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A diesel fuel contaminated aquifer in Menziken, Switzerland was treated for 4.5 years by injecting aerated groundwater, supplemented with KNO3 and NH4H2PO4 to stimulate indigenous populations of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) degrading microorganisms. After dissolved PHC concentrations had stabilized at a low level, engineered in situ bioremediation was terminated. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intrinsic in situ bioremediation as a follow-up measure to remove PHC remaining in the aquifer after terminating engineered in situ bioremediation. In the first 7 months of intrinsic in situ bioremediation, redox conditions in the source area became more reducing as indicated by lower concentrations of SO4(2-) and higher concentrations of Fe(II) and CH4. In the core of the source area, strongly reducing conditions prevailed during the remaining study period (3 years) and dissolved PHC concentrations were higher than during engineered in situ bioremediation. This suggests that biodegradation in the core zone was limited by the availability of oxidants. In lateral zones of the source area, however, gradually more oxidized conditions were reestablished again, suggesting that PHC availability increasingly limited biodegradation. The total DIC production rate in the aquifer decreased within 2 years to about 25% of that during engineered in situ bioremediation and remained at that level. Stable carbon isotope analysis confirmed that the produced DIC mainly originated from PHC mineralization. The total rate of DIC and CH4 production in the source area was more than 300 times larger than the rate of PHC elution. This indicates that biodegradation coupled to consumption of naturally occurring oxidants was an important process for removal of PHC which remained in the aquifer after terminating engineered measures.  相似文献   

The in situ bioremediation of aquifers contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons is commonly based on the infiltration of groundwater supplemented with oxidants (e.g., O2, NO3) and nutrients (e.g., NH4+, PO43−). These additions stimulate the microbial activity in the aquifer and several field studies describing the resulting processes have been published. However, due to the heterogeneity of the subsurface and due to the limited number of observation wells usually available, these field data do not offer a sufficient spatial and temporal resolution. In this study, flow-through columns of 47-cm length equipped with 17 sampling ports were filled with homogeneously contaminated aquifer material from a diesel fuel contaminated in situ bioremediation site. The columns were operated over 96 days at 12°C with artificial groundwater supplemented with O2, NO3 and PO43−. Concentration profiles of O2, NO3, NO2, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon (DIC and DOC, respectively), protein, microbial cells and total residual hydrocarbons were measured. Within the first 12 cm, corresponding to a mean groundwater residence time of < 3.6 h, a steep O2 decrease from 4.6 to < 0.3 mg l−1, denitrification, a production of DIC and DOC, high microbial cell numbers and a high removal of hydrocarbons were observed. Within a distance of 24 to 40.5 cm from the infiltration, O2 was below 0.1 mg l−1 and a denitrifying activity was found. In the presence and in the absence of O2, n-alkanes were preferentially degraded compared to branched alkanes. The results demonstrate that: (1) infiltration of aerobic groundwater into columns filled with aquifer material contaminated with hydrocarbons leads to a rapid depletion of O2; (2) O2 and NO3 can serve as oxidants for the mineralization of hydrocarbons; and (3) the modelling of redox processes in aquifers has to consider denitrifying activity in presence of O2.  相似文献   

Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are common groundwater contaminants. One possible remediation option is in-situ reductive dechlorination by zero-valent iron, either by direct injection or as reactive barriers. Chlorinated ethenes (tetrachloroethene: PCE; trichloroethene: TCE) have received extensive attention in this context. However, another common groundwater pollutant, 1,1,1-trichlorethane (TCA), has attracted much less attention. We studied TCA reduction by three types of granular zero-valent irons in a series of batch experiments using polluted groundwater, with and without added aquifer material. Two types of iron were able to reduce TCA completely with no daughter product concentration increases (1,1-dichloroethane: DCA; chloroethane: CA). One type of iron showed slower reduction, with intermediate rise of DCA and CA concentrations. When evaluating the formation of daughter products, the tests on the groundwater alone showed different results than the groundwater plus aquifer batches: DCA did not temporarily accumulate in the batches with added aquifer material, contrary to the batches without added aquifer material. 1,1-dichloroethene (DCE, also present in the groundwater as an abiotic degradation product of TCA) was also reduced slower in the batches without added aquifer material than in the batches with aquifer material. Redox potentials gradually decreased to low values in batches with aquifer material without iron, while the batches with groundwater alone maintained a constant higher redox potential. Either adsorption processes or microbiological activity in the samples could explain these phenomena. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR: a targeted gene probe technique) for chlorinated aliphatic compound (CAH)-degrading bacteria confirmed the presence of Dehalococcoides sp. (chloroethene-degraders) but was negative for Desulfobacterium autotrophicum (a known co-metabolic TCA degrader). DCA reduction was rate determining: first-order half-lives of 300-350 h were observed. TCA was fully removed within hours. CA is resistant to reduction by zero-valent iron but it is known to hydrolyze easily. Since CA did not accumulate in our batches, it may have disappeared by the latter mechanism or it may not have formed as a major daughter product.  相似文献   

