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Australia has experienced rapid development within its resource regions, with traditional mining sectors like coal, iron-ore and natural gas expanding and new industries such as coal seam gas emerging. As a result, there is an increasing prevalence and awareness of the cumulative impacts of the extractive resource industries on the society, environment and economy of these regions. Collaborative governance is emerging as a means of addressing cumulative impacts. This article undertakes an analysis of 30 case studies of collaborative governance in the resources sector of Australia. The initiatives analysed range from those focussed on information exchange and coordination to higher degrees of collaboration that involve shared resources and shared risks. The study demonstrates that there are challenges in using collaborative approaches to tackle cumulative impacts, but that significant benefits can be realised. The study highlights the need to nurture and cultivate collaborative relationships in order to provide the foundation for long-term solutions.  相似文献   

The cumulative dimensions of impact in resource regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of mineral and energy resources worldwide has placed pressure on regional environments, economies and communities. The cumulative impacts, or cumulative effects, arising from overlapping development have stretched political systems that have traditionally been geared toward the regulation and management of individual resource developments, presenting challenges for policy makers, resource developers and civil society actors. An equally challenging task has been realisation of the potential development dividends of mineral and energy resources in the areas of business development, infrastructure, human development or the management of resource revenues. This paper introduces a special issue on ‘Understanding and Managing Cumulative Impacts in Resource Regions’. The special issue interrogates the effectiveness of new and traditional policy responses, explores methods and strategies to better respond to cumulative impacts, and details practical examples of collaborative and coordinated approaches. Papers cover a range of environmental, economic and social issues, geographical regions, commodities, and conceptual approaches. This introductory paper introduces the cumulative impact issues that have manifest in resource regions, critically appraises current conceptions of cumulative impacts, and details management and policy responses to address the cumulative dimensions of impact.  相似文献   

Urban sustainability literature calls for new governance relations to support green urban agendas. Privileging non-hierarchical relations, this literature fails to address the means by which organisations create these capacities. The author interviewed public, private and community environmental leaders in metropolitan Chicago regarding their disposition toward creating boundary spanning organisations (BSOs) in addressing the City's Environmental Action Agenda. Their responses reflect engaged efforts to enhance cross-boundary sharing of information, resources, and power. However, they also reflect the decisive role of central authority in initiating this process. These findings suggest the complexity of urban governance in transitions toward sustainability and the opportunities they provide to explore the implications of on-the-ground practice.  相似文献   

Abstract: Water supply uncertainty continues to threaten the reliability of regional water resources in the western United States. Climate variability and water dispute potentials induce water managers to develop proactive adaptive management strategies to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts. The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer in the state of Idaho is also facing these challenges in the sense that population growth and economic development strongly depend on reliable water resources from underground storage. Drought and subsequent water conflict often drive scientific research and political agendas because water resources availability and aquifer management for a sustainable rural economy are of great interest. In this study, a system dynamics approach is applied to address dynamically complex problems with management of the aquifer and associated surface‐water and groundwater interactions. Recharge and discharge dynamics within the aquifer system are coded in an environmental modeling framework to identify long‐term behavior of aquifer responses to uncertain future hydrological variability. The research shows that the system dynamics approach is a promising modeling tool to develop sustainable water resources planning and management in a collaborative decision‐making framework and also to provide useful insights and alternative opportunities for operational management, policy support, and participatory strategic planning to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts in human dimensions.  相似文献   

经过长期的大气污染和水污染治理实践,各地积累了一定的技术、工程和管理经验,但随着土壤污染问题的日益凸显,三大环境要素质量如何整体提升、确保区域生态系统服务功能稳定持续发挥、满足人民群众对环境产品的需求,成为各级政府推进环境基本公共服务均等化过程中需要正视和亟待破解的一个难题。本文在系统分析当前环境污染以单要素为主线实施治理的总体思路所面临困境的基础上,基于生态系统整体性和区域统筹考量,从治理主体、治理手段、治理过程三个方面,提出推进土壤环境-水环境-大气环境协同治理的基本路径,为国家出台土壤环境管理相关政策措施、促进城镇化过程中区域环境质量整体改善提供参考。  相似文献   

