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To evaluate the acid deposition reduction negotiated for 2010 within the UNECE LRTAP Gothenburg Protocol, sulphur and nitrogen deposition time-series (1880–2100) were compared to critical loads of acidity on five French ecosystems: Massif Central basalt (site 1) and granite (2); Paris Bassin tertiary sands (3); Vosges mountains sandstone (4) and Landes eolian sands (5). The SAFE model was used to estimate the response of soil solution pH and ratio to the deposition scenario. Among the five sites, critical loads were exceeded in the past at sites 3, 4 and 5. Sites 3 and 4 were still expected to exceed in 2010, the Protocol year. Further reduction of atmospheric deposition, mainly nitrogen, would be needed to achieve recovery on these ecosystems. At sites 3, 4 and 5, the delay between the critical load exceedance and the violation of the critical chemical criterion was estimated to be 10 to 30 years in the top soil and 50 to 90 years in the deeper soil. At site 5, a recovery was expected in the top soil in 2010 with a time lag of 10 years. Unexpectedly, soil pH continued to decrease after 1980 in the deeper soil at sites 2 and 5. This time lag indicated that acidification moved down the soil profile as a consequence of slow base cation depletion by ion exchange. This delayed response of the soil solution was the result of the combination of weathering rates and vegetation uptake but also of the relative ratio between base cation deposition and acid compounds.  相似文献   

Extremely high emissions of S and N compounds in Central Europe (both 280 mmol m-2 yr-1) declined by 70and 35%, respectively, during the last decade. Decreaseddeposition rates of SO4 -2, NO3 -, and NH4 + in the region paralleled emission declines. The reduction in atmospheric inputs of S and N to mountain ecosystemshas resulted in a pronounced reversal of acidification in the Tatra Mountains and Bohemian Forest lakes. Between the 1987–1990and 1997–1999 periods, concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - decreased (average ± standard deviation) by 22±7 and 12±7 mol L-1, respectively, in theTatra Mountains, and by 19±7 and 15±10 mol L-1, respectively, in the Bohemian Forest. Their decrease was compensated in part (1) by a decrease in Ca2+ + Mg2+ (17±7 mol L-1) and H+ (4±6 mol L-1), and an increase in HCO3 -(10±10 mol L-1) in the Tatra Mountains lakes, and (2) by a decrease in Al (7±4 mol L-1), Ca2+ + Mg2+ (9±6 mol L-1), and H+ (6±5 mol L-1), in Bohemian Forest lakes. Despite the rapid decline in lake water concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - in response to reduced S and N emissions, their present concentrations in some lakes are higher than predictionsbased on observed concentrations at comparable emission rates during development of acidification. This hysteresis in chemical reversal from acidification has delayed biological recovery of the lakes. The only unequivocal sign of biological recovery hasbeen observed in erné Lake (Bohemian Forest) where a cladoceran species Ceriodaphnia quadrangular has recentlyreached its pre-acidification abundance.  相似文献   

In the 1999 Gothenburg protocol to the UN/ECE LRTAP Convention andin the negotiations for an EU acidification strategy the area withexceedances of critical loads has been the preferred measure forenvironmental impacts. The aim of this study has been to assessthe influence of the uncertainty and spatial variation of both thecritical loads and deposition values on the calculated area withexceedances of critical loads. This has been done on a nationalscale for Denmark and on the European scale based on the dataincluded in the RAINS model. It is demonstrated that includinguncertainty and spatial variation in exceedance calculations, ingeneral gives larger exceeded area for the critical load ofacidity, CL(A). The picture for the critical load of nutrientnitrogen, CLnut(N), is more mixed because of the higherproportion of exceeded areas. A further point of interest is thepossibility of validating relationships between critical loadexceedances and observable damage based on large scale monitoringand model data. It is demonstrated that it will probably not bepossible to use exceedance calculations on European scale as basisfor validation exercises, linking exceedances to observable damage.  相似文献   

Data from an ozone episode (2–5 June, 1998) in the Milan metropolitan area were used for an application of two photochemical grid models: UAM-V and CALGRID. To assure a fair comparison, the models were run on the same domain and grid size, with same source emission inputs, CALMET diagnostic meteorology, and initial and boundary conditions taken from air quality data and literature values. Hourly emissions were derived from the AutoOil-II programme inventory except for on-road mobile source emissions; a new traffic emission inventory, based on both COPERT II methodology and road classification has been developed. NOx and O3 concentration results were compared to local network monitoring data. Results indicate that both models predict the highest ozone values along the north-east direction and are able to reproduce the ozone daytime trend though differences can be found between the two models on ozone spatial distribution. Average normalised bias for both models is about 50%, peak daily ozone concentrations are underestimated, with simulated peak shapes broader than the observed ones and a temporal shift between the two models. Night-time concentration levels of pollutants were not successfully reproduced due to an incorrect parameterisation of vertical turbulence calling for further work.  相似文献   

