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Under the first Federal Air Pollution Act of 1955, which assigned the responsibility for developing a national program to the Public Health Service, a significant phase of the program involved other federal agencies through a series of contractual relationships. These interdepartmental relationships were limited however, to the objective of capitalizing on the diverse research facilities and specialized competencies within the federal establishment, as a means of accelerating the research and technical assistance program authorized under the act. With the passage of the Clean Air Act of 1963, a major new emphasis has been added to the federal air pollution control program—application of technical knowledge, through broadly accelerated control programs. This emphasis is reflected in current trends in the nature and type of the Public Health Service’s developing relationships with other federal agencies. The emerging PHS programs to prevent and control air pollution from federal facilities, the PHS role in preventing pollution arising from transportation systems aided under the new Urban Mass Transportation Act, and other developing interagency relationships and problem areas are discussed in this context.  相似文献   

This is an evaluation of the regional approach to controlling air pollution, in the light of the New York metropolitan experience, and recent federal and state legislative developments. Regional airsheds are defined and their administrative advantages delineated. The political difficulties involved in establishing and managing regional control districts, such as jurisdictional and regulatory problems, are also discussed. This paper touches upon the extent and adequacy of present day coordination and cooperation between agencies in the New York metropolitan area, as illustrated by the failure of the alert system during the Thanksgiving 1966 air pollution “episode.” The conflicting approaches of regional air quality commissions and the Mid-Atlantic States Air Pollution Control Compact are stressed. The desirability of such federal and state legislative proposals, and the advantages and drawbacks of special districts and other institutional arrangements to solve regional problems are also evaluated.  相似文献   

Recently, various authors1–4 have indicated that a need exists to establish a uniform air pollution index for communities throughout the nation.Although the literature reveals several attempts to develop air pollution indices,5–7 none of these indices has received widespread acceptance by state and local air pollution control agencies, probably because none has received the active support or endorsement of the federal government. We now wish to report that significant progress has been made at the federal level toward the goal of a recommended national air pollution index.  相似文献   

A recent survey discloses that the total number of professional and technical personnel currently employed in state and local air pollution control agencies is small relative to the total employment of scientists, engineers, and technicians in state and local government generally. The data also indicate that very few positions in control agencies require specialized formal training in air pollution control prior to employment. In general, the future demand for qualified personnel to staff state and local programs depends fundamentally upon our national air quality objectives and the abatement strategy for achieving these objectives. Not until air quality objectives have been made operational and a comprehensive control strategy has been adopted will it be possible to make meaningful forecasts of future state and local manpower requirements. State and local control agencies could probably meet their present requirements by attracting qualified scientists, engineers, and technicians from other fields, if they had salary structures which were competitive with those of industry and the federal government.  相似文献   

In the April 1989 issue of JAPCA, current information about regulatory agencies at the state and local levels in the United States and at the federal, provincial and local levels in Canada was published. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency appointments at the federal and regional levels had not been completed in time for April publication but are published in this supplement. Also listed are the individuals in the Minerals Management Service of the U.S. Department of Interior who have regulatory responsibility for air pollutant emissions from oil, gas and mineral extraction activities in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) areas of the United States.  相似文献   

In 1986, the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA) was established to promote a closer, collaborative relationship between federal government agencies and the private sector. With the increasing need for new cost-effective technologies to prevent and control pollution, both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and private industry are encouraged to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology under this Act. The FTTA removed several of the legal and institutional barriers to cooperative research that existed before the Act's passage. Through the FTTA, the government strives to promote the movement of its products, processes, skills and knowledge into the private sector for further development and commercialization by encouraging the exchange of technical personnel and the sharing of facilities and other resources. Collaborative efforts among industry, federal agencies and academia are made possible through cooperative research and development agreements (CRDAs). Thirty-three CRDAs and four licensing agreements have been initiated with EPA under the program. This paper provides an overview of this new and innovative program.  相似文献   

The National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program is carried out by state and local air pollution control agencies in support of their State Implementation Plans (SIP’s). The current EPA regulations which specify the characteristics of these state monitoring programs are undergoing change as a result of a comprehensive review by an independent work group. These revised regulations, which are described in the paper, are intended to improve the quality, timeliness, and usability of the data generated by the states for all data users. In addition, the revised regulations seek to bring about; (a) national consistency in monitoring site locations through standardized siting procedures; (b) improved network operations by means of a minimum quality assurance program; (c) reduced network inflexibility through an annual network review process; and (d) reduced data reporting through changed data reporting procedures.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established a federal reference method (FRM) for ozone (O3) and allowed for designation of federal equivalent methods (FEMs). However, the ethylene-chemiluminescence FRM for O3 has been replaced by the UV photometric FEM by most state and local monitoring agencies because of its relative ease of operation. Accumulating evidence indicates that the FEM is prone to bias under the hot, humid, and stagnant conditions conducive to high O3 formation. This bias may lead to overreporting hourly O3 concentrations by as much as 20-40 ppb. Measurement bias is caused by contamination of the O3 scrubber, a problem that is not detected by dry air calibration. An adequate wet test has not been codified, although a procedure has been proposed for agency consideration. This paper includes documentation of laboratory tests quantifying specific interferant responses, collocated ambient FRM/FEM monitoring results, and smog chamber comparisons of the FRM and FEMs with alternative scrubber designs. As the numbers of reports on monitor interferences have grown, interested parties have called for agency recognition and correction of these biases.  相似文献   

