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Despite their large size and frequent occurrence in near-shore tropical habitats, little published information is available on the movements and behaviors of the giant manta ray, Manta birostris, and what factors influence visitation patterns. To examine the movements of manta rays in the Komodo Marine Park, Indonesia, an acoustic array was installed at up to seven sites in the park between 2000 and 2003. A total of 41 acoustic tags were deployed in three separate deployments in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Mantas were recorded in the park for up to 526 days with an average duration of 183 ± 136 days, when mantas made from 3 to 303 individual visits to different sites (median 58 visits). There was a clear preference for three sites that comprised over 90% of manta activity. The most popular site (German Flag) was off the southern tip of Komodo Island in an area with a high degree of bathymetric structure. Examination of the longest records suggests some site preference with 5 of 7 individuals spending greater than 90% of their time at the location where they were tagged. Using a general linear model it was possible to examine the effects of daytime, lunar phase, aggregation site, season and tidal phase on visitation patterns. The vast majority of visits were recorded during daylight hours at all sites. The strongest effects of both the lunar and tidal phase were apparent in the northern sites with the most visits occurring when tidal intensity was the greatest during full and new moons. The strongest seasonal pattern was observed in the south where no mantas were recorded during the first quarter in any year. This coincides with an increase in temperature and reduction of productivity in this region associated with monsoonal shifts. The long-term fidelity indicates that marine-protected areas centered around aggregation sites could help protect this species from overexploitation.  相似文献   

The size and structure of a photographically identified population of reef manta ray, Manta alfredi, were examined at aggregation sites over a four-year period in southern Mozambique. The use and standardisation of photo-ID techniques was examined as a minimally-intrusive means to study this species. Using these techniques, we report on the size, structure and seasonality of this population of M. alfredi. In total, 449 individuals were identified during this time period, 40.5% of which were re-sighted on at least one occasion. The longest period between re-sighting events was 1,252 days. During the study period, annual population size estimates for M. alfredi ranged from 149 to 454 individuals. The superpopulation size estimate for the entire study period was 802 individuals, the first reported for M. alfredi at a monitored aggregation site. A highly significant sex bias was evident with a female:male ratio of 3.55:1. The majority of rays (89.9% males; 49.7% females) were considered mature, with most individuals between 3.0 and 4.9 m in disc width. Manta alfredi were observed at the study sites in each month of the calendar year. The maximum number of individual rays seen per dive was 30. Large numbers of rays (20 + per dive) were seen in the months of November, December and January, which coincide with the breeding season. Natural markings were unique to individuals and did not change substantially with time, which provided further support for their use in the identification of individual M. alfredi over multiple years. Multiple re-sightings of individual M. alfredi suggest that many individuals in this population exhibit site fidelity to the examined aggregation sites. As target subsistence fishing for M. alfredi exists along the Mozambican coastline, management efforts to monitor and prevent overexploitation at these critical habitats should be a priority.  相似文献   

We studied movement and site fidelity of males and females of the territorial frog Allobates femoralis (Aromobatidae) in a population in the Nature Reserve “Les Nouragues” in French Guiana, South America. Observations during 3 months in 2006 ascertained intra-seasonal site fidelity for males and females. Males actively defend large multi-purpose territories whereas females retreat to small resting sites from where they commute to neighbouring males for courtship and mating. Female short-term movement corroborates the previous assumption of a polygynous or promiscuous resource-defence mating system. Year-to-year recaptures from 2005 until 2008 revealed distinct patterns of inter-annual movement for males and regional site fidelity for females. Males abandon their territories and have to re-negotiate them when reproduction starts again at the end of the dry season. Females are not subject to intra- or inter-sexual territorial competition and as a result move significantly less between reproductive seasons than males. Male long-term movement reflects spatial structure and prevailing social interactions and is a reliable indicator for tadpole deposition sites. The combined effects of intra- and inter-seasonal movement promote the diversity of mates for both sexes.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the distribution of resources can lead to the development of spatial preferences and long-term site fidelity. Individuals are expected to choose sites that best suit their needs. However, dominant individuals restrict movements of less competitive ones. Accordingly, one may expect spatial preferences to differ with regard to individual characteristics and to change over time. We investigated lifetime changes of site fidelity patterns with regard to reproductive success in male Galápagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki). Showing a high degree of natal philopatry in the first 2 years of life, non-territorial males pass through a stage of fidelity to their natal colony where they develop preferences for areas outside prime breeding areas. Variation in the degree of spatial preferences was not associated with age or size, characteristics linked to an individual’s dominance status. For non-territorial males, roaming proved to be an adequate strategy to gain reproductive success. Only the most competitive males established territories in areas preferentially visited by females. They had a high probability to return to breeding areas where they successfully reproduced in previous seasons. Overall, the results reveal lifetime changes in site fidelity with regard to male status. The degree of site fidelity observed within the colony suggests familiarity and thus a high degree of tolerance among individuals using the same areas. This seems to facilitate attendance in the colony and thus the possibility to prospect for oestrus females.  相似文献   

