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Summary The emigration and raiding behavior of the SE Asian ponerine ant Leptogenys sp. 1, which resembles L. mutabilis, were observed in the field (Ulu Gombak, Malaysia). The ants formed monogynous colonies that consisted of up to 52 100 workers. The bivouac sites of this species were found in leaf litter, rotten logs, ground cavities, etc., and were rarely modified by the ants. The colonies stayed in these temporary nests for several hours to 10 days; afterwards, they moved to a new nest site. The emigration distances ranged from 5–58 m. Since nest changing takes place at irregular intervals, and pupae and larvae are always present in the nest relocations of Leptogenys sp. 1, the emigration behavior is not linked to a synchronized brood development. Leptogenys sp. 1 is a nocturnal forager; in our study, up to 42 600 workers participated in each raid. The ants move forward on a broad front; behind the swarm a fan-shaped network of foraging columns converges to form a main trunk trail. A new system of foraging trails is developed in each raid. The workers search for their prey collectively; they attack and retrieve the booty together. The diet of Leptogenys sp. 1 consists mainly of arthropods. Army ant behavior is characterized by (1) formation of large monogynous colonies, (2) frequent emigrations, and (3) mass raids in which all foraging activities are carried out collectively. Since Leptogenys sp. 1 performs these typical army ant behavior patterns, this species represents the army ant ecotype. However, this species differs considerably from army ant species that have synchronized broods and huge colonies with dichthadiiform queens.Dedicated to Professor Dr. M. Lindauer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Solitary foragers can balance demands for food and safety by varying their relative use of foraging patches and their level of vigilance. Here, we investigate whether colonies of the ant, Formica perpilosa, can balance these demands by dividing labor among workers. We show that foragers collecting nectar in vegetation near their nest are smaller than are those collecting nectar at sites away from the nest. We then use performance tests to show that smaller workers are more likely to succumb to attack from conspecifics but feed on nectar more efficiently than larger workers, suggesting a size-related trade-off between risk susceptibility and harvesting ability. Because foragers that travel away from the nest are probably more likely to encounter ants from neighboring colonies, this trade-off could explain the benefits of dividing foraging labor among workers. In a laboratory experiment, we show that contact with aggressive workers results in an increase in the mean size of recruits to a foraging site: this increase was not the result of more large recruits, but rather because fewer smaller ants traveled to the site. These results suggest that workers particularly susceptible to risk avoid dangerous sites, and suggest that variation in worker size can allow colonies to exploit profitably both hazardous and resource-poor patches.Communicated by L. Sundström  相似文献   

Summary Production of the major subcaste and its contribution to nest survival in the dimorphic ant Colobopsis nipponicus was examined in the field. In this species, the first major workers were reared in the second brood, very early in the colony life cycle. A field experiment demonstrated that artificial colonies without major workers could not survive, whereas colonies with at least one major worker per nest entrance could. Because major workers of C. nipponicus defend the nest entrance by head plugging, the lack of nest defenders in the experimental colonies seemed to be a major cause of nest failure. The defensive value of major workers was much higher than that of minor workers. Many artificial colonies without major workers were displaced by competitors for nest sites, especially by those of other conspecific colonies. In addition, more than 90% of field colonies nested with other conspecific colonies on the same tree. The early production of major workers in C. nipponicus seemed to be very important for the survival of incipient colonies.  相似文献   

Summary The honey ant Myrmecocystus mimicus is a scavenger, forages extensively on termites, collects floral nectar, and tends homoptera. Individual foragers of M. mimicus usually disperse in all directions when leaving the nest, but there are also groups of foragers that tend to swarm out of the nest primarily in one direction. Such massive departues are usually at irregular intervals, which may last several hours. The results of field and laboratory experiments suggest that these swarms of foragers are organized by a group recruitment process, during which recruiting scout ants lay chemical orientation trails with hindgut contents and simultaneously stimulate nestmates with a motor display and secretions from the poison gland. Usually these columns travel considerable distances (4–48 m) away from the nest, frequently interfering with the foraging activity of conspecific neighboring colonies.To prevent a neighboring colony from access to temporal food sources or to defend spatiotemporal borders, opposing colonies engage in elaborate display tournaments. Although hundreds of ants are often involved during these tournaments almost no physical fights occur. Instead, individual ants confront each other in highly sterotyped aggressive displays, during which they walk on stilt legs while raising the gaster and head. Some of the ants even seem to inflate their gasters so that the tergites are raised and the whole gaster appears to be larger. In addition, ants involved in tournament activities are on average larger than foragers.The dynamics of the tournament interactions were observed in several colonies over several weeks-mapping each day the locations of the tournaments, the major directions of worker routes away from the nest, and recording the general foraging activities of the colonies. The results indicate that a kind of dominance order can occur among neighboring colonies. On the other hand, often no aggressive interactions among neighboring colonies can be observed, even though the colonies are actively foraging. In those cases the masses of foragers of each colony depart in one major direction that does not bring them into conflict with the masses of foragers of a neighboring colony. This stability, however, can be disturbed by offering a new rich food source to be exploited by two neighboring colonies. This invariably leads to tournament interactions.When a colony is considerably stronger than the other, i.e., with a much larger worker force, the tournaments end quickly and the weaker colony is raided. The foreign workers invade the nest, the queen of the resident colony is killed or dirven off, while the larvae, pupae, callow workers, and honey pot workers are carried or dragged to the nest of the raiders. From these and other observations we conclude that young M. mimicus queens are unlikely to succeed in founding a colony within approximately 3 m of a mature M. mimicus colony because they are discovered and killed, or driven off by workers of the resident colony. Within approximately 3–15 m queens are more likely to start colonies, but these incipient groups run a high risk of being raided and exterminated by the mature colony.Although populations of M. mimicus and M. depilis tend to replace each other, there are areas where both species overlap marginally. Foraging areas and foraging habitats of both species also overlap broadly, but we never observed tournament interactions between M. mimicus and M. depilis.The adaptive significance of the spatiotemporal territories in M. mimicus is discussed.  相似文献   

In social insect societies, division of labor, i.e., workers of a colony specializing in different tasks, is thought to improve colony performance. Workers of social parasitic slave-making ants focus on a single task, searching for and raiding host colonies to replenish their slave workforce. However, in the North American slavemaker Protomognathus americanus, some workers do not partake in raids but remain inside the colony. We analyzed raid participation, fertility, and cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of slavemaker workers and slaves to understand these behavioral differences and the regulation of division of labor in slavemaker colonies. Raid observations showed that some workers were repeatedly involved in raiding activities (exterior workers), whereas others stayed inside the nest (interior workers). Exterior workers were always infertile, while half of the interior workers were fertile. Analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons demonstrated differences between the groups. We also detected chemical differences between interior and exterior slaves, indicating an influence of the individuals’ tasks on their cuticular profiles. Task- and fertility-related profiles may allow selective nestmate recruiting. Division of labor should also adapt to varying conditions. Since slave raids are dangerous, they should only be initiated when the colony needs additional slaves. Exclusively fed by their slaves, slavemaker workers could determine this need via their nutritional status. In an experiment with various feeding regimes, colonies subjected to a lower food provisioning rate showed increased proportions of slavemaker workers searching for host colonies. Division of labor in slave-making ants, therefore, might be flexible and can change depending on the colonies’ needs.  相似文献   

Limitation of a necessary resource can affect an organism’s investment into growth and reproduction. Pogonomyrmex harvester ants store vast quantities of seeds in their nests that are thought to buffer the ants when external resources are not available. This research uses externally controlled food availability to examine how resource shortage affects colony investment, resource use, and resource distribution within the nest. Colonies were either starved or supplemented with resources for 2 months, beginning at the onset of reproductive investment and ending immediately before nuptial flights. Fed colonies invested more in overall production, proportionally more in reproduction relative to growth and in female reproductives relative to males. Stored seeds in starved colonies did not buffer production in this study. However, worker fat reserves were depleted in starved colonies, indicating that fat reserves fuel the spring bout of production. In starved colonies, worker fat reserves were depleted evenly throughout the nest, distributing the burden of starvation on all workers regardless of caste and age. A reallocation of diploid eggs into female workers rather than reproductives best explains the observed change in sex ratio investment between treatments. The redistribution of resources into growth relative to reproduction in starved colonies is consistent with life history theory for long-lived organisms, switching from current to future reproduction when resources are scarce.  相似文献   

All honeybee species make use of the waggle dance to communicate the direction and distance to both food sources and potential new nest sites. When foraging, all species face an identical problem: conveying information about profitable floral patches. However, profound differences in nesting biology (some nest in cavities while others nest in the open, often on a branch or a cliff face) may mean that species have different requirements when dancing to advertise new nest sites. In cavity nesting species, nest sites are a precise location in the landscape: usually a small opening leading to a cavity in a hollow tree. Dances for cavities therefore need to be as precise as possible. In contrast, when the potential nest site comprises a tree or perhaps seven a patch of trees, precision is less necessary. Similarly, when a food patch is advertised, dances need not be very precise, as floral patches are often large, unless they are so far away that recruits need more precise information to be able to locate them. In this paper, we study the dance precision of the open-nesting red dwarf bee Apis florea. By comparing the precision of dances for food sources and nest sites, we show that A. florea workers dance with the same imprecision irrespective of context. This is in sharp contrast with the cavity-nesting Apis mellifera that increases the precision of its dance when advertising a potential new home. We suggest that our results are in accordance with the hypothesis that the honeybees’ dance communication initially evolved to convey information about new nest sites and was only later adapted for the context of foraging.  相似文献   

Summary The ant L. longispinosus displays geographic variation in its pattern of facultative polygyny (Fig. 2). In nature, nest density and frequency of multiple queening are positively associated over three sites. A putative causal relation between availability of vacant nest sites and polygyny was examined in New York, where a plot was seeded with additional nest sites and monitored for 24 months. Both queen number and worker number per nest on the experimental plot were reduced relative to controls (Fig. 4, Fig. 5), indicating that scarcity of available nest sites influences the pattern of polygyny in this species. The observed demographic changes resulted from fractionation of existing colonies; adding nest sites induced polydomy. Although numbers of adult ants changed with addition of nest sites, the numbers of immatures were no different after 2 years (Table 1), suggesting that the population was undergoing growth to expand into the additional sites. These results are the first direct experimental evidence linking polygyny to an ecological parameter for any ant species.  相似文献   

Encounter rate and task allocation in harvester ants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
As conditions change, social insect colonies adjust the numbers of workers engaged in various tasks, such as foraging and nest work. This process of task allocation operates without central control; individuals respond to simple, local cues. This study investigates one such cue, the pattern of an ant's interactions with other workers. We examined how an ant's tendency to perform midden work, carrying objects to and sorting the refuse pile of the colony, is related to the recent history of the ant's brief antennal contacts, in laboratory colonies of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. The probability that an ant performed midden work was related to its recent interactions in two ways. First, the time an ant spent performing midden work was positively correlated with the number of midden workers that ant had met while it was away from the midden. Second, ants engaged in a task other than midden work were more likely to begin to do midden work when their rate of encounter per minute with midden workers was high. Cues based on interaction rate may enable ants to respond to changes in worker numbers even though ants cannot count or assess total numbers engaged in a task. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 15 November 1998  相似文献   

Colonial breeding can evolve in response to benefits afforded by clumped individuals, such as reduced predation and increased ease of assessing potential mates. However, colonial breeding can also impose costs such as increased disease transmission or increased cuckoldry. Here, we investigate solitary nesting as a potential alternative breeding tactic in colonial breeding bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Most male bluegill, termed parentals, compete for nesting sites in colonies and then court and spawn with females and provide sole care of the eggs. Although nesting in a colony results in reduced predation and fungal infection of broods, it comes at a cost of increased parasitism by specialized cuckolder males that do not nest. We found that 4.5% of parentals forgo spawning in a colony and instead construct nests solitarily. Solitary males were of similar size and age to colonial males, but were in significantly better condition. Solitary males obtained as many eggs as males nesting in the center of colonies, and significantly more than males nesting on the periphery of colonies. Thus, females do not appear to discriminate against solitary males. Solitary males had smaller ear tabs, a presumed sexually selected character used by parental males in intrasexual competition, than colonial males. Tracking data revealed consistency in nesting tactic (but not nest position within the colony) between spawning attempts. We suggest that solitary nesting represents either a facultative decision made by parental males in top condition at the onset of breeding, or a life history decision to forgo spawning in colonies.Communicated by K. Lindström  相似文献   

Many ant species are polydomous, forming multiple spatially segregated nests that exchange workers and brood. However, why polydomy occurs is still uncertain. We investigated whether colonies of Crematogaster torosa form new polydomous nests to better exploit temporally stable food resources. Specifically, we tested the effect of food presence or absence and distance on the likelihood that colonies would form a new nest. Because this species also forms little-known structures that house only workers without brood (outstations), we also compared the function of this structure with true nests. Laboratory-reared colonies were connected to a new foraging arena containing potential nest sites with or without food for 4 months. When food was present, most colonies formed polydomous nests nearby and the remainder formed outstations. When food was absent, the behavior of colonies differed significantly, frequently forming outstations but never polydomous nests. Distance had no effect on the type of structure formed, but when food was present, a larger proportion of the workforce moved shorter distances. Workers often fortified the entrances to both structures and used them for storage of dried insect tissue (“jerky”). In an investigation of spatial fidelity, we found that workers on the between-nest trail were associated with the original nest, whereas workers collecting food were more likely to be associated with the new nest or outstation. C. torosa appears to have a flexible colony structure, forming both outstations and polydomous nests. Polydomous nests in this species were associated with foraging and were only formed near food resources.  相似文献   

Ant colonies are factories within fortresses (Oster and Wilson 1978). They run on resources foraged from an outside world fraught with danger. On what basis do individual ants decide to leave the safety of the nest? We investigated the relative roles of social information (returning nestmates), individual experience and physiology (lipid stores/corpulence) in predicting which ants leave the nest and when. We monitored Temnothorax albipennis workers individually using passive radio-frequency identification technology, a novel procedure as applied to ants. This method allowed the matching of individual corpulence measurements to activity patterns of large numbers of individuals over several days. Social information and physiology are both good predictors of when an ant leaves the nest. Positive feedback from social information causes bouts of activity at the colony level. When certain social information is removed from the system by preventing ants returning, physiology best predicts which ants leave the nest and when. Individual experience is strongly related to physiology. A small number of lean individuals are responsible for most external trips. An individual’s nutrient status could be a useful cue in division of labour, especially when public information from other ants is unavailable.  相似文献   

Communication of feeding locations is widespread in social animals. Many ants use pheromone trails to guide nestmates to food sources, but trail properties and how they are used vary. The ant Pheidole oxyops retrieves prey cooperatively using multiple workers. The recruited workers are guided to the prey by a pheromone trail laid by the initial discoverer. In comparison to other ants, this trail has extreme properties. Despite being laid by just one ant, freshly laid trails are followed very accurately (84.4?% correct choices at a bifurcation), but decay in only 5–7?min. This extreme accuracy and short duration probably reflect adaptations to underlying differences in feeding ecology. In particular, P. oxyops needs to rapidly recruit nestmates to a precise location in a competitive environment. Rapid decay combined with a natural walking speed of 1.4?m/min should set an upper limit of 4?m (an 8-m round trip) on recruitment range. However, experimentally placed food items up to 8?m from the nest entrance were cooperatively retrieved. This greater range is due to the trail having a dual recruitment role. It not only recruits from the nest but also intercepts ants already outside the nest, causing them to join the trail. Seventy-five per cent of ants joining the trail then followed it towards the food item. Even when direct recruitment from the nest was prevented, this secondary recruitment action resulted in seven times as many ants locating a food source than by chance discovery and in items being moved 46?% sooner.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of some leptothoracine ants may contain several inseminated but sterile females in addition to a single, fertile queen (functional monogyny). We here report the first observations on the behavior of these supernumerary females in the nearctic ant Leptothorax sp.A, a species belonging to the L. muscorum complex.In four colonies, each with up to eight intermorphic females, ritualized or openly aggressive interactions between individuals were observed, similar to those among workers of some other leptothoracine ants. The responses of individual females during encounters with nestmates apparently reflect the existence of linear dominance hierarchies. In each colony, the highest ranking individual was fed and groomed significantly more often than other females, and was the only one to oviposit after hibernation and to become fully physogastric during the first weeks of spring. When these -females were removed from three colonies, several other females started to lay eggs. However, in each colony only the highest ranking individual remained fertile; the others either were pushed out of the nest and finally killed by the workers, or their ovaries degenerated again.Aggressive interactions among females may also play an important role in the foundation of new colonies either by inducing intermorphs to leave the maternal nest to found new colonies solitarily or by inducing colony fission. Offprint requests to: J. Heinze at his new address  相似文献   

