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Oxidative dissolution of uranium dioxide (UO2) and the subsequent migration of uranium in a subsurface environment and an underground waste disposal have been simulated with reactive transport models. In these systems, hydrogeological and chemical processes are closely entangled and their interdependency has been analyzed in detail, notably with respect to redox reactions, kinetics of mineralogical evolution and hydrodynamic migration of species of interest.Different codes, where among CASTEM, CHEMTRAP and HYTEC, have been used as an intercomparison and verification exercise. Although the agreement between codes is satisfactory, it is shown that the discretization method of the transport equation (i.e. finite elements (FE) versus mixed-hybrid FE and finite differences) and the sequential coupling scheme may lead to systematic discrepancies.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional, coupled variably saturated flow and biogeochemical reactive transport modeling of a 2008 in situ uranium bioremediation field experiment is used to better understand the interplay of transport and biogeochemical reactions controlling uranium behavior under pulsed acetate amendment, seasonal water table variation, spatially variable physical (hydraulic conductivity, porosity) and geochemical (reactive surface area) material properties. While the simulation of the 2008 Big Rusty acetate biostimulation field experiment in Rifle, Colorado was generally consistent with behaviors identified in previous field experiments at the Rifle IFRC site, the additional process and property detail provided several new insights. A principal conclusion from this work is that uranium bioreduction is most effective when acetate, in excess of the sulfate-reducing bacteria demand, is available to the metal-reducing bacteria. The inclusion of an initially small population of slow growing sulfate-reducing bacteria identified in proteomic analyses led to an additional source of Fe(II) from the dissolution of Fe(III) minerals promoted by biogenic sulfide. The falling water table during the experiment significantly reduced the saturated thickness of the aquifer and resulted in reactants and products, as well as unmitigated uranium, in the newly unsaturated vadose zone. High permeability sandy gravel structures resulted in locally high flow rates in the vicinity of injection wells that increased acetate dilution. In downgradient locations, these structures created preferential flow paths for acetate delivery that enhanced local zones of TEAP reactivity and subsidiary reactions. Conversely, smaller transport rates associated with the lower permeability lithofacies (e.g., fine) and vadose zone were shown to limit acetate access and reaction. Once accessed by acetate, however, these same zones limited subsequent acetate dilution and provided longer residence times that resulted in higher concentrations of TEAP reaction products when terminal electron donors and acceptors were not limiting. Finally, facies-based porosity and reactive surface area variations were shown to affect aqueous uranium concentration distributions with localized effects of the fine lithofacies having the largest impact on U(VI) surface complexation. The ability to model the comprehensive biogeochemical reaction network, and spatially and temporally variable processes, properties, and conditions controlling uranium behavior during engineered bioremediation in the naturally complex Rifle IFRC subsurface system required a subsurface simulator that could use the large memory and computational performance of a massively parallel computer. In this case, the eSTOMP simulator, operating on 128 processor cores for 12h, was used to simulate the 110-day field experiment and 50 days of post-biostimulation behavior.  相似文献   

This work presents an intercomparison exercise between two geochemical migration codes, TRIO-EF (an object-oriented finite element code) and IMPACT (a chemical engineering code using mixing cells in series). The predictions of the two codes are compared with the reference experimental results obtained in a previous study of strontium transport in soil columns. This simulated geochemical system is well documented and includes ion exchange and dissolution-precipitation reactions. The solution transport is simulated by a one-dimensional advection-dispersion model. The predictions of TRIO-EF and IMPACT are both in good agreement with the experimental results. However, slight differences can be observed between the two codes, especially when concentration discontinuities are involved, such as precipitation fronts or changes in boundary conditions. These discrepancies between the two codes can mainly be attributed to the different discretisation approaches.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation of an acidic plume in the aquifer underneath a uranium mill tailings pond in Wyoming, USA was simulated using the multi-component reactive transport code PHREEQC. A one-dimensional model was constructed for the site and the model included advective-dispersive transport, aqueous speciation of 11 components, and precipitation-dissolution of six minerals. Transport simulation was performed for a reclamation scenario in which the source of acidic seepage will be terminated after 5 years and the plume will then be flushed by uncontaminated upgradient groundwater. Simulations show that successive pH buffer reactions with calcite, Al(OH)3(a), and Fe(OH)3(a) create distinct geochemical zones and most reactions occur at the boundaries of geochemical zones. The complex interplay of physical transport processes and chemical reactions produce multiple concentration waves. For SO4(2-) transport, the concentration waves are related to advection-dispersion, and gypsum precipitation and dissolution. Wave speeds from numerical simulations compare well to an analytical solution for wave propagation.  相似文献   