Olive ridley sea turtles display two different types of nesting behavior: in arribada (synchronous mass nesting) or solitarily. Contrarily to arribadas, little has been published about solitary nesters. This study aimed to expand the knowledge on internesting interval and site fidelity of solitary nesting olive ridleys and to test a possible development of arribada nesting behavior. Data were collected in Sergipe (Brazil) over 125 km of beach from 10°30′S/36o23′W to 11°26′S/37o19′W, between nesting seasons 2004/2005 and 2006/2007. From 962 tagged females, 173 were seen renesting. The average internesting interval found was longer (22.35 ± 7.01 days) than previously described, which might relate to lower water temperatures during the internesting period. Olive ridleys at Sergipe showed high nesting site fidelity, with consecutive nesting events occurring in close proximity, non-randomly and dependently of previous events. Most of the consecutive nests were separated by 4.06–5.59 km. Development of arribada nesting behavior was not confirmed.  相似文献   

Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting in Barbados (Needham’s Point, 13° 04′ 41.33′′ N, 59° 36′ 32.69′′W) were outfitted with GPS dataloggers over three breeding seasons (2008–2010) to track movement during inter-nesting intervals. Most females established spatially restricted resident areas up current and within 7 km of the nesting beach where they spent the majority of the inter-nesting interval. Females nesting earlier in the season settled on shallower sites. Only experienced remigrant turtles occupied the most distant resident areas. Females tracked for multiple inter-nesting intervals exhibited site fidelity, but the area contracted and the activity of females decreased with each successive interval. Hawksbills may trade off site characteristics with distance from the nesting beach and reduce activity over the course of the breeding season to optimise energy reserves during inter-nesting intervals.  相似文献   

Past reproductive success affects future habitat selection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Correlational studies have shown that an individual's past reproductive success often increases its breeding site fidelity (i.e., the tendency to return to a previously occupied location), suggesting that individuals use their reproductive experience to assess habitat quality. However, the causality of the relationship between reproductive success and site fidelity is still uncertain. In a field experiment, the effect of mating success on site fidelity was isolated from potential confounding variables in a territorial dragonfly, the eastern amberwing (Perithemis tenera). The experiment controlled for site quality, intrinsic characteristics of males, previous territorial experience at the site, arrival order, and territorial evictions. Males that were prevented from mating were much more likely to change sites the following day than control males that were allowed to mate. This result was not affected by age, the amount of time a male spent on the site, or mortality. These results imply that individuals use their own reproductive success to assess the quality of the habitat. The benefit to an individual of using its reproductive success to determine habitat quality is discussed relative to other sources of information. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) were implanted with acoustic telemetry transmitters (n = 42) and monitored within a stationary acoustic receiver array (n = 53 receivers) in The Bahamas to examine residency, seasonal movements, and habitat use. Barracuda were monitored for up to 980 days and remained within the array area ~33% (median value) of the time. Most tagged barracuda were transient and would often disappear from the array for months at a time, particularly in the summer where they were usually last detected on receivers located in deeper shelf habitats, and then return at other times in the year. Habitat use across the footprint of the array differed, with most detections occurring in coastal areas and comparatively fewer in deeper mosaic or shelf habitats. Linear home range estimates revealed that some barracuda moved >12 km within a single day and are capable of migrating >100 km to other islands in the Bahamian Archipelago. Our results provide some of the first telemetry data for this apex marine predatory fish and the first reliable information on the residency and localized seasonal movements of adult great barracuda in the coastal waters of the Western Atlantic.  相似文献   

