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The distribution and enrichment of selected trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) in benthic sediments of the Southport
Broadwater, a semi-enclosed coastal body of water adjacent to the Gold Coast city, south-eastern Queensland, Australia, was
studied with the objective of assessing the extent and degree of sediment contamination. Sediment samples from the 0–10 cm
and 10–20 cm depth intervals of 32 sites within the Southport Broadwater and surrounding residential canals were analysed
for particle size distribution, pH, organic C and ‘near-total’ major (Al, Ca, Fe, Mn) and trace (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn)
metal contents. Sediment contamination for each trace metal was assessed by (1) comparison with Australian sediment quality
guidelines, (2) calculation of the index of geoaccumulation based on regional background values, and (3) geochemical normalisation
against Al (i.e. the abundance of alumino-silicate clay minerals). Based on this approach, the results indicate that submerged
sediments in the study area are not presently enriched with Cd, Cr or Ni, with the spatial distribution of these metals being
very well explained by the abundance of alumino-silicate clay minerals. However, several sites were strongly enriched with
Cu, Pb, Sn and Zn, arising from sources related to either urban runoff or vessel maintenance activities. The study indicates
that several varying approaches are needed for a satisfactory assessment of contaminant enrichment in estuarine sediments. 相似文献
The distribution of trace metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) was investigated during a year (1994-95) in surface and core sediment samples and in the oyster (Crassotrea rhizophorae) from Bluefields Bay, Nicaragua. the aim was to assess the arthropogenic impact of potential pollutant sources, mainly Bluefields City, since domestic waste waters are discharged directly or by infiltration to the bay. Lyophilised samples were submitted to different acid digestion methods and analysed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. the results showed highest contents for copper, lead and zinc near Bluefields City, with an increase in the affected area in the rainy season that is generated by greater city run off. Metal contents in oysters do not show the same distribution pattern than in sediments and were similar to those from other areas without reflecting pollution levels. 相似文献
运用污染风险评价标准和方法研究了2010年5月(春)、8月(夏)、10月(秋)和12月(冬)莱州湾表层沉积物中7种重金属污染物的时空分布特征、来源及生态风险。结果表明,表层沉积物中Cr、Zn和Pb含量均呈现春季低于其他季节特征,秋季Hg含量是其他季节的4倍,Cu、As和Pb含量无显著季节差异。表层沉积物中Cr、Cu、Zn、As和Cd最高值出现在莱州湾中部及小清河河口等西部水域,来源呈现受自然作用影响较大的特征;而Hg和Pb最高值出现在龙口和界河河口等东部水域,来源呈现受周边工业污染物的人为排放影响较大的特征。基于地理累积指数、生态效应浓度以及Hakanson潜在生态风险指数的综合评价表明,13%~29%的研究区域的表层沉积物受到轻微程度的Cd、Hg和Pb污染,Cd和Hg高值水域达到中等生态风险程度;Hg和As在65%~68%的研究区域的表层沉积物中达到可能对沉积物底质环境及生物群落产生不利生态影响水平。基于对重金属污染物的评价结果,莱州湾表层沉积物质量较好,局部区域存在Hg、Pb、Cd和As的潜在污染风险。 相似文献
Abstract Sediment samples were collected from the Adriatic Sea in areas near large coastal towns along the eastern Adriatic coast (Zadar, [Ncirc]ibenik, Split, Plo?e and Dubrovnik). Considerable quantities of untreated effluents are discharged via freshwater runoff and a variety of industrial waste waters, significantly affecting the quality of marine sediments. Distribution of some trace metals (Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn, Cd, and Al) involved in problems related to metal pollution in Adriatic sediment were examined. Values are expressed as a total concentration of heavy metals of sediment dry weight. Spatial distribution of some trace metal values in sediments and correlation of results for grain size effect were examined. the trace elements in marine sediments generally remain in the fine grained fraction, often in the silt-clay fraction. Higher values of heavy metals in some areas (Split, Sibenik) could be attributed to anthropogenic effects, i.e. to land-based activities. the main cause of higher values of some metals at open sea sites and in some coastal areas are probably caused naturally by sedimentation processes in those areas. Our results show that the sediments undoubtedly play a key role in determining the transport and ultimate fate of contaminants. 相似文献