Evolution of trimethylbenzoic acids in the KC-135 aquifer at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base (WAFB), Oscoda, MI was examined to determine the functionality of trimethylbenzoic acids as key metabolite signatures in the biogeochemical evolution of an aquifer contaminated with JP-4 fuel hydrocarbons. Changes in the composition of trimethylbenzoic acids and the distribution and concentration profiles exhibited by 2,4,6- and 2,3,5-trimethylbenzoic acids temporally and between multilevel wells reflect processes indicative of an actively evolving contaminant plume. The concentration levels of trimethylbenzoic acids were 3-10 orders higher than their tetramethylbenzene precursors, a condition attributed to slow metabolite turnover under sulfidogenic conditions. The observed degradation of tetramethylbenzenes into trimethylbenzoic acids obviates the use of these alkylbenzenes as non-labile tracers for other degradable aromatic hydrocarbons, but provides rare field evidence on the range of high molecular weight alkylbenzenes and isomeric assemblages amenable to anaerobic degradation in situ. The coupling of actual tetramethylbenzene loss with trimethylbenzoic acid production and the general decline in the concentrations of these compounds demonstrate the role of microbially mediated processes in the natural attenuation of hydrocarbons and may be a key indicator in the overall rate of hydrocarbon degradation and the biogeochemical evolution of the KC-135 aquifer.  相似文献   

Laboratory evidence of MTBE biodegradation in Borden aquifer material   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Mainly due to intrinsic biodegradation, monitored natural attenuation can be an effective and inexpensive remediation strategy at petroleum release sites. However, gasoline additives such as methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) can jeopardize this strategy because these compounds often degrade, if at all, at a slower rate than the collectively benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and the xylene (BTEX) compounds. Investigation of whether a compound degrades under certain conditions, and at what rate, is therefore important to the assessment of the intrinsic remediation potential of aquifers. A natural gradient experiment with dissolved MTBE-containing gasoline in the shallow, aerobic sand aquifer at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden (Ontario, Canada) from 1988 to 1996 suggested that biodegradation was the main cause of attenuation for MTBE within the aquifer. This laboratory study demonstrates biologically catalyzed MTBE degradation in Borden aquifer-like environments, and so supports the idea that attenuation due to biodegradation may have occurred in the natural gradient experiment. In an experiment with batch microcosms of aquifer material, three of the microcosms ultimately degraded MTBE to below detection, although this required more than 189 days (or >300 days in one case). Failure to detect the daughter product tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) in the field and the batch experiments could be because TBA was more readily degradable than MTBE under Borden conditions.  相似文献   

A landfill leachate affected aquifer was investigated with respect to the geology and sediment geochemistry (solid organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, oxidation capacity, reduced iron and sulfur species) involving 185 sediment samples taken along a 305-m-long and 10–12-m-deep transect downgradient from the landfill. The geology showed two distinct sand layers (upper Quaternary, Weichselian and a lower Tertiary, Miocene) sandwiching thin layers of silt/clay deposits, peat and brown coal. The organic carbon content (TOC) and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the sandy sediments were low (TOC, 100–300 μg C (g DW)−1 ; CEC, 0.1–0.5 meq per 100 g DW) and correlated fairly well with the geology. Processes in the contaminant plume caused depletion of oxidation capacity and precipitation of reduced iron and sulfur species. However, some of these parameters were also affected by the geology, e.g. the oxidation capacity (OXC) was significantly higher in the Quaternary layer (OXC, 14–35 μeq g DW−1) than in the Tertiary sand layer (OXC, <5 μeq g DW−1). The intermediate layers (silt/clay and brown coal) have significantly higher values of most of the parameters investigated. This work demonstrates the need for a small scale geological model and a detailed mapping of the geochemistry of the sediments in order to distinguish impacts caused by the contaminant plumes from natural variations in the aquifer geochemistry.  相似文献   

Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) is a potential human carcinogen, and its contamination of subsurface environments is a significant threat to public health. This study investigated abiotic and biological degradation of RDX in contaminated aquifer material. Anoxic batch systems were started with and without pre-aeration of aquifer material to distinguish initial biological RDX reduction from abiotic RDX reduction. Aerating the sediment eliminated chemical reductants in the native aquifer sediment, primarily Fe(II) sorbed to mineral surfaces. RDX (50 μM) was completely reduced and transformed to ring cleavage products when excess concentrations (2 mM) of acetate or lactate were provided as the electron donor for aerated sediment. RDX was reduced concurrently with Fe(III) when acetate was provided, while RDX, Fe(III), and sulfate were reduced simultaneously with lactate amendment. Betaproteobacteria were the dominant microorganisms associated with RDX and Fe(III)/sulfate reduction. In particular, Rhodoferax spp. increased from 21% to 35% and from 28% to 60% after biostimulation by acetate and lactate, respectively. Rarefaction analyses demonstrated that microbial diversity decreased in electron-donor-amended systems with active RDX degradation. Although significant amounts of Fe(III) and/or sulfate were reduced after biostimulation, solid-phase reactive minerals such as magnetite or ferrous sulfides were not observed, suggesting that RDX reduction in the aquifer sediment is due to Fe(II) adsorbed to solid surfaces as a result of Fe(III)-reducing microbial activity. These results suggest that both biotic and abiotic processes play an important role in RDX reduction under in situ conditions.  相似文献   

The behaviour of 4,4′-bis(2-sulfostyryl)biphenyl (DSBP), a fluorescent whitening agent, was investigated in the presence of Fe(III) aquacomplexes at room temperature. In the dark, a two-step reaction was observed when adding Fe(III) to a solution of DSBP: an initial fast redox reaction between DSBP and the monomeric species Fe(OH)2+ and a slower reaction leading to the coagulation of oxidised DSBP and iron. This phenomenon is due to the formation of a complex or an ion-pair between Fe(II) and/or Fe(III) with oxidised DSBP and it probably occurs by charge neutralisation in our experimental conditions. The precipitation of DSBP depends on the initial concentration in Fe(OH)2+ and is achieved for a ratio [Fe(OH) 2+]/[DSBP] of 5 approximately. Under irradiation at 365 nm, a complicated behaviour was observed: a complexation of iron by oxidised DSBP favoured by irradiation and a degradation of DSBP induced by an intramolecular electron transfer in the complex or by a photoredox of Fe(OH)2+ species generating OH radicals in the supernatant. The complete degradation of DSBP is reached four times faster in the presence of Fe(III) with respect to the direct photolysis of DSBP alone. Moreover, the total mineralization of DSBP obtained in less than 120 h upon irradiation at 365 nm is only observed in the presence of the ferric ions, enlightening the efficiency of the method involving Fe(III) and UV irradiation.  相似文献   

Groundwaters have been collected from deltaic areas of West Bengal (Chakdaha and Baruipur blocks) to record their hydrogeochemical characteristics, and to verify the mechanism of arsenic (As) release. The data reveals that shallow (<70 m) groundwaters in both areas are of Ca-Mg-HCO(3) type; however deeper (>70 m) groundwaters in Baruipur areas are slightly enriched with Na, Cl and SO(4), indicating possible saline water intrusion. The groundwater is anoxic (mean Eh: -124 and -131 mV) with high levels of As (mean: 116 and 293 mug/L), Fe (mean: 4.74 and 3.83 mg/L), PO(4) (mean: 3.73 and 3.21 mg/L) and Mn (mean: 0.37 and 0.49 mg/L), respectively for Chakdaha and Baruipur areas. The observed values of As and bicarbonate (mean: 409 and 499 mg/L) in the shallow aquifer are indicative of redox processes (e.g., oxidation of organic matter) favouring the release of As. Moreover, the presence of DOC in the shallow aquifer suggests that organic matter is young and reactive, and may actively engage in redox driven processes. Our study further confirms that both Fe- and Mn-reduction processes are the dominant mechanisms for As release in these groundwaters.  相似文献   