To investigate site fidelity and homing behavior in juvenile loggerheads ( Caretta caretta, L.), a mark-recapture study spanning four years (1998–2001) was conducted in Core Sound, N.C., USA. Each year of the study, approximately half of the turtles captured were tagged and released near the capture sites ( n=207), while the remaining turtles were displaced 15–20 km and released ( n=198). Loggerheads in both groups were recaptured in equal proportions near the original capture sites and many individuals were also recaptured in subsequent years. These data imply that juvenile loggerheads often returned to their capture sites following displacement, because if turtles dispersed randomly or remained near their release sites, then fewer displaced turtles should have been caught again. Moreover, because turtles migrate out of North Carolina sounds each winter, turtles recaptured at the same locations in different years evidently returned to specific sites following long migrations. To further investigate homing behavior, a small number of displaced turtles ( n=28) were tracked using radio telemetry following their release. Although transmitters detached from most turtles within a few days, analyses of initial headings showed strong orientation in the direction of the capture site. In addition, four turtles successfully tracked for longer periods of time all returned rapidly to the vicinity of the capture location and remained in the area. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that juvenile loggerheads exhibit fidelity to specific areas during summer months and possess the navigational abilities to home to these areas following forced displacements and long-distance migrations.  相似文献   

Vestimentiferan tubeworms, which rely on intracellular sulfide-oxidizing autotrophic bacteria for organic carbon, flourish at deep-sea hydrothermal vents despite the erratic nature of their habitat. To assess the degree to which differences in habitat chemistry (sulfide, pH/CO2) might impact host and symbiont metabolic activity, Riftia pachyptila tubeworms were collected from habitats with low (H2S < 0.0001 mM) and high (up to 0.7 mM) sulfide concentrations. The elemental sulfur content of the symbiont-containing trophosome organ was lower in specimens collected from the low-sulfide site. Symbiont abundance, RubisCO activity, and trophosome carbon fixation rates were not significantly different for individuals collected from low- versus high-sulfide habitats. Carbonic anhydrase activities were higher in the anterior gas exchange organs of R. pachyptila from the low-sulfide habitat. Despite large differences in habitat chemistry, symbiont abundance and autotrophic potential were consistent, while the host appears to tailor carbonic anhydrase activity to environmental CO2 availability.  相似文献   