长江经济带作为国家重大战略,面临开发与保护的巨大挑战,构建科学、高效的生态环境保护机制为其保驾护航成为重中之重。作为一个流域式生态共同体,区域统筹协调下的生态环境保护和治理是根本关键。本研究导入区域协同治理理念,提出构建梯度式渐进学习环境协同治理框架,并采用数据进行长江经济带环境污染治理的多情景测度与评价实证检验了梯度间以及梯度内部的环境保护与污染治理协调机制的潜在影响。最终,从中央、区域和地方三个层面提出梯度式学习视野下长江经济带环境治理策略。  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of establishing a coastal forum in the North West region of England. The North West Coastal Forum is one of the first attempts at the establishment of a regional forum in England and is especially notable for the role played by the Government Office for the North West in its formation. The paper examines the relationships between the key agencies involved and, in particular, the key role played by the Government Office for the North West in promoting and establishing the forum and how this has influenced its organization, structure and composition. It provides a critical analysis of the apparent and potential strengths and weaknesses of the forum as an example of a partnership approach to the planning and management of coastal issues in the North West. The conclusions are not only of relevance to the future development of the forum within the North West of England, and to the potential establishment of similar coastal fora elsewhere, but are also of much broader interest as a case example of the development of institutional capacities and collaborative partnership approaches to planning issues at the regional level in the wider context of the changing nature of regional governance in the UK and the enhanced 'regional partnership' role being embraced by the government offices for the regions.  相似文献   

The quest for sustainable communities might be fostered by a new ‘place-based’ governing approach that engages civil society and other actors in local decision-making processes. In Canada, lessons can be learned from the establishment and maintenance of biosphere reserves by networks of local communities of interests and other organisations. Biosphere reserves are created to promote conservation, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods. Municipal and public participation in these reserves can be encouraged, promoting a local sense of place as well as sustainable community and regional development. An examination of two Canadian biosphere reserves, Riding Mountain and Long Point, illustrates how local governments and these reserves might assist each other in their mutual goals of long-term sustainability while offering a worthwhile model of local collaborative, place-based governance.  相似文献   

在环境治理的问题上,20世纪人类社会所表现出来的是一种对契约、技术与制度的崇尚,反映了近代以来社会治理中的价值中立与道德祛魅精神。然而,随着环境危机事件的频发,特别是在环境以及生态问题构成了风险社会的一个重要维度的情况下,依靠契约、制度、技术的环境治理方案陷入低效甚至失灵的境地。人类命运共同体理念的提出,开拓了环境治理的新思路,让我们看到构建人与人、人与自然生命共同体的环境合作治理模式建立的希望。环境合作治理是一种可以将所有力量整合到合作行动体系中的治理模式,能够有效应对日趋恶化的环境问题,并将人类的生存与发展建立在环境友好的基础上。只有当环境治理采用了合作模式,才能在环境的维度上增强人类命运共同体的现实性。  相似文献   

"十三五"时期,我国通过政策和法制改革有效地促进了污染防治和生态环境保护工作。"十四五"时期,须进一步加强政策和法制的针对性和灵活性,从充分性和均衡度两个方面提升我国区域、流域和行业生态环境国家治理的综合绩效。为此,需要发挥党内法规和国家立法的相互支持作用,促进国家立法的有效实施;中央与地方签订行政协议,调动地方深入开展生态环保工作的积极性;推进流域与区域的专门立法或者协同立法,通过体制制度和机制的集成创新促进实际问题的解决;按照流域与区域生态环保目标设立生态环境标准,体现生态环保工作的针对性和因地制宜性;实行"法定义务+企业承诺"履行制度,因企制宜地落实各生产经营单位的生态环保责任;国家需要总结和推广一些地方探索和有效实施的灵活性工作制度,并发挥市场机制对生态环境资源和生态环保产业发展的调节作用。  相似文献   

The paper explores the relations of (1) regionalized climate change impulses; (2) their impacts on regional industry sectors; and (3) a regional econometric impact analysis. It develops a methodology by which the impulses of a regional climate change scenario can be transformed into ‘primary’ impacts on the capital stock and value added of climate-sensitive regional industries. These industries are vulnerable to ‘creeping’, i.e. continuous, climate change impulses, and they tend to react through ‘defensive’ investment. In addition, a singular flooding event is simulated for a specific local area and its different capital stocks. The stock damages and value-added losses of both the continuous industrial impacts and the singular flooding are inserted into a regional econometric model. This is sectorally disaggregated in stock, value-added and investment functions. It is also calibrated in the very-long run (through to the year 2040), according to different scenarios. The regional economic ‘secondary’ effects on the regional GNP are calculated. In addition to the calculation of regional economic primary and secondary impacts, the methodological issue of generating more transparency of the causal chains by use of damage functions, reaction functions, and comparative defensive strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of energy development on the water resources of the Colorado River and Great Basin regions is expected to be substantial. Complex physical, economic and institutional interactions may be expected. Most research on these impacts appears single purpose, fragmented, uncoordinated, and often inaccessible to potential users - particularly those with responsibility for energy/water policy and program decisions. A comprehensive, integrative framework for assessing alternative water allocation decisions is outlined, taking a heuristic decision making model for evaluating impacts on maximization of gross (or net) regional product, and regional social welfare, and for assessing the region's contribution to national objectives. The suggested model provides a structure for application and integration of data of various kinds to a range of situations arising from possible impacts from energy proposals. The focus is on water and energy relationships but the model may provide a framework for comprehensive analysis of a variety of environmental actions and resulting system perturbations and effects.  相似文献   

The paper explores the role local governments and territorial proximity play in the efficiency of collaborative environmental governance. It develops the hypothesis that the representatives of local authorities involved in partnerships possess resources to diminish the pitfalls of sustainable governance, facilitate coordination, and contribute to the success of shared policy-making. Four French and English partnerships are presented. They include a diversity of stakeholders such as fisheries, ports, farmers, yachting associations, environmental NGOs, or local authorities. Thereby, the paper develops whether and under which conditions local governments play a positive or negative role, as well as comparing territorial levels of implementation and the effects of geographical proximity. It is shown that collaboration at the regional level prevents the integration of decision-making in organisational networks, the inclusion of citizens, and the development of social responsibility for stakeholders – the partnership acting as a formalisation of pre-existing lobbying. Locally, governments assume inter-organisational leadership and do contribute to the institutionalisation of the new forums. Yet, local successes of partnerships answer logics of social, rather than environmental, regulation. The local attenuation of usage conflicts does not necessarily reduce the negative effects of those usages on the environment. By stressing a collaborative definition of environmental problems, the partnerships tend to sideline substantial policy changes, and possibly conflict with the goals and long-term temporality of sustainable governance.  相似文献   

Natural resource industries are increasingly significant actors in environmental decision-making. Possessing vast institutional and technical capacity, firms have an important role to play in ‘new’ governance strategies such as collaboration. These strategies are often based upon assumptions of equitable influence. This paper investigates the nature of resource industry participation in collaborative water governance in Canada, and the potential consequences of that participation as investigated using power theory. The study used comparative cases to reveal that resource industries are able to shape collaboration, and the issues collaborated upon, at multiple analytical levels both internal and external to the collaborative process in ways not available to other actors. Analysis also revealed that resource industry participation in collaboration did not reflect a commitment to engage in shared learning and the reexamination of values and interests as presupposed by collaborative theory. Collaboration is thus challenged in producing equitable, representative outcomes when resource industries participate.  相似文献   

This article considers the environmental impacts and the governance framework of the domestic and international supply of iron, zinc, copper and nickel concentrates smelted and refined in Finland. The metals industry in the country is heavily dependent on imported concentrates, and the research is thus focused on defining the level of impacts related to mining and mineral processing abroad, and the change in the impacts between 2000 and 2010. The estimations of environmental impacts are based on waste minerals and CO2eq emissions, and the quality of governance in the set of indicators measuring different aspects of governance. The total amount of waste minerals and CO2eq emissions related to metal concentrates decreased over the ten-year period. At the same time, the quality of governance improved in all concentrate groups except nickel. Ore grade, mine type and transportation distance appear to be the most influential factors on environmental impacts. The results suggest that the country of origin can have a noticeable effect on the environmental impacts and the quality of governance of the mining and processing of metal concentrates.  相似文献   

