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Functions of the major cheliped in pagurid hermit crabs have been studied in fights for shells. The major cheliped often shows sexual size dimorphism, suggesting that sexual selection favors the development of the male major cheliped. The function of the major cheliped in male–male competition was examined in Pagurus nigrofascia collected from April to June 2009 on the intertidal rocky shore in southern Hokkaido, Japan (41°N, 140°E). Sexual size dimorphism of the major cheliped was observed, and precopulatory guarding males had larger major chelipeds than solitary ones. Guarding males used the major cheliped to deter intruders during competitive interactions. Males without a major cheliped were disadvantaged even if they were larger than opponents and had ownership. Cheliped size affected the outcomes of contests between similar sized males. This suggests that the male major cheliped in P. nigrofascia protects mates from competitors and, consequently, enhances male mating success. Sexual selection may favor the development of the major cheliped in male pagurids.  相似文献   

Intense male–male competition driven by high male density during mating can result in the evolution of alternative mating tactics that increase male fertilization success. The effects of alternative male mating tactics on females can range from increased fertilization and genetic benefits to decreased fertilization and loss of paternal care. However, the influence of male competitive behavior and alternative mating tactics on female behavior and reproductive success has seldom been addressed. In this work, I investigated the occurrence of alternative male mating tactics and their potential influence on female behavior and fertilization success in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Groups of one, two, or four males competed for access to a female in a repeated-measures experiment. Male density had a significant influence on female reproductive output as a result of a change in competitive mode from contest to scramble competition that coincided with more disruption during mating when more than one male attempted to mate. By contrast, sneaking during mating was beneficial to males, as more than one male sired offspring in most spawnings involving sneaker males. These results suggest that there may be conflict between males and females over mating, such that females are detrimentally affected by the occurrence of alternative mating tactics, whereas males may benefit from sneak mating. The occurrence of conflict between the sexes can be related to ecological factors, such as male density, which cause behavioral change in both males and females.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of weapons, we must understand both their functions and relative importance compared to body size in determining fighting success. Many decapod crustaceans develop disproportionately large chelipeds for their body size and use them as a weapon in agonistic interaction. There are, however, examples where weapons are merely signals of resource holding potential (RHP) and the RHP is actually determined by body size. We investigated the function and relative efficacy of body size and major cheliped size in male–male contests for females in the hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus. Contests over females took two forms: (1) males preemptively guarded females and opponents did not fight with the guarding male. Cheliped size contributed significantly to the settlement of these contests and probably functioned as a visual signal for the opponents. (2) Guarding males engaged in physical combat with an opponent. In these cases, both body and cheliped sizes affected contest outcomes. The effect size for cheliped size was as strong, or stronger, than that for body size. These results suggest that large chelipeds have evolved as a true weapon and are effective in escalated fights for resources. Therefore they are also efficient visual signals for settling contests with only display. Our results are a rare example that clearly demonstrate that weapons are a more important determinant of fights than body size when both body and weapon size affect resource acquisition.  相似文献   

In experiments that comprised of three phases (fight, choice, and mating) under “seen” and “unseen” conditions, we examined the effects of the outcomes of male–male contests and female eavesdropping on female mate choice and male mating success in the fighting spider, Thiania bhamoensis (Salticidae). The results revealed female eavesdropping on agonistic interactions. Females that had watched an aggressive interaction showed no distinctive preference for the winner over the loser, but they preferred the loser when they had not observed a fight. Winners, however, achieved a greater mating success than did losers during the mating phase. Gaining access to females was based on the insistence of the winners in courtship in terms of the number of quivers, rather than on the fighting behavior of the males. Hence, the outcome of male–male contests may not be an important determinant of a male’s mating success in T. bhamoensis. Instead, courtship display plays an important role in determining the success of male mating in this species. This study also suggests that female mate preference may not be a good indicator of eventual female mate choice and male mating success. Thus, a causal relationship between female mate preference and male mating success cannot be inferred. Joanna P. Y. Chan, Pei Rong Lau, and Ai Jie Tham contributed equally.  相似文献   