A five-step sequential extraction technique was used to determine the chemical association of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd), with major sedimentary phases (exchangeable, surface oxide and carbonate, Fe and Mn oxides, organic and residual metal ions), in samples from floodplain and recent flood sediments of the River Aire, West Yorkshire. Analysis indicates that metals Pb and Zn are primarily associated with the Fe and Mn oxides, Cu with the organic fraction and Cd with exchangeable and surface oxide and carbonate metal ions. Knowledge of the chemical speciation of heavy metals in river sediment, despite the procedure's inherent limitations, facilitates an understanding of their bioavailability, storage and remobilisation in floodplain and river channel environments. 相似文献
Box cores and surficial sediments collected from the shelf, slope and Okinawa Trough of the East China Sea were analyzed for loss on ignition, and concentration and speciation of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn. in general, concentrations of these metals are higher in the inner shelf and lower in the midshelf, but the highest LOI, Cd and Mn levels are found in the Okinawa Trough. Spatial distributions of these metals in surficial sediments indicate that the Yangtze River is the major source for materials deposited in the inner shelf. the results of a six-stage sequential leaching experiment indicate that the fluvial input includes natural (e.g., Al and Fe) and anthropogenic (e.g., Pb) materials. the depletion concentration of these metals in the midshelf sediments reflects the dominance (~ 70%) of coarse, relict sand, while the enrichments in the inner shelf and the Okinawa Trough sediments are due to the fine grained, organic-rich sediments. the speciation of Mn in the sediments of the Okinawa Trough indicates that its distribution is diagentically or hydrothermally controlled. 相似文献
Box cores and surficial sediments collected from the shelf, slope and Okinawa Trough of the East China Sea were analyzed for loss on ignition, and concentration and speciation of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn. in general, concentrations of these metals are higher in the inner shelf and lower in the midshelf, but the highest LOI, Cd and Mn levels are found in the Okinawa Trough. Spatial distributions of these metals in surficial sediments indicate that the Yangtze River is the major source for materials deposited in the inner shelf. the results of a six-stage sequential leaching experiment indicate that the fluvial input includes natural (e.g., Al and Fe) and anthropogenic (e.g., Pb) materials. the depletion concentration of these metals in the midshelf sediments reflects the dominance (∼ 70%) of coarse, relict sand, while the enrichments in the inner shelf and the Okinawa Trough sediments are due to the fine grained, organic-rich sediments. the speciation of Mn in the sediments of the Okinawa Trough indicates that its distribution is diagentically or hydrothermally controlled. 相似文献
Spatial Variations of Heavy Metals in the East China Sea Continental Shelf Surface Sediments 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Surface sediments collected from continental shelf of the East China Sea were analyzed for heavy metals (iron, manganese, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium), carbonate, organic carbon contents, and grain sizes. the range of concentrations observed were iron: 0.3-1.3 wt%, manganese: 2.3-14 μmole/g, copper: 7.1-184 μmole/g, zinc: 0.16-0.77μmiole/g, lead: 15-98 μmole/g, cadmium: 0.17-3.9 μmole/g, carbonate: 3.6-87 wt%, sand: 10-100%, silt: 0-70% and clay: 0-50%.
