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The first manned superpressure balloon has been developed to provide a means for accurately following a parcel of air, making physical and chemical measurements en route. The use of new high strength fabrics allows the construction of a balloon that contains its lifting gas (helium) under pressure, thereby providing long term flight stability unachieved by any other method. Three flights, each in excess of 30 hours duration, have already been achieved, demonstrating the ability of such vehicles to remain stably in a parcel of air without perturbing air chemistry in any way. Such a platform will allow the precise determination of air trajectories over many hundreds of miles. The use of trained observers on board will facilitate the collection of atmospheric data: ozone, NO*, SO2, temperature gradients, turbulence, and other.  相似文献   


Photochemical air quality simulation models are now used widely in evaluating the merits of alternative emissions control strategies on spatial scales from metropolitan to sub-continental. Greatly varying levels of resources have been available to support modeling, from relatively comprehensive databases and evaluation of performance to a paucity of aerometric data for developing model inputs. Where data are sparse, many alternative outcomes are consistent with the knowledge at hand. Where performance evaluation is inadequately supported, the probability of error may be high. In each instance, uncertainties may be large when compared with the signal of interest, and thus confidence in the reliability of the model as an estimator of future air quality may come into question.

This paper proposes a qualitative procedure for assessing whether a particular application of a modeling system is likely to be potentially unreliable, suggesting that either (1) modification and further evaluation is needed, if supportable, prior to adoption for regulatory application; or (2) the model should not be used if improvement is not supportable. The procedure is proposed for use by policy-makers, staffs of public agencies, air quality managers, environmental staffs of industrial organizations, and other interested parties. The proposed use of the procedure is (1) to assess, a priori, whether a proposed application is likely to be judged questionable or unacceptably uncertain in outcome; and (2) to provide, a posteriori, a basis for judging quickly the likely quality of model performance. The procedure is presented with tropospheric ozone as the pollutant of concern. With adjustments, however, the procedure should be applicable for particu-late matter and other pollutants of interest.  相似文献   

A model was developed for remote terminal use to compare the costs of alternate designs of air quality monitoring networks with varying sophistication, ranging from totally manual to completely automated systems. Of special interest is the isolation of manual sample analysis and manual data analysis for comparison with instrumental sensors and automated data processing.

The model allows for 10 levels of sophistication, and 6 were used in sample runs. As many as 50 samplingsite locations, with three different site types, may be specified, and each site type may have any configuration of chemical and/or meteorological sensors. Amortization, labor rates, instrument costs and lifetimes, telephone line charges, and other variables are readily changed by the user as desired.

It was concluded that for systems with fewer than 20–25 sensors, fully automated systems may not be justified on cost alone, at least for producing the same data (hourly) as the manual or semiautomatic systems. (Much more than hourly data is obtained with the automated system, of course.) For larger systems, labor costs put the nonautomated systems at a disadvantage after a few years of operation.  相似文献   


The Traffic Air Quality (TAQ) model is a simple tool to estimate traffic fine particulate emissions on roadways (g/km) and can be used for both real-time analysis and for localized conformity analysis (“hot-spot” analysis for nonattainment areas) as defined by 40 CFR 93.123. This paper is a follow-up to a study published earlier regarding the development of the TAQ model. This paper shows how local air quality levels can be a factor in traffic management in nonattainment areas. Similar to the industrial source quotas measured in tons per year, it is proposed that road segments are to be assigned emission quotas (or TAQ indices) measured in pollutant mass emitted per road length (g/km) above which traffic-measures have to be taken to reduce the fine-particulates emissions on such road links. The TAQ model as well as traffic-rerouting measures along with the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) protocols can be used to have a real-time control of the traffic conditions along expressways to maintain the fine-particulates emissions below the quota assigned per road link and consequently improving the over all local air quality in nonattainment areas.  相似文献   

As part of a larger program to investigate indoor sources of air pollution, an indoor/outdoor sampling program was carried out for NO, NO2, and CO In four private houses which had gas stoves. The four houses chosen for study represented different surrounding land use, life styles, and house age and layout. The pollutant gases were measured essentially simultaneously at three indoor locations and one outdoor location. The results of the program showed that indoor levels of NO and NO2 are directly related to stove use in the homes tested. Furthermore, these stoves often produced more NO2 than NO. In some instances, the levels of NO2 and CO in the kitchen exceeded the air quality standards for these pollutants if such outdoor standards were to be applied to indoors and the data for the sampling periods were typical of an entire year. A diffusion experiment conducted in one of the houses showed that the half-life for NO2 was less than one-third that for either NO or CO. Oxidation of NO to NO2 (based upon comparing the half-life of NO to CO) does not appear to occur to a significant degree indoors.  相似文献   