Reactive solute transport modeling was utilized to evaluate the potential for natural attenuation of a contaminant plume containing phenolic compounds at a chemical producer in the West Midlands, UK. The reactive transport simulations consider microbially mediated biodegradation of the phenolic compounds (phenols, cresols, and xylenols) by multiple electron acceptors. Inorganic reactions including hydrolysis, aqueous complexation, dissolution of primary minerals, formation of secondary mineral phases, and ion exchange are considered. One-dimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) simulations were conducted. Mass balance calculations indicate that biodegradation in the saturated zone has degraded approximately 1-5% of the organic contaminant plume over a time period of 47 years. Simulations indicate that denitrification is the most significant degradation process, accounting for approximately 50% of the organic contaminant removal, followed by sulfate reduction and fermentation reactions, each contributing 15-20%. Aerobic respiration accounts for less than 10% of the observed contaminant removal in the saturated zone. Although concentrations of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) mineral phases are high in the aquifer sediment, reductive dissolution is limited, producing only 5% of the observed mass loss. Mass balance calculations suggest that no more than 20-25% of the observed total inorganic carbon (TIC) was generated from biodegradation reactions in the saturated zone. Simulations indicate that aerobic biodegradation in the unsaturated zone, before the contaminant entered the aquifer, may have produced the majority of the TIC observed in the plume. Because long-term degradation is limited to processes within the saturated zone, use of observed TIC concentrations to predict the future natural attenuation may overestimate contaminant degradation by a factor of 4-5.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of phenols (5, 60, 600 mg l−1) under anaerobic conditions (nitrate enriched and unamended) was studied in laboratory microcosms with sandstone material and groundwater from within an anaerobic ammonium plume in an aquifer. The aqueous phase was sampled and analyzed for phenols and selected redox sensitive parameters on a regular basis. An experiment with sandstone material from specific depth intervals from a vertical profile across the ammonium plume was also conducted. The miniature microcosms used in this experiment were sacrificed for sampling for phenols and selected redox sensitive parameters at the end of the experiment. The sandstone material was characterized with respect to oxidation and reduction potential and Fe(II) and Fe(III) speciation prior to use for all microcosms and at the end of the experiments for selected microcosms.The redox conditions in the anaerobic microcosms were mixed nitrate and Fe(III) reducing. Nitrate and Fe(III) were apparently the dominant electron acceptors at high and low nitrate concentrations, respectively. When biomass growth is taken into account, nitrate and Fe(III) reduction constituted sufficient electron acceptor capacity for the mineralization of the phenols observed to be degraded even at an initial phenols concentration of 60 mg l−1 (high) in an unamended microcosm, whereas nitrate reduction alone is unlikely to have provided sufficient electron acceptor capacity for the observed degradation of the phenols in the unamended microcosm.For microcosm systems, with solid aquifer materials, dissolution of organic substances from the solid material may occur. A quantitative determination of the speciation (mineral types and quantity) of electron acceptors associated with the solids, at levels relevant for degradation of specific organic compounds in aquifers, cannot always be obtained. Hence, complete mass balances of electron acceptor consumption for specific organic compounds degradation are difficult to confine. For aquifer materials with low initial Fe(II) content, Fe(II) determinations on solids and in aqueous phase samples may provide valuable information on Fe(III) reduction. However, in microcosms with natural sediments and where electron acceptors are associated with the sediments, complete mass-balances for substrates and electron acceptors are not likely to be obtained.  相似文献   

A radiotracer study was conducted in a creosote-contaminated aquifer beneath the Fraser River, British Columbia Canada to investigate the in situ degradation of naphthalene. The groundwater is anaerobic, with abundant methane, ferrous iron and carbon dioxide. This study followed earlier work at the site where the contaminant distribution could only be explained by invoking a mass loss through degradation, even though extensive field and laboratory microcosm studies closer to the source zone onshore could not confirm degradation. Accordingly, 14C-naphthalene was injected into the aquifer offshore, further from the source zone where modeling suggested degradation was occurring. During the 230-day monitoring period, 14CO2 was detected, confirming the degradation of the radio-labeled naphthalene tracer. A zero-order degradation rate of naphthalene of 5 microg/L-day was estimated based on the decrease in 14C-naphthalene concentration with time. While the degradation pathway could not be determined from the radiotracer study alone, the geochemistry of the site suggests that either iron reduction or methanogenesis is the terminal electron accepting processes responsible for naphthalene oxidation.  相似文献   