The Alberta oil sands industry and the New South Wales coal industry both faced controversies related to their cumulative impacts. In an attempt to generate hypotheses, we compared their attempts to maintain legitimacy, in its various aspects, for both their industries and the regulatory regimes that evolved as the controversies persisted. Both the existing literature and the two cases suggest that greater use of multi-sectoral stakeholder forums for the governance of cumulative impacts can bolster the legitimacy of both the industry and its regulatory regime, including those aspects handled through self-regulation. The cases suggested the additional hypotheses that (a) the importance of the decisions allocated to the multi-stakeholder regulatory forum affects legitimacy perceptions generally, and (b) the multi-stakeholder approach to regulation does little to bolster legitimacy when stakeholders include activists who are more interested in transnational issues than local cumulative impacts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A brief review of environmental assessment methods is presented as an introduction to a study of environmental management problems in a coastal area of southern Louisiana. The assessment method used in the study is called suitability analysis and involves the use of matrices. The matrix approach is simply a convenient method for organizing all factors representing environmental concerns in a region. The matrices proved to be very useful in defining the present state of an environmental regime and in maintaining an inventory of regional features and potential impacts. The method is described in detail and illustrated by evaluating the potential impacts of a major pipeline construction job in the area. Of major concern is the potential impact on the water resources of the region. Disruption to the natural drainage could be detremental, and affect the suitability of available water for a given use. Limitations of the method are discussed and potential areas for improvement and research are noted. Coupled with an economic assessment, the suitability analysis method should prove beneficial for selecting development sites for industries, residential areas, and other construction activities.  相似文献   

张健  张舒 《中国环境管理》2021,13(2):119-126
开展跨区域联合执法是解决长三角跨界环境问题的重要途径。长三角区域环境联合执法的实质在于打破传统属地管辖模式,在一定程度上实现行政管辖权的共享。目前,长三角区域在建立区域合作机构、开展环境合作活动、统一环境执法依据等方面已经进行了积极探索,但依然存在执法主体不规范、执法权限不充分、执法依据不统一等问题。长三角区域环境联合执法所采取的横向府际协同模式以及统一执法与联合执法相结合的模式具有一定优势,需要在此基础上加以改进。未来需要规范联合执法队伍的组建,通过区域合作和中央批准的方式建立联合执法队伍并对执法主体进行明确授权,充分发挥现有机构的监督协调作用,以及通过分区域、分行业、分时段的方式逐渐统一执法依据。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether ambitions to open up the traditional Swedish model of top-down conservation methods to local influences are indicative of an actual transition in governance of Swedish national park policy (NPP), and examines whether such a shift entails an increase in local influence over local interests and needs. Methodologically, we analyse a combination of governance types and incorporate theoretical definitions of power and accountability. The establishment of new governance arrangements – where power is shared, interactions promoted and accountability is directed downwards – indicates that Sweden's NPP is undergoing a change in its mode of governance. This change also seems to include ceding some influence to local interests, and the possibility of combining conservation with the utilisation of certain natural resources. The results of our research also provide valuable insights into when the establishment of shared-governance arrangements are likely to succeed; in short, this seems more likely when there are established sectors sited in a robust legal framework and where strong international commitments potentially play a role. In conclusion, we contend that when seeking diversified governance arrangements it is not enough simply to take local practices and customs into consideration – they have to be strengthened.  相似文献   

Jordan is not immune from climate change impacts. The complex characteristics (cross-boundary, multi-level, multi-sector, multi-agency settings, long-term challenges, and uncertainty) and long-term impacts of climate change confront Jordan’s decision-makers with a pressing question: Is the current governance framework adequate to respond coherently to the climate change impact, or is a new framework needed for future preparedness? To address this question, four qualitative research methods were applied to collect data reflecting diverse views about issues and in different contexts. Data were examined from different perspectives to aid in validating the conclusions. Results show that there are limitations in the current climate change governance framework. Better understanding of the intersectoral approach is necessary to develop appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies that recognize the full extent of climate change vulnerability, rather than viewing single sectors in isolation. Accordingly, an intersectoral coordination roadmap was proposed to support the implementation of Jordan’s climate change policy (2013–2020).  相似文献   

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