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Sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) fishery is intensively practiced in several areas of the Mediterranean basin. In Sardinia, as well as other Mediterranean countries, sea urchin is a basic ingredient for several dishes due to the delicacy of its gonads (roe), and demand is constantly increasing. Restrictions have been implemented in order to minimise the risk of overexploitation, however, these measures might jeopardize economic convenience in sea urchin harvesting. This paper estimates economic convenience within the edible sea urchin fishery in Sardinia. It aims to determine whether both profitability and sustainability, in terms of the preservation of sea urchin stock, can be guaranteed by actual policy regulation. We found high variability in terms of captures and profitability among firms, and a considerable degree of this variability is the result of technological differences between fishing methods. Analysis also suggests that a slight increase in allowed captures should generate a more than proportional increase in profits. This evidence gives some useful suggestions for improving the efficacy of policies in affecting the economic and environmental sustainability of the Mediterranean sea urchin fishery.  相似文献   

This study documents the event chronology and causes of land-use change in a deltaic region of the Philippines since the beginnings of aquaculture in the late nineteenth century. Satellite images and topographic maps spanning the period 1972–2013 were processed to map fishponds and the natural habitats over which they have encroached. Historical archives were consulted and interviews were conducted to understand the historical exploitation of local natural resources and the reasons behind the recorded land changes. Results showed that aquaculture developed in the late nineteenth century and expanded subsequently across the landscape under a succession of forcing factors. The global market, for example, played an early role but a number of land-use changes were also a direct response to changing environmental constraints and natural hazards. These cumulative events have promoted continuous gain in favor of aquaculture, to the detriment of other land-use options.  相似文献   

Franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, is a small and ‘vulnerable’ cetacean, which exhibits coastal marine habits according to the IUCN (2008). The aim of this work was to determine the presence of essential (Zn and Cu) and non-essential (Cd, Pb, Cr and Ni) heavy metals in skin (n=33) and muscle (n=36) tissues of franciscana dolphins from southern Buenos Aires, establishing the influence of biological parameters on the accumulation of these pollutants. Histological standardised methods were used to determine both age and sexual maturity of the dolphins. Heavy metal concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Zn was 8-fold higher than Ni in the skin. Zn was significantly affected by the age of the specimens and might be influenced by the state of body condition. Ni showed a behaviour pattern similar to that of non-essential heavy metals. The relationship between Ni and Zn concentration determined in skin and muscle might provide a tool for studying the general condition of endangered marine mammal species such as franciscana dolphins.  相似文献   

A detailed and multidisciplinary study of physical and biotic factors of a coastal sector of southern Italy, the Pineta della foce del Garigliano SCI (Site of Community Importance) area, has been carried out in the frame of the European research project LIFE + Nature & Biodiversity PROVIDUNE. We evaluated the degree of dunes vulnerability (Dune Vulnerability Index, DVI) and sustainable anthropogenic load (carrying capacity) of the emerged beach of the study area, which is largely affected by shoreline retreat and degradation of dune habitat. The values of about 0.6 of the DVI in the two key sectors of the study area suggest a high level of vulnerability of beach/dune system due to both natural and human factors. The partial vulnerability index related to the geomorphological condition exhibits the highest values, as a consequence of a coastal system largely affected by recent and present-day beach erosion and severe hydrodynamics processes. Several inadequate human practises have been recognized in the study area whose impact appears to be an important factor in controlling the reduction of the beach-dune system resilience. Integrated analysis of DVI and carrying capacity suggests that the northern and central sectors of the study area have a high level of dune vulnerability due to hydrodynamic and geomorphological factors whereas the human impact can be considered relatively less important. The southern sector of the study area is featured by a well-developed infrastructure system, which is able to assure a sustainable beach occupation. Nevertheless, significant interventions such as dune replacement by permanent or ephemeral infrastructures, uncontrolled pedestrian or vehicular access and inappropriate use of mechanical beach cleaning have been recognized in this sector of the beach. These long-lasting impacts have promoted the dismantling of large sector of the dune habitats. Obtained results allowed identifying the critical area where appropriate actions can be performed for the mitigation of impacts, the conservation of dune habitats and their sustainable use.  相似文献   

