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In recent years, the Taiwanese government has strongly promoted the concept of ecological engineering in the hope that doing so will encourage the maintenance of the ecosystem and its integrity. As a result, the riprap spur dike is one of the most commonly used measures for protecting stream banks. Traditionally, a spur dike is used at concave banks to prevent their scouring and/or to increase their stabilization. An additional benefit of deflector structures, like spur dikes, may be to increase the weighted usable area (WUA) for aquatic life survival during periods of increased flow (examples include typhoon, flood, etc.). A two-dimensional river habitat simulation program (River2D) coupled with a developed shallow water habitat type diversity module was used for the case study at a headwater stream in central Taiwan. The habitat suitability index for this study was established using substrate, depth, and velocity from field surveys for the fish family Cyprinidae by prepositioned area electrofisher. The ungauged flood conditions were calculated using digital elevation models within a watershed delineation and hydrological modeling system in accordance with local regulations. Simulated results indicate that the spur dikes currently in use on the stream in this study need be improved from a WUA point of view more effectively handle a flood event.  相似文献   

The Chi-Jia-Wan Stream watershed, located in the area of the upstream Da-Chia River in central Taiwan, is famous for slopeland agriculture and the land-locked salmon. Improper agricultural activities have caused apparent ecosystem vulnerability and sensitivity. In this study, a system that combined three watershed-based environmental indicators with multiple-criteria decision-making techniques, the Analytical Hierarchy Process, and the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluations was developed to assess eco-environmental vulnerability. The composite evaluation index system was set up including sediment, runoff, and nutrient factors. Supported by geographic information system and K-means clustering and taking the subwatershed as the evaluation unit, the vulnerability is classified into four levels: potential, low, moderate, and high. The evaluated results show that 8.82% of subwatersheds (six subwatersheds) are in the moderately and highly vulnerable zones. These subwatersheds represent vertical-belt distribution, mainly concentrated in the right side of the studied area and near the riparian zone along the Chi-Jia-Wan Stream. The exploited farmland in the moderately and highly vulnerable zones is about 142.21 ha, occupying 75.38% of the total farmland in the studied watershed. These seriously vulnerable zones that have caused degradation in the quality of the eco-environment should be treated with more best management practices for eco-environmental rehabilitation. Additionally, the proposed model can effectively evaluate the eco-environmental vulnerability grade for reference in policy planning and ecological restoration in this area.  相似文献   

This study adopted the ecological footprint calculation structure to calculate the ecological footprints of the three major science parks in Taiwan from 2008 to 2010. The result shows that the ecological footprints of the Hsinchu Science Park, the Central Taiwan Science Park, and the Southern Taiwan Science Park were about 3.964, 2.970, and 4.165 ha per capita. The ecological footprint (EF) of the Central Taiwan Science Park was the lowest, meaning that the influence of the daily operations in the Central Taiwan Science Park on the environment was rather low. Secondly, the population density was relatively high, and the EF was not the highest of the Hsinchu Science Park, meaning that, while consuming ecological resources, the environmental management done was effective. In addition, the population density in Southern Taiwan Science Park is 82.8 units, lower than that of Hsinchu Science Park, but its ecological footprint per capita is 0.201 units, higher than Hsinchu, implying its indicator management has space for improvement. According to the analysis result above, in the science parks, the percentages of high-energy-consuming industries were rather high. It was necessary to encourage development of green industries with low energy consumption and low pollution through industry transformation.  相似文献   

Urban parks improve the quality of urban ecological environment and residents' physical and mental health. Existing studies have measured their spatial distribution in terms of accessibility or quality, however, this is not effective. Here, this study developed a spatial distribution assessment framework for urban parks, which included four dimensions: convenient degree (D1), crowded degree (D2), diversity of choices (D3), and service quality (D4). Taking Beijing as an example, we analyzed the difference in park distribution and found that park distribution is relatively equitable except for convenient degree. However, there are significant differences from the city center to the periphery. The inner-city area has better convenience, while the middle areas have more choices, and the outer ring performs better in terms of D2 and D4. There are significant gaps among communities with different housing prices. We found a gentrification trend within the Low, Middle-Low, and High price groups when analyzing the intra-group differences. This study can help urban planners and policymakers to better identify the gaps in park distribution and provide directions for optimizing the layout.  相似文献   