Mineralogical compositions and their spatial distributions are important initial conditions for reactive transport modeling. However, popular Kd-based "reactive" transport models only require contaminant concentrations in the pore fluids as initial conditions, and minerals implicitly represent infinite sources and sinks in these models. That situation results in a general neglect of mineralogical characterization in site investigations. This study uses a coupled multi-component reactive mass transport model to predict the natural attenuation of a ground water plume at a uranium mill tailings site in western USA. Numerous ground water geochemistry data are available at this site, but mineralogical data are sketchy. Even given the well-defined pore fluid chemistry, variations of secondary mineral species and mineral abundances in the aquifer resulted in significantly different modeling outcomes. Results show that the amount of calcite in the aquifer determines the distances of plume migration. The possible presence of jurbanite, an aluminum sulfate phase, can store acidity temporarily but cause more severe contamination on a later date. The surfaces of iron oxyhydroxides can store significant amounts of sulfate and protons and serve as a second source for prolonged contamination. These simulations under field conditions illustrate that mineralogical compositions are an essential requirement for accurate prediction of contaminant fate and transport.  相似文献   

On the behavior of approaches to simulate reactive transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two families of approaches exist to simulate reactive transport in groundwater: The Direct Substitution Approach (DSA), based on Newton-Raphson and the Picard or Sequential Iteration Approach (SIA). We applied basic versions of both methods to several test cases and compared both computational demands and quality of the solution for varying grid size. Results showed that the behavior of the two approaches is sensitive to both grid size and chemistry. As a general rule, the DSA is more robust than the SIA, in the sense that its convergence is less sensitive to time step size (any approach will converge given a sufficiently small time step). Moreover, the DSA leads to a better simulation of sharp fronts, which can only be reproduced with fine grids after many iterations when the SIA is used. As a consequence, the DSA runs faster than SIA in chemically difficult cases (i.e., highly non-linear and/or very retarded), because the SIA may require very small time steps to converge. On the other hand, the size of the system of equations is much larger for the DSA than for the SIA, so that its CPU time and memory requirements tend to be less favorable with increasing grid size. As a result, the SIA may become faster than the DSA for very large, chemically simple problems. The use of an iterative linear solver for the DSA makes its CPU time less sensitive to grid size.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are significant environmental contaminants as they are present naturally as well as anthropogenically in soil, air and water. In spite of their low solubility, PAHs are spread to the environment, and they are present in surface water, industrial effluent or groundwater. Amongst all remediation technologies for treating groundwater contaminated with PAHs, the use of a permeable reactive biobarrier (PRBB) appears to be the most cost-effective, energy efficient, and environmentally sound approach. In this technology, the microorganisms are used as reactive medium to degrade or stabilize the contaminants. The main limits of this approach are that the microorganisms or consortium used for forming the PRBB should show adequate characteristics. They must be retained in the barrier-forming biofilm, and they should also have degradative ability for the target pollutants. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the viability of Arthrobacter viscosus as bioreactive medium for forming PRBB. Initially, the ability of A. viscosus to remove PAHs, benzo[a]anthracene 100 μM and phenanthrene 100 μM was evaluated operating in a batch bench-scale bioreactor. In both cases, total benzo[a]anthracene and phenanthrene removals were obtained after 7 and 3 days, respectively. Furthermore, the viability of the microorganisms was evaluated in the presence of chromium in a continuous mode. As a final point, the adhesion of A. viscosus to sepiolite forming a bioreactive material to build PRBB was demonstrated. In view of the attained results, it can be concluded that A. viscosus could be a suitable microorganism to form a bioreactive medium for PAHs remediation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to present a distributed-domain mathematical model incorporating the primary mass-transfer processes that mediate the transport of immiscible organic liquid constituents in water-saturated, locally heterogeneous porous media. Specifically, the impact of grain/pore-scale heterogeneity on immiscible-liquid dissolution and sorption/desorption is represented in the model by describing the system as comprising a continuous distribution of mass-transfer domains. With this conceptualization, the distributions of the initial dissolution rate coefficient and the sorption/desorption rate coefficient are represented as probability density functions. Several sets of numerical experiments are conducted to examine the effects of heterogeneous dissolution and sorption/desorption on contaminant transport and elution. Four scenarios with different combinations of uniform/heterogeneous rate-limited dissolution and uniform/heterogeneous rate-limited sorption/desorption are evaluated. The results show that both heterogeneous rate-limited sorption/desorption and heterogeneous rate-limited dissolution can significantly increase the time or pore volumes required to elute immiscible-liquid constituents from a contaminated porous medium. However, sorption/desorption has minimal influence on elution behavior until essentially all of the immiscible liquid has been removed. For typical immiscible-liquid constituents that have relatively low sorption, the asymptotic elution tailing produced by heterogeneous rate-limited sorption/desorption begins at effluent concentrations that are several orders of magnitude below the initial steady-state concentrations associated with dissolution of the immiscible liquid. Conversely, the enhanced elution tailing associated with heterogeneous rate-limited dissolution begins at concentrations that are approximately one-tenth of the initial steady-state concentrations. Hence, dissolution may generally control elution behavior of immiscible-liquid constituents in cases wherein grain/pore-scale heterogeneity significantly influences both dissolution and sorption/desorption.  相似文献   