The sea urchin cardinalfish, Siphamia tubifer (Perciformes: Apogonidae), is unusual among coral reef fishes for its use of bioluminescence, produced by symbiotic bacteria, while foraging at night. As a foundation for understanding the relationship between the symbiosis and the ecology of the fish, this study examined the diel behavior, host urchin preference, site fidelity, and homing of S. tubifer in June and July of 2012 and 2013 at reefs near Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan (26°38′N, 127°52′E). After foraging, S. tubifer aggregated in groups among the spines of the longspine sea urchin, Diadema setosum, and the banded sea urchin, Echinothrix calamaris. A preference for D. setosum was evident (P < 0.001), especially by larger individuals (>25 mm standard length, P < 0.01), and choice experiments demonstrated the ability of S. tubifer to recognize and orient to a host urchin and to conspecifics. Tagging studies revealed that S. tubifer exhibits daily fidelity to a host urchin; 43–50 and 26–37 % of tagged individuals were associated with the same urchin after 3 and 7 days. Tagged fish also returned to their site of origin after displacement; by day two, 23–43 and 27–33 % of tagged individuals returned from displacement distances of 1 and 2 km. These results suggest that S. tubifer uses various environmental cues for homing and site fidelity; similar behaviors and cues might be used by larvae for recruitment to settlement sites and for the acquisition of luminous symbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Following the progressive expansion of human populations, the number of artificial habitats is increasing in shallow waters of urbanised coastal areas. The comparison of assemblages between natural and artificial habitats is necessary to determine whether there is real loss and fragmentation of natural habitats. This study investigates the changes in intertidal assemblages caused by marinas for tourists, along exposed rocky shores on the north-west coast of Italy. Marinas, being made of transplanted boulders and by internal wave-sheltered seawalls, introduce different types of artificial habitats in a relatively small area. Intertidal assemblages on breakwaters, seawalls and adjacent rocky shores were compared at three locations, thousands of metres apart. To assess the generality of patterns through time, natural and artificial habitats were sampled at three different times, over a period of about 2 years. Data were analysed by means of multivariate and univariate analyses to test the hypotheses that assemblages and abundances of single taxa differed among habitats, consistently among locations and times of sampling. Furthermore, the variability of assemblages at the scales of tens of centimetres and metres was compared among habitats. Assemblages on seawalls were largely distinct from those on rocky shores or breakwaters. Seawalls, which supported a smaller number of species than breakwaters and rocky shores, were dominated by encrusting algae and lacked common species such as Rissoella verrucosa and Patella rustica. The abundance of main-space occupiers did not differ between breakwaters and rocky shores, but there were differences in variability of assemblages at both the spatial scales investigated. This study provides evidence for differences between intertidal assemblages supported by artificial habitats at marinas and those on adjacent rocky shores. Differences in habitat-structure (and/or wave-exposure in the case of seawalls) could explain the occurrence of distinct intertidal assemblages. Despite the nature and magnitude of these differences, varied according to the type of artificial habitat considered, neither breakwaters nor seawalls could be considered surrogates of rocky shores.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Male migratory birds tend to be more faithful than females to previous breeding sites, suggesting sex differences in costs or benefits of dispersal. In Illinois, greater site fidelity by male yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) was associated with reduced reproductive success the following year for dispersers relative to non-dispersers. Dispersing females suffered no reduction in reproductive success the following year. Males that attracted few social mates, and thus had low reproductive success, were more likely to disperse, whereas females dispersed in response to low-patch reproductive success, regardless of their individual performance. Males that dispersed appeared to be successful acquiring territories because none was observed as a floater. The rate of dispersal by males in this low-density population was greater than in more dense populations where dispersing males may be less successful at acquiring territories. Despite success at obtaining territories, males that dispersed acquired territories on the periphery of wetlands where fewer females nested, resulting in lower reproductive success. In the second year after dispersing, however, males moved onto more central territories where they acquired larger harems. Thus, dispersal by males may be a long-term strategy requiring at least 2 years for benefits to be realized. Long-term success was enhanced because dispersing males moved to wetlands on which reproductive success was higher than on the wetlands they left. In addition to demonstrating that both individual and patch reproductive success affect dispersal decisions, these data indicate that when evaluating costs and benefits of dispersal, researchers should use a time frame beyond 1 year.  相似文献   