Animals frequently have to decide between alternative resources and in social insects these individual choices produce a colony-level decision. The choice of nest site is a particularly critical decision for a social insect colony to make, but the decision making process has still only been studied in a few species. In this study, we investigated nest selection by the Pharaoh’s ant, Monomorium pharaonis, a species renowned for its propensity to migrate and its use of multi-component trail pheromones to organise decision-making in other contexts. When presented with the choice of familiar and novel nests of equal quality in a Y set-up, colonies preferentially migrated towards the familiar nest, suggesting a form of colony-level ‘memory’ of potential nest sites. However, if the novel nest was superior to the familiar nest, then colonies began migrating initially to the familiar nest, but then redirected their migration to the superior quality novel nest. This may be an effective method of reducing colony exposure while searching for an optimum nest site. Branches that had previously led to a selected nest were attractive to ants in subsequent migrations, suggesting that trail pheromones mediate the decision making process. The adaptive, pheromone-based organisation of nest-site selection by Pharaoh’s ants matches their ephemeral environment and is likely to contribute to their success as a 'tramp' species.  相似文献   

Desert ants, Cataglyphis fortis, return to their nest by means of path integration vectors. By using the reversal of these vectors, they approach previously visited feeding sites again. They adjust these vectors whenever outbound and inbound vector are set into conflict or when they make use of external cues. Here, we examine the influence of repeated training on the accuracy, precision, and straightness of outbound and inbound vectors. We trained desert ants to forage to and fro between their nest and a feeder and made sure that they relied exclusively on their path integrator. Neither the ants’ outbound nor their inbound runs, which, in general, are straighter than the outbound runs, become more accurate, precise, or straighter during repeated training. Hence, repeated training does not improve the path integrator in desert ants.  相似文献   

Summary Nest construction, a complex social activity requiring the coordination of 3 tasks (Fig.2), was compared in large (<350 adults) and small (<50 adults) colonies of Polybia occidentalis. The 3 tasks—water foraging, pulp foraging, and building—are performed by 3 separate groups of workers (Fig.4). Of the 8 acts comprising the 3 tasks, 5 regularly involve the transfer of water or pulp from one worker to another on the nest.Small colonies required nearly twice as long (35.4 worker-min) as large colonies (20.1 workermin) to complete a unit amount of construction work. Behavioral acts involving material transfer among workers were responsible for most of the increase in small colonies. In other words, the waiting times experienced by material donors and recipients were greater in small colonies. In small colonies workers switched among the three tasks more frequently than in large colonies (Fig. 4). This was the result of more frequent switching by generalists (workers that performed 2 or 3 of the tasks), rather than by a decrease in the proportion of specialists (workers performing only 1 task type) (Fig. 3).The series-parallel system by which Polybia occidentalis organizes nest construction has a major advantage over the series operation of solitary wasps. Pulp foragers collect and carry loads that are 6.1 times as large as builders can work with at the nest, and water foragers bring in loads that appear to be limited only by crop capacity and that provide all the moisture necessary for the complete processing of 0.74 of a foraged pulp load. As a result P. occidentalis can collect and process a given amount of nest material using 2.6 times fewer foraging trips than would be required by the series system. This in turn means that P. occidentalis not only achieves an energy saving that probably more than offsets the increased costs of material handling at the nest, but it reduces the exposure of its foragers to predators in the field.  相似文献   