A fundamental question of sexual selection theory concerns the causes and consequences of reproductive skew among males. The priority of access (PoA) model (Altmann, Ann NY Acad Sci 102:338–435, 1962) has been the most influential framework in primates living in permanent, mixed-sex groups, but to date it has only been tested with the appropriate data on female synchrony in a handful of species. In this paper, we used mating data from one large semi-free ranging group of Barbary macaques: (1) to provide the first test of the priority-of-access model in this species, using mating data from 11 sexually active females (including six females that were implanted with a hormonal contraceptive but who showed levels of sexual activity comparable to those of naturally cycling females) and (2) to determine the proximate mechanism(s) underlying male mating skew. Our results show that the fit of the observed distribution of matings with sexually attractive females to predictions of the PoA model was poor, with lower-ranking males mating more than expected. While our work confirms that female mating synchrony sets an upper limit to monopolization by high-ranking individuals, other factors are also important. Coalitionary activity was the main tactic used by males to lower mating skew in the study group. Coalitions were expressed in a strongly age-related fashion and allowed subordinate, post-prime males to increase their mating success by targeting more dominant, prime males. Conversely, females, while mating promiscuously with several males during a given mating cycle, were more likely to initiate their consortships with prime males, thus reducing the overall effectiveness of coalitions. We conclude that high-ranking Barbary macaque males have a limited ability to monopolize mating access, leading to a modest mating skew among them.  相似文献   

In insects, large ejaculate and associated materials, including spermatophores, appear to have evolved via sexual selection acting on males to either delay female remating or to increase the rate of egg-laying. It is also possible, however, that females use nutrients transferred during mating to increase their lifetime fecundity. If so, male ejaculate size may also have evolved under natural selection as a form of paternal investment. In Lepidoptera, males with a greater number of prior matings tend to produce smaller spermatophores. However, the reported effects of male mating history on female fecundity vary widely among species. We therefore performed a meta-analysis using data from 29 studies of 25 species. Overall, the reproductive output of females mated to virgin males was significantly higher than that of females mated to sexually experienced males (Hedges d=0.33, P<0.01). A sample size of around 145 females per male mating type is required to detect an effect of this size with 80% statistical power at =0.05 (two-tailed). There was no difference in mean effect size between butterflies/skippers and moths. After controlling for any effect of taxonomic group, however, the mean effect size for polyandrous species was significantly greater than that for monandrous species (Hedges d=0.45 vs 0.25, P=0.01). We then discuss possible reasons why male mating history, presumably acting through its effect on spermatophore size, might have a stronger effect in polyandrous than monandrous species.Communicated by A. Cockburn  相似文献   

Males often possess traits, such as horns, claws, and tusks, which are used during male–male combat. Studies suggest that selection has fine tuned these weapons to improve their effectiveness and that the shape of these weapons provides cues for males to assess the strength of rivals. Similarly, females might also assess a male’s weaponry to determine his value as a mate. The largest weapon relative to body size is the major claw of male fiddler crabs (genus: Uca). Males use their claws both as a weapon and as a courtship signal, waving it to attract females. We used robotic crabs in two-choice experiments to test female mating preferences based on male claw shape in Uca mjoebergi. First, females did not prefer conspecific claws over any of three alternatively shaped stimuli matched for color and for the rate and pattern of waving. The alternative stimuli were two different heterospecific claws and a plain rectangular shape. Second, females significantly preferred the alternative stimuli when they were presented at a faster wave rate. We conclude that claw shape in U. mjoebergi has not evolved under sexual selection imposed by female mating preferences and is more likely to have evolved under selection for effectiveness during male–male competition.  相似文献   

