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Temperate grasslands are vast terrestrial ecosystems that may be an important component of the global carbon (C) cycle; however, annual C flux data for these grasslands are limited. The Bowen ratio/energy balance (BREB) technique was used to measure CO2 fluxes over a grazed mixed-grass prairie and a seeded western wheatgrass [Pascopyrum smithii (Rybd) L?ve] site at Mandan, ND from 24 April to 26 October in 1996, 1997, and 1998. Above-ground biomass and leaf area index (LAI) were measured about every 21 days throughout the season. Root biomass and soil organic C and N content were determined to 110 cm depth in selected increments about mid-July each year. Peak above-ground biomass and LAI coincided with peak fluxes and occurred between mid-July to early August. Biomass averaged 1227 and 1726 kg ha(-1) and LAI 0.44 and 0.59, for prairie and western wheatgrass, respectively. Average CO2 flux for the growing season was 279 g CO2 m(-2) for prairie and 218 g CO2 m(-2) for western wheatgrass (positive flux is CO2 uptake and negative flux is CO2 loss to the atmosphere). Using prior measured dormant season CO2 fluxes from the prairie sites gave annual flux estimates that ranged from -131 to 128 g CO2 m(-2) for western wheatgrass and from -70 to 189 g CO2 m(-2) for the prairie. This wide range in calculated annual fluxes suggests that additional research is required concerning dormant season flux measurements to obtain accurate estimates of annual CO2 fluxes. These results suggest Northern Great Plains mixed-grass prairie grasslands can either be a sink or a source for atmospheric CO2 or near equilibrium, depending on the magnitude of the dormant season flux.  相似文献   

Potential environmental problems from coal development in the Northern Great Plains were examined in this paper. A regional-scale air pollution model was used to assess the impact of pollutant emissions on air quality at large distances. This model is based on the numerical solution of the atmospheric diffusion equation. Sulfur dioxide emissions inventories constructed for 1976 and 1986 were used with this model to calculate long range transport, diffusion, and dry deposition of SO2 and sulfates for three meteorological conditions: a strong-wind winter case, a stagnation spring case, and a moderate-wind summer case. Calculated SO2 concentrations near point sources are highest for the stagnation spring case, intermediate for the strong-wind winter case, and lowest for the moderate-wind summer case. Long range transport of SO2, in contrast, appears to be slightly greater in the winter and summer cases than in the spring. For an SO2/sulfate conversion rate of 0.3% h−1, the predicted sulfate concentrations are not significantly above the background level. A simulation using a rate of 3% h−1, however, yields a maximum 3-h average sulfate concentration of 20 μg m−3.  相似文献   


Field data for coarse particulate matter ([PM] PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were collected at selected sites in Southeast Kansas from March 1999 to October 2000, using portable MiniVol particulate samplers. The purpose was to assess the influence on air quality of four industrial facilities that burn hazardous waste in the area located in the communities of Chanute, Independence, Fredonia, and Coffeyville. Both spatial and temporal variation were observed in the data. Variation because of sampling site was found to be statistically significant for PM10 but not for PM2.5. PM10 concentrations were typically slightly higher at sites located within the four study communities than at background sites. Sampling sites were located north and south of the four targeted sources to provide upwind and downwind monitoring pairs. No statistically significant differences were found between upwind and downwind samples for either PM10 or PM2.5, indicating that the targeted sources did not contribute significantly to PM concentrations. Wind direction can frequently contribute to temporal variation in air pollutant concentrations and was investigated in this study. Sampling days were divided into four classifications: predominantly south winds, predominantly north winds, calm/variable winds, and winds from other directions. The effect of wind direction was found to be statistically significant for both PM10 and PM2.5. For both size ranges, PM concentrations were typically highest on days with predominantly south winds; days with calm/variable winds generally produced higher concentrations than did those with predominantly north winds or those with winds from “other” directions. The significant effect of wind direction suggests that regional sources may exert a large influence on PM concentrations in the area.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, numerous studies have been conducted on the impacts of air pollutants (air quality) on terrestrial ecosystems (crops and forests). Although ambient air is always composed of pollutant mixtures, in determining the relative air quality and its ecosystem impacts at a given geographic location and time, a predominant number of studies have shown that at the present time surface-level O(3) is the most important phytotoxic air pollutant. Within the North American Great Plains, the precursors for surface-level O(3) are mainly anthropogenic NO(x) and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Texas and Alberta are the top regions of such emissions in the United States and Canada, respectively. This appears to be due mainly to the prevalence of natural gas and/or oil industry in the two regions and the consequent urbanization. Nevertheless, the total emissions of NO(x) and VOCs within the North American Great Plains represent only about 25-36% of the corresponding total emissions within the contiguous United States and the whole of Canada. Within the Great Plains many major crop and tree species are known to be sensitive to O(3). This sensitivity assessment, however, is based mainly on our knowledge from univariate (O(3) only) exposure-plant response studies. In the context of global climate change, in almost all similar univariate studies, elevated CO(2) concentrations have produced increases in plant biomass (both crop and tree species). The question remains as to whether this stimulation will offset any adverse effects of elevated surface O(3) concentrations. Future research must address this important issue both for the Great Plains and for all other geographic locations, taking into consideration spatial and temporal variabilities in the ambient concentrations of the two trace gases.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the important results which were presented at an international symposium on particulate elemental carbon in the atmosphere. The “Particulate Carbon: Atmospheric Life Cycle” symposium was sponsored by General Motors Research Laboratories on October 12–14, 1980. Supplemental background data are included.  相似文献   

Lee C  Wakeham S  Arnosti C 《Ambio》2004,33(8):565-575
As organic matter produced in the euphotic zone of the ocean sinks through the mesopelagic zone, its composition changes from one that is easily characterized by standard chromatographic techniques to one that is not. The material not identified at the molecular level is called "uncharacterized". Several processes account for this transformation of organic matter: aggregation/disaggregation of particles resulting in incorporation of older and more degraded material; recombination of organic compounds into geomacromolecules; and selective preservation of specific biomacromolecules. Furthermore, microbial activities may introduce new cell wall or other biomass material that is not easily characterized, or they may produce such material as a metabolic product. In addition, black carbon produced by combustion processes may compose a fraction of the uncharacterized organic matter, as it is not analyzed in standard biochemical techniques. Despite these poorly-defined compositional changes that hinder chemical identification, the vast majority of organic matter in sinking particles remains accessible to and is ultimately remineralized by marine microbes.  相似文献   

An intensive sampling campaign was undertaken in the surroundings of a municipal waste incinerator located in a French great urban centre in order to evaluate the impact of particles emissions on the ambient air and to estimate the exposure levels to toxic or carcinogenic compounds for a population living in the neighbourhