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中国与印度同为发展中的人口大国,且都是主要的CDM开发国,在CDM发展方面有诸多相似性和相互借鉴之处。本文对中国与印度CDM开发项目的数量、规模、开发时间等进行了比较,通过比较可发现我国CDM存在进展相对较慢、资源优势没有充分发挥以及小型企业参与不足等问题,并在此基础上提出了促进我国CDM快速健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)能使地方经济获得生态环境保护与经济发展的双赢.为准确确定乐山市CDM的发展现状、开发潜力,促进乐山CDM项目开发,结合项目背景、CDM方法学和调研数据对市内CDM开发领域的潜力进行了定性和定量分析,确定了乐山CDM开发重点.根据目前存在的问题,提出推进市级CDM开发的对策建议.  相似文献   

本文对山东省内生物质利用CDM项目进行了讨论。生物质的利用是解决农村秸秆处理问题的有效途径,同时也减少了秸秆腐烂过程中的温室气体排放。尽管山东省生物质CDM项目进展顺利,但开发过程中仍存在一定的问题。本文在对山东生物质CDM项目分析的基础上,提出了发展生物质CDM项目和减少温室气体排放的建议。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的进一步发展,能源的需求量持续增加,CO2的排放量还将持续增长.温室气体排放带来的气候变暖问题会进一步加剧。清洁发展机制(CDM)是在《京都议定书》框架下,发达国家与发展中国家就碳减排进行合作的重要机制.发展中国家通过CDM可以获得实现节能减排的资金援助和先进技术,促进国家的经济发展和环境的可持续发展。就新疆CDM项目的发展状况、国际碳市场的前景,以及新疆CDM项目开发存在的问题和解决方法方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

用清洁生产的理念防治农业污染的初步探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业发展面临的农业污染问题,已成为制约农业可持续发展的"瓶颈".农业污染问题已经成为影响农村经济发展,以及农村社会和谐发展的重要因素之一.在论述农业清洁生产涵义的基础上,探讨了农业清洁生产防治农业污染问题.以新疆绿洲农业为例,论述了农业污染现状及发展农业清洁生产的必要性,分析探讨了发展农业清洁生产存在的问题和障碍,并提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

张涛  乐云  黄有亮 《四川环境》2013,32(1):124-128
规划类清洁发展机制(PCDM)作为清洁发展机制(CDM)的改革方案而提出,解决了CDM不能在小型和分散项目中的应用问题,但PCDM项目在物理边界、参与方、方法学使用等方面与CDM项目有一定的区别.采用案例研究表明,市政基础设施中的城市交通系统、垃圾处理系统、市政水系统和城市照明系统等一些项目符合PCDM的基本条件、方法学和额外性等要求.可以大型城市或省级地区为物理边界开发PCDM项目.但是应用中需解决基准线、较高开发成本及较大的开发风险等问题.  相似文献   

由中国环境科学学会、中国生态学会、中国农业环保协会和中国生态经济学会联合召开的“全国农村发展与环境学术讨论会”于11月9日在古城扬州召开。会议共收到乡镇企业发展,生态农业,农村环  相似文献   

桂华 《绿叶》2011,(2):114-117
非均衡的现代化策略导致中国工业化与农业现代化,城市建设与乡村发展之间的失衡。中国特色的城乡二元结构为中国快速发展提供稳定基础,这是中国道路的关键所在,而巨大的发展成本则被转嫁到农村,并最终产生了"三农问题"。中国农业发展是与整个中国发展模式高度相关的,由此而决定了中国农业发展的根本出路也是要超越农业本身的。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》提出的三种灵活的温室气体减排机制之一,允许通过发达国家与发展中国家合作使发达国家实现其减排目标的同时促进发展中国家的可持续发展。建筑节能是节能减排的重点领域,是CDM开发重点之一。但建筑节能CDM项目在推广力度、缺少具体方法学以及实施方面存在困难。通过对建筑节能CDM的障碍进行分析,认为应加强政策支持、宣传体系以及技术支持,以促进国内建筑行业充分利用CDM,促进建筑行业节能减排的发展。  相似文献   