ISSRs (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) were employed to compare the genetic structure of Chthamalus stellatus and Tesseropora atlantica in the Azores. The two barnacles differ as regards life cycle: the former conducting pelagic life for about 22 days, the latter for only 24 h. Thirty individuals of each species were analysed from four locations of three Azorean islands. Five ISSR primers produced, respectively, 117 and 79 polymorphic bands in C. stellatus and T. atlantica. Estimates of among-samples genetic diversity suggested extensive connectivity in the former species and isolation in the latter. AMOVA further supported these results by attributing 2% of genetic variance to the among-islands component of C. stellatus and 30% to T. atlantica. Results are consistent with expectations based on species life history and corroborate the importance of pelagic stages in determining the degree of genetic structuring in benthic marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) living in oceanic waters. This study investigated the ranging and residence patterns of bottlenose dolphins occurring in the Azores (Portugal), the most isolated archipelago in the North Atlantic. Data were collected during standardized boat-based surveys conducted over a 6-year period in an area of approximately 5,400 km2 (main study area). To investigate the extent of movements of individual animals, non-systematic surveys were also conducted outside this area. Only 44 individuals out of 966 identified were frequently sighted within and between years. The remaining individuals were either temporary migrants from within or outside the archipelago, or transients. Resident dolphins showed strong geographic fidelity to the area. Long-distance movements (of almost 300 km), consistent with foraging or exploratory trips, were observed among non-resident dolphins. Home range size was estimated for 31 individuals sighted ≥10 times. Range areas of these dolphins varied in size and location, but considerable overlap was observed in the areas used, suggesting the absence of habitat partitioning between resident and non-resident dolphins. Estimates of home range size of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores were found to be considerably larger than those previously reported for this species. It is hypothesized that dolphins living in the Azores carry out extensive movements and have large home ranges in response to the lower density and patchy distribution of prey compared to other areas. The extensive ranging behaviour and the lack of territoriality provide an opportunity for interbreeding between dolphins associated with different islands, thus preventing genetic differentiation within the population of the Azores.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) living in oceanic waters. This study investigated the ranging and residence patterns of bottlenose dolphins occurring in the Azores (Portugal), the most isolated archipelago in the North Atlantic. Data were collected during standardized boat-based surveys conducted over a 6-year period in an area of approximately 5,400 km2 (main study area). To investigate the extent of movements of individual animals, non-systematic surveys were also conducted outside this area. Only 44 individuals out of 966 identified were frequently sighted within and between years. The remaining individuals were either temporary migrants from within or outside the archipelago, or transients. Resident dolphins showed strong geographic fidelity to the area. Long-distance movements (of almost 300 km), consistent with foraging or exploratory trips, were observed among non-resident dolphins. Home range size was estimated for 31 individuals sighted ≥10 times. Range areas of these dolphins varied in size and location, but considerable overlap was observed in the areas used, suggesting the absence of habitat partitioning between resident and non-resident dolphins. Estimates of home range size of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores were found to be considerably larger than those previously reported for this species. It is hypothesized that dolphins living in the Azores carry out extensive movements and have large home ranges in response to the lower density and patchy distribution of prey compared to other areas. The extensive ranging behaviour and the lack of territoriality provide an opportunity for interbreeding between dolphins associated with different islands, thus preventing genetic differentiation within the population of the Azores.  相似文献   

Movements of deer can affect population dynamics, spatial redistribution, and transmission and spread of diseases. Our goal was to model the movement of deer in Nebraska in an attempt to predict the potential for spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) into eastern Nebraska. We collared and radio-tracked >600 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Nebraska during 1990–2006. We observed large displacements (>10 km) for both species and sexes of deer, including migrations up to 100 km and dispersals up to 50 km. Average distance traveled between successive daily locations was 166 m for male and 173 for female deer in eastern Nebraska, and 427 m for male and 459 for female deer in western Nebraska. Average daily displacement from initial capture point was 10 m for male and 14 m for female deer in eastern Nebraska, and 27 m for male and 28 m for female deer in western Nebraska. We used these data on naturally occurring movements to create and test 6 individual-based models of movement for white-tailed deer and mule deer in Nebraska, including models that incorporated sampling from empirical distributions of movement lengths and turn angles (DIST), correlated random walks (CRW), home point fidelity (FOCUS), shifting home point (SHIFT), probabilistic movement acceptance (MOVE), and probabilistic movement with emigration (MOVEwEMI). We created models in sequence in an attempt to account for the shortcomings of the previous model(s). We used the Kolmogrov–Smirnov goodness-of-fit test to verify improvement of simulated annual displacement distributions to empirical displacement distributions. The best-fit model (D = 0.07 and 0.08 for eastern and western Nebraska, respectively) included a probabilistic movement chance with emigration (MOVEwEMI) and resulted in an optimal daily movement length of 350 m (maximum daily movement length of 2800 m for emigrators) for eastern Nebraska and 370 m (maximum of 2960 m) for western Nebraska. The proportion of deer that moved as emigrators was 0.10 and 0.13 for eastern and western Nebraska, respectively. We propose that the observed spread of CWD may be driven by large movements of a small proportion of deer that help to establish a low prevalence of the disease in areas east of the current endemic area. Our movement models will be used in a larger individual-based simulation of movement, survival, and transmission of CWD to help determine future surveillance and management actions.  相似文献   