Many animals use signals to communicate their social status to conspecifics, and the social control hypothesis suggests that social interactions maintain the evolutionary stability of status signals: low-quality individuals signal at a low level to prevent high-quality individuals from “punishing” them. I examined whether the numbers of decorations at bowers are socially controlled in the great bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis). In two populations, I supplemented males with decorations to determine whether they (a) rejected supplemental decorations and (b) experienced increased bower destruction from rivals. In contrast to the social control hypothesis, males in both populations accepted most supplemental decorations. Though the mean destruction rate did not increase during supplementation in either population, one of the study populations (Townsville) exhibited a negative correlation between the numbers of decorations naturally displayed at bowers and the change in destruction rate during the experiment. Townsville males that naturally had few decorations at their bowers also had more decorations stolen by other males during supplementation than males that naturally had many decorations. These results suggest that the numbers of decorations at bowers are an honest signal of the male's ability to defend his display site from rivals in at least one population of the great bowerbird (Townsville), but they do not support the social control hypothesis because males at both sites failed to limit signal expression. I discuss how the external nature of bower decorations and their availability in the environment may influence the costs and benefits of decoration theft and social control.  相似文献   

Recent research on primates and other taxa has shown that the relationships individuals form with members of the same sex affect their reproductive success. Evidence showing that intersexual relationships also influence reproduction, however, is more equivocal. Here, we show that male chimpanzees living in an exceptionally large community display long-term tendencies to associate with particular females. These association patterns are likely to arise because individuals of both sexes selectively range in specific areas of the communal territory, with males inheriting the ranging patterns of their mothers. These differentiated male–female socio-spatial relationships involved males of widely varying ranks, and their effect on reproduction is as strong as that of male dominance rank, which in turn is as strong a predictor of reproductive success at Ngogo as in other smaller chimpanzee communities. These results show that male–female socio-spatial relationships can play a large role in chimpanzee male reproductive strategies, although they probably neither weaken nor strengthen the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success. Our results linking male–female socio-spatial relationships to reproduction in chimpanzees suggest that the gap between the social and mating systems of humans and their closest living relatives may not be as large as previously thought.  相似文献   

Badges of status, usually color patches, are hypothesized to serve as important signals within natural populations by communicating an individual’s fighting ability or aggressiveness before an interaction ever takes place. These signals, which may evolve via sexual and/or social selection, mediate intra-specific competition by influencing the outcome or escalation of contests between individuals. The last 10 years saw the rise of interest in the role of ultraviolet (UV)-based coloration in intra-sexual communication. However, the rare experimental studies that tested this hypothesis found opposite results, which may originate from the different methodological procedures used to assess the badge of status theory. We present here the results of an experiment testing whether male blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) respond differently to unfamiliar conspecifics presenting contrasted UV crest coloration. In an aviary, we simultaneously presented two caged blue tits with enhanced (UV+) or reduced (UV−) crest coloration to a focal bird. We found that focal males acted more aggressively towards the UV− males than UV+ males. In addition, focal males fed more often close to males that were similar in brightness or duller than themselves. We conclude that, in blue tits, UV blue crest coloration affects both social and aggressive responses towards unfamiliar individuals, and thus it has some properties of a badge of status.  相似文献   

Male mating experience was shown to play an important role in settling conflicts between males; however, little is known about whether and how prior access to females influences male behavior during intersexual interactions and female choice itself. Here, I experimentally test this relationship in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) by combining one-on-one interaction between the male and female with direct comparison of males by the female, but precluding aggression between males. I found that solitary males were more active during subsequent courtship displays than paired males, suggesting the detrimental effect of mating on courtship performance. At the same time, females spent significantly more time close to solitary males or playbacks of male's natural courtship songs, and responded positively to the condition of males, ignoring body size of males. In contrast, females responded similarly to computer-modified playbacks of courtship songs of solitary and paired males with standardized rate of phrases and amplitudes; however, when females were additionally allowed to contact with anesthetized males they spent more time close to bigger males, irrespective of the acoustic parameters of courtship songs. These results show that although females were able to differentiate between many behavioral and morphological characteristics of males, including voluntary and intrinsic ones, they preferred traits conditional upon the costliness of male's displays. In addition, mating experience appeared to be a crucial factor in the choice of a particular costly mating strategy by males.  相似文献   