Chi FH  Amy GL 《Chemosphere》2004,55(4):515-524
In groundwater systems, dissolved natural organic matter (NOM) can influence the mobility of organic contaminants by altering the contaminant behavior in water and solid phases. The transport of anthracene and benz(a)anthracene (B(a)A) was studied in the presence and absence of NOM and/or soil organic matter (SOM) in column experiments. The results show that sorption are related to the properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), NOM and SOM. In the Fe-quartz media, the amount of NOM (20 mg/l) in solution had a little effect on increasing the apparent solubility of anthracene and countering increased anthracene sorption. In the natural (Bemidji) soil, Suwannee river fulvic acid (SRFA, 20 mg/l) and Suwannee river humic acid (SRHA) in water did not compete with SOM for anthracene, indicating that SOM has higher partition efficiency for anthracene. It was also observed that slow diffusion through an organic phase apparently caused most of the observed tailing in column breakthrough curves (BTCs). Even though the fOC of washed Bemidji sediment was very low, the transport of B(a)A was retarded significantly, however, and the transport of B(a)A was shown to be facilitated by dissolved NOM.  相似文献   

The potential for aerobic biodegradation of MTBE in a fractured chalk aquifer is assessed in microcosm experiments over 450 days, under in situ conditions for a groundwater temperature of 10 °C, MTBE concentration between 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L and dissolved O2 concentration between 2 and 10 mg/L. Following a lag period of up to 120 days, MTBE was biodegraded in uncontaminated aquifer microcosms at concentrations up to 1.2 mg/L, demonstrating that the aquifer has an intrinsic potential to biodegrade MTBE aerobically. The MTBE biodegradation rate increased three-fold from a mean of 6.6 ± 1.6 μg/L/day in uncontaminated aquifer microcosms for subsequent additions of MTBE, suggesting an increasing biodegradation capability, due to microbial cell growth and increased biomass after repeated exposure to MTBE. In contaminated aquifer microcosms which also contained TAME, MTBE biodegradation occurred after a shorter lag of 15 or 33 days and MTBE biodegradation rates were higher (max. 27.5 μg/L/day), probably resulting from an acclimated microbial population due to previous exposure to MTBE in situ. The initial MTBE concentration did not affect the lag period but the biodegradation rate increased with the initial MTBE concentration, indicating that there was no inhibition of MTBE biodegradation related to MTBE concentration up to 1.2 mg/L. No minimum substrate concentration for MTBE biodegradation was observed, indicating that in the presence of dissolved O2 (and absence of inhibitory factors) MTBE biodegradation would occur in the aquifer at MTBE concentrations (ca. 0.1 mg/L) found at the front of the ether oxygenate plume. MTBE biodegradation occurred with concomitant O2 consumption but no other electron acceptor utilisation, indicating biodegradation by aerobic processes only. However, O2 consumption was less than the stoichiometric requirement for complete MTBE mineralization, suggesting that only partial biodegradation of MTBE to intermediate organic metabolites occurred. The availability of dissolved O2 did not affect MTBE biodegradation significantly, with similar MTBE biodegradation behaviour and rates down to ca. 0.7 mg/L dissolved O2 concentration. The results indicate that aerobic MTBE biodegradation could be significant in the plume fringe, during mixing of the contaminant plume and uncontaminated groundwater and that, relative to the plume migration, aerobic biodegradation is important for MTBE attenuation. Moreover, should the groundwater dissolved O2 concentration fall to zero such that MTBE biodegradation was inhibited, an engineered approach to enhance in situ bioremediation could supply O2 at relatively low levels (e.g. 2–3 mg/L) to effectively stimulate MTBE biodegradation, which has significant practical advantages. The study shows that aerobic MTBE biodegradation can occur at environmentally significant rates in this aquifer, and that long-term microcosm experiments (100s days) may be necessary to correctly interpret contaminant biodegradation potential in aquifers to support site management decisions.  相似文献   