Summary. The myrmecophilous beetles, Zyras comes (Staphylinidae) and Diaritiger fossulatus (Pselaphidae) are guests of the black shining ant Lasius fuliginosus. Host worker ants never attacked these beetles, and often gave regurgitant to Z. comes following tactile communication with the beetle. By contrast, the workers from colonies without the myrmecophiles showed hostile responses towards Z. comes before tactile contact, but were not aware of D. fossulatus until contact. In L. fuliginosus, workers within a colony shared profiles, but the profiles differed among colonies. GC analyses showed that both Z. comes and D. fossulatus beetles had the same hydrocarbons as L. fuliginosus, and the profiles were more similar to those of the host colony workers than the foreign workers. Both Z. comes and D. fossulatus appear to imitate the hydrocarbon profile of their host workers, allowing integrating into the host nest. A Y-maze bioassay indicated that Z. comes can follow the trail pheromone of L. fuliginosus. This suggests that Z. comes may detect other chemical signals of L. fuliginosus to keep closer interactions with the workers. Received 22 June 2001; accepted 12 November 2001.  相似文献   

Summary A curious behavior in leaf-cutting ants in the genus Atta is the hitchhiking of small minim workers on leaf fragments carried by larger workers. Two functions of these hitchhikers have been proposed: (1) defense of leaf carriers against parasitic flies in the family Phoridae (ant protection hypothesis; Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1967) and (2) reduction of transport costs of small minims that collect plant fluids (energy conservation hypothesis; Stradling 1978).We studied hitchhiking behavior in colonies of Atta colombica on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and found strong evidence in favor of the ant protection hypothesis. Females of Apocephalus attophilus (Diptera: Phoridae) attack leaf carriers of A. colombica and deposit eggs in the head capsules of these ants. Our observations indicate that parasites require leaf fragments to stand on during oviposition, and, as a result, only leaf carriers are susceptible to parasitic attack. The presence of hitchhikers reduces significantly both the time parasites spend on leaf fragments and the probability that they will land in the first place. Results of experimental introductions of parasites and a year of biweekly censuses at ten colonies indicate that leaf-cutting ants adjust the level of hitchhiking to accommodate both daily and seasonal changes in the abundance of parasites.We found little evidence in support of the energy conservation hypothesis. If it is assumed that all minim workers hitchhike back to the nest, our calculations indicate that total transport costs along a foraging trail are reduced by 10% or less. However, our observations indicate that only 50% of returning minim workers hitchhike, and therefore energy savings are actually considerably less than 10%. Leaf-cutting ants in the genera Atta and Acromyrmex are attacked by over 20 species of parasitic phorids. In the discussion we review what is known about these associations and suggest that these parasites have influenced the ecology and evolution of polyethism in leaf-cutting ants. Offprint requests to: D.H. Feener (at his present address)  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of Neivamyrmex nigrescens conduct extensive nocturnal raids on other ants and termites in the desert-grassland of Arizona-New Mexico. We collected quantitative data on several aspects of raiding to pinpoint differences due to colony size and behavioral phase. In the nomadic phase, colonies began raiding at sunset and continued until dawn. Larger colonies covered more area, discovered more prey sites, and collected more booty than smaller colonies, but there were no systematic changes in raid intensity over the course of the nomadic phase. In the statary phase, raiding occurred less frequently and was less intense when it occurred; however, at the end of this phase, raiding was similar to nomadic phase raids in extent, duration, and booty captured. N. nigrescens preyed exclusively on termites and ants, and appeared to select certain species of Pheidole in preference to other ants. Pheidole was the most abundant genus, but was preyed upon twice as often as expected based on relative colony density. Pheidole attempted to avoid predation by fleeing or defending their nest, but rarely succeeded. Because they are about the same size as army ants and lack defensive chemicals, Pheidole made comparatively easy prey. N. nigrescens ignored or was repelled by other ants (Pogonomyrmex, Novomessor, Iridomyrmex, Myrmecocystus) during the early summer, when Pheidole was abundant; however, in late summer when Pheidole was less available, the army ants preyed upon Novomessor cockerelli. N. harrisi raided in close proximity to N. nigrescens, but preyed exclusively on Solenopsis xyloni. Selection of prey and partitioning of resources are now indicated in several army ant species; these processes have probably been important factors in the evolution of the ants' predatory behavior.  相似文献   

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