Extra-pair fertilizations are common in many socially monogamous species, and paternity studies have indicated that females may use male vocal performance and plumage ornaments as cues to assess male quality. Female off-territory forays may represent a key component of female choice and male extra-pair mating success, and female foray behaviour is expected to be strongly influenced by indictors of male quality. In this study, we examined how male song and ornamentation affect how often females left their territories, which males they visited and extra-pair paternity in a socially monogamous passerine, the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina). We radiotracked 17 females during the fertile period and quantified male vocal performance (song output and rate) and plumage characteristics (size of the black melanin hood and colour of the black hood, yellow cheeks and breast areas). We obtained blood samples and determined paternity at 35 nests including those of 14 females that we radiotracked. Eleven (65%) of the 17 females forayed off-territory, whilst fertile and female foray rate was positively correlated with the number of extra-pair young in the nest. Females that left their territories more frequently were paired with males that sang at a low rate. In addition, extra-pair mates had higher song rates than the social mates they cuckolded (5.3 songs/min vs. 4.4 songs/min). Female off-territory forays or extra-pair paternity were not significantly related to male plumage characteristics. Our results indicate that a high song rate influences both the foray behaviour of a male’s social mate and the likelihood that he will sire extra-pair offspring with neighbouring females.  相似文献   

Conspicuous male colouration is expected to have evolved primarily through selection by female choice. In what way conspicuous colours could be advantageous to males scrambling for mates remains largely unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs to the so-called explosive breeders in which spawning period is short; intrasexual competition is strong, and males actively search and scramble for females. During breeding, male body colouration changes from a dull brown (similar to females) to a conspicuous blue, and we wanted to test if male blueness influences mating success or facilitates male mate recognition. To do so, we first measured the colour of mated and non-mated males using a spectrophotometer. In an experiment, we then analysed interactions of actual male moor frogs in natural spawning aggregations with a brown (resembling a female or a non-breeding male) and a blue model frog. Mated and non-mated males did not differ in colouration, suggesting that female choice based on colour traits was unlikely. In our behavioural experiment, male moor frogs spent significantly more time in contact and in amplexus with the brown model than with the blue model. Our results suggest that the nuptial colouration in moor frogs can act as a new type of visual signal in anurans evolved to promote instantaneous mate recognition allowing males to quickly move between rivals while scrambling for females.  相似文献   

Conflict with humans is one of the major threats facing the world's remaining large carnivore populations, and understanding human attitudes is key to improving coexistence. We surveyed people living near Hwange National Park about their attitudes toward coexisting with lions. We used ordinal regression models with the results of the survey to investigate the importance of a range of tangible and intangible factors on attitudes. The variables investigated included the costs and benefits of wildlife presence, emotion, culture, religion, vulnerability, risk perception, notions of responsibility, and personal value orientations. This was for the purpose of effectively tailoring conservation efforts but also for ethical policy making. Intangible factors (e.g., fear and ecocentric values) were as important as, if not more important than, tangible factors (such as livestock losses) for understanding attitudes, based on the effect sizes of these variables. The degree to which participants’ fear of lions interfered with their daily activities was the most influential variable. The degree to which benefits accrue to households from the nearby protected area was also highly influential, as was number of livestock lost, number of dependents, ecocentric value orientation, and participation in conflict mitigation programs. Contrary to what is often assumed, metrics of livestock loss did not dominate attitudes to coexistence with lions. Furthermore, we found that socioeconomic variables may appear important when studied in isolation, but their effect may disappear when controlling for variables related to beliefs, perceptions, and past experiences. This raises questions about the widespread reliance on socioeconomic variables in the field of human–wildlife conflict and coexistence. To facilitate coexistence with large carnivores, we recommend measures that reduce fear (through education and through protective measures that reduce the need to be fearful), reduction of livestock losses, and ensuring local communities benefit from conservation. Ecocentric values also emerged as influential, highlighting the need to develop conservation initiatives tailored to local values.  相似文献   