Hourly concentrations of ozone (O(3)), 55 volatile organic compounds (VOCs, ozone precursors) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) were measured at an upwind urban site, a downwind suburban site, and a rural site in central Taiwan, from January 2003 to December 2006. VOC and NOx mean concentrations showed a gradient from high to low across the urban (56 ppb and 34 ppb), suburban (38 ppb and 27 ppb) and rural sites (25 ppb and 21 ppb) but a reverse gradient in ozone across these sites (24, 27, and 29 ppb, respectively). Although there was about twice the difference in VOC concentrations between the urban and rural sites, nearly 65% ozone formation potential was contributed to by the same 9 VOCs. Seasonal patterns showed peak ozone levels in autumn and minima in summer at the urban site, but minima in winter at the downwind suburban and rural sites. Ozone precursor levels, on the other hand, were lowest in summer and highest in winter. The diurnal pattern showed that ozone levels peaked one hour later at the rural site than at the urban site. The ethylbenzene to m,p-xylene ratio, an indicator of the age of the air mass, increased from 0.4 at the urban site to 0.6 at the suburban site and 0.8 at the rural site during daily peak ozone times. This finding suggests the transport of ozone and precursors from upwind to downwind producing elevated ozone levels in the suburban and rural areas. Ozone episodes occurred mostly in days with a mean midday UV index of 6.5 (1 UV index=100 J m(-2)) and wind speed at 1.3 m s(-1) at all three sites.  相似文献   

This study presents the chemical composition of dry deposition by using dry deposition plate and water surfaces sampler during daytime and nighttime sampling periods at a near highway traffic sampling site. In addition, the characterization for mass and water soluble species of total suspended particulate (TSP), PM2.5 and PM10 were also studied at this sampling site during August 22 to October 31 of 2006 around central Taiwan. The samples collected were analyzed by using Ion Chromatography (DIONEX 100) for the ionic species analysis. Results of the particulate dry deposition fluxes are higher in the water surfaces sampler than that of the dry deposition plate. In other words, the results also indicated that water surface can absorb more ambient dry deposition inorganic pollutants than that of dry deposition plate in this study. The results obtained in this study indicated that the ionic species of Cl(-), NO3(-) and SO4(2-) occupied about average 60-70% downward flux out of total ionic species for either dry deposition plate or water surfaces sampler during August to October of 2006 at this near highway traffic sampling site.  相似文献   

Available water quality indices have some limitations such as incorporating a limited number of water quality variables and providing deterministic outputs. This paper presents a hybrid probabilistic water quality index by utilizing fuzzy inference systems (FIS), Bayesian networks (BNs), and probabilistic neural networks (PNNs). The outputs of two traditional water quality indices, namely the indices proposed by the National Sanitation Foundation and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, are selected as inputs of the FIS. The FIS is trained based on the opinions of several water quality experts. Then the trained FIS is used in a Monte Carlo analysis to provide the required input-output data for training both the BN and PNN. The trained BN and PNN can be used for probabilistic water quality assessment using water quality monitoring data. The efficiency and applicability of the proposed methodology is evaluated using water quality data obtained from water quality monitoring system of the Jajrood River in Iran.  相似文献   

Health impact assessment is part of the risk management process of multinational corporations/companies. Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, and the “paradox of plenty” are used as examples of the challenges they face. The “business case” for impact assessment is explained. The policies, procedures, standards, and activities used by Shell to manage such risks are described. An approach to capacity building and competency development is presented that applies to both company staff and external contractors.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) aims to determine if the environmental effect of an activity or project complies with standards and regulations. A primary component of the environment to evaluate is air and the effect that various activities can have on its quality. To this end, emission factors (EFs), which are empirical coefficients or mathematical relationships, are normally used. The present research critically analyzes the implications and consequences of using imported EFs in environmental impact studies (EISs), taking as case of study the situation in Chile. Among the main results, the widespread use of EFs in EISs in the country and the lack of assessments of their actual applicability stand out. In addition, the official guidelines related to emissions estimation that are used for EIA in the country mostly include EFs derived elsewhere, without considering the recommendations or restrictions that the original sources indicate for their use. Finally, the broad use of default values defined for the Metropolitan Region in Central Chile, is highly questionable for a country that extends north-south along more than 35° of latitude, with wide variability in climate, traffic conditions, population, soil types, etc. Finally, it is very likely that situations similar to those observed in the present work occurs in other countries with young environmental impact assessment systems, and therefore, that the results herein presented should be of general interest and relevance.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of statistical regression models to characterize temporal trends in groundwater monitoring data collected between 1980 and 1990 on 15 wells and 13 parameters (195 cases in all) at the KL Avenue landfill site in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. This site was used as a municipal landfill prior to 1980, then was placed on the Superfund site list in 1982 after ground-water contamination was found.Six temporal regression trend models were defined using linear and quadratic regression models. These trends were used to classify each of the 195 cases as: improving, deteriorating, or stable over the 1980–1990 time period. Using these classifications it was determined that there were more than twice as many improving cases as deteriorating conditions at the KL site during this time period. These models provide a method for visualizing and interpreting trends in ground-water quality at individual well locations within the contaminant plume and for assessing the chemical trend behavior of the overall plume. The improving, deteriorating, and stable trend categories were developed for two purposes. The first purpose is to facilitate comprehension of information contained in large amounts of water quality data. The second is to assist communication among the many different groups of people who recommend actions, including remediation responsibilities at Superfund sites, like the KL site.A normal probability model was used in the trend classifications. This model contained provisions to accommodate nondetect data and other abnormal laboratory determinations which can influence the trend selection process. The robustness of this classification procedure was examined using a lognormal probability model. The overall conclusions about the KL site using the lognormal model were similar to those obtained using the normal model. However, some individual trend indications were different using the lognormal model. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the adequacy of both the normal and lognormal models. The lognormal model was found to be a somewhat more adequate model for fitting the KL site data, but was not found to be superior to the normal model for each case.The normal and lognormal models were both found to be suitable for determining overall trend conditions at this site. Both models are recommended for these purposes assuming an understanding of the statistical constraints and hydrochemical context. However, it is recommended that the search for more adequate trend models continues.  相似文献   