Portable air quality monitoring systems may be required to supplement fixed installations or to provide for quick response to a transient situation, possibly at a remote location. A microprocessor-based monitoring unit has been developed for use with existing sensors. The unit is portable and its operational sequence can be programmed to adapt it to any unique requirements existing at the deployment site. Selectable on-site calculations are performed on raw data, and a hard copy or tape record of results can be produced.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Indoor air pollution problems requires an understanding of the relationship between sources, air movement, and outdoor air exchange. Research is underway to investigate these relationships. A three-phase program is being implemented: 1) Environmental chambers are used to provide source emission factors for specific indoor pollutants; 2) An IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) model has been developed to calculate indoor pollutant concentrations based on chamber emissions data and the air exchange and air movement within the indoor environment; and 3) An IAQ test house is used to conduct experiments to evaluate the model results. Examples are provided to show how this coordinated approach can be used to evaluate specific sources of indoor air pollution. Two sources are examined: 1) para-dichlorobenzene emissions from solid moth repellant; and 2) particle emissions from unvented kerosene heaters.

The evaluation process for both sources followed the three-phase approach discussed above. Para-dichlorobenzene emission factors were determined by small chamber testing at EPA’s Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory. Particle emission factors for the kerosene heaters were developed In large chambers at the J. B. Pierce Foundation Laboratory. Both sources were subsequently evaluated in EPA’s IAQ test house. The IAQ model predictions showed good agreement with the test house measurements when appropriate values were provided for source emissions, outside air exchange, in-house air movement, and deposition on “sink” surfaces.  相似文献   

A real-time air quality forecasting system (Eta-Community Multiscale Air Quality [CMAQ] model suite) has been developed by linking the National Centers for Environmental Estimation Eta model to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CMAQ model. This work presents results from the application of the Eta-CMAQ modeling system for forecasting ozone (O3) over the Northeastern United States during the 2002 New England Air Quality Study (NEAQS). Spatial and temporal performance of the Eta-CMAQ model for O3 was evaluated by comparison with observations from the EPA Air Quality System (AQS) network. This study also examines the ability of the model to simulate the processes governing the distributions of tropospheric O3 on the basis of the intensive datasets obtained at the four Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis, and Estimation (AIRMAP) and Harvard Forest (HF) surface sites. The episode analysis reveals that the model captured the buildup of O3 concentrations over the northeastern domain from August 11 and reproduced the spatial distributions of observed O3 very well for the daytime (8:00 p.m.) of both August 8 and 12 with most of normalized mean bias (NMB) within +/- 20%. The model reproduced 53.3% of the observed hourly O3 within a factor of 1.5 with NMB of 29.7% and normalized mean error of 46.9% at the 342 AQS sites. The comparison of modeled and observed lidar O3 vertical profiles shows that whereas the model reproduced the observed vertical structure, it tended to overestimate at higher altitude. The model reproduced 64-77% of observed NO2 photolysis rate values within a factor of 1.5 at the AIRMAP sites. At the HF site, comparison of modeled and observed O3/nitrogen oxide (NOx) ratios suggests that the site is mainly under strongly NOx-sensitive conditions (>53%). It was found that the modeled lower limits of the O3 production efficiency values (inferred from O3-CO correlation) are close to the observations.  相似文献   


A real-time air quality forecasting system (Eta-Community Multiscale Air Quality [CMAQ] model suite) has been developed by linking the National Centers for Environmental Estimation Eta model to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CMAQ model. This work presents results from the application of the Eta-CMAQ modeling system for forecasting ozone (O3) over the Northeastern United States during the 2002 New England Air Quality Study (NEAQS). Spatial and temporal performance of the Eta-CMAQ model for O3 was evaluated by comparison with observations from the EPA Air Quality System (AQS) network. This study also examines the ability of the model to simulate the processes governing the distributions of tropospheric O3 on the basis of the intensive datasets obtained at the four Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis, and Estimation (AIRMAP) and Harvard Forest (HF) surface sites. The episode analysis reveals that the model captured the buildup of O3 concentrations over the northeastern domain from August 11 and reproduced the spatial distributions of observed O3 very well for the daytime (8:00 p.m.) of both August 8 and 12 with most of normalized mean bias (NMB) within [H11006]20%. The model reproduced 53.3% of the observed hourly O3 within a factor of 1.5 with NMB of 29.7% and normalized mean error of 46.9% at the 342 AQS sites.The comparison of modeled and observed lidar O3 vertical profiles shows that whereas the model reproduced the observed vertical structure, it tended to overestimate at higher altitude. The model reproduced 64 –77% of observed NO2 photolysis rate values within a factor of 1.5 at the AIRMAP sites. At the HF site, comparison of modeled and observed O3/nitrogen oxide (NOx) ratios suggests that the site is mainly under strongly NOx-sensitive conditions (>53%). It was found that the modeled lower limits of the O3 production efficiency values (inferred from O3-CO correlation) are close to the observations.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act of 1970 requires each state to submit plans for implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of national ambient air quality standards subsequent to promulgation. Such plans have been geared to meet annual averages and maximum values. Based on experience in implementing the abatement plan it was found that air quality standards for averaging times shorter than one year are needed to shorten the time required to show contravention and to provide a basis for early corrective measures to regulate specific sources. This paper reports on the need and procedures used by New York State to develop such standards for suspended particulates. Daily suspended particulate data were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method goodness of fit technique to determine that the form of the distribution was log normal. A method developed by Larsen for predicting short term maximum concentrations for log normally distributed data was used to determine numerical values for one, two, and three month standards. Monthly, bi-monthly, and tri-monthly suspended particulate standards of 130, 110, and 100 µg/m3, respectively are proposed for the most extensively developed areas of New York State and correspondingly lower values for other areas. The methods used in this development are generally applicable to other air contaminants.  相似文献   