The input variables for a numerical model of reactive solute transport in groundwater include both transport parameters, such as hydraulic conductivity and infiltration, and reaction parameters that describe the important chemical and biological processes in the system. These parameters are subject to uncertainty due to measurement error and due to the spatial variability of properties in the subsurface environment. This paper compares the relative effects of uncertainty in the transport and reaction parameters on the results of a solute transport model. This question is addressed by comparing the magnitudes of the local sensitivity coefficients for transport and reaction parameters. General sensitivity equations are presented for transport parameters, reaction parameters, and the initial (background) concentrations in the problem domain. Parameter sensitivity coefficients are then calculated for an example problem in which uranium(VI) hydrolysis species are transported through a two-dimensional domain with a spatially variable pattern of surface complexation sites. In this example, the reaction model includes equilibrium speciation reactions and mass transfer-limited non-electrostatic surface complexation reactions. The set of parameters to which the model is most sensitive includes the initial concentration of one of the surface sites, the formation constant (Kf) of one of the surface complexes and the hydraulic conductivity within the reactive zone. For this example problem, the sensitivity analysis demonstrates that transport and reaction parameters are equally important in terms of how their variability affects the model results.  相似文献   

A simple but comprehensive model is developed to quantify N losses from urea applied to a near-trench paddy field, considering all the N-transformations such as urea hydrolysis, volatilization, nitrification, denitrification, and all the important transportations like runoff, lateral seepage, vertical leaching and crop uptake. Seasonal average data of field observations for three crop seasons were used for model calibration and validation, which showed that ammonia volatilization accounted for 26.5-29.4% of the applied N and N uptake by crop occupied 38.2-44.8%, while N losses via surface runoff, vertical leaching and lateral seepage varied from 5.6-7.7%, 4.0-4.9% to 5.0-5.3% of the applied N, respectively. These observed results were well predicted by our model, indicating that the model performed effectively at quantifying N losses via individual processes in a wide range of urea application rates and benefit for developing water and fertilizer management strategies for near-trench paddy fields.  相似文献   

In Thun, Switzerland, a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for Cr(VI) reduction by gray cast iron was installed in May 2008. The PRB is composed of a double array of vertical piles containing iron shavings and gravel. The aquifer in Thun is almost saturated with dissolved oxygen and the groundwater flow velocities are ca. 10-15m/day. Two years after PRB installation Cr(VI) concentrations still permanently exceed the Swiss threshold value for contaminated sites downstream of the barrier at selected localities. Groundwater δ(53/52)Cr(SRM979) measurements were used to track Cr(VI) reduction induced by the PRB. δ(53/52)Cr(SRM979) values of two samples downstream of the PRB showed a clear fractionation towards more positive values compared to four samples from the hotspot, which is clear evidence of Cr(VI) reduction induced by the PRB. Another downstream sample did not show a shift to more positive δ(53/52)Cr(SRM979) values. Because this latter location correlates with the highest downstream Cr(VI) concentration it is proposed that a part of the Cr(VI) plume is bypassing the barrier. Using a Rayleigh fractionation model a minimum present-day overall Cr(VI) reduction efficiency of ca. 15% was estimated. A series of 2D model simulations, including the fractionation of Cr isotopes, confirm that only a PRB bypass of parts of the Cr(VI) plume can lead to the observed values. Additionally, the simulations revealed that the proposed bypass occurs due to an insufficient permeability of the individual PRB piles. It is concluded that with this type of PRB a complete and long-lasting Cr(VI) reduction is extremely difficult to achieve for Cr(VI) contaminations located in nearly oxygen and calcium carbonate saturated aquifer in a regime of high groundwater velocities. Additional remediation action would limit the environmental impact and allow to reach target concentrations.  相似文献   