景观农业与旅游有效结合,对促进农村产业结构调整、推动农村服务业和加工业发展具有重要意义;同时,景观农业旅游资源具有很高的碳汇价值.在研究景观农业旅游发展的基础上,以江苏泰州兴化千岛菜花景观区为例,对景观农业旅游资源的碳汇价值进行深入研究,并探讨合理的开发路径,使景观农业的碳汇价值得到有效发挥.  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol provides for the involvement of developing countries in an atmospheric greenhouse gas reduction regime under its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Carbon credits are gained from reforestation and afforestation activities in developing countries. Bangladesh, a densely populated tropical country in South Asia, has a huge degraded forestland which can be reforested by CDM projects. To realize the potential of the forestry sector in developing countries for full-scale emission mitigation, the carbon sequestration potential of different species in different types of plantations should be integrated with the carbon trading system under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. This paper discusses the prospects and problems of carbon trading in Bangladesh, in relation to the CDM, in the context of global warming and the potential associated consequences. The paper analyzes the effects of reforestation projects on carbon sequestration in Bangladesh, in general, and in the hilly Chittagong region, in particular, and concludes by demonstrating the carbon trading opportunities. Results showed that tree tissue in the forests of Bangladesh stored 92tons of carbon per hectare (tC/ha), on average. The results also revealed a gross stock of 190tC/ha in the plantations of 13 tree species, ranging in age from 6 to 23 years. The paper confirms the huge atmospheric CO(2) offset by the forests if the degraded forestlands are reforested by CDM projects, indicating the potential of Bangladesh to participate in carbon trading for both its economic and environmental benefit. Within the forestry sector itself, some constraints are identified; nevertheless, the results of the study can expedite policy decisions regarding Bangladesh's participation in carbon trading through the CDM.  相似文献   

三峡库区不同地域类型高效生态农业发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡库区地貌类型复杂多样,自然生态环境十分脆弱,农村经济社会发展滞后,“三农”问题突出,要加快库区经济社会的发展,改善库区生态环境,实现库区农业可持续发展,必须走高效生态农业发展之路。在分析三峡库区发展高效生态农业的重要性和紧迫性的基础上,针对不同海拔高度地区提出了6种不同类型的高效生态农业发展模式,并探讨了6种高效生态农业发展模式的具体内容及相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   

/ Costa Rica has recently established a program that provides funds for reforestation and forest protection on private lands, partly through the sale of carbon certificates to industrialized countries. Countries purchasing these carbon offsets hope one day to receive credit against their own commitments to limit emissions of greenhouse gases. Costa Rica has used the proceeds of the sale of carbon offsets to Norway to help finance this forest incentive program, called the Private Forestry Project, which pays thousands of participants to reforest or protect forest on their lands. The Private Forestry Project is accompanied by a monitoring program conducted by Costa Rican forest engineers that seeks to determine net carbon storage accomplished on these lands each year. The Private Forestry Project, which is officially registered as an Activity Implemented Jointly, is a possible model for bundled projects funded by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) established by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It also serves as an interesting example for the CDM because it was designed by a developing country host-not by an industrialized country investor. Accordingly, it reflects the particular "sustainable development" objectives of the host country or at least the host planners. Early experience in implementing the Private Forestry Project is evaluated in light of the main objectives of the CDM and its precursor-Activities Implemented Jointly. It is concluded that the project appears to meet the criteria of global cost-effectiveness and financing from non-ODA sources. The sustainable development implications of the project are specific to the region and would not necessarily match the ideals of all investing and developing countries. The project may be seen to achieve additional greenhouse gas abatement when compared against some (although not all) baselines.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess farmers’ attitudes toward sustainable agriculture and the environment. The majority of Ontario farmers in this 1991 survey supported the need for government policies which promote sustainable agriculture but there were major differences in the government policies which farmers thought would be sustainable or desirable. Most farmers felt the Government should promote diversified rural economic development, sponsor appropriate research and provide conservation grants to farmers willing to change to more sensitive environmental methods. Those least interested in forms of government intervention designed to enhance agricultural sustainability operated the largest farms. Conversely, those most likely to be receptive to government regulations and interventions designed to enhance rural equity, stability, productivity and sustainability were the smaller operation farmers who most often had off-farm employment.  相似文献   