Male fifteen-spined sticklebacks (Spinachia spinachia) build their nests by wrapping epiphytic algae around macroalgae and securing them with secretional threads. In this study, I show that female fifteen-spined stickleback prefer males which have built their nests above the surrounding vegetation. High-located nests are safer, because they are less likely to attract egg-predators such as shore crabs (Carcinus maenas). Thus, I found that shore crabs more rapidly find eggs in nests built close to the bottom than in nests well above the it. Moreover, male-male competition could be an additional explanation as to why males build nests high up. Thus, my field results suggest that the closer the males were to a neighbour, the higher they built. Larger males were also found to have larger territories but male size did not correlate with the height of the nest above the surrounding vegetation. Females showed no preference for nest size, regardless of the presence of egg-predators. However, they tended to choose nests that had no egg-predators in the vicinity over nests with egg-predators close by. Female choosiness for certain nest characters may provide one explanation for the evolution of male care in this species. Received: 29 December / 1999 Revised: 18 April 2000 / Accepted: 28 May 2000  相似文献   

Males vary in the degree to which they invest in mating. Several factors can explain this variation, including differences in males’ individual condition and the fact that males allocate their energy depending on the context they face in each mating attempt. Particularly, female quality affects male reproductive success. Here, we studied whether male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) strategically allocated more mating effort, in terms of mating behaviour and male–male competition, when they were matched with a receptive (R) female than a non-receptive one. In accordance with our prediction, we found that males increased their mating behaviour when they were with a receptive female. Even though male guppies can inseminate non-receptive females, we only found high levels of courtship between males that were with a receptive female rather than a non-receptive one. Although there was little affect of female receptivity on male–male competition, we found that males chased and interrupted courtships more with receptive females than with non-receptive females regardless of odour. Finally, we also studied whether the sexual pheromone produced by receptive female guppies is a cue that males use in order to increase their mating effort. We found that males were more attracted to a female when they perceived the sexual pheromone, but only increased their mating and aggressive behaviours when females showed receptive behaviour. This strategic increase in mating effort could result in higher male reproductive success because mating attempts towards receptive females are likely to be less costly and males could have a greater probability of fertilisation.  相似文献   


The River Nile is the primary source of freshwater for drinking, irrigation, and industrial purposes in Egypt. Thus, the water quality in this river concerns the health of local inhabitants. The present study reveals seasonal variations of various physicochemical and heavy metals parameters and microbial load of water at 15 sites from Qena to Sohag cities, Egypt. The water is fresh with TDS?≤?270 and 410 mg L?1 in summer and winter, respectively. Fe, Mn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn concentrations were within drinking water specification in both seasons except Cr and Cd in summer. Viable numbers of total coliform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococci were recorded in both seasons with fecal streptococci's disappearing in winter. The concentrations of salts and ions in winter were higher than summer due to decreased water quantity and flow rate in this season. On the other hand, heavy metals and bacteria were higher in summer owing to the rain and weathering of upstream rocks and increasing of human activities during the summer. The calculated water quality index (WQI) depicted that the chemical quality of water was poor for drinking and treatment, especially biological treatment, which is required before the water is supplied for drinking. Human health risk assessment factors such as probable daily intake, hazard quotient, and carcinogenic risk indicated high risks of Cr, Cd, and Ni for adults and children in both seasons. The non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks are mainly posed by Cr. The WQI values for the other water uses indicated the marginal quality for aquatic life, fair for irrigation, and fair in summer to good in winter for livestock consumption. The irrigation water quality parameters indicated that the water could be used to irrigate all soils and crops except the hazard of biological contamination. The water–rock interaction controls water chemistry besides the contribution of human activities. The agricultural, industrial, and municipal wastewaters were the main contributors to water pollution and should be treated before discharge into the Nile River. Source and drinking water should be monitored continuously to prevent related human waterborne diseases.