Curtis  C. J.  Barbieri  A.  Camarero  L.  Gabathuler  M.  Galas  J.  Hanselmann  K.  Kopaček  J.  Mosello  R.  Nickus  U.  Rose  N.  Stuchlik  E.  Thies  H.  Ventura  M.  Wright  R. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2002,2(2):115-126
Critical load models for acidityprovide a measure of the sensitivity of surfacewaters to acid deposition, and can be used todetermine critical load exceedance and potentiallong-term harmful effects. Three static models,the Steady-State Water Chemistry model, diatommodel and First-order Acidity Balance model, arehere applied to 11 high mountain lakes in Norway,Scotland, the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Tatras.Between five and seven of the lakes show criticalload exceedance, depending on the model used.Nitrogen as well as sulphur deposition isimportant in causing exceedance. Since soil andvegetation cover are generally sparse, geologyand lake retention time appear to be key factorsin the determination of critical load. Retentionof nitrogen is observed, but it is unclearwhether this occurs within the lake or theterrestrial part of the catchment.  相似文献   

Planning effective strategies to combat air pollution in amajor city such as London requires integration ofinformation on atmospheric concentrations and where theyexceed prescribed air quality standards, detailed data onemissions and potential measures to reduce them includingcosts, and a good understanding of the relativecontributions of different emission sources to pollutantconcentrations plus the remaining background. The UrbanScale Integrated Assessment Model (USIAM) is designed as atool to integrate such information, and to explore andassess a variety of potential strategies for improving airquality. It is based on the same principles as theAbatement Strategies Assessment Model (ASAM) that has beenused in the UN Economic Commission for Europe. To startwith the USIAM model is being developed with respect to theparticulate PM10 only, and in particular the primaryparticulate contribution. The secondary particulate istreated as part of the background superimposed on theprimary particulate concentrations; this may need to betreated more specifically at a later stage, particularlywith respect to nitrate formation over the city. The USIAMmodel therefore sets out to examine a selection of severeepisode conditions as well as long-term annual averageconcentrations, and aims to find strategies that aresuccessful in eliminating exceedance of the prescribedtarget concentrations. By ranking different options forabatement of emissions, for example in terms of cost orease of implementation, the USIAM model can also select andprioritise different potential strategies.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) is a key element in critical loadcalculations for forest. Here, we argue for re-evaluating theimportance of Al. Effects of two levels of enhanced Alconcentrations and lowered Ca:Al ratios in the soil solutionin a field manipulation experiment in a mature spruce stand(1996–1999) on tree vitality parameters were tested. Inaddition, Al solubility controls were tested. Various loads ofAl were added to forest plots by means of an irrigationsystem. Potentially toxic Al concentrations and criticalratios of Ca to inorganic Al were established. The ratio of Cato total Al was not a suitable indicator for unfavourableconditions for plant growth. No significant effects on crowncondition, tree growth and fine root production were observedafter three years of treatment. In 1999, foliar Mg content inthe highest Al addition treatment had declined significantly.This agreed with the known response to Al stress of seedlingsin nutrient solution experiments. No support was found forusing the chemical criterion Ca:Al ratio in soil solution,foliar and root tissue as an indicator for forest damage dueto acidification. Al solubility was considerably lower thanimplied by the assumption of equilibrium with gibbsite,particularly in the root zone. The gibbsite equilibrium iscommonly used in critical load models. Substitution of thegibbsite equilibrium with an Al-organic matter complexationmodel to describe Al solubility in soil water may have largeconsequences for calculation of critical loads. The resultsindicate that critical load maps for forests should bereconsidered.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated system for the assessmentof technical and non-technical measures that are putforward in order to reduce air pollution levels in urbanareas. In contrast to the majority of the currentlyemployed assessment tools, this system allows for theevaluation of any proposed air pollution control measure interms of its combined impact on air quality and socialwelfare, by correlating the environmental and economicaspects of alternative air pollution abatement solutions.Based on the multi-pollutant, multi-effect concept, thesystem presented aims in providing policy-makers with areliable tool for the objective assessment of the mostcost-effective packages of measures, the latter beingallocated according to the particular features and needs ofthe areas examined.  相似文献   

Estimates of the global carbon sink induced by nitrogen enrichment range vary widely, from nearly zero to 2.3 Gt C year-1. It is necessary to reduce this uncertainty if we are to make accurate predictions of the future magnitude of the terrestrial carbon sink. Here, we present a Monte Carlo approach to uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of three ecosystem models, Century,BGCand Hybrid. These models were applied to a coniferous forest ecosystem in Sweden. The best estimate of the change in total carbon content of the ecosystem with the cumulative change in nitrogen deposition over 100 years, Ctotal/Ndeposition was 20.1 kg C (kg N)-1 using the pooled mean, with a pooled standard deviation of 13.8 kg C (kg N)-1. Variability in parameters accounted for 92% of the total uncertainty in Ctotal/Ndeposition, and only 8% was attributable to differences between models. The most sensitive parameters were those which controlled the allocation of assimilate between leaves, roots and stem. In particular, an increase in allocation to fine roots led to a large reduction in Ctotal/Ndeposition in all models, because the fine roots have a very high turnover rate, and extra carbon allocated there is soon lost through mortality and decomposition.  相似文献   

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