China is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world, with potentially about two thirds of total Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) for Asia on the world carbon market (). Since 68% of its primary energy is from coal, China's average energy intensity is 7.5 times higher than the EU and 4.3 times higher than the US (EU, 2003 The European Union on-line. (2003). (http://europa.eu.int/index_ns_en.htm accessed Oct 2003  [Google Scholar]). Therefore, introducing advanced clean technologies and management to China represents opportunities for Annex I countries to obtain low-cost CERs through CDM projects, and access to one of the largest potential energy conservation markets in the world.

CDM can provide a win-win solution for both China and Annex I countries, and the Chinese government considers that the introduction of CDM projects can bring advanced energy technologies and foreign investment to China, thereby helping China's sustainable economy and generating CERs. As energy efficiency is generally low and carbon intensity is high in both China's energy supply and demand sectors, numerous options exist for cost-effective energy conservation and GHG mitigation with CDM.

This paper reviews current Chinese policies and administrative and institutional settings for CDM cooperation, and discusses existing policy, institutional and other barriers in the energy market by drawing on observations and experience from previous initiatives such as Cleaner Production and energy efficiency. Some options to remove these barriers are addressed. In order to make CDM projects feasible, China's government needs to promote awareness, streamline administrative systems, and be more active in building a competitive edge in the world carbon market.  相似文献   

Since 1994, water-quality constituents have been measured monthly in three adjacent Coastal Plain watersheds in southwestern Georgia. During 1994, rainfall was 650 mm above annual average and the highest flows on record were observed. From November 1998 through November 2000, 19 months had below average rainfall. Lowest flows on record were observed during the summer of 2000. The watersheds are human-dominated with row-crop agriculture and managed forestlands being the major land uses. However, one watershed (Chickasawhatchee Creek) had 10 to 13% less agriculture and greater wetland area, especially along the stream. Suspended particles, dissolved organic carbon, NH4-N, and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were greater during wet and flood periods compared with dry and drought periods for each stream. Regional hydrologic conditions had little effect on NO3-N or dissolved inorganic carbon. Chickasawhatchee Creek had significantly lower suspended sediment and NO3-N concentrations and greater organic and inorganic carbon concentrations, reflecting greater wetland area and stronger connection to a regional aquifer system. Even though substantial human land use occurred within all watersheds, water quality was generally good and can be attributed to low stream drainage density and relatively intact floodplain forests. Low drainage density minimizes surface run-off into streams. Floodplain forests reduce nonpoint-source pollutants through biological and physical absorption. In addition to preserving water quality, floodplain forests provide important ecological functions through the export of nutrients and organic carbon to streams. Extreme low flows may be disruptive to aquatic life due to both the lack of water and to the scarcity of biologically important materials originating from floodplain forests.  相似文献   

农地整理权属调整的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农地整理是实现耕地总量动态平衡,改善农业生态环境、增加土地产出的重要手段,是国家扶持农业及农村发展的重要举措.总结了我国农地整理权属调整的原则、方法和程序,分析了现阶段农地整理权属调整中存在的公众参与、技术方法、组织管理和法律法规方面存在的问题,并提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

蒋昕 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(7):669-670,639
乡村旅游是我国旅游业的重要组成部分,肩负着以旅助农、以城带乡的重任。湖北省百宝寨拥有良好的山水风光和乡土特色。分析了百宝寨发展乡村旅游的实例,总结出成功的主要原因,并在此基础上提出了促进乡村旅游可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

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