The sorption and degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and 13 organic micropollutants (BTEX, aromatic hydrocarbons, chloro-aromatic and -aliphatic compounds, and pesticides) in acetogenic and methanogenic landfill leachate was studied in laboratory columns containing Triassic sandstone aquifer materials from the English Midlands. Solute sorption and degradation relationships were evaluated using a simple transport model. Relative to predictions, micropollutant sorption was decreased up to eightfold in acetogenic leachate, but increased up to sixfold in methanogenic leachate. This behaviour reflects a combination of interactions between the micropollutants, leachate DOM and aquifer mineral fraction. Sorption of DOM was not significant. Degradation of organic fractions occurred under Mn-reducing and SO4-reducing conditions. Degradation of some micropollutants occurred exclusively under Mn-reducing conditions. DOM and benzene were not significantly degraded under the conditions and time span (up to 280 days) of the experiments. Most micropollutants were degraded immediately or after a lag phase (32–115 days). Micropollutant degradation rates varied considerably (half-lives of 8 to >2000 days) for the same compounds (e.g., TeCE) in different experiments, and for compounds (e.g., naphthalene, DCB and TeCA) within the same experiment. Degradation of many micropollutants was both simultaneous and sequential, and inhibited by the utilisation of different substrates. This mechanism, in combination with lag phases, controls micropollutant degradation potential in these systems more than the degradation rate. These aquifer materials have a potentially large capacity for in situ bioremediation of organic pollutants in landfill leachate and significant degradation may occur in the Mn-reducing zones of leachate plumes. However, degradation of organic pollutants in acetogenic leachate may be limited in aquifers with low pH buffering capacity and reducible Mn oxides. Contaminants in this leachate present a greater risk to groundwater resources in these aquifers than methanogenic leachate.  相似文献   

Little is known about the importance of drainage/irrigation channels and biogeochemical processes in arsenic distribution of shallow groundwaters from the Hetao basin. This investigation shows that although As concentrations are primarily dependent on reducing conditions, evaporation increases As concentration in the centre of palaeo-lake sedimentation. Near drainage channels, groundwater As concentrations are the lowest in suboxic-weakly reducing conditions. Results demonstrate that both drainage and irrigation channels produce oxygen-rich water that recharges shallow groundwaters and therefore immobilize As. Groundwater As concentration increases with a progressive decrease in redox potential along the flow path in an alluvial fan. A negative correlation between SO42− concentrations and δ34S values indicates that bacterial reduction of SO42− occurs in reducing aquifers. Due to high concentrations of Fe (>0.5 mg L−1), reductive dissolution of Fe oxides is believed to cause As release from aquifer sediments. Target aquifers for safe drinking water resources are available in alluvial fans and near irrigation channels.  相似文献   

Groundwater and sediment samples were collected along a flow path in the Aquia aquifer (Paleocene), Maryland in order to examine and study the factors influencing "evolution" of arsenic (As) in these groundwaters. The Aquia crops out near Washington, DC, where it is unconfined, and extends approximately 90 km down dip to the south and east towards and beneath the Chesapeake Bay. The studied flow path was chosen owing to (i) the number of accessible wells, (ii) differences in total dissolved As concentrations in groundwaters from some of the sampled wells, which reach values >/=667 nmol kg(-1) or >/=50 ppb, and (iii) the distinct difference in total dissolved As concentrations in Aquia groundwaters between the northern and southern portions of the study area. In groundwater samples, in situ separation of inorganic As species [As(III) and As(V)] were performed by using anion exchange chromatography. Subsequently, As concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In situ measurements of Fe concentrations and speciation, dissolved S(-II) concentrations, pH, alkalinity, and oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) were determined to establish the oxidation-reduction conditions and solution chemistry along the flow path. Concentrations of As in 12 analyzed groundwater samples range from approximately 0.75 to 1 072 nmol kg(-1), and As(III) concentrations ranging from 0.24 to 980 nmol kg(-1) appears to be the dominant form of As in solution. 50% of the studied wells yielded groundwaters with concentrations that exceed the US EPA's Maximum Contaminant Level for As in drinking water of 133 nmol kg(-1) or 10 ppb. In order to examine the solid phase speciation of As within the aquifer sediments, we collected a number of Aquia sediment samples from a drill core that was archived at the Maryland Geological Survey. These sediment samples were evaluated using a previously established sequential extractions procedure. Solid phase As concentrations range between 973 and 2,012 nmol kg(-1). Additionally, petrographic, X-Ray diffraction and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy analyses of the Aquia sediments reveal presence of glauconite, and smectite along with goethite and hematite within the samples. Here, we present the possible mechanisms responsible for the elevated As concentrations in the studied groundwaters of the Aquia aquifer.  相似文献   

