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校园考古遗址在西安高校中星罗棋布,但多数遗址面临保护与利用失衡、整体规划缺失等问题。基于校园考古遗址的"活态保护"理念,分析了遗址现状与高校的联动关系,构建了"校园遗址保护+场景复原、人文景观、研学旅行、校企共建"保护更新模式,并通过城郊型为代表的战国(秦)大墓遗址,立足于遗址背景与校园环境,提出了"形制—内核—共享"的活态营造思路,积极探寻具有可操作性的校园遗址保护规划策略。  相似文献   

自1985年我国加入《世界遗产公约》,莫高窟的法律保护体系开始逐渐完善,《甘肃敦煌莫高窟保护条例》和《敦煌莫高窟保护总体规划》的实施,标志着莫高窟的保护走向了法治化轨道。但是,莫高窟仍面临着生态环境恶化、遗址损坏修复、缺乏具体明确保护环境的法律规定等问题,以《甘肃敦煌莫高窟保护条例》为切入点,提出加强遗址周边的环境保护、完善《甘肃敦煌莫高窟保护条例》、平衡莫高窟的保护与利用等若干建议。  相似文献   

国家公园建设背景下的公益型保护地研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
当前我国自然保护地体系改革正处于关键时期,公益型保护地是一种利用社会公益力量,由政府监督、民间管理并协调保护与发展的新型保护地模式。该模式注重社会公益力量在自然保护地建设中的作用,能够补充已有保护地资金、技术和人力的不足,填补了我国目前保护地体系的空缺。本文论述了国家公园建设背景下的公益保护地的内涵,分析了当前公益保护地的特征,讨论了国内外公益型保护地的运营管理机制,包括土地权利的获得、基于协议保护机制的保护地运营、特许经营在保护地的实施和社区保护模式的成功经验。今后我国公益型保护地的建设应鼓励公益组织与民间力量参与,在管理理念上应坚持保护第一和公益性,促进管理体制转变和科学划定界限,并完善公益组织参与保护地建设的激励和监督机制。  相似文献   

将遗产旅游地社区居民敏感度作为实现大遗址旅游和文化遗产保护与开发过程中的一个重要内容进行研究.选取西安大明宫国家遗址公园周边8个居民集中区域,通过因子分析法萃取影响大明宫旅游居民敏感度的5个要素(经济收入敏感度、设施建设敏感度、环境敏感度、归属感敏感度、保护意识敏感度)并进行分析,为实现文化遗产保护开发和可持续发展提供理论支持.  相似文献   

近年来,随着联合国教科文组织建立世界地质公园计划的快速推进,我国对地质遗迹的保护和开发也给予了高度重视。在对五大连池火山地质遗迹及其保护利用现状分析的基础上,从如何正确处理保护利用与旅游开发的关系,如引导社区参与开发、强化环保意识、立法保护、建立地质遗迹信息库和管理人才培养、与科研机构合作等多个方面详细阐述了基于地质遗迹开发利用的五大连池世界地质公园可持续发展模式的思路和方法。  相似文献   

冯晓华  汪锦  赵艳芬 《资源开发与市场》2015,31(2):175-178,234,258
新疆自古以来就是东西方经济与文化交流汇融的重要地区,遗留下了丰富的文化遗存。北庭故城遗址是北疆现存最大的故城遗址,正在建设新疆第一个国家考古遗址公园,在古代新疆交通史、军事史、民族文化史、东西方经济和文化交流史研究方面具有重要价值。对北庭故城国家考古遗址公园的生态环境进行了初步探讨,为深入挖掘该遗址公园的文化内涵,开展可持续的保护与开发提供科学的依据,也为进一步探讨该区历史时期的人地关系奠定基础。  相似文献   

综述了国内外遗址旅游的影响因素.结合案例地旅游发展现状,归纳了遗址旅游的影响因素,构建了遗址旅游影响因素模型,结果验证了模型假设,影响因素各维度对遗址旅游的贡献大小依次是:内部设施、人文环境、遗址资源、游客需求和价格因素.在此基础上,对案例地未来的旅游发展提出了对策.  相似文献   

资源及遗产利用保护管理中的政府失灵   四川在旅游资源与自然文化遗产的保护上出现了政府失灵.主要表现在:四川省旅游发展总体规划的框架下缺乏进一步的区域性旅游资源发展总规划;旅游资源系统本底调查的科学保护工作没有纳入政府的议事日程;缺乏一支稳定的旅游景观资源系统调查、持续管理的专家队伍,因此造成了许多区域开发先于规划,资源本底不清、特色不明,开发缺乏科学定位,开发项目趋同.政府在将自然文化遗产(包括一些属于自然保护区范围)的开发经营权转让给企业时忽视保护权、监督权,造成自然遗产的开发和保护脱节.   ……  相似文献   

