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陕西省进行了排污许可证后审计式合规核查、执法试点工作及案例研究,初步建立了审计式合规管理制度框架。在企业守法方面,以排污许可制精细化管理为目标,加强对排污单位环境管理制度建设工作的帮扶、监督、检查,建立全员参与的环境管理制度模式,落实企业守法主体责任。在政府监管方面,以执法计划为关键手段,建立非现场审计式核查和现场审计式执法检查的工作机制和工作程序,促使企业守法。  相似文献   

<正>《企业安全生产风险公告六条规定》已经2014年11月24日国家安全生产监督管理总局局长办公会议审议通过,并于12月10日以国家安全生产监督管理总局令(第70号)公布实施。一。制定颁布的必要性近年来,党中央国务院对信息公开的要求越来越严,在政务信息公开方面要求"全面推进政务公开,坚持以公开为常态,不公开为例外"。而新修订的《安全生产法》对企业安全生产风险信息公开作出了一系列要求。《企业信息公示暂行条例》今年10月1日正式  相似文献   

根据《美国职业安全与健康法》(1970)的要求,美国职业安全与健康局的职责是通过执法、科研、信息提供、教育、培训等方式,确保为作业人员(包含男性和女性)提供安全和健康的工作环境。开展专项行动2010年6月18日,美国职业安全与健康局停止了"强力执法"  相似文献   

宁丙文 《劳动保护》2013,(11):114-115
欧洲发布REACH执法计划最终报告 据欧洲职业安全健康局网站消息,2013年9月18日,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)发布了第二次REACH执法计划最终报告(REF-2).该计划重点关注下游用户,尤其是混合物制造者的守法情况,检查其是否满足了《化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制》(REACH)和《欧盟物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装法规》(CLP)的最基本要求.2011年5月至2012年3月,该执法计划在欧盟29个成员国或欧洲经济区(EEA)国家得到了实施.  相似文献   

《公安机关执法公开规定》出台规范安防监控信息公开公安部近期制定下发《公安机关执法公开规定》(以下简称《规定》),这是第一部全面规范公安机关执法公开的规范性文件,将于2013年1月1日起正式施行。  相似文献   

针对排污单位证后守法情况,以火电企业为例,设计了三阶段的“审计式”合规核查机制,主管部门可以依次对执行报告及其支撑材料、自行监测和台账记录等内容进行完整性、规范性、逻辑性核查,以识别企业在按证守法方面存在的问题,发现企业存在的未按期提交执行报告、未按技术规范要求计算排放量、台账数据不合逻辑等潜在的线索,为下一步进行现场检查及现场执法提供指引。  相似文献   

目前,企业环境合规制度以预防环境刑事风险为目的,而无法有效预防其他类型环境风险(环境民事风险、环境行政风险)。本文从现代环境治理体系的要求、环境风险的特征、企业可持续发展理念的角度出发,论证了企业环境合规制度超越刑事激励的必要性。同时,通过分析得出,企业环境合规组成要素不排斥将预防其他类型环境风险作为目的,从而论证企业环境合规制度的目的转变为预防环境风险,具有可行性。预防环境风险在企业环境合规中的表达方式(包括引入方式和规定方式),以企业形成合规文化、企业文化为分水岭而有所差异。  相似文献   

美国联邦职业安全与健康监察局(OSHA)是依据1970年美国颁布的《职业安全与健康法》于1971年成立的,它的主要任务是:保障雇员在安全与健康的工作环境和工作条件下工作;鼓励雇主和雇员减少工作场所的职业伤害,有效执行国家职业安全与健康措施;对作业场所实施安全与健康情况监察。联邦职业安全与健康监察局的执法监察通常是在没有预先通知的情况下进行。法律规定,雇主有权要求监察员在进入工作场所安全检查前出示监察证件。职业安全与健康监察局的执法监察程序如下:  相似文献   

随着我国对企业环保要求的逐渐严格化,企业对环境合规越来越重视。同时,可持续发展理念的深化、配套政策标准、环保法律法规的健全使得企业环境合规成为企业参与国际竞争的关键因素。基于此,本文旨在建立企业的环境合规评价指标体系,提出企业环境合规指数的概念,站在企业管理者、监管部门、利益相关方、金融机构、公众等多方使用者的角度,来反映企业的环境合规管理水平和环境合规风险的管控能力,并可通过它的目标程度,使其可成为评价企业环境合规能力的重要依据。  相似文献   