For many national parks and wilderness areas with special air quality protections (Class I areas) in the western United States (U.S.), wildfire smoke and dust events can have a large impact on visibility. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 1999 Regional Haze Rule used the 20% haziest days to track visibility changes over time even if they are dominated by smoke or dust. Visibility on the 20% haziest days has remained constant or degraded over the last 16 yr at some Class I areas despite widespread emission reductions from anthropogenic sources. To better track visibility changes specifically associated with anthropogenic pollution sources rather than natural sources, the EPA has revised the Regional Haze Rule to track visibility on the 20% most anthropogenically impaired (hereafter, most impaired) days rather than the haziest days. To support the implementation of this revised requirement, the EPA has proposed (but not finalized) a recommended metric for characterizing the anthropogenic and natural portions of the daily extinction budget at each site. This metric selects the 20% most impaired days based on these portions using a “delta deciview” approach to quantify the deciview scale impact of anthropogenic light extinction. Using this metric, sulfate and nitrate make up the majority of the anthropogenic extinction in 2015 on these days, with natural extinction largely made up of organic carbon mass in the eastern U.S. and a combination of organic carbon mass, dust components, and sea salt in the western U.S. For sites in the western U.S., the seasonality of days selected as the 20% most impaired is different than the seasonality of the 20% haziest days, with many more winter and spring days selected. Applying this new metric to the 2000–2015 period across sites representing Class I areas results in substantial changes in the calculated visibility trend for the northern Rockies and southwest U.S., but little change for the eastern U.S.

Implications: Changing the approach for tracking visibility in the Regional Haze Rule allows the EPA, states, and the public to track visibility on days when reductions in anthropogenic emissions have the greatest potential to improve the view. The calculations involved with the recommended metric can be incorporated into the routine IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments) data processing, enabling rapid analysis of current and future visibility trends. Natural visibility conditions are important in the calculations for the recommended metric, necessitating the need for additional analysis and potential refinement of their values.  相似文献   

The article reports on the first year of the Blackstone Project, a joint pilot project of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Department of Environmental Management (DEM). The project is being used to test the best approach to promoting toxics use reduction (similar to ”source reduction“ as defined by EPA). In the project, the two state agencies are testing different methods of inspecting compliance across media (i.e. compliance to air, water, hazardous waste, and Right-to-Know requirements), biasing enforcement actions towards toxics use reduction, and coordinating regulatory activity with technical assistance activity. The Blackstone Project Team finds that the approach tested in the Blackstone Project was successful in its setting. A wide range of environmental protection objectives was cost effectively met through the Blackstone approach. In FY91, DEP will test the approach in the other DEP Regional Offices, with more facilities of a wider variety.  相似文献   

Currently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established air standards for relatively few chemicals. As a result, state agencies are faced with controlling air contaminants for a large number of chemicals posing potential public health threats. Use of occupational standards as a basis for deriving ambient air guidelines is a method used by states to control air toxics. This standard development approach is reviewed by considering the differences in the health basis and numerical values which often occur among the occupational standards set by OSHA, NIOSH and ACGIH. This study indicated that careful selection should be made of the most appropriate occupational standard to use to protect public health. A comparison is made of chemicals regulated by various state air toxic programs using occupational standards lowered by a safety factor to concentrations established by the U.S. EPA. It was found that the air guidelines vary, but the degree of stringency can be comparable.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on recent efforts in the United States to improve the federal government's approach to regulating risk, with particular emphasis on legislation introduced in the Congress of the United States that was designed to reform and standardize risk assessment and risk management practices at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies with responsibility for health, safety, and environmental regulation. After reviewing the key provisions of the legislation and the potential impact of those provisions on EPA's risk-related activities, the paper suggests certain fundamental principles that should guide the debate on reform of policies and procedures associated with risk.  相似文献   

The availability of reliable, accurate and precise monitoring methods for toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a primary need for state and local agencies addressing daily monitoring requirements related to odor complaints, fugitive emissions, and trend monitoring. The canister-based monitoring method for VOCs is a viable and widely used approach that is based on research and evaluation performed over the past several years. This activity has involved the testing of sample stability of VOCs in canisters and the design of time-integrative samplers. The development of procedures for analysis of samples in canisters, including the procedure for VOC preconcentration from whole air, the treatment of water vapor in the sample, and the selection of an appropriate analytical finish has been accomplished. The canister-based method was initially summarized in the EPA Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air as Method TO-14. Modifications and refinements are being added to Method TO-14 in order to obtain a Statement of Work for the Superfund Contract Laboratory Program for Air. This paper discusses the developments leading to the current status of the canisterbased method and provides a critique of the method using results obtained in EPA monitoring networks.  相似文献   


