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中国农村转型发展研究的进展与趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农村转型发展是推进农村产业结构升级、就业与消费方式转变,以及城乡协调发展的根本途径.文章系统地回顾了中国农村转型发展的研究历程,总结了各发展阶段的特点和研究内容,讨论了农村转型发展研究中存在的问题.认为中国农村发展研究经历了1949-1978年制度转型背景下以生产力为重心的农村转型,1979-1993年体制转型背景下以经济为中心的农村波动发展,1994年以后发展理念和经济环境演变下的农村转型发展等三个阶段.由于各阶段农村发展的内外部条件不断发生着变化,因此,同一阶段内农村发展的研究重点也有所侧重.最后,从农村发展的宏观战略与理论及方法,农村耕地保护、占用补偿和粮食安全,农村工业化、城乡转型与统筹发展及功能区划分,现代农业发展与农村产业结构调整及特色优势农业培育,新农村建设机制与模式等方面进行了展望.  相似文献   

在城市空间溢出理论的指导下,以我国在2007年设立的国家级统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区重庆市为例,选取重庆市的远郊型城镇江北区五宝镇为研究区域,探讨旨在促进大城市周边的远郊型城镇与城区功能协调、互惠多赢的开发模式。首先,以鲜菜类和休闲度假类消费需求为例,对重庆市主城区城市居民消费需求的空间溢出展开调研;然后,从区位交通、资源基础、生态环境和开发现状等方面分析和判断五宝镇是否具备承接主城区溢出消费需求的条件,并设计了基于城市空间溢出的开发模式;最后,从经济效益、社会效益和生态效益等方面,对远郊型乡镇的传统开发模式和基于城市空间溢出的开发模式进行了综合效益比较。主要结论为:①重庆市主城区对其外部空间的土地、生物、景观和环境等要素存在着显著的溢出消费需求;②以城市溢出消费需求为导向,以协调城乡功能为目标,发挥自身的资源优势,将绿色农业与休闲经济有机结合是此类远郊型乡镇开发的最佳模式。  相似文献   

城市人口增长与城区面积扩展的关系问题,是城市乃至城市群实现高质量发展的重要问题。以长三角地区为例,根据趋势面和位序-规模法则分析2000~2018年城市人口与用地的分布演化特征,并探究其异速增长的时空演变规律。结果表明:(1)长三角地区城市人口与用地的分布态势呈"东高西低,中间高南北低",人口规模逐渐由均衡化向集中化分布模式转变,用地规模一直为均衡化分布模式。(2)从两者异速关系来看,长三角地区城市人口-面积异速增长为负异速的人口扩张弱型阶段,其中2008年前70%以上的城市以正异速为主,2008年后80%以上的城市以负异速为主。(3)在各城市异速类型变化上,正异速城市向下变动率较高,且多数转变为负异速类型,负异速城市保持稳定率较高,反映出长三角地区多数城市城镇化动力逐渐由土地扩张推动转变为人口增长推动。城市人口-面积异速增长规律的研究可以为长三角地区城镇化要素流动和城市群高质量发展提供理论基础,并对区域一体化推进提供实践依据。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快,区域协调发展的要求变得日益迫切。作为地理微观区域,县市域边界地区的协调管理尤其困难,在相关研究中还容易被忽略。以CBRs理论为指导,结合浙江省尖山-南北湖地区协调发展实例,对县市域边界地区协调发展的机制进行深入分析,构建了发展机制框架体系。尖山南北湖地区是典型的微观跨边界地区,在空间、功能上都具有协调发展的基础。由于行政体制的分割,现有的规划更加关注自身发展的需求,缺少区域整体统筹发展的眼光,造成了产业定位相互冲突,交通衔接不畅,生态环境共同保护意识不到位等问题。通过对问题的分析,在协调发展机制框架基础上,提出协调发展规划方案,以期通过规划的手段使问题得以解决和落实,希望对微观区域的协调发展研究有所启迪  相似文献   