A zonal distribution pattern of the heavy metals was found in the East China Sea Continental shelf sediments. High concentrations of most heavy metals, organic carbon and fine-grained sediments were observed in the inner shelf zone, especially those near the discharge of the Yangtze River. Concentrations of these heavy metals decreased from the inner shelf to the shelf break region. High concentrations of metals were also found in sediments near Taiwan. Iron concentrations decreased north-east of the central shelf region. High concentrations of cadmium were found in the shelf break region where biogenic carbonate is predominant. This study showed that biogenic carbonate in the East China Sea shelf break region and the terrigenous sediments from the Yangtze River and island of Taiwan were the major sources of heavy metals. Heavy metal concentrations were strongly influenced by the content of the coarse-grained quartz sand present in the sediments. 相似文献
A zonal distribution pattern of the heavy metals was found in the East China Sea Continental shelf sediments. High concentrations of most heavy metals, organic carbon and fine-grained sediments were observed in the inner shelf zone, especially those near the discharge of the Yangtze River. Concentrations of these heavy metals decreased from the inner shelf to the shelf break region. High concentrations of metals were also found in sediments near Taiwan. Iron concentrations decreased north-east of the central shelf region. High concentrations of cadmium were found in the shelf break region where biogenic carbonate is predominant. This study showed that biogenic carbonate in the East China Sea shelf break region and the terrigenous sediments from the Yangtze River and island of Taiwan were the major sources of heavy metals. Heavy metal concentrations were strongly influenced by the content of the coarse-grained quartz sand present in the sediments. 相似文献
Surface sediments collected from continental shelf of the East China Sea were analyzed for heavy metals (iron, manganese, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium), carbonate, organic carbon contents, and grain sizes. the range of concentrations observed were iron: 0.3-1.3 wt%, manganese: 2.3-14 μmole/g, copper: 7.1-184 μmole/g, zinc: 0.16-0.77μmiole/g, lead: 15-98 μmole/g, cadmium: 0.17-3.9 μmole/g, carbonate: 3.6-87 wt%, sand: 10-100%, silt: 0-70% and clay: 0-50%. A zonal distribution pattern of the heavy metals was found in the East China Sea Continental shelf sediments. High concentrations of most heavy metals, organic carbon and fine-grained sediments were observed in the inner shelf zone, especially those near the discharge of the Yangtze River. Concentrations of these heavy metals decreased from the inner shelf to the shelf break region. High concentrations of metals were also found in sediments near Taiwan. Iron concentrations decreased north-east of the central shelf region. High concentrations of cadmium were found in the shelf break region where biogenic carbonate is predominant. This study showed that biogenic carbonate in the East China Sea shelf break region and the terrigenous sediments from the Yangtze River and island of Taiwan were the major sources of heavy metals. Heavy metal concentrations were strongly influenced by the content of the coarse-grained quartz sand present in the sediments. 相似文献
为了解北京市公路绿化带土壤的环境质量,对北部城区环线公路附近不同植被类型土壤重金属的含量和污染指数进行了分析。研究表明:土壤Zn和Pb在不同公路绿化带中的分布极不均匀,变异系数分别达到了108.79%和99.56%。北二环路公路带土壤Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Mn、Co的含量均显著高于北五环区域土壤的重金属含量,而北四环和北五环各土壤重金属含量无显著差异。不同土壤重金属种类的污染程度不同,土壤中的Pb处于清洁水平,Cr和Cu处于轻度污染水平,Zn和Co处于中度污染水平,而Ni和Mn处于警戒限水平。综合来看,土壤重金属的综合污染指数为1.81,土壤环境质量达到了轻度污染的程度。 相似文献
Freshly deposited surface sediments from the Alexandria coastal zone were collected and analysed in 1995 for their trace metal concentrations. Metal concentrations in the sediments vary between sites within a wide range for copper, zinc, iron, lead, chromium and cadmium. the statistical analysis between the metal concentrations and the different constituents (organic carbon, total nitrogen, silt, clay and total iron) showed significant correlations. the enrichment factors for the sediments ranged between 3 and 4-fold for copper, chromium and zinc and reached up to 9-fold for lead and 113-fold for cadmium. the highest index for cadmium and lead may be attributed to the anthropogenic inputs from the surrounding area, where they are highest in lower discharge areas. 相似文献