Using an air quality model, two future urban scenarios induced by the construction of the new international airport for Mexico City are compared at a regional level. The air quality model couples the meteorology model MM5 and state-of-the-art photochemistry. The air quality comparison is made using metrics for the criterion gases selected for the study. From the two urban scenarios compared, the option for Tizayuca is moderately better than the option for Texcoco, because relative reductions in O3 and other photochemical pollutants are achieved over highly populated areas. Regardless of the site, the air quality for the central region of Mexico in the future will deteriorate. In the region of central Mexico, SO2 and NO2 will become important pollutants.  相似文献   

The lead acetate paper tape reagent method for the estimation of hydrogen sulfide in air has been reviewed with the conclusions that the colored spots on which the quantitative estimation is based are not stable and do not lend by themselves to accurate results. Although it may be retained for grab sampling work, the lead acetate paper tape reagent is not acceptable as a stoichiometric reagent in any case where long duration sampling periods are concerned like in air pollution studies. A new mercuric chloride paper tape reagent has been developed as a substitute. Due to the fact that the colored spots resulting from the action of hydrogen sulfide on mercuric chloride are sensitive and very stablet, this new paper tape reagent is proposed as an adequate and reliable analytical too for the estimation of hydrogen sulfide in air. Also, a more comprehensive application of the paper tape analytical system is proposed throughout a suitable control of the factor tape retention capacity vs sampling rate which imposes some restrictions in the selection of the practical working range of concentrations. Nevertheless this working range is still wide enough to encompass all the hydrogen sulfide concentrations normally encountered in the city atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper provides a performance evaluation of the real-time, CONUS-scale National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) that supported, in part, its transition into operational status. This evaluation focuses primarily on discrete forecasts for the maximum 8-h O3 concentrations covering the 4-month period, June through September, 2007, using measurements obtained from EPA's AIRNow network. Results indicate that the 2007 NAQFC performed as well or better than previous configurations, despite the expansion of the forecast domain into the western half of the nation that is dominated by complex terrain. The mean, domain-wide, season-long correlation was 0.70. When examined over time, the domain-wide correlations exhibit a fairly consistent nature, with values exceeding 0.60 (0.70) over 90% (55%) of the days. The NAQFC systematically over-predicted the 8-h O3 concentrations, continuing a trend established by earlier NAQFC configurations, though to a lesser degree. The summer-long mean forecast value of 53.2 ppb was 4.2 ppb higher than the observed value, resulting in a domain-wide Normalized Mean Bias (NMB) of 8.7%. Most of the over-prediction is associated with observed concentrations less than 50 ppb. In fact the model tends to under-predict when concentrations exceed 70 ppb. As with the bias, the error associated with the latest configuration was also lower. The summer-long Root Mean Square Error of 13.0 ppb (Normalized Mean Error (NME) = 20.4%) represented marked improvements over earlier forecasts. Examination of the spatial distribution of both the NMB and NME reveals that the NAQFC was generally within 25% for the NME and 25% for the NMB over a majority of the domain. Several areas of poorer performance, where the NMB and NME often exceed 25% and in some cases 50%, were noted. These areas include southern California, where the NAQFC tended to under-predict concentrations (especially on weekends) and the southeast Atlantic and Gulf coasts regions, where the model over-predicted. Subsequent analysis revealed that the incorrect temporal allocation of precursor emissions was likely the source of the under-prediction in southern California, while inaccurate simulation of PBL heights likely contributed to the over-prediction in the coastal regions.  相似文献   