里山模式在日本已经延续了数百年时间.从里山概念人手,论述了里山模式的多样性和该模式下生物的多样性,以及日本政府为保护里山生物多样性而做出的从机构到政策再到国际合作的种种努力,以实现自然资源的可持续利用和人与自然的和谐共处.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区较为完整地传承和保留了草原文化和草原文化遗存,作为草原文化遗产的代表地,通过搜集元上都遗址地的游客游记,采用内容分析法、ROST CM6高频词频分析法和NET DRAW共现关系网络分析法,对草原文化遗产管理与遗产旅游地形象塑造进行了分析,并分析了草原遗产旅游地加强文化遗产管理的意义。结果表明:采用虚拟现实技术,以实现遗产地旅游形象重塑,只有做好文化遗产管理,才能实现遗产旅游地的形象重塑。在研究结论的基础上,主要从三个方面提出建议:提出了自然环境保护是重塑旅游地形象的重要部分,遗址旅游地管理弱化将影响到旅游者对认知形象的识别;遗产旅游地外部需优化交通线路,内部需进行主题整合,提升旅游地形象;遗产地管理者必须以保护和传承草原文化遗产来促进遗产地旅游业发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the zoonosis Lyme disease in the context of reduction and control options for the human disease, tick vectors, tick hosts and tick habitats. A questionnaire survey on three moorland recreational areas in the UK (Dartmoor, the Quantock Hills and the North York Moors) was carried out to investigate awareness of the problem of Lyme disease by people using these upland areas. A total of 567 questionnaires analysed showed extremely low levels of knowledge of the disease, symptoms, mode of infection and measures which might reduce the risk of tick bites. The results of this study extend knowledge of a countryside management/human health issue which is of increasing concern across the whole of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Prediction Intervals for Estimates of Site Index Based on Ecosystem Type   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
/ British Columbia has an ecosystem classification system that classifies sites into site series. Foresters commonly measure the productivity of these sites by their site index. In British Columbia, site index is defined as the height of a stand at breast height age 50 and is usually estimated from height-age models. Biogeoclimatic site series/site index relationships are an increasingly popular method of estimating site index in British Columbia for stands where site index cannot be reliably estimated with height-age models. The precision of the predicted site index from these relationships can be evaluated with prediction intervals. This is done for the predicted site index of a single site, a group of sites, or the areally weighted site index of a group of sites. The methodology is also useful in determining the number of sites required to meet a specified precision. These prediction intervals will assist foresters in making sound forest management decisions.KEY WORDS: Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification; Precision; Prediction interval; Site index; Site series  相似文献   

Multinational corporations are facing increasing pressures and finding stronger incentives to integrate environmental management into their overall business strategies. National and local environmental regulations are becoming more stringent in Europe, Japan, East and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and many developing countries, and international voluntary standards of environmental management are being endorsed by a growing number of governments. Multinational firms are embracing these standards not only to assure the public of their concern for environmental protection, but also to enhance their competitiveness in international markets. The British Standard 7750, the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), and the ISO 14000 series are setting new guidelines for effective corporate environmental management. Beyond complying with local and national laws, corporations now have wider latitude in how they adapt their business practices to these emerging environmental management standards. In order to capitalize on that creative latitude, companies must have corporate cultures and internal management systems that allow them to respond quickly and effectively to changing environmental requirements. Exemplary corporate environmental performance is usually related to strong and progressive leadership, a culture that recognizes the importance of environmental protection, and the willingness to operate by quality-based management principles. This article describes how one international corporation, Sonoco, in responding successfully to changing environmental pressures to reclaim and recycle its products in the wake of the solid waste crisis in the United States and more stringent environmental regulations in Europe, used its management competencies and corporate culture to turn what could have been serious barriers to expansion of its core businesses into new opportunities. By adopting a bold materials reclamation program, Sonoco was able to overcome potential limitations on its operations in the United States and abroad and to develop new business segments that benefited the company and the environment.  相似文献   

基于GIS的自然保护区管理信息系统建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了GIS在自然保护区建设与管理中的应用,以及利用最新的组件式GIS技术开发适合保护区的管理信息系统.结合GIS的信息管理模式比传统的信息管理更能实时地表现空间数据,提高了自然保护区的科研与工作效率.介绍了自然保护区信息管理系统的设计原则、开发方式、总体构架、数据库及其主要功能.  相似文献   

Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) [1992, Agenda 21: programme of action for sustainable development. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 3-14 June 1992. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 294pp.], the management of information has become central to the management of forest resources. In the cases of North America and Europe, similar issues have been challenging policy makers as they determine the information suitable for monitoring progress towards sustainable forest management (SFM). Using an 'online' survey, this research explored multiple stakeholder perspectives on monitoring and information reporting for SFM in different jurisdictions. The research was based on the premise that an analysis of the variation in stakeholder observations across a range of SFM 'issue areas' could provide valuable insight into the perceived need for SFM-related monitoring and information reporting in the regions of Europe, Canada and the USA. Despite the traditional limitations associated with exploratory survey research, the results indicate a demand for more information on SFM-related issues. The results also highlight the degree to which the perceptions of a sample of stakeholders can differ between Europe, USA and Canada. While these results cannot be generalized beyond the present study, they do suggest that further studies are needed to understand stakeholder perspectives on forestry-related monitoring and information reporting in different jurisdictions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Riparian areas interact with aquatic and upland conditions and therefore help determine the degree of functionality (streambank stability, shade, sediment, and debris filtering) found in a watershed or catchment. Thus, conditions in riparian areas exert significant influence on water quality. Physical and biological factors (biophysical determinants) that influence these conditions and determine long‐term site ecology include topographic variables, geology, climate, soil texture, and others. These conditions are further modified by management infrastructure (roads, dikes, etc.). Our objective was to develop a system for evaluating site condition in relation to site capability. Since biophysical determinants and infrastructure interact with water quality, our first task was to acquire data concerning the spatial distribution of biophysical determinants and infrastructure constraints and to import them into a GIS system where they could be managed and processed. To expedite analysis, determinants and infrastructure constraints were placed into a hierarchy capable of isolating various site capability types. The hierarchy was designed to incorporate multiscale effects. Site capability areas are georeferenced in this process thereby enabling efficient monitoring and providing a way to focus management on those areas needing improvement. Study tasks included: (1) landscape characterization and hierarchy selection, (2) field assessment, (3) information management and data mining, and (4) information interpretation and adaptive management. This approach appears to be an effective way to isolate general ripananstandardsmaycon site conditions, to provide indications about water quality, and to create strategies necessary for alleviating water quality problems.  相似文献   

In Europe temperate forests play a prominent role in timber production, nature protection, water conservation, erosion control and recreation. For centuries temperate forests in Europe have been affected by forest devastation and soil degradation. Applying great efforts to eliminate the severe wood shortage of those days, countermeasures were taken during the last 150 years by regenerating and tending highly productive forests. High growth rates and an increasing growing stock of these forests indicate that formerly stated goals have been successfully achieved. Coniferous species were often favoured because they were easy to establish and manage, and gave reason for high volume growth expectations. Today coniferous forests expand far beyond the limits of their natural ranges.These changes have been accompanied by a loss of biodiversity, a shift to nonsite adapted tree species and reduce the resistance against storms, snow, ice, droughts, insects and fungi. Some of these hazards were further intensified by the increasing average stand age, as well as in some areas by severe air pollution. Climatic fluctuations, especially changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme warm and dry climatic conditions and of heavy storms, had considerable impact on forest ecosystems.The changing demands of today require a widened scope of forest management. Society is asking for sustainable forestry emphasizing biodiversity and naturalistic forest management. It is of great economic and ecological relevance to know on which sites today's forests are most susceptible to climatic and other environmental changes and hazards. In those areas adjustments of management through a conversion the prevailing forests towards more site adapted mixed forests needs to be considered with priority. The high diversity in site conditions, ownership, economic and socio-cultural conditions require strategies adapted to the local and regional needs. Higher resistance of forests will increase economic and social benefits of forests and reduce the risks by maintaining sustainable forestry.  相似文献   

长期以来,历史文化名城的保护工作受到以商住房地产开发为主要形式、"投资者主导型"为开发模式的旧城改造浪潮的冲击.历史文化名城主题公园以保护古城风貌、延续城市历史文脉为宗旨,运用主题公园的规划设计、经营管理等方法和开发模式,以保留、修复、移植和改造古城建筑为技术手段,建设成为集名城风貌观光、史籍博览、特色商品购物、民俗文化娱乐为一体的旅游目的地,从而达到保护历史古城风貌,树立文化名城形象的目的.  相似文献   

Comparison of forest protection between regions in Europe is extremely difficult, because there is such wide variation of strategies, procedures and constraints; the way forests have been used historically and their present closeness to nature also varies, and furthermore so does the definition of what constitutes a forest. For the European Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) in 2003, forest protection has been harmonised into three categories for the sake of comparison: protection to safeguard biodiversity, protection of landscape and specific natural features, and protective forest functions.There is no single, uniform and universal model and no internationally agreed target with respect to the percentage of forests which should be protected. What is more important than a fixed percentage level of forested area (e.g. 5 or 10%) is that the protection network should be biogeographically and ecologically representative and accordingly distributed on a regional basis. Long-term practical experience and research have proved that conservation of different species of organisms can be assured by appropriate silvicultural management of multifunctional production forests. Consequently, the focus of debate in Europe appears to shift more and more from total protection in segregated areas to 'precision protection' and to combining protection and timber production in the holistic, integrated concept of modern management of forest areas.Advances in regional ecological planning and the growing adoption of naturalistic forest management practices have slowed the decline of the biological diversity in the multifunctional production forests. However, this fact is not yet widely and sufficiently acknowledged and appreciated. There is consequently a political and scientific need for continued study of the effects of naturalistic silvicultural management on the biodiversity of forests. Information from such research is crucially needed before new and additional protection networks and schemes are set up on a large-scale. Protection by voluntary contracts between parties is a workable model concept for European forestry based on private forest ownership. In small private forests, patches of forest worth protecting are often small and located within production forests.Forest certification can contribute to the efforts of maintaining biodiversity in multifunctional production forests and offers an instrument of independently monitoring and verifying that forests are managed according to the agreed criteria. Forest certification is not an alternative or a means of increasing forest protection, because as a voluntary process it cannot guarantee the permanence of protected areas or deal with issues of finance and compensation.  相似文献   

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