为促进我国企业的安全、健康和环境方面与国际接轨并同步发展,提升我国企业在国际竞争中的实力,中国职业安全健康协会作为NSC开展该项活动的合作伙伴,决定在全国范围内鼓励、推荐和协助我国有关优秀企业参加国际“罗伯特·W·坎贝尔奖”评选活动。“罗伯特·W·坎贝尔奖是美国国家安全理事会(以下简称NSC)提出并联合多个国家和地区的组织共同组织实施,面向全球企业的国际性奖项。中国职业安全健康协会(原中国劳动保护科学技术学会)参与了该奖项的组织和评奖工作。奖励目的:在世界范围内表彰在安全、健康、环境管理方面取得优秀业绩并且…  相似文献   

在介绍环境风险评价发展概况的基础上,简要探讨了环境风险评价存在的问题,包括环境风险评价与安全评价在技术方法上协调不足,环境风险评价与环境风险评估衔接不够到位,环境风险评价方法体系与国外尚存在差距,部分环境风险防范措施的标准指导有待完善。针对以上问题,建议不同职能部门加强沟通和合作,推动环境风险评价、安全评价技术标准和手段更好地统一;将环境风险评价和环境风险评估有效衔接或合并;加强相关基础研究和数据积累工作;在相关技术导则或评估指南中明确事故应急池等环境风险防范措施的设置依据。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Many states have enacted graduated driver licensing (GDL) systems in an effort to reduce the very high crash rates of young beginning drivers. This article addresses how to achieve the maximum benefit from GDL by ensuring compliance with protective restrictions. ENHANCING GDL THROUGH SYSTEM STRUCTURE: The major crash reductions due to GDL systems result from the protective restrictions during the initial two levels, which isolate novice drivers from the highest risk driving situations. Accordingly, GDL systems should include protective restrictions that adequately control the greatest dangers facing young drivers: multiple teen passengers and night driving before midnight. ENCOURAGING COMPLIANCE THROUGH SYSTEM STRUCTURE: Including protective restrictions that are supported by parents and teens will encourage compliance. Furthermore, linking a teen's advancement through GDL to demonstrated responsible driving will likely encourage compliance more than threatening punishment for violations. ENCOURAGING COMPLIANCE THROUGH ENFORCEMENT: Parents are in a prime position to enforce most GDL restrictions, but there is some evidence they do not enforce those restrictions that they consider too extreme. Little is currently known about the involvement of law enforcement in GDL systems, but there is potential for high visibility law enforcement activities to encourage compliance with restrictions. IMPACT ON RESEARCH, PRACTICE, AND POLICY: There is a need for better designed GDL systems in many states; more research is needed to examine compliance with restrictions and to evaluate enforcement efforts by parents and law enforcement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to conduct an ex-post evaluation of the OSH Enforcement Act. The focus of the study was to collate the views of occupational safety and health (OSH) inspectors on how the OSH Enforcement Act and the practices of the governmental OSH inspectorate operate from an effectiveness perspective. The questionnaire included open questions addressed to OSH inspectors. The results indicated that there is a tension between the quantitative performance targets, e.g., the number of inspections and the effectiveness of the practical enforcement work. Harmonizing the enforcement practices should be implemented at two levels: OSH local agencies and individual inspectors. OSH inspectors believe that developing the professional skills of OSH inspectors and the monitoring of OSH management systems are important ways of promoting the effectiveness of OSH enforcement.  相似文献   

在《瑞典环境法典》编纂之前,其《环境保护法》存在诸多问题,如:指导性不强、威慑力不足、过于抽象、各环境法律法规之间存在重叠与冲突等,为了使环境领域的立法实现体系化并促进可持续发展,瑞典开始编纂《环境法典》。《瑞典环境法典》采取适度法典化的编纂模式,在编纂过程中注重本土化和国际化的有效结合,最后形成"以法典法为主,辅之以单行法"的环境法律体系。通过对瑞典环境法法典化的特点及原因进行深入研究,并结合我国环境保护领域的立法现状可以得知,我国环境立法应采取适度法典化的立法模式:编纂环境法典应分阶段进行,而不是一蹴而就;应以形式化法律汇编作为起点,逐步向实质性法典编纂迈进。此外,还要加强环境法典编纂的理论研究为法典编纂提供充足的理论支撑。  相似文献   