Deep-sea corals provide important habitat for many organisms; however, the extent to which fishes and other invertebrates are affiliated with corals or other physical variables is uncertain. The Cape Fear coral mound off North Carolina, USA (366–463 m depth, 33° 34.4′N, 76° 27.8′W) was surveyed using multibeam sonar and the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible. Multibeam bathymetric data (2006) were coupled with in situ video data (2002–2005) to define habitat associations of 14 dominant megafauna at two spatial scales. Results suggested greater habitat specificity of deep-reef fauna than previously documented, with fishes showing greater affinity for certain habitat characteristics than most invertebrates. High vertical profile, degree of coral coverage, and topographic complexity influenced distributions of several species, including Beryx decadactylus, Conger oceanicus, and Novodinia antillensis on the smaller scale (30 × 30 m). On the broad scale (170 × 170 m), several suspension feeders (e.g., N. antillensis, anemones), detritivores (Echinus spp.), and mesopelagic feeders (e.g., Beryx decadactylus, Eumunida picta) were most often found on the south-southwest facing slope near the top of the mound. Transient reef species, including Laemonema barbatulum and Helicolenus dactylopterus, had limited affiliations to topographic complexity and were most often on the mound slope and base. Megafauna at deep-water reefs behave much like shallow-water reef fauna, with some species strongly associated with certain fine-scale habitat attributes, whereas other species are habitat generalists. Documenting the degree of habitat specialization is important for understanding habitat functionality, predicting faunal distributions, and assessing the impacts of disturbance on deep-reef megafauna.  相似文献   

The natural vegetation growing along a wastewater channel was subjected to analyze the uptake of Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) and their subsequent accumulation in aboveground and underground plant parts. Species which were mycorrhizal and growing in soils receiving industrially contaminated wastewater were collected along with their rhizospheric soil samples. The nearby uncontaminated control (reference) area was also subjected to sampling on similar pattern for comparison. Both Cd and Zn concentrations were significantly higher in soils of the study area as compared to the reference site. Five plant species i.e. Desmostachya bipinnata, Dichanthium annulatum, Malvastrum coromandelianum, Saccharum bengalense, and Trifolium alexandrinum were analyzed for metal uptake. The maximum phytoaccumulation of Cd was observed in Desmostachya bipinnata (20.41 μg g−1) and Dichanthium annulatum (15.22 μg g−1) for shoot and root tissues, respectively. However, Malvastrum coromandelianum revealed maximum Zn accumulation for both the shoot and the root tissues (134 and 140 μg g−1, respectively). The examination of cleared and stained roots of the plants from both the areas studied revealed that all of them were colonized to a lesser or a greater degree by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. The Cd hyperaccumulating grasses i.e. Desmostachya bipinnata and Dichanthium annulatum, from study area had smaller root:shoot (R/S) ratio as compared to those growing on reference area indicating a negative pressure of soil metal contamination. The lower R/S ratio in the mycorrhizal roots observed was probably due to increased AM infection and its mediatory role in soil plant transfer of heavy metals. Furthermore, comparatively lower soil pH values in the study areas may have played a key role in making the overall phytoavailability of both the metals. Consequently variations in Cd and Zn tissue concentration among species were observed that also indicate the phytoaccumulation potential of the native species.  相似文献   

Grass shrimp are abundant residents of shallow-water habitats in US Atlantic and Gulf coast estuaries. Mark-recapture events determined the extent and direction of their movements in meso-tidal salt marsh creeks at North Inlet, South Carolina. Microwire-tagged Palaemonetes vulgaris demonstrated high fidelity for a dock in a subtidal channel. In the 48 days following release, 11 % of the 422 tagged shrimp were recaptured and 99 % of all recaptures were made there an average of 14 days post-release. Palaemonetes pugio, which favored the use of shallow intertidal areas, exhibited moderate fidelity for pools within creek beds with 53 % of the recaptured shrimp collected at the release site. Higher fidelity was observed for confluences of intertidal creeks and the subtidal channels. Of the 5565 shrimp released with coded microwire tags, 7.5 % were recaptured and 98 % of those recaptures were at release sites up to 53 days later. During another event, P. pugio released 235 m from their origin demonstrated relatively low fidelity for the new site and a lack of homing behavior. Of the 544 tagged shrimp, 3 % were recaptured; only 40 % of those recaptured were from the release site. Site fidelity is a mechanism by which previously discovered large and consistent differences in grass shrimp use of neighboring intertidal creek basins can be sustained over weeks, seasons, and years. Spatial variations and the tendency of these keystone organisms to resist relocation by tidal currents and occupy certain areas for extended periods should be considered in decisions about proposed alterations to creeks and shorelines.  相似文献   