To evaluate flood-prone areas, correlation analysis of flooding factors for the quantitative evaluation of hazard degree was determined to assist in further disaster prevention management. This study used flood-prone areas in 35 villages over eight townships (Changhua, Huatan, Yuanlin, Xiushui, Puyan, Hemei, Dacun, and Erlin) in Changhua County as research samples. Linear combination was used to evaluate flood-prone environmental indices, and an expert questionnaire was designed by using the analytic hierarchy process and the Delphi method to determine the weights of factors. These factors were then used to calculate the eigenvector of a pairwise comparison matrix to obtain the weights for the risk assessment criteria. Through collection of disaster cases, with particular focus on specifically protected areas where flooding has occurred or is likely to occur, public adaptation and response capabilities were evaluated by using an interview questionnaire that contains the items of perceived disaster risk, resource acquisition capability, adaptation capability, and environment understanding and disaster prevention education. Overlays in a geographic information system were used to analyze the flood-risk degree in villages and to construct a distribution map that contains flood-prone environment indices. The results can assist local governments in understanding the risk degree of various administrative areas to aid them in developing effective mitigation plans.  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental problems which affects likewise urban, industrial and rural areas. Environmental planners, regulators and decision makers need reliable, scientifically based tools to find out strategies for controlling air pollution in a cost-effective way, taking into account the whole productive system. In this framework the basic elements of energy-environmental planning have to be extended to include also waste processing technologies amongst the usually considered pollution sources. Bottom-up optimizing models, based on linear programming techniques and customized for specific cases, represent a powerful tool in energy-environmental management. This paper focuses on the integrated modeling of material flows and energy system performed on a local scale case study (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy) using the linear programming model IEA-MARKAL. We have evaluated the feasibility of the model in representing the waste management system to estimate the environmental impact of the waste processing technologies in the context of the whole productive system. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out to emphasize the connections between tariffs, waste disposal technologies assessment and atmospheric emissions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the chromium (Cr) contamination due to the discharge of waste waters from the tannery of Jijel in the Mouttas river (Algeria), samples of water, sediment and vegetation (Agropyrum repens) were collected during a 6 month period in four stations located upstream (control) and downstream of the tannery. The total chromium was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metal inputs were clearly related to effluent discharges from the tannery into the river. Although only traces of chromium were found in water samples upstream of the tannery, very high concentrations (up to 860 times higher) were detected downstream. The contamination was not limited to water of Mouttas River because a same difference in chromium concentrations was also found in sediments and plants Agropyrum repens that were sampled upstream and downstream of the tannery. This work showed that the treatment process used in the wastewater treatment plant of the tannery of Jijel is not able to remove the chromium detected in their influents. The occurrence and chromium levels detected in the aquatic environment represent a major problem concerning drinking water resources and environmental protection of water bodies.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the ecological status of river sites in Canada is supported by building models using the reference condition approach. However, geography, data scarcity and inter-operability constraints have frustrated attempts to monitor national-scale status and trends. This issue is particularly true in Atlantic Canada, where no ecological assessment system is currently available. Here, we present a reference condition model based on the River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System approach with regional-scale applicability. To achieve this, we used biological monitoring data collected from wadeable streams across Atlantic Canada together with freely available, nationally consistent geographic information system (GIS) environmental data layers. For the first time, we demonstrated that it is possible to use data generated from different studies, even when collected using different sampling methods, to generate a robust predictive model. This model was successfully generated and tested using GIS-based rather than local habitat variables and showed improved performance when compared to a null model. In addition, ecological quality ratio data derived from the model responded to observed stressors in a test dataset. Implications for future large-scale implementation of river biomonitoring using a standardised approach with global application are presented.  相似文献   