A study on the modern dynamics and shoreline changes from 1954 to 2014 of the Molise coast (central Adriatic Sea) has been carried out. Short to long-term shoreline changes and associated surface area variations have been assessed in GIS environment for the study coast, subdivided in nine coastal segments (S1-S9), by using 100-m regularly spaced transects. In addition, the possible influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, especially of climatic variability and engineered shoreline defense structures, has been investigated. The Molise coast has experienced notable long-term erosion (period 1054-2014) that caused an overall coastal land loss of approximately 940,000 m2. Erosion was, yet, limited to coastal segments S1 and S7, nearest to the mouths of major rivers, namely Trigno and Biferno, while the major part of the study coast has remained essentially stable or even advanced. Increased shoreline protection by defense structures has generally favoured shoreline stability and frequently generated shoreline advance, except for segments S1 and S7. Observed differences in shoreline change rates over time at the decadal to interannual scale, have not find a response in the analysis of available data on meteo-marine conditions of the Molise coast and climate variability indices, pointing out the need to improve knowledge on meteomarine conditions and on climatic variability forcing of the study area. From 2004 to 2014, the Molise shoreline remained essentially stable. Nonetheless, most recent shoreline changes (period 2011-2014) and modern shoreline dynamics indicate that erosion has become more widespread, involving at least part of segments S2-S3 and S8-S9, located south of the river mouth segments. The localized long-term shoreline retreat and most recent shoreline erosion appear to be primarily related to channel adjustments of the Biferno and Trigno rivers that occurred since the 1950s under the control of human interventions on the rivers, especially the construction respectively of a dam and a check dam along their lower courses, that trap of most of their solid load, affecting so adversely the sediment budget of the river mouths areas and adjacent beaches. Overall data acquired on the recent shoreline evolution and modern shoreline dynamics of the Molise coast and on related causal factors provide a good basic knowledge for regional coastal management purposes, and for further scientific purposes. Particularly, they suggest the opportunity to deepen a number of aspects such as the relationship between the coast and river catchments feeding it, the possible influences on the Molise shoreline dynamics of the neighbouring coasts, the efficiency/obsolescence of defense structures and the present-day vulnerability to coastal erosion of the Molise coast.  相似文献   

The occurrence of small specialist herbivores in marine rocky intertidal communities has been largely ignored. From 1984 to 1989, the phenology and demography of the common oligophagous ascoglossan opisthobranch Placida dendritica A.& H. was documented at several sites along the central coast of Oregon, USA. P. dendritica was found on the low intertidal green algae Codium setchellii Gardn., C. fragile (Sur.) Har. and Bryopsis corticulans Setch. during spring and summer. Ascoglossan abundance on Codium spp. varied spatially and temporally. Peak density usually occurred in May or June. Maximum ascoglossan live mass was 4 to 6 mg on Codium spp. and 100 mg on B. corticulans. Larval recruitment of P. dendritica to algal hosts was continuous during spring and summer. Rapid recruitment (200 to 400 sea slugs thallus-1mo-1) of newly metamorphosed ascoglossans to C. setchellii in wave-protected areas suggests that high densities of competent larvae occurred in nearshore waters and/or that larvae were efficient at locating algal hosts. Ascoglossan growth was rapid, with less than one month elapsing from larval settlement to adult sexual maturity. Therefore, populations of P. dendritica were composed of many overlapping generations. Movement of adult ascoglossans among thalli of C. setchellii was rapid. Continuous larval settlement and adult movement enabled P. dendritica not only to locate and colonize its algal hosts quickly but also to maintain a persistent association with algal hosts during spring and summer.  相似文献   

 Although oysters are commercially very important in Brazil, there is still much dispute about the number of Crassostrea species occurring on the Brazilian coast. The dispute is centered around C. brasiliana, considered by some authors to be a junior synonym of C. rhizophorae. In this paper we compared, by allozyme electrophoresis, sympatric and allopatric populations of the two putative species. Of the 17 loci analysed, five were diagnostic for the two species in sympatry (gene identity = 0.46 to 0.47), clearly demonstrating that they are distinct biological species. Heterozygosity (h) levels were high for both species (h = 0.24 to 0.28), and no heterozygote deficiencies were observed in any population (local inbreeding, F IS  = 0.141; P > 0.70). Levels of population structure in C. rhizophorae along 1300 km of coast were very low (population inbreeding, F ST  = 0.026; P > 0.15), indicating that the planktonic, planktotrophic larvae of these species are capable of long-range dispersal. Received: 14 January 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