This study is the first report of post-nesting migrations of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) nesting in Sarasota County (Florida, USA), their most important rookery in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). In total, 28 females (curved carapace length CCL between 82.2 and 112.0 cm) were satellite-tracked between May 2005 and December 2007. Post-nesting migrations were completed in 3–68 days (mean ± SD = 23 ± 16 days). Five different migration patterns were observed: six turtles remained in the vicinity of their nesting site while the other individuals moved either to the south-western part of the Florida Shelf (n = 9 turtles), the Northeast GOM (n = 2 turtles), the South GOM (Yucatán Shelf and Campeche Bay, Mexico, and Cuba; n = 5 turtles) or the Bahamas (n = 6 turtles). In average, turtles moved along rather straight routes over the continental shelf but showed more indirect paths in oceanic waters. Path analyses coupled with remote sensing oceanographic data suggest that most of long-distance migrants reached their intended foraging destinations but did not compensate for the deflecting action of ocean currents. While six out of seven small individuals (CCL < 90 cm) remained on the Florida Shelf, larger individuals showed various migration strategies, staying on the Florida Shelf or moving to long-distance foraging grounds. This study highlights the primary importance the Western Florida Shelf in the management of the Florida Nesting Subpopulation, as well as the need of multi-national effort to promote the conservation of the loggerhead turtle in the Western Atlantic. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Birds migrating along coastlines may be at increased risk if displacement occurs toward open-ocean. Eastern North America experiences prevailing northwesterly winds during autumn, which could compel some migrants to drift eastward. Therefore, migrants at stop-over sites along this route may be a mixture of on- and off-course individuals. We assessed whether orientation behavior of juvenile yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata) captured at a stop-over site in southern Nova Scotia was related to where they originated from (i.e., likely on/off-course). We hypothesized three scenarios after displacement: 1) continued orientation in the migratory direction selected before displacement, 2) orientation from the new location toward the previous destination, or 3) correction to regain the original pathway. Using stable isotopes, we determined that stop-over migrants originated from nearby areas (and assumed on-course) and as far away as western Hudson Bay, over 1,600 km northwest (and assumed off-course) of the site. We used video-based orientation registration cages to determine an individuals’ migratory orientation. Because numerous factors influence migratory orientation (e.g., fuel reserves, celestial cues), we simultaneously assessed the influence of body condition and cloud cover, in addition to geographic origin, on orientation behavior. Individuals that originated closer to the site tended to orient more southwesterly. Orientation directions became increasingly more west-northwesterly the further away an individual originated from the site (i.e., the more likely it was to have been displaced). The result is most consistent with scenario three: individuals from northwest origins likely respond to easterly displacement by orienting westerly to reestablish their previous migratory route.  相似文献   

To evaluate the hypothesis that a general correlation exists between species range size and dispersal ability, we surveyed mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence variation in three surgeonfish species with vastly different ranges: Ctenochaetus strigosus, Hawaiian endemic, N = 531; Zebrasoma flavescens, North Pacific, N = 560; Acanthurus nigrofuscus, Indo-Pacific, N = 305. Collections were made throughout the 2,500 km expanse of the Hawaiian Archipelago and adjacent Johnston Atoll. Analyses of molecular variance demonstrate that all three species are capable of maintaining population connectivity on a scale of thousands of km (all species global ΦST = NS). However, rank order comparison of pairwise ΦST results and Exact test P-values revealed modest but significantly different patterns of gene flow among the three species surveyed, with the degree of genetic structure increasing as range size decreases (P = 0.001). These results are consistent with mtDNA surveys of four additional Hawaiian reef fauna in which a wide-spread Indo-Pacific species exhibited genetic homogeneity across the archipelago, while three endemics had significant population subdivision over the same range. Taken together, these seven cases invoke the hypothesis that Hawaii’s endemic reef fishes evolved from species with reduced dispersal ability that, after initial colonization, could not maintain contact with parent populations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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