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Imran Maqsood 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(5):540-549
Abstract This study introduces a two-stage interval-stochastic programming (TISP) model for the planning of solid-waste management systems under uncertainty. The model is derived by incorporating the concept of two-stage stochastic programming within an interval-parameter optimization framework. The approach has the advantage that policy determined by the authorities, and uncertain information expressed as intervals and probability distributions, can be effectively communicated into the optimization processes and resulting solutions. In the modeling formulation, penalties are imposed when policies expressed as allowable waste-loading levels are violated. In its solution algorithm, the TISP model is converted into two deterministic submodels, which correspond to the lower and upper bounds for the desired objective-function value. Interval solutions, which are stable in the given decision space with associated levels of system-failure risk, can then be obtained by solving the two submodels sequentially. Two special characteristics of the proposed approach make it unique compared with other optimization techniques that deal with uncertainties. First, the TISP model provides a linkage to prede?ned policies determined by authorities that have to be respected when a modeling effort is undertaken; second, it furnishes the reflection of uncertainties presented as both probabilities and intervals. The developed model is applied to a hypothetical case study of regional solid-waste management. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated. They provide desired waste-flow patterns with minimized system costs and maximized system feasibility. The solutions present as stable interval solutions with different risk levels in violating the waste-loading criterion and can be used for generating decision alternatives. 相似文献
Donald R. Rowe William G. Lloyd 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(3):308-315
ABSTRACT Stable heterogeneous catalysts for the oxidative removal of CO from air at ambient temperatures have been developed. An alumina support impregnated with PdCl2, CuCl2, and CuSO4 is described. Optimal activity was obtained with Pd 0.020 mol/kg, Cu 0.50 mol/kg, CuCl2 20-30% of total Cu, a 2- to 24-hr soak, filtration of surplus raffinate, and a 2- to 4-hr firing in air at 200-350 °C. The catalysts are effective at 20-26 °C and relative humidities in the 15-90% range. They are reversibly deactivated by completely dry or water-saturated air streams. These catalysts have been tested at space velocities up to 30,000 hr-1. In contact with <100 ppm CO, they are highly efficient, removing ~99% of the CO with contact times of ~120 msec (pseudo-first order k' > 25 sec-1). At much higher CO concentrations, the maximum CO loading rate—limited by the Cu(I) reoxidation rate—is approximately 17 m mol CO per Limol Pd per hour. 相似文献
Jacob K. Javits 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(5):489-501
To increase U.S. petroleum energy-independence, the University of Texas at Arlington (UT Arlington) has developed a coal liquefaction process that uses a hydrogenated solvent and a proprietary catalyst to convert lignite coal to crude oil. This paper reports on part of the environmental evaluation of the liquefaction process: the evaluation of the solid residual from liquefying the coal, called inertinite, as a potential adsorbent for air and water purification. Inertinite samples derived from Arkansas and Texas lignite coals were used as test samples. In the activated carbon creation process, inertinite samples were heated in a tube furnace (Lindberg, Type 55035, Arlington, UT) at temperatures ranging between 300 and 850 °C for time spans of 60, 90, and 120 min, using steam and carbon dioxide as oxidizing gases. Activated inertinite samples were then characterized by ultra-high-purity nitrogen adsorption isotherms at 77 K using a high-speed surface area and pore size analyzer (Quantachrome, Nova 2200e, Kingsville, TX). Surface area and total pore volume were determined using the Brunauer, Emmet, and Teller method, for the inertinite samples, as well as for four commercially available activated carbons (gas-phase adsorbents Calgon Fluepac-B and BPL 4?×?6; liquid-phase adsorbents Filtrasorb 200 and Carbsorb 30). In addition, adsorption isotherms were developed for inertinite and the two commercially available gas-phase carbons, using methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) as an example compound. Adsorption capacity was measured gravimetrically with a symmetric vapor sorption analyzer (VTI, Inc., Model SGA-100, Kingsville, TX). Also, liquid-phase adsorption experiments were conducted using methyl orange as an example organic compound. The study showed that using inertinite from coal can be beneficially reused as an adsorbent for air or water pollution control, although its surface area and adsorption capacity are not as high as those for commercially available activated carbons.
Implications: The United States currently imports two-thirds of its crude oil, leaving its transportation system especially vulnerable to disruptions in international crude supplies. UT Arlington has developed a liquefaction process that converts coal, abundant in the United States, to crude oil. This work demonstrated that the undissolvable solid coal residual from the liquefaction process, called inertinite, can be converted to an activated carbon adsorbent. Although its surface area and adsorption capacity are not as high as those for commercially available carbons, the inertinite source material would be available at no cost, and its beneficial reuse would avoid the need for disposal. 相似文献
《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(8):521-534
The 60th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association is now, physically, a thing of the past. But memories of the meeting and the information learned there will remain with us. This 14-page summary will provide a permanent record of the meeting. It consists of the keynote address, the president’s message, the executive secretary’s report, a report on the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations, significant news stories, and three pages of photos. 相似文献
Hu S McDonald R Martuzevicius D Biswas P Grinshpun SA Kelley A Reponen T Lockey J Lemasters G 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2006,40(Z2):378-395
The "Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study (CCAAPS)" is underway to determine if infants who are exposed to diesel engine exhaust particles are at an increased risk for atopy and atopic respiratory disorders, and to determine if this effect is magnified in a genetically at risk population. In support of this study, a methodology has been developed to allocate local traffic source contributions to ambient PM(2.5) in the Cincinnati airshed. As a first step towards this allocation, UNMIX was used to generate factors for ambient PM(2.5) at two sites near at interstate highway. Procedures adopted to collect, analyze and prepare the data sets to run UNMIX are described. The factors attributed to traffic sources were similar for the two sites. These factors were also similar to locally measured truck engine-exhaust enriched ambient profiles. The temporal variation of the factors was analyzed with clear differences observed between factors attributed to traffic sources and combustion-related regional secondary sources. 相似文献
Yoshio Hirota 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(12):1364-1371
Systematic management for industrial waste in Japan has been carried out based on the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law which was enacted in 1970. The law and its ordinances designate 19 kinds of waste materials discharged from business activities as industrial waste and prescribe the generator's responsibility, requirements for treatment contractors, standards for consignment, specific personnel, etc. from the view of proper management. And they also, prescribe disposal standards, structure, and maintenance standards for treatment facilities, including final disposal sites, from the view of proper treatment and disposal. The Standard for Verification provides criteria to categorize as hazardous or nonhazardous industrial waste which is subjected to treatment and disposal in conformity with each standard. The fundamental policies to cope with industrial waste focus on reduction of generation, promotion of recycling, establishment of a comprehensive information management system and participation of the public which can contribute well to prevent environmental pollution caused by inappropriate management of industrial waste. 相似文献