The population structure of 4 species of porcellanid crabs, including 2 species of Petrolisthes (P. boscii and P. rufescens) and 2 of Pachycheles (P. tomentosus and P. natalensis) was investigated. Sex ratios deviated from the expected 1:1 distribution in some size classes of the 4 species, but conformed in general to this pattern on the entire population basis. Probability curves developed from sex ratios differ markedly in shape and slope and resemble Wenner's (1972) anomalous and intermediate types. Ovigerous females of Petrolisthes boscii occurred for 9 months, of P. rufescens for 11 months; those of Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis occurred throughout the year. In every size class, a considerably higher number of female Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis became ovigerous than in Petrolisthes boscii and P. rufescens. Size-frequency distributions of the 4 species were unimodal, indicating that recruitment to crab populations was gradual. Juveniles of Petrolisthes boscii and P. rufescens were most abundant towards the commencement of the southwest monsoon season, in June–July; juveniles of Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis were most abundant during the premonsoon month of March. Thirteen percent of Pachycheles natalensis were infected by a bopyrid parasite; the bopyrid also infected 5.2% of Petrolisthes rufescens and 0.6% of P. boscii. The latter two species were also infected by a rhizocephalan parasite, the infection rates being inverse to those by the bopyrid, i.e., 0.3 and 6.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) appear unique among scolopacid shorebirds so far studied in possessing a significant sex bias in natal philopatry. We resighted 9 curlews at least attempting to breed that were color-banded as chicks; 8 of these were males. Male curlews also cooperate extensively with neighbors in mobbing potential chick predators. This mutualistic behavior may have evolved through kin selection among philopatric males. If so, we would expect such an evolutionary consequence to lead to a similar sex bias in breeding area fidelity. Yet our resightings of colorbanded adults over 4 consecutive years indicate that males and females were equally likely to return to previous nesting territories. Excessive disturbance such as capture and nest loss within a single breeding season was correlated with the likelihood of breeding dispersal by females but not males. This suggests potentially stronger breeding area fidelity of males.  相似文献   


Knowledge about phytoplankton communities is important for aquaculture due to their influence on environmental variables. The goal of the study was to evaluate the ecological effect of seaweed Gracilaria birdiae at three different densities: 2.5 (LG2.5); 5.0 (LG5.0) and 7.5?kg m?3 (LG7.5), on water quality variables and the phytoplankton communities in integrated aquaculture systems (shrimp and seaweed) with a control (without seaweed) (LB) using biofloc technology. Settleable and total suspended solids were significantly correlated with the phytoplankton groups. In addition, orthophosphate was the main variable controlling phytoplankton growth and gross primary production. No significant differences were identified among the treatments in terms of the phytoplankton assemblages (p?>?0.05) but differences were found between the communities (ANOSIM, R global?=?0.873) in relation to the days of the experiment. However, the LG2.5 treatment had higher diversity and lower species dominance, as well as higher productivity and final shrimp weight. The results indicate that seaweed inhibit phytoplankton growth, mainly of toxic species. They suggest that phytoplankton composition in integrated aquaculture systems in the presence of seaweed at a density of 2.5?kg m?3 is more diversified and provides better water quality and shrimp performance by inhibiting the abundance of harmful species.  相似文献   

Biometry and growth of three piddock species Pholas dactylus, Barnea candida and B. parva, from chalk and clay substrata were investigated between 1999 and 2000 at five low shore locations along the south coast of England. Piddock burrow shape was significantly different (P<0.01) amongst the locations. Burrows at Lyme Regis showed the largest (height/maximum diameter) ratio (4.86±2.00) whilst those at Compton the lowest (3.73±1.62). Using the method of Bhattacharya, the population structure of P. dactylus, B. candida and B. parva was separated into eight, three and five modal size classes, respectively. Age and shell growth were determined from the number and spacing, respectively, of annual growth lines present in acetate peel replicas of shell sections. The von Bertalanffy growth (VBG) equation fitted the size at age data obtained for P. dactylus and B. candida (L and K were 79.3±13.8 mm and 0.0011±0.22 and 29.6±1.5 mm and 1.17±0.47, respectively) whilst the size at age data for B. parva were linearly related and did not fit the assumptions of the VBG equation. Male and female gonads were mature and piddocks competent to spawn between June and September 1999, with settlement of juveniles observed between November 1999 and February 2000. A significant relationship between burrow aperture diameter and age of the occupant piddock was established for the three species. Burrow morphology and spatial distribution of burrows were influenced by substratum hardness and population density. Based on estimates at Lyme Regis, piddocks are capable of removing up to 41% of the shore substratum to a depth of 85 mm over their lifespan (12 years), significantly compromising the structural stability of the soft rock shores they inhabit and contributing to bioerosion.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