农村地区养老脆弱性的省际差异及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同省份农村地区资源禀赋与经济社会发展水平的差距使得其养老脆弱性也存在较大差异,对农村养老脆弱性的省际差异测度及其影响因素的识别是提升养老保障政策针对性与可操作性的关键。文章基于2014年全国农村地区公开数据,从敏感性和应对能力两个维度构建农村地区养老脆弱性评价指标体系,采用集对分析方法对我国31个省(市、区)农村地区养老脆弱性指数进行了测算,借助Arc GIS自然断点法将我国农村地区养老脆弱性划分为5个等级并对其省际差异进行空间可视化描述,在此基础上,利用障碍度模型分析了我国农村养老脆弱性的影响因素。研究发现:1我国农村地区养老脆弱性总体上处于中等区,但呈现出明显的省际差异、区域差异以及区域内部差异;2不同省份农村地区养老敏感性和养老应对能力的差异较大,且对养老脆弱性的形成产生程度不一的影响。总体上,东部省份农村养老脆弱性明显低于中西部省份;3农村地区养老脆弱性省际差异的形成受到老年抚养比、国家级贫困县数量、低保中老年人占比、农作物受灾面积和医疗保健支出占比等多种因素的影响。文章认为,在全面提升农村养老服务供给水平的基础上,进一步促进区域经济社会协调发展、强化中西部省份农村养老服务体系建设的投入力度成为降低农村养老脆弱性的关键。  相似文献   

中国“三农问题”的体制转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建设社会主义新农村要求一系列的制度创制,这些要求表明,一直以来全社会关注的“三农问题”进入了一个体制转型的新阶段。文章阐述了这个阶段所必然要产生的一些主要制度创制内容,即:在责任制基础上的新型土地生产关系创制;针对粮食经济转型构建发展现代农业的制度基础;建立与生存、生产和生活统一性关系相适应的农村民生统筹制度体系;从城乡统筹的角度促进乡村治理和制度创新。根据转型的目标设计,农民作为这个转型的主体其“自身就是问题”的性质将随着转型的实施和实现失去意义,而农村和农业即使存在问题,也只是主体需要并可台解决的对象性工作,所以“三农问题”将在中国整体的现代化发展中失去意义。  相似文献   

长三角地区城市土地利用集约度区域分异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
土地短缺逐渐成为制约长三角地区经济迅速发展的关键要素。集约利用土地,不断提高城市土地利用效率,是解决长三角地区土地资源稀缺。缓解人地关系矛盾的必然选择。从土地利用强度.产出效率、生态效益、可持续利用程度四方面阐释城市土地利用集约度内涵.以此构建适合长三角地区城市土地利用集约度评价的指标体系,同时运用GIS空间分析方法与技术对评价结果进行空间分异研究。并分析差异产生原因。结果表明:①长三角地区城市土地利用集约度水平差距较大。区位条件和经济发展水平是影响长三角地区城市土地利用集约度的重要因素。②长三角地区城市土地利用集约程度由北向南呈现明显的空间梯度差异特征。在空闾分布上具有微弱的正相关性。空间分异格局明显。③各城市土地集约利用中存在的问题不尽相同,须予以针对性改善提高。  相似文献   

人与自然和谐是构建和谐社会的物质基础   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在剖析和谐社会及人与自然和谐基本内涵的基础上。通过分析资源短缺、生态破坏和环境污染对社会和谐的破坏作用。阐明了人与自然和谐是构建和谐社会的基本前提;通过分析加强环境保护、合理开发利用资源可以促进民主法治和公平正义。促使社会充满活力、安定有序。促进经济繁荣和持续发展。阐明了以人与自然和谐推进和谐社会的构建。进而全面论述了人与自然和谐是构建和谐社会的物质基础。  相似文献   

对城乡自然生态关系的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前对城乡之间自然生态关系缺乏准确的研究现状,首次提出建立城乡自然生态关系概念的观点,认为在城市化和城市规划研究中应加强对城乡资源关系、资源利用关系、组成要素关系和要素感知关系等方面的研究,提出应充分认识利用这种关系。  相似文献   