Freshly deposited surface sediments from the Alexandria coastal zone were collected and analysed in 1995 for their trace metal concentrations. Metal concentrations in the sediments vary between sites within a wide range for copper, zinc, iron, lead, chromium and cadmium. the statistical analysis between the metal concentrations and the different constituents (organic carbon, total nitrogen, silt, clay and total iron) showed significant correlations. the enrichment factors for the sediments ranged between 3 and 4-fold for copper, chromium and zinc and reached up to 9-fold for lead and 113-fold for cadmium. the highest index for cadmium and lead may be attributed to the anthropogenic inputs from the surrounding area, where they are highest in lower discharge areas. 相似文献
采用ICP-MS测定了辽河26个支流表层沉积物间隙水中7种重金属(Pb、Cu、Cr、Zn、Ni、As、Cd)的含量,并应用间隙水毒性基准单位(IWCTU)和Nemeraw指数(NI)对间隙水重金属生态风险进行了评价;同时利用摇蚊幼虫活体生物毒性测试方法评估了辽河流域26个支流表层沉积物的综合毒性。研究结果显示,辽河支流表层沉积物间隙水7种重金属平均含量为:Pb 3.92μg·L-1,Cu 5.73μg·L-1,Cr 7.21μg·L-1,Zn 4.33μg·L-1,Ni 4.48μg·L-1,As 5.89μg·L-1,Cd 0.29μg·L-1,根据IWCTU值和NI值,柴河、养息牧、亮子河、凡河、付家窝堡、接官厅具有潜在的生态风险;综合毒性表征结果表明,柴河、长沟子河、付家窝堡、柳河、一统河、潮沟河表层沉积物对摇蚊幼虫具有较高毒性。结合重金属毒性和综合毒性分析,认为辽河流域支流表层沉积物毒性应该是由复合污染形成,而不仅仅是重金属污染。 相似文献
北京市土壤重金属污染研究 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
为调查研究北京市一些重点功能区的土壤重金属污染状况,在朝阳、海淀、石景山、通州、怀柔、顺义区等典型的耕地、林地、菜地、工业区、交通区、旅游区选择采集了10个土壤样本。对各样点土壤的pH值、有机质含量、速效P、速效K、全N、全P、全K以及重金属元素Cr、Cd、Pb、Zn的含量进行了测定。采用单项污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法来评价土壤重金属污染程度,并针对北京市不同功能区的土壤重金属污染状况,提出了相应的防治措施与对策。 相似文献
Heavy Metals in the Bed and Suspended Sediments of Anyang River, Korea: Implications for Water Quality 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The objective of this study is to compare Anyang River bed sediments with water chemical composition and to assess the anthropogenic chemical inputs into the river system. Eight sampling locations were chosen along the river channel. Bed and suspended river sediments and water samples were collected, and analyzed for their chemical and physical composition. Data revealed that trace element concentrations in the river water were generally below world average, except for As, Mn, Ni and Cr. Among the three phases: water, bed and suspended sediment, more than 99% of the trace elements was associated with the bed sediment. Concentrations of trace elements in the sediment were a function a particle size distribution and organic content. The calculated degrees of enrichment based on the least influenced sample (ASD 1) indicated the river sediments were enriched with respect to background. The enrichment factors for Pb, Zn and As were relatively lower than for Cr, Co, Ni and Zn. The difference in the enrichment seems to reflect the human activities influence in the basin, and specially for Cd. Speciation of the elements in the five different chemical forms in the sediment by sequential extraction indicated that the reducible fraction was predominant for Fe, Zinc and Cu showed an irregular variation among the different fractions; whereas, Cd and Pb were more regular. Zinc and Cu highly existed mostly in exchangeable forms. Acid soluble and reducible forms were also important for most metals. The speciation implies that the metals associated with the sediment are subject to release into water bodies as goechemical variables (pH and Eh) change. Currently, the introduced metals are deposited near the source area and are mostly associated with the sediment, implying that the river bed sediment acts mainly as a sink, rather than a pool. The accumulated and enriched toxic trace elements can pose a potential pollution of river water. 相似文献
Heavy Metal Contamination and Distribution in the Urban Environment of Guangzhou, SE China 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Duzgoren-Aydin NS Wong CS Aydin A Song Z You M Li XD 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2006,28(4):375-391