Operator-splitting (OS) techniques are very attractive for numerical modelling of reactive transport, but they induce some errors. Considering reactive mass transport with reversible and irreversible reactions governed by a first-order rate law, we develop analytical solutions of the mass balance for the following operator-splitting schemes: standard sequential non-iterative (SNI), Strang-splitting SNI, standard sequential iterative (SI), extrapolating SI, and symmetric SI approaches. From these analytical solutions, the operator-splitting methods are compared with respect to mass balance errors and convergence rates independently of the techniques used for solving each operator. Dimensionless times, NOS, are defined. They control mass balance errors and convergence rates. The following order in terms of decreasing efficiency is proposed: symmetric SI, Strang-splitting SNI, standard SNI, extrapolating SI and standard SI schemes. The symmetric SI scheme does not induce any operator-splitting errors, the Strang-splitting SNI appears to be O(N2OS) accurate, and the other schemes are first-order accurate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a reaction-based water quality transport model in subsurface flow systems. Transport of chemical species with a variety of chemical and physical processes is mathematically described by M partial differential equations (PDEs). Decomposition via Gauss-Jordan column reduction of the reaction network transforms M species reactive transport equations into two sets of equations: a set of thermodynamic equilibrium equations representing N(E) equilibrium reactions and a set of reactive transport equations of M-N(E) kinetic-variables involving no equilibrium reactions (a kinetic-variable is a linear combination of species). The elimination of equilibrium reactions from reactive transport equations allows robust and efficient numerical integration. The model solves the PDEs of kinetic-variables rather than individual chemical species, which reduces the number of reactive transport equations and simplifies the reaction terms in the equations. A variety of numerical methods are investigated for solving the coupled transport and reaction equations. Simulation comparisons with exact solutions were performed to verify numerical accuracy and assess the effectiveness of various numerical strategies to deal with different application circumstances. Two validation examples involving simulations of uranium transport in soil columns are presented to evaluate the ability of the model to simulate reactive transport with complex reaction networks involving both kinetic and equilibrium reactions.  相似文献   

Compacted bentonite is foreseen as buffer material for high-level radioactive waste in deep geological repositories because it provides hydraulic isolation, chemical stability, and radionuclide sorption. A wide range of laboratory tests were performed within the framework of FEBEX (Full-scale Engineered Barrier EXperiment) project to characterize buffer properties and develop numerical models for FEBEX bentonite. Here we present inverse single and dual-continuum multicomponent reactive transport models of a long-term permeation test performed on a 2.5 cm long sample of FEBEX bentonite. Initial saline bentonite porewater was flushed with 5.5 pore volumes of fresh granitic water. Water flux and chemical composition of effluent waters were monitored during almost 4 years. The model accounts for solute advection and diffusion and geochemical reactions such as aqueous complexation, acid-base, cation exchange, protonation/deprotonation by surface complexation and dissolution/precipitation of calcite, chalcedony and gypsum. All of these processes are assumed at local equilibrium. Similar to previous studies of bentonite porewater chemistry on batch systems which attest the relevance of protonation/deprotonation on buffering pH, our results confirm that protonation/deprotonation is a key process in maintaining a stable pH under dynamic transport conditions. Breakthrough curves of reactive species are more sensitive to initial porewater concentration than to effective diffusion coefficient. Optimum estimates of initial porewater chemistry of saturated compacted FEBEX bentonite are obtained by solving the inverse problem of multicomponent reactive transport. While the single-continuum model reproduces the trends of measured data for most chemical species, it fails to match properly the long tails of most breakthrough curves. Such limitation is overcome by resorting to a dual-continuum reactive transport model.  相似文献   


An analytical methodology was developed to characterize the colloidal distribution of trace elements of interest in environmental waters sampled in a same site and enables the different colloidal distributions from waters to be compared. The purpose was to provide consistent information related to the origin and nature of colloids responsible for the transport of trace element(s). The work was motivated by the observed enhanced mobility of uranium in soil. The colloidal size continuum was investigated by a multi-technique approach involving asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) coupled with ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV), multi angle light scattering (MALS), and atomic mass spectrometry (ICPMS). To take into consideration the size and shape variability specific to each sample, the size distributions were established from the gyration radii measured from MALS, also considering the size information from standard nanospheres fractionated by AF4. A new parameter called “shape index” was proposed. It expresses the difference in hydrodynamic behavior between analytes and spherical particles taken as reference. Under AF4 diffusion conditions, it can be considered as an evaluator of the deviation from the sphericity of the fractionated analytes. AF4-UV-MALS-ICPMS enabled the dimensional and chemical characteristics of the colloidal size continuum to be obtained. As a “proof of concept”, the developed methodology was applied at a field scale, in a reference study site. In order to have a “dynamic understanding”, the investigation was based on the joint characterization of colloids from surface waters and soil leachates from static and dynamic processes. In the water samples of the study site, the continuum of gyration radius ranged from a few nanometers up to 200 nm. Colloids containing iron, aluminum, and organic carbon were involved in the uranium transport in the soil column and surface waters. The colloidal uranium concentration in the surface water increased from the upstream location (approximately 13 ng (U) L?1) to the downstream location (approximately 60 ng (U) L?1).