The use of sorbents has been proposed to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in ambient air at concentrations in the parts-per-billion (ppb) range, which is typical of indoor air quality applications. Sorbent materials, such as granular activated carbon and molecular sieves, are used to remove VOCs from gas streams in industrial applications, where VOC concentrations are typically in the parts-per-million range. A method for evaluating the VOC removal performance of sorbent materials using toluene concentrations in the ppb range is described. Breakthrough times for toluene at concentrations from 2 to 7500 ppb are presented for a hydrophobic molecular sieve at 25% relative humidity. By increasing the ratio of challenge gas flow rate to the mass of the sorbent bed and decreasing both the mass of sorbent in the bed and the sorbent particle size, this method reduces the required experimental times by a factor of up to several hundred compared with the proposed American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers method, ASHRAE 145P, making sorbent performance evaluation for ppb-range VOC removal more convenient. The method can be applied to screen sorbent materials for application in the removal of VOCs from indoor air.  相似文献   


During the 1950s and 1960s, hundreds of thousands of underground storage tanks (and above-ground storage tanks) containing petroleum products and hazardous chemicals were installed. Many of these tanks either have been abandoned or have exceeded their useful lives and are leaking, thereby posing a serious threat to the nation’s surface and groundwater supplies, as well as to public health. Cleaning up releases of petroleum hydrocarbons or other organic chemicals in the subsurface environment is a real-world problem,

Biological treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil is considered to be a relatively low-cost and safe technology; however, its potential for effectively treating recalcitrant wastes has not been fully explored. For millions of years, microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, actinomycete, protozoa, and others have performed the function of recycling organic matter from which new plant life can grow.

This paper examines the biological treatment technology for cleaning up petroleum product-contaminated soils, with special emphasis on microbial enzyme systems for enhancing the rate of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Classifications and functions of enzymes, as well as the microbes, in degrading the organic contaminants are discussed. In addition, the weathering effect on biodegradation, types of hydrocarbon degraders, advantages associated with enzyme use, methods of enzyme extraction, and future research needs for development and evaluation of enzyme-assisted bioremediation are examined.  相似文献   

When an airshed is affected by a spatially complex distribution of emitting sources, the angular distribution of tracer fluxes about one or more receptor sites may usefully distinguish the relative contributions of different upwind sources at that site. Such “fluxgrams” complement chemical-mass-balance receptor models to assist decisions affecting optimum emission controls and receptor placement. The technique is illustrated here with Bsp/PM10 in a heavily industrialized valley where, surprisingly, fluxgram analyses show that winter haze exceedances are associated with nighttime winds draining into the industrial lower valley from an upwind residential community.  相似文献   

Air quality was comprehensively evaluated by means of sampling at 21 locations over metropolitan Birmingham during a period of one year. Thousands of integrated samples of three common atmospheric gaseous pollutants and two common particulate pollutants were collected and analyzed. Following the year of sampling in 1964, a random household survey was completed by conducting personal interviews at more than 7200 households over metropolitan Birmingham. Statistical reduction of household survey results by census tract and by neighborhood area provided domestic fuel and waste burning emission data as well as public (resident) opinion on specific air pollution effects. The relationship between ambient air quality and neighborhood opinion of air pollution effects on health and property are evaluated statistically. Ambient standards are suggested which are based upon those air pollution levels shown to have adverse effects on approximately one-third of the people.  相似文献   

Minute traces of fluoride are found in the air of rural communities and of cities, having been contributed perhaps from volcanic effluvia, perhaps from burning coal, and perhaps from industrial sources. Atmospheres of urban areas of the U. S. have been found to contain from less than 0.2 μg F/m3 to as much as 1.9/μg F/m3. Fluorides released from industrial processes may release elemental fluorine, soluble gaseous fluorides, and soluble or insoluble fluoride dusts. At least in some instances inhaled fluoride from fluoride containing dusts has proven to be as biologically available as that from similar concentrations of inhaled HF. Measurement of the amount of fluoride excreted in the urine has proven to be a valuable index of exposure and a means of preventing cumulative injury. Average urinary F concentrations not exceeding 5 mg/liter, which corresponds approximately to a daily intake of 5 mg, are not associated with osteosclerosis in such workmen, and such changes are unlikely at daily intakes of 5 – 8 mg F. The amount of fluoride which is retained by an individual inhaling air containing 2.5 mg of fluoride dusts per m3 (the current TLV) is approximately 5-6 mg. A review of the literature describing the exposure of work forces to fluorides in industrial atmospheres indicates that concentrations have ranged from a fraction of a milligram/m3 to values mostly less than 10 mg/ml Surveys of populations living near installations emitting fluoride fumes or dusts indicate that, with few exceptions, the health of these persons has not been adversely affected. Many species of vegetation are far more susceptible to the effects of fluoride than is man, hence an air quality standard to protect vegetation will be far lower than those encountered in the factory, and can be expected to be of the order of 10 ppb or less. The probable daily intake of F at this level of exposure is 0.16 mg, an intake far below that required for the production of clear-cut effects in the human. Thus, air quality standards set to protect vegetation would contribute negligible quantities of F in terms of any possible adverse effect on human health, and would give a wide margin of protection for man.  相似文献   

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