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中国世界遗产数量特征定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国37处世界遗产为研究对象,利用统计分析法、比较分析法等对中国世界遗产的数量、空间分布和发展情况进行了分析.结果表明,中国世界遗产分布不均,主要分布在东部和中部地区,而西部地区世界遗产稀少;世界遗产总体发展速度较慢,其中北京、四川等省份发展速度相对较快.  相似文献   

世界遗产是人类的共同财富,它具有脆弱性、不可替代性等特点,但是在我国世界遗产保护方面仍没有一部专门保护世界遗产的法律,以致于在管理方面产生了混乱.以泰山为例,与国内外的混合遗产进行对比分析,以借鉴可取之处,并提出了改变管理观念、统一管理、动态管理、完善法律法规等措施来加强世界遗产的管理.  相似文献   

万雯  韦杰 《资源开发与市场》2009,25(10):954-956
正确、科学、合理地处理好世界遗产保护与边缘带旅游发展的关系,管理好世界遗产,确保世界遗产的可持续发展是信守<保护世界文化和自然遗产公约>的重要体现.运用层次分析法和综合评价法,对四川大熊猫栖息地遗产保护、边缘带旅游发展及两者的协调性进行了评价.结果表明,四川大熊猫栖息地遗产保护(得分0.688)属于中等水平(Ⅲ),旅游发展(得分0.382)等级为差(Ⅴ),遗产保护与旅游发展综合协调性(得分0.67)等级为中等水平(Ⅲ),即比较协调但边缘带旅游发展滞后.  相似文献   

从生态自然观的角度,剖析了世界遗产地保护与旅游开发的辩证关系,提出世界遗产地保护和旅游开发的两种模式:人工自然化模式和生态自然化模式。分析认为,人工自然化仍是目前中国世界遗产旅游开发和保护的主导模式,而以生态自然观为指导,采取生态自然化开发模式才是实现中国世界遗产地保护和旅游开发协调的最佳途径和发展方向。  相似文献   

武陵源自然遗产具有科考、生态、教育、文化、旅游等多重价值,是我国较早列入<世界遗产名录>的世界遗产之一.深入剖析武陵源的遗产价值,有助于纠正人们对自然遗产的认识偏差,从而重视自然遗产的保护,以保护遗产为前提进行遗产旅游的深度开发,重塑武陵源自然遗产的旅游核心竞争力.  相似文献   

阐述了北京故宫的突出价值,并将其与世界部分同类宫殿进行对比.分析了故宫的管理现状和存在的问题,在管理机制、法律法规、技术手段、旅游开发方面提出相应的建议,为北京故宫世界遗产资源的管理和可持续发展寻找一条科学之路.  相似文献   

中国南方喀斯特世界自然遗产地存在的问题和保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年,中国南方喀斯特作为自然遗产被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入《世界遗产名录》。中国南方喀斯特包括云南石林、贵州荔波和重庆武隆喀斯特,总面积146016hm2。简述了中国南方喀斯特的特征,将其与全球列入世界遗产名录的相关喀斯特遗产地进行了对比,指出中国南方喀斯特世界自然遗产地存在的问题,并提出了相关保护对策。  相似文献   

文化景观是自然、文化和历史的完美结合体,文化景观遗产的设立不但改变了世界遗产对价值的认识,而且拓宽了世界遗产的实践领域。从世界文化景观遗产入手,分析了它的分布现状及其原因;介绍了我国两项文化景观遗产之一的西湖,同时利用SWOT分析法对西湖进行分析,总结西湖的可持续发展趋势。通过综合分析,提出我国文化景观申遗和保护的建议。  相似文献   

世界遗产是全人类的共同财富,也是最具吸引力的旅游资源。通过对我国世界遗产地管理危机的分析,指出目前我国世界遗产地主要面临资源危机、形象危机、负面事件危机、资金危机等七大主要危机,提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

登封“天地之中”历史建筑群包括8处11项中国古代建筑精华,2010年联合国教科文组织第34届世界遗产大会将其列入《世界遗产名录》。简要介绍了“天地之中”历史建筑群的概况,阐述了其历史背景、建筑特点、文化内涵和遗产价值,分析了遗产资源存在的问题,并从完善管理体制角度出发,对遗产资源的可持续发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

旅游资源是开展旅游活动,发展旅游业的物质基础。对其进行综合客观的评价,是合理保护与开发旅游资源的重要依据。1994年,武当山古建筑群作为文化遗产被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入《世界遗产名录》。以武当山为例,利用Yaahp软件,基于AHP法对其旅游资源进行定量分析,得出各指标相对权重。结果表明,武当山资源价值在旅游资源评价中具有重要的地位。根据评价结果及遗产地旅游现状,提出防止旅游过度开发和资源不合理利用的保护性开发策略,以促使遗产保护与旅游活动协同发展。  相似文献   

This article investigates the space for agency of the Indigenous Sami in the management of the Laponia World Heritage site in northern Sweden. Analysing policy documents and interviews with key actors within a framework of post-colonial and discourse theory, I argue that discursive constructions of the management organisation, understandings of the relationships between the parties involved, and perceptions of challenges for the management organisation affect the Sami space for agency in the management of Laponia. Furthermore, there is a tension between the intrinsic value of Sami influence that follows an understanding of the Sami as an Indigenous people and the more instrumental value of Sami influence following a focus on the Sami reindeer-herding communities as important for the values of the World Heritage site. The positioning of the Sami in Laponia affects, and in some ways limits, the space for Sami political agency. It also connects to colonial discourses, historical and contemporary inequalities, and unequal power structures. Nevertheless, the management of Laponia is a unique example of increased Sami influence, resulting from Sami political struggle for recognition of their rights.  相似文献   