A statistical association is found between the number of traffic citations for belt law violations versus observed belt use. Also, belt use is higher in primary enforcement states where officers issue such citations for belt law violations alone. In secondary enforcement states officers issue such citations only after stopping motorists for another reason. Most belt laws provide for secondary enforcement. Enforcement data were confined to the highway patrol in each state (local arrest data are rarely compiled statewide). Belt use data were based on observational surveys conducted in each belt law state.  相似文献   

Instead of legislating after the Bhopal accident, Canada choose to innovate by adopting a consultative approach. In 1987, Environment Canada set up the Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada (MIACC), a non profit organization financed by the federal and provincial governments and industry.

MIACC was a process rather than a structure. Governments, industries, responders, trade unions, NGOs, etc. have shared their expertise. It has worked as a partnership for the development of standards, guidance documents, etc. in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

MIACC ceased to exist in 1999. Although, MIACC disappearance is unfortunate, it is not dramatic. A culture of partnership, of working together towards common objectives, is now well in place and influences the development of regulations.

Natural disasters and the 911 terrorist attack on New York triggered the publication of regulations.

The legislative process started in 2001 with the Province of Quebec adopting a new Civil Protection Act for the protection of persons and property against disasters.

Year 2003 saw major developments in the regulation of emergencies—changes that are likely to have significant influences on how companies operate in Canada. Surprisingly, however, these changes have received little attention in the media, and many companies may not be aware of their implications.

This paper will review these developments, and will examine what has already taken place. Topics include:

• The federal regulation of environmental emergencies under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act;

• Extension of the Criminal Code of Canada to allow criminal charges and possibly heavy penalties for senior officials and corporations, including an explicit legal duty to protect workers from harm;

• Quebec Civil Protection Act designed to identify and manage risks;

• Ontario‘s stepwise regulation of municipal emergency preparedness with the intended goal of NFPA 1600 compliance by 2007, and the implications for the process industries;

• Potential regulation at the municipal level.

Keywords: Canada; Regulatory framework; Major hazards  相似文献   

杨静 《环境与发展》2020,(1):238-239
在第二次全国污染源普查的基础上,利用污染源普查期间配置的软硬件,开发市级区域环境污染源管理平台,进行污染源数据的年度更新,拓展污染源普查软件应用,实现环境管理及环境执法移动终端的应用。拓展二污普一张图的功能,利用移动客户端机动实时及地定位导航等为环境管理执法和环境突发事件应急处置提供技术支持。  相似文献   

从环水保法律法规及专业技术、铁路建设项目管理理论、铁路工程建造技术和智能化信息化管理等方面阐述铁路建设项目环水保管理体系要素,提出包括目标体系、标准体系、支撑体系、保障体系4个部分的铁路建设项目环水保管理体系框架.从依法合规进行建设、总结形成标准体系、强化专项保护措施及开发信息管理系统等方面对铁路建设管理工作实践进行总...  相似文献   

根据安全系统工程原理,探讨和提出了一种被当地试点所证明、可行的工业企业安全生产综合、简便的规范化管理方法。把国家有关安全生产法律法规有机地贯穿于基础规范管理工作过程之中;建立了动态性管理模式;为积极引导企业的安全管理工作,由事故管理向预防性管理,从行政管理向依法管理,由传统管理向技术性管理的方向转变,并为促进现代企业形成自主经营,相互制约,依法管理安全生产的运行机制提供了新思路  相似文献   

PROBLEM: A prior study indicated that zero tolerance laws differ in their enforceability and likelihood of enforcement, with California's law being easier to enforce than New York's, and New Mexico's being the hardest of all. The question is, do these differences in enforcement affect teenagers' knowledge and perception of these laws? METHOD: A telephone survey was conducted to investigate awareness of the laws among 17-20 year olds in these three states and perceptions of enforcement. RESULTS: Estimated percentages of teenagers who knew of the laws were much higher in New York and California (71% and 65%, respectively) than in New Mexico (34%). Perceptions that police were enforcing the law, that licenses could be suspended, and that penalties were often applied were also lowest in New Mexico. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The potential of zero tolerance laws will not be realized without better awareness among young people. Full enforcement of the laws accompanied by publicity about the enforcement is recommended. Changes to the laws and their application may encourage enforcement efforts.  相似文献   

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