With global climate change, ocean warming and acidification occur concomitantly. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that increasing CO2 levels affect the acid–base balance and reduce the activity capacity of the Arctic spider crab Hyas araneus, especially at the limits of thermal tolerance. Crabs were acclimated to projected oceanic CO2 levels for 12 days (today: 380, towards the year 2100: 750 and 1,120 and beyond: 3,000 μatm) and at two temperatures (1 and 4 °C). Effects of these treatments on the righting response (RR) were determined (1) at acclimation temperatures followed by (2) righting when exposed to an additional acute (15 min) heat stress at 12 °C. Prior to (resting) and after the consecutive stresses of combined righting activity and heat exposure, acid–base status and lactate contents were measured in the haemolymph. Under resting conditions, CO2 caused a decrease in haemolymph pH and an increase in oxygen partial pressure. Despite some buffering via an accumulation of bicarbonate, the extracellular acidosis remained uncompensated at 1 °C, a trend exacerbated when animals were acclimated to 4 °C. The additional combined exposure to activity and heat had only a slight effect on blood gas and acid–base status. Righting activity in all crabs incubated at 1 and 4 °C was unaffected by elevated CO2 levels or acute heat stress but was significantly reduced when both stressors acted synergistically. This impact was much stronger in the group acclimated at 1 °C where some individuals acclimated to high CO2 levels stopped responding. Lactate only accumulated in the haemolymph after combined righting and heat stress. In the group acclimated to 1 °C, lactate content was highest under normocapnia and lowest at the highest CO2 level in line with the finding that RR was largely reduced. In crabs acclimated to 4 °C, the RR was less affected by CO2 such that activity caused lactate to increase with rising CO2 levels. In line with the concept of oxygen and capacity limited thermal tolerance, all animals exposed to temperature extremes displayed a reduction in scope for performance, a trend exacerbated by increasing CO2 levels. Additionally, the differences seen between cold- and warm-acclimated H. araneus after heat stress indicate that a small shift to higher acclimation temperatures also alleviates the response to temperature extremes, indicating a shift in the thermal tolerance window which reduces susceptibility to additional CO2 exposure.  相似文献   

In this study, three different hull-less barley varieties were used to prepare steamed cakes, and their nutritional value, sensory qualities, textural properties, and in vitro starch hydrolysis were evaluated. The results showed that the contents of total dietary fiber (4.50%-5.12%), β-glucan (2.96%-3.96%), total flavonoids (12.56-38.73 mg/100 g), and γ-aminobutyric acid (5.08-9.53 mg/100 g) in the steamed hull-less barley cakes were significantly higher than that in the steamed wheat cake, which were 0.65%, 0.23%, 3.93 mg/(100 g), and 2.63 mg/(100 g), respectively. The sensory properties of steamed ordinary hull-less barley and wheat cakes were not significantly different, but the steamed 08-1127 (waxy hull-less barley) cake was softer and out of shape. The springiness, resilience, cohesiveness, gumminess, and adhesiveness of steamed ordinary hull-less barley cakes were similar to those of steamed wheat cake, while those of steamed 08-1127 cakes were significantly lower than those of steamed ordinary hull-less barley cakes. Steamed hull-less barley cake also showed a maximum starch hydrolysis rate (38.76%-42.74%) that was lower than that of steamed wheat cake (49.92%), and the contents of rapidly (11.58%-13.16%) and slowly digested starch (5.34%-7.56%) were lower than that of steamed wheat cake (17.21% and 15.97%, respectively). In addition, the glycemic (59.37-61.67) and hydrolysis indexes (35.82-40.00) were lower than those of steamed wheat cake (76.66 and 67.30, respectively), and the contents of resistant starch (2.74%-3.55%) were higher than those of wheat steamed cake (1.68%). Therefore, the steamed cakes of ordinary hull-less barley had a higher content of nutritional components than the steamed cake of wheat, and the in vitro starch hydrolysis parameters were better than those of steamed wheat cake. When it is necessary to consider both nutritional and sensory qualities, ordinary hull-less barley can be selected as the raw material for steamed cakes, but waxy hull-less barley is not suitable for making steamed cakes. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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