“天人合一”是中国古代思想家对于天人关系的基本认识,主张遵循自然规律.实现人和自然的和谐发展.这一思想对于生态保护与天人关系的协调发展具有重要意义。经济全球化时代。探寻“天人合一”向“天人和谐”可持续发展观的现代性转化的途径,将有助于我们重瓤认识自然,正确把握环境保护与经济发展的辩证关系,培养人类的道德责任意识及科学实践精神,为现代生态伦理学的建立和可持续发展战略的实施提供帮助。  相似文献   

The unique two-stage "Chinese path" of China's rural-urban migration, which cannot be fully explained by classical theories of economic development, makes us to give peasant workers' transformation to urban residents a top priority. On the basis of fully explaining peasant workers' transformation to urban residents, a method for measuring its process has been advanced and then confirmed with the data of March in 2005 from surveys to peasant workers in Wuhan. Finally, the suggestions of accelerating peasant workers' transformation to urban residents to promote the construction of a harmonious society have been drawn from the analysis.  相似文献   

Resource-based cities face vital economic, social, and environmental problems during their industrial transformation. Urban industrial structure is a traditional primary industrial pattern, which is resource-based and resource-intensive economy with low level technology and efficiency. They encounter tremendous pressure of unemployment and social security. Resources of such cities are on the verge of extinction, in addition, the environmental pollution and ecological conditions are becoming worse. The cities have significant institutional issues and their innovation capacity is inadequate. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out strategic innovations to realize the successful economic transformation of resource-based cities. The strategic innovations include innovation of development goals, equalization of social welfare, sustainable economic development, coordinative development between eco-environment and socioeconomy, and circular economy development strategies optimizing diversified industrial structures. In addition, forming eco-industrial system and changing traditional growth pattern, strategy of resource and industrial substitution and supplement, scientific and technological innovation strategy —late-comer's advantages of development of new high-tech ecocity development strategy and innovation of institutional mechanism and systems.  相似文献   

智慧城市建设的理论思考与战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智慧城市是继数字城市和智能城市后的城市信息化高级形态,是信息化、工业化与城镇化的深度融合,是城市转型与经济发展的转换器。发展智慧城市有助于促进城市经济、社会与环境协调可持续发展,缓解"大城市病",提高城镇化质量。从城市信息化发展阶段看,我国许多信息化先行城市已经初步具备建设智慧城市的信息基础、产业基础和技术基础,同时,不断完善的政策支持体系也为智慧城市建设营造了良好的政策环境。由于尚处于起步阶段,我国智慧城市建设还存在缺乏统一规划、技术标准和法律规范不健全、资金瓶颈等诸多问题。为此,要深入推进智慧城市建设必须正确处理好市场"无形之手"和政府"有形之手"的关系,实现技术创新和金融创新两轮驱动,在基础设施建设中保障信息集成共享和互联互通,重视技术规范和法律规范,在典型示范积累经验基础上全面整体推进。  相似文献   


Agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modern cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modern cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the con- structiori of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   


As the protected areas of land and coastal environment, nature reserves are designed to address how to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development and the maintenance of cultural values. This paper establishes a framework for nature reserve development that seeks to incorporate ecotourism into its strategies. The overall purpose was to identify the information needs required for a comprehensive nature reserve that incorporates ecotourism related values. It also illustrates the utility of this framework in the context of the Wuzhishan Mountain Region of China. A literature review, the first phase of a visionary strategy and a subsequent gap analysis for available management information were undertaken in order to achieve this paper's purpose. Finally, recommendations are presented for integrating ecotourism into nature reserve development in the Wuzhishan Mountain Region.  相似文献   

As the protected areas of land and coastal environment, nature reserves are designed to address how to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development and the maintenance of cultural values. This paper establishes a framework for nature reserve development that seeks to incorporate ecotourism into its strategies. The overall purpose was to identify the information needs required for a comprehensive nature reserve that incorporates ecotourism related values. It also illustrates the utility of this framework in the context of the Wuzhishan Mountain Region of China. A literature review, the first phase of a visionary strategy and a subsequent gap analysis for available management information were undertaken in order to achieve this paper's purpose. Finally, recommendations axe pre-sented for integrating ecotourism into nature reserve development in the Wuzhishan Mountain Region.  相似文献   

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