This study describes the governance and management structures of the Curonian Spit World Heritage Site, a transboundary protected area shared by Lithuania and the Russian Federation. Focusing on the national park authorities it presents the site from a local administrative perspective. The paper shows that due to strong state level influence and a lack of full stakeholder inclusion, different philosophies and priorities on both sides of the border challenge common management efforts and co-operation. Presenting the existing problems the paper points out the need for increased efforts at the state level as well as for the full inclusion of local communities to remove obstacles and foster co-operation. Hence, by adapting to certain environmental and transboundary governance principles, conflicts can be avoided and better results achieved.  相似文献   

库车千佛洞的环境及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
库车千佛洞主要包括克孜尔、库木吐拉等石窟,保存了大量艺术珍品,千佛洞均位于极旱荒灌区低山河谷高阶地上,洞窟前均有绿洲和流水。一千多年来受到地震、风化的影响,也受以人为的破坏,近年因水电站建设运行,库木吐拉千佛洞已受到严重破坏,在发展的同时,需重视千佛洞的保护。  相似文献   

Conflicts between industrial development and environmental conservation can be particularly acute when such development occurs in the vicinity of World Heritage sites. A key example is the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) in northeastern Australia, where a 2012 review by the World Heritage Council found that rapid port development inshore of the coral reef posed significant risks to local marine ecosystems. Such instances pose pressing challenges for decision‐makers seeking to manage World Heritage sites for multiple values and needs, including those of key stakeholder groups, such as local communities. There is increasingly a societal expectation that public decision‐making takes into account local views and priorities, and that companies seek a ‘social license to operate’. This research explored local community attitudes toward port development associated with the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal through the GBRWHA. Using data drawn from a survey and interviews, the research examined how a range of geographical factors, including proximity to gas infrastructure and the perceived impacts and risks of development to the local community, economy and environment shape community perceptions of the industry. Findings suggest that local attitudes toward gas and coal terminal development inshore of the GBRWHA are shaped predominantly by community perceptions of environmental impacts and risks associated with such infrastructure, in contrast to a broader public narrative that focuses largely on economic benefits. A complex combination of other factors, including social impacts, personal environmental values, community trust in industry, and equity in decision‐making and distribution of the risks and benefits of industrial development also contribute. Placed in a broader, global context, the findings have important implications for public decision‐making processes in Australia and elsewhere as they suggest that, for local communities, the perceived impacts of gas development on the environment may overshadow the benefits of industry.  相似文献   

The perceptions and attitudes of local people in heritage sites strongly influence their behaviour related to protecting heritage resources and improving management. In this study, we collected pertinent data through a questionnaire and group discussions to examine local people's attitudes and perceptions toward participation in heritage protection in Wuyishan Scenery District (WSD). Logistic regression was used to identify the factors that influence local people's perceptions of heritage protection behaviours. The results indicate that education level is the most critical factor in local people's initiatives to protect heritage resources. Local people with higher education levels pay more attention to the status of WSD and behave more positively with regard to conservation. Gender and income are relatively important factors in perceptions of heritage. Males have better knowledge of heritage resources than females do, and inhabitants with higher income levels are more likely to participate in protection, especially after WSD was listed as a World Heritage Site. Education level was always a key demographic factor before and after WSD's listing on the Heritage List. Household size was a significant factor before WSD was listed on the Heritage List, but it was not significant after, when household income became a significant factor.  相似文献   

黄山植物资源的永续利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄山是一座驰名中外的旅游名山,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产.黄山的生物资源十分丰富,有高等植物222科827属1800余种,其中中国特有属种植物22个、珍稀濒危及国家保护植物25种、以黄山命名的植物8种、以黄山称谓的植物20余种以及众多的古树名木.对黄山生物资源的永续利用提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is a natural asset of global significance, spanning 2600?km’s along the Australian coastline. On the southern tip of the GBR is the Gladstone region, where high levels of industrial activity have been juxtaposed with the natural wonder, and World Heritage Listed, GBR. Given these competing local priorities, this research explores local perceptions of the GBR and its management. Exploratory analysis of 38 interviews with residents and stakeholders from Gladstone revealed a potential incongruence between environmental concern and support for more stringent management of the tourism and resources sectors on the GBR. A responsibility–accountability framework (RAF) for managing the use and protection of the GBR is developed by drawing on current theoretical frameworks and the results of the interviews. Importantly the framework highlights the importance of business responsibility combined with monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure accountability and to deliver transparency, education and partnership. Future research should apply the RAF for testing and application in other marine World Heritage Area contexts.  相似文献   

建设秦岭国家中央公园的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨亭  丁艳平 《资源开发与保护》2012,(5):475-478,F0003
通过对秦岭的综合分析,借鉴国外"国家公园"的建设经验,从秦岭目前开发现状存在的问题及其原因进行分析研究,提出应成立国家秦岭管理局,科学开发保护秦岭,分不同区域建设秦岭国家中央公园;在发展生态旅游的同时,积极整合资源,争取加入世界人与生物圈,联合申遗,推动秦岭走向世界,从而实现秦岭地区人与自然的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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