A 250 ha agricultural catchment has been characterized with respect to its hydrogeology and groundwater contamination by pesticides from October 1999 to August 2004. Five years after the ending of atrazine (At) application, used since the sixties, At and deethylatrazine (DEA) are still systematically quantified at the outlet of the watershed with concentrations from 0.07 to 0.43 microg l(-1) for At, and between 0.14 and 1.16 microg l(-1) for DEA. Isoproturon and chlortoluron are detected in only one (0.3 microg l(-1)) and two (0.7 and 2.0 microg l(-1)) of the 124 semi-monthly samples, respectively. DEA concentrations can be very different between two samples with a 15-day time step. The annual mean exported fluxes of cumulated At and DEA are stable, which indicates a long time transfer in the unsaturated or saturated zone with a progressive leaching of the stock of At and DEA probably accumulated in the soil and the vadose zone. These fluxes, between 0.90% and 2.82% of the annual mean dose of At applied before 1999, similar to those calculated in several studies at the bottom of the root zone, could be explained by low adsorption and degradation properties of At and DEA in the unsaturated and saturated zone.  相似文献   

Groundwater nitrification is a poorly characterized process affecting the speciation and transport of nitrogen. Cores from two sites in a plume of contamination were examined using culture-based and molecular techniques targeting nitrification processes. The first site, located beneath a sewage effluent infiltration bed, received treated effluent containing O2 (> 300 µM) and NH4+ (51–800 µM). The second site was 2.5 km down-gradient near the leading edge of the ammonium zone within the contaminant plume and featured vertical gradients of O2, NH4+, and NO3 (0–300, 0–500, and 100–200 µM with depth, respectively). Ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizers enumerated by the culture-based MPN method were low in abundance at both sites (1.8 to 350 g− 1 and 33 to 35,000 g− 1, respectively). Potential nitrifying activity measured in core material in the laboratory was also very low, requiring several weeks for products to accumulate. Molecular analysis of aquifer DNA (nested PCR followed by cloning and 16S rDNA sequencing) detected primarily sequences associated with the Nitrosospira genus throughout the cores at the down-gradient site and a smaller proportion from the Nitrosomonas genus in the deeper anoxic, NH4+ zone at the down-gradient site. Only a single Nitrosospira sequence was detected beneath the infiltration bed. Furthermore, the majority of Nitrosospira-associated sequences represent an unrecognized cluster. We conclude that an uncharacterized group associated with Nitrosospira dominate at the geochemically stable, down-gradient site, but found little evidence for Betaproteobacteria nitrifiers beneath the infiltration beds where geochemical conditions were more variable.  相似文献   

The ability of two biodegradable surfactants, polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80) and sodium dihexyl sulfosuccinate (Aerosol MA), to recover a representative dense non-aqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL), trichloroethene (TCE), from heterogeneous porous media was evaluated through a combination of batch and aquifer cell experiments. An aqueous solution containing 3.3% Aerosol MA, 8% 2-propanol and 6 g/l CaCl(2) yielded a weight solubilization ratio (WSR) of 1.21 g TCE/g surfactant, with a corresponding liquid-liquid interfacial tension (IFT) of 0.19 dyn/cm. Flushing of aquifer cells containing a TCE-DNAPL source zone with approximately two pore volumes of the AMA formulation resulted in substantial (>30%) mobilization of TCE-DNAPL. However, a TCE mass recovery of 81% was achieved when the aqueous-phase flow rate was sufficient to displace the mobile TCE-DNAPL toward the effluent well. Aqueous solutions of Tween 80 exhibited a greater capacity to solubilize TCE (WSR=1.74 g TCE/g surfactant) and exerted markedly less reduction in IFT (10.4 dyn/cm). These data contradict an accepted empirical correlation used to estimate IFT values from solubilization capacity, and indicate a unique capacity of T80 to form concentrated TCE emulsions. Flushing of aquifer cells with less than 2.5 pore volumes of a 4% T80 solution achieved TCE mass recoveries ranging from 66 to 85%, with only slight TCE-DNAPL mobilization (<5%) occurring when the total trapping number exceeded 2 x 10(-5). These findings demonstrate the ability of Tween 80 and Aerosol MA solutions to efficiently recover TCE from a heterogeneous DNAPL source zone, and the utility of the total trapping number as a design parameter for a priori prediction of DNAPL mobilization and bank angle formation when flushing with low-IFT solutions. Given their potential to stimulate microbial reductive dechlorination at low concentrations, these surfactants are well-suited for remedial action plans that couple aggressive mass removal followed by enhanced bioremediation to treat chlorinated solvent source zones.  相似文献   

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