy intensity, while the CO2emission coefficient increased. For industries with significant influence on CO2emissions, the total energy consumption had the largest relational grades. It is important to reduce the energy intensity of these industries. Nevertheless, it is also critical to decouple energy consumption and production to reduce the impacts of CO2mitigation on economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the roles of governments of developing countries in the oil exploration area; roles ranging from passive tax collectors to production sharers to full State ownership and control. The historical failure of governments to take full control of this key area is seen as partially due to myths: that only the big international oil companies have the necessary technology and capital and can afford the risk of oil exploration and development. Three case studies showing the large benefits to a developing country from full State control are examined: Mexico, India and Vietnam. It is concluded that only full State control can ensure that the riches of oil can be harnessed for a developing country, and governments are urged to develop greater knowledge both about the international oil industry and their country's potential resources.  相似文献   

臭氧层损耗是重要的全球环境问题之一。最早认识到臭氧层危害的美国率先在国内立法控制相关物质,然而另一大经济体——欧共体,在这一方面却行动迟缓。在保护臭氧层的国际谈判中,美欧之间相互妥协,最终达成了对氟氯烃化合物(CFCs)进行限控的《蒙特利尔议定书》。美欧之间的分歧来自国内化工业巨头的影响,国际经济变动影响外交决策。国际环境问题背后隐藏的经济关系与大国的领导作用是影响国际环境合作的主要因素。  相似文献   

生态环境脆弱地区油气田开发生态保护措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国许多油气田处于生态环境脆弱地区,石油开采以及油气集输、储运等工程对生态环境的影响非常突出。文章依据生态保护的原则提出了油气田开发规划、设计、施工以及施工后几个阶段应当采取的生态保护措施,同时还提出了施工结束后的一些生态恢复措施,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

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