To supplement an epidemiological investigation into respiratory cancer, a synthetic fabric called tak was used to study the deposition of atmospheric metal pollution within the town of Armadale, central Scotland. Pollution maps showed high concentrations of several metals in areas close to the town's steel foundry and in a second area in the north of the town. Through further statistical analyses, those metals were identified which had probably been emitted by the foundry, and temporal variations in metal deposition patterns were examined. The advantages of this method of low technology sampling, which include the low cost and a high density of sampling sites, are described.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt has been made to assess, prognosis and observe dynamism of soil erosion by universal soil loss equation (USLE) method at Penang Island, Malaysia. Multi-source (map-, space- and ground-based) datasets were used to obtain both static and dynamic factors of USLE, and an integrated analysis was carried out in raster format of GIS. A landslide location map was generated on the basis of image elements interpretation from aerial photos, satellite data and field observations and was used to validate soil erosion intensity in the study area. Further, a statistical-based frequency ratio analysis was carried out in the study area for correlation purposes. The results of the statistical correlation showed a satisfactory agreement between the prepared USLE-based soil erosion map and landslide events/locations, and are directly proportional to each other. Prognosis analysis on soil erosion helps the user agencies/decision makers to design proper conservation planning program to reduce soil erosion. Temporal statistics on soil erosion in these dynamic and rapid developments in Penang Island indicate the co-existence and balance of ecosystem.  相似文献   

In this work, four major Lebanese rivers were investigated, the Damour, Ibrahim, Kadisha, and Orontes, which are located in South, Central, and North Lebanon and Bekaa Valley, respectively. Five sampling sites were considered from upstream to downstream, and 12 sampling campaigns over four seasons were conducted during 2010–2011. Thirty-seven physicochemical parameters and five microbial tests were evaluated. A principal component analysis (PCA) was used for data evaluation. The first PCA, applied to the matrix-containing data that was acquired on all four rivers, showed that each river was distinct in terms of trophic state and pollution sources. The Ibrahim River was more likely to be polluted with industrial and human discharges, while the Kadisha River was severely polluted with anthropogenic human wastes. The Orontes and Damour rivers seemed to have the lowest rates of water pollution, especially the Orontes, which had the best water quality. PCA was also performed on individual data matrices for each river. In all cases, the results showed that the springs of each river have good water quality and are free from severe contamination. The other monitoring sites on each river were likely exposed to human activities and showed important spatial evolution. Through this work, a spatiotemporal fingerprint was obtained for each studied river, defining a “water mass reference” for each one. This model could be used as a monitoring tool for subsequent water quality surveys to highlight any temporal evolution of water quality.
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Exposure to perchlorethylene, especially for dry cleaning workers and for people living near dry cleaning shops, could lead to several diseases and disorders. This study examines the value of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for sampling perchlorethylene in the atmosphere of dry cleaning shops. Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) in 0.5-cm retracted mode was selected. There were no significant differences between sampling rates at different temperatures (range of 20 to 30 °C) and air velocities (2 to 50 cm/s). On the opposite, relative humidity (RH) had a significant effect on sampling rates. Method reproducibility was realized in the laboratory and field conditions and was 6.2 % and 7 to 11 %, respectively. Repeatability was also determined as 8.9 %. Comparison of the results according to the American Industrial Hygiene Association exposure assessment strategy showed the SPME sampler yields more conservative results in comparison with traditional standard method.  相似文献   

Industrial effluents, surface waters, and subsurface groundwaters were sampled in and around the Patancheru industrial area of Nakkavagu basin, India and analysed. The parameters such as TDS, BOD, COD, and abundances of elements such as Cu, As, Se, F, Fe, are 5 to 10 times more than the permissible limits. These pollutants are contaminating the groundwaters at a faster rate than anticipated. A statistical approach is used to express the magnitude of pollution. Initially, correlation matrices of the major parameters and trace elements followed by factor analysis on them are presented to quantify the aspect of pollution. Factor 1 explaining 43.6% variance has positive loadings for variables TDS, BOD, COD, As, Cu, Se, SO 4 –2 , and Cr, suggesting the factor is interpreted to be the Pollution or Migration of Pollutants. The same variables have negative loadings in the subsurface groundwaters suggesting that Factor 1 for these samples is a the depositionn or precipitation phenomenon. With a critical look at the Factor 1 of both surface and subsurface water samples it is indicated that pollutants migrated and became deposited in the environs of the Patancheru industrial area.  相似文献   

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