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated the use of oxygenated gasoline beginning in the winter of 1992 to reduce the unhealthful carbon monoxide concentrations in many urban areas. The California Air Resources Board (CARB), weighing the potential effects of the program on other pollutants, implemented a modified version of the federal wintertime oxygenated fuels program. In California, the number of violations of the carbon monoxide air quality standard during the three winters associated with the program was dramatically lower than during any winter prior to the program. Because meteorological conditions during the program were very favorable for dispersion of pollutants, any analysis of the impacts of the program must account for the influence of variable meteorological conditions. Analyses of ambient pollutant concentrations suggest that most of the air quality improvement was due to increased atmospheric dispersion. The analyses presented here account for the large influence of meteorology on ambient concentrations and indicate that California’s modified oxygenated fuels program was responsible for an approximately 5–10% reduction in mean ambient carbon monoxide concentrations, depending on the statistical approach used.  相似文献   

Implementing ozone (O3) standards on regional air sheds on the basis of crop losses requires more precise analysis than statewide or even national assessments. An economic model that measures crop losses by air basins in California is described. The ability of the model to respond to subtle regional changes in O3 standards is tested. Substantial differences in economic benefits between different standards and regions result from the model simulations. Regional standards are shown to capture a large proportion of the benefits at a lower cost.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, the Environmental Protection Agency has attempted to institutionalize an approach to its activities that is characterized by an active attempt to separate risk assessment from risk management activities. This approach, while not new in concept, has only been evolving at EPA for about four years. The Office of Research and Development, or ORD, has organized its research planning activities around this risk assessment-risk management concept. In order for the approach to succeed, it is necessary to develop the data and methodology necessary to undertake risk assessments both in the area of human health and ecology, and to develop methods to reduce those risks. Accordingly, we have organized our research planning into four major areas: Human Health Risk, Environmental or Ecological Risk, Exposure Assessment, and Risk Reduction. What I would like to do is outline briefly the breadth and diversity of EPA’s research program and the Agency’s research needs.  相似文献   

Singapore has many environmental accomplishments to its credit. Accessible data on air quality indicates that all criteria pollutants satisfy both U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health Organization (WHO) air quality standards and guidelines, respectively. The exception is PM2.5 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter < or = 2.5 microm), which is not currently considered a criteria pollutant in Singapore but may potentially be the major local air pollution problem and cause for health concern. Levels of other airborne pollutants as well as their physical and chemical processes associated with local formation, transformation, dispersion, and deposition are not known. According to available emission inventories, Singapore contribution to the total atmospheric pollution and carbon budget at the regional and global scales is small. Emissions per unit gross domestic product (GDP) are low compared with other countries, although Singapore's per-capita GDP and per-capita emissions are among the highest in the world. Some information is available on health effects, but the impacts on the ecosystem and the complex interactions of air pollution and climate change at a regional level are also unknown. This article reviews existing available information on atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and proposes a multipollutant approach to greenhouse gas mitigation and local air quality. Singapore, by reducing its per-capita emissions, increasing the availability of information (e.g., through regularly publishing hourly and/or daily PM2.5 concentrations) and developing a research agenda in this area, would likely be seen to be a model of a high-density, livable, and sustainable city in Southeast Asia and other tropical regions worldwide.  相似文献   

The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for establishing, reviewing, and revising standards of performance for new stationary sources of air pollution. Since this federal program was authorized in 1970, standards of performance (commonly referred to as new source performance standards or NSPS) have been developed for 34 categories of stationary sources. These regulations have focused primarily on large new sources of particulate matter, NO x , and SO2 emissions. Recently, work has begun on NSPS for a number of source categories that emit volatile organic compounds. Environmental professionals in these industries and in many regulatory agencies have little direct experience with the NSPS program and are unaware of the detailed engineering, cost, and economic information available with each proposed rulemaking. This article, therefore, reviews the purposes, procedures, and benefits of the NSPS program. A summary of the NSPS that have been promulgated through February 1983 are presented in tabular form.  相似文献   


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established a federal reference method (FRM) for ozone (O3) and allowed for designation of federal equivalent methods (FEMs). However, the ethylene‐chemiluminescence FRM for O3 has been replaced by the UV photometric FEM by most state and local monitoring agencies because of its relative ease of operation. Accumulating evidence indicates that the FEM is prone to bias under the hot, humid, and stagnant conditions conducive to high O3 formation. This bias may lead to overreporting hourly O3 concentrations by as much as 20–40 ppb. Measurement bias is caused by contamination of the O3 scrubber, a problem that is not detected by dry air calibration. An adequate wet test has not been codified, although a procedure has been proposed for agency consideration. This paper includes documentation of laboratory tests quantifying specific interferant responses, collocated ambient FRM/FEM monitoring results, and smog chamber comparisons of the FRM and FEMs with alternative scrubber designs. As the numbers of reports on monitor interferences have grown, interested parties have called for agency recognition and correction of these biases.  相似文献   

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