We demonstrate a method to study reactive microbial transport in saturated translucent porous media using the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL genetically engineered to carry a plasmid with bioluminescence genes inducible by salicylate. Induced bacteria were injected into a cryolite grain filled chamber saturated with a sterile non-growth-promoting (phosphorus limited) chemical mixture containing salicylate as an aromatic hydrocarbon analogue. The amount of light produced by the bacteria serves as an estimator of the relative efficiency of aerobic biodegradation since bioluminescence is dependent on both salicylate and oxygen but only consumes oxygen. Bioluminescence was captured with a digital camera and analyzed to study the evolving spatial pattern of the bulk oxygen consuming reactions. As fluid flow transported the bacteria through the chamber, bioluminescence was observed to initially increase until an oxygen depletion zone developed behind the advective front. Bacterial transport was modeled with the advection dispersion equation and oxygen concentration was modeled assuming bacterial consumption via Monod kinetics with consideration of additional effects of rate-limited mass transfer from residual gas bubbles. Consistent with previous measurements, bioluminescence was considered proportional to oxygen consumed. Using the observed bioluminescence, model parameters were fit that were consistent with literature values and produced results in good agreement with the experimental data. These findings demonstrate potential for using this method to investigate the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of reactive microbial transport in saturated porous media.  相似文献   

污泥土地利用是目前国内外污泥处置的主要方式和鼓励方向,在中国西北黄土地区更有前景和意义.污泥富含有机质和营养元素可弥补黄土的贫瘠缺陷,改善黄土肥力、增加植物产量.污泥施入黄土后,灌溉水对污泥重金属的淋滤迁移和污染风险是值得研究的课题之一.研究旨在了解重金属Cu、Zn、Cd在黄土层中的淋滤迁移特征,为黄土地区污泥的土地利用及重金属污染控制提供实验依据.实验选择污泥中含量或毒性大的Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属作为研究对象,通过室内模拟土柱对表层堆肥污泥中2种源强的重金属进行1年灌溉用水量的淋滤对比实验,测定淋滤前后土柱中和渗出液的Cu、Zn、Cd总量、有机质及pH值,以期分析重金属在黄土中的淋滤、迁移特征.结果表明,淋滤作用可使堆肥污泥Cu、Zn、Cd发生少量迁移并富集于土柱中、上部,大部分或绝大部分重金属仍滞留于耕作层(0~20 cm);淋滤使堆肥污泥Cd与Cu向下迁移约30 cm,Zn向下迁移约20 cm;渗出液呈弱碱性,其中Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属的浓度较入渗水均有增多,但随渗出液从黄土柱中溶出的重金属量极少.实验表明,耕作层重金属源强对Cu、Zn、Cd在土柱剖面中的淋滤、迁移和滞留作用以及溶出量均有不同程度的影响,堆肥污泥土地利用可以明显改善黄土肥力,灌溉对耕作层污泥有机质的淋滤损失量较小.并得出,堆肥污泥在黄土地区的土地利用是可行的.  相似文献   

The dechlorination rate in a flow-through porous matrix can be described by the species specific dechlorination rate observed in a liquid batch unless mass transport limitations prevail. This hypothesis was examined by comparing dechlorination rates in liquid batch with that in column experiments at various flow rates (3-9-12 cm day(-1)). Columns were loaded with an inoculated sand and eluted with a medium containing 1mM trichloroethene (TCE) for 247 days. Dechlorination in the column treatments increased with decreasing flow rate, illustrating the effect of the longer residence time. Zeroth order TCE or cis-DCE degradation rates were 4-7 folds larger in columns than in corresponding batch systems which could be explained by the higher measured Geobacter and Dehalococcoides numbers per unit pore volume in the columns. The microbial numbers also explained the variability in dechlorination rate among flow rate treatments marked by a large elution of the dechlorinating species' yield as flow increased. Stop flow events did not reveal mass transport limitations for dechlorination. We conclude that flow rate effects on reactive transport of TCE in this coarse sand are explained by residence time and by microbial transport and that mass transport limitations in this porous matrix are limited.  相似文献   

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