Ever-increasing heavy metal accumulation in the urban environment of Guangzhou, the largest light industrial production base and one of the most rapidly developing cities in China, poses a serious threat to environment as well as to human health in the region. As a sink or source, urban deposits are good indicators of the level and extent of heavy metal accumulation in the surface environment. The aim of this preliminary study was to examine the distribution of heavy metal contamination in the urban environment of Guangzhou. It was based on a systematic sampling of road dusts and corresponding gully sediments along major roads running mainly through commercial and residential to industrial districts of the city. In addition to road dusts and gully sediments, ceiling dusts from the Pearl River Tunnel were also collected to characterize anthropogenic emissions dominated by traffic-related activities. In general, the level of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contaminations were more severe on the industrialized side of Guangzhou than on the western side where heavy traffic and industrial activities were limited. The primary determinants of the level of heavy metal contamination and the distribution of this contamination in the urban environment of Guangzhou were the site-specific conditions of its urban setting, particularly the types of industries, the nature of the traffic flow, sample residence times and variations in grain size of the particulate contaminants. This study highlights the complexity of the urban system and indicates that in just such a system individual urban components should be interlinked to assess the long-term environmental and health effects of heavy metal contamination. Among the heavy metals tested – Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn – the level of Zn contamination was the most severe and widespread, and thus requires immediate attention. 相似文献
Lina L. Fernandes 《Chemistry and Ecology》2013,29(5):435-455
The focus of this study, carried out on mudflat and mangrove sediments of Ulhas Estuary and Thane Creek in Mumbai, India, documents how sediment analysis in different ecosystems can help in understanding metal behaviour and pollution status of the region. Based on the the geoaccumulation index (I geo ), the study shows that the estuarine and creek regions, being recipients of industrial and domestic wastes, display moderate pollution. Ulhas Estuary with higher clay and organic matter contents, exhibits higher amounts of metals than Thane Creek. Furthermore, using correlation and cluster analyses, the creek projects stable subenvironments with similar types of metal associations, with Fe and total organic carbon as the dominant metal carriers. By contrast, in the estuarine subenvironments, the metal associations do not reveal any distinct trend, which may be attributed to the disturbance caused by dredging activities routinely carried out in the region. Factor analysis carried out on I geo data in both regions further helped in identifying polluted metal groups. 相似文献
鄱阳湖湿地水体与底泥重金属污染及其对沉水植物群落的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对鄱阳湖南矶山湿地、吴城自然保护区、白沙洲国家湿地公园及鄱阳湖龙口等典型湿地进行沉水植物群落的调查与采样,并测定各样点水样及底泥重金属含量,采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对底泥重金属污染进行评价,采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数等方法对研究区沉水植物群落结构进行评价,对水体、底泥重金属含量与沉水植物的生物量、物种多样性等进行Pearson相关性分析,评价鄱阳湖湿地水土环境重金属污染现状,探讨水体与底泥重金属Cu、Pb、Cd等污染物对其水体沉水植物群落的影响。结果表明:各采样点水体与底泥中Cu、Pb、Cd等3种重金属元素中含量最高的为Pb;各样点水体(除白沙洲水体ρ(Pb)外)ρ(Cu)、ρ(Pb)和ρ(Cd)等均未超出地表水环境质量Ⅲ类标准限值,水体重金属含量最高的区域为鄱阳湖东部的白沙洲(ρ(Cu)为50.826μg·L-1,ρ(Pb)为68.660μg·L-1,ρ(Cd)为0.337μg·L-1),最低的区域为鄱阳湖西南部的南矶山湿地(ρ(Cu)为4.316μg·L-1,ρ(Pb)为7.301μg·L-1,ρ(Cd)为0.167μg·L-1)。两种重金属污染评价方法的结果均表明,受纳乐安河下游来水的龙口区域为底泥重金属污染最严重区域;但两种评价方法的结果存在一定差异,地累积指数法评价龙口区域的结果为偏中度或轻度污染,潜在生态危害指数法的评价结果为轻度污染。研究区野外调查中共发现11种沉水植物,隶属7科9属,其中南矶山湿地的沉水植物物种多样性较丰富,但其物种分布的均匀度较低,水体与底泥重金属含量与其水体中沉水植物的生物量或物种多样性间无显著相关性。 相似文献
This paper describes a study of the trace element distribution in sediments, marine water and mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis of the Venetian Lagoon around the Island of Murano, an island with a long tradition of glassmaking. Trace elements analysed include Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Ag and As. Sediments are contaminated with Zn, Cu, Ag, As and Pb, with levels in the <2m fraction that are likely to cause adverse biological effects to marine organisms. The pelite (<63m) is the main carrier of heavy metals at most sites. However, the fine-grained and coarse sand on the southern coast of Murano accounts for a significant proportion of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cr, Ag, Ni and Pb. Most trace element concentrations found in soft tissue of mussels appear to be within recommended Italian and international guidelines for shellfish for human consumption, the only exception being relatively high As levels. The bioaccumulation of Ag and Cr is more pronounced in the shell of these organisms. In the marine water of the lagoon, trace elements are more enriched than in other areas of the Mediterranean, with particular reference to the dissolved labile species of Zn, Mn, As, Cu, Ni and Cr. 相似文献