A. J. Grehan 《Marine Biology》1991,109(3):459-467
A high-density population of the polychaeteMelinna palmata Grube was the focus of a two-year study at a shallow-water location in Inner Galway Bay on the west coast of Ireland. Mean densities were highest in the second year of the study following successful recruitment. Size-frequency analysis of population structure (April 1983 to March 1985) revealed the presence of four cohorts, with the 1983 settlement becoming the dominant modal class. Size comparison of this cohort with the 1982 settlement showed that growth rates were lower and mortality higher in the 1983 settlement, which may be related to density dependent intra-specific competition.M. palmata at this location live for 2 to 2.5 yr with a small number surviving to 3 yr of age.M. palmata in Galway Bay is dioecious and has an even sex ratio. Reproductively mature worms were approximately 2 yr old when they first spawned. Spawning took place between May and July, when mature oocytes had a modal size of ca. 290µm. Proliferation of previtellogenic oocytes (ca. 10µm) from the gonads occurred following spawning. Growth over the winter was slow and was followed by a period of rapid growth between March and May, coincident with rising water temperatures. The presence of mature unspawned oocytes, which were resorbed after commencement of new proliferation, was taken as evidence of the species propensity for polytely. However, post-spawning mortality appeared to be high, so that only a small number of individuals survived to spawn the following year. The highest abundance of mature males was encountered between May and August, but lower levels of mature stages were present throughout the year.  相似文献   

The relationship between the sacoglossan Elysia timida and the ornate wrasse Thalassoma pavo was studied in two laboratory experiments using artificial models. A feeding-preference experiment was conducted to determine whether mollusc extract deterred feeding by T. pavo, by using a "realistic" mollusc model (imitating the colour pattern of E. timida) coated with mollusc extract, and a reference model (without imitation or extract), and fishes collected from two locations. It was observed that fish approached, attacked and ate more reference models than mollusc models. A second feeding-preference experiment was designed with four different coloured models: "realistic" (W), green (G), red (R) and chequered (S) pattern. Both fish populations clearly rejected the S model, and differed in their colour preferences. Although both populations seemed to prefer the R and G models equally, the W model was clearly rejected by the fish that coexist with the mollusc at one site (Mazarrón), but was not rejected by the other population of fish which does not coexist with it (Cabo de Palos). Mazarrón fishes would identify the W model with the presence of a toxic compound during their coexistence, and therefore avoid attacking conspicuously coloured E. timida models as a response to their visual signals. Therefore, it was concluded that extract of E. timida is a deterrent for T. pavo, and its effect is sufficiently noxious that the fish tend to avoid it, so that the ability of the fishes to learn to recognise colours and identify certain colour patterns associated with obnoxious prey provides the molluscs the opportunity to survive by exhibiting a conspicuous coloration.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial variability in the size at first maturity and the reproductive cycle of Paracentrotus lividus in Galicia, contributing key information for the exploitation and management of this resource. The size at maturity varied between 20.4 (±1.2 SE) mm and 27.9 ± 1.2 mm and was smaller in areas of low population density where sea urchins do not form patches. Using a nonlinear model, we analysed the effect of depth, body size, sex and population density on the temporal pattern of the gonad index. The maximum and minimum indices were obtained at 4 m depth in the months before and after the spring spawning, respectively. The depth also affected the cycle phase, and the sea urchins at 4 m depth spawned 9.4 ± 3.0 days later than the sea urchins at 8 m depth and 20.5 ± 3.0 days later than those at 12 m depth. Moreover, the sea urchins living in patches showed a slight increase in gonad size as a consequence of the better-quality habitat. This shows that there is no intraspecific competition in this area despite the high population densities reached (18.5 kg m?2).  相似文献   

Understanding the movement behaviour of any species is important for developing species-specific management and conservation measures. In recent years, the sicklefin lemon shark Negaprion acutidens has shown rapid range reductions and has even disappeared altogether in certain areas. In this study, the area use patterns and site fidelity of the N. acutidens were assessed at the St. Joseph Atoll in the Seychelles. Passive acoustic telemetry methods were employed to monitor the movements of 19 tagged individuals for 1 year. Area use within the lagoon of the atoll was found to be highly restricted, with individuals typically utilising a small portion of the available area throughout the year. A high-use zone was apparent in the south-east of the atoll’s lagoon, which was shared by many of the monitored individuals. Fidelity to the study site was found to be extremely high, with the 79 % of tagged N. acutidens still present in the atoll at the end of the study. Individuals displayed both diel and tidal movements between the lagoon and surrounding habitats. The restricted area use and high site fidelity observed in this study highlight both the vulnerability of this species to rapid over exploitation and importance of remote habitats such as the St. Joseph Atoll in their future conservation. The results obtained here can be used to inform management decisions regarding the development and utilisation of similar atoll environments throughout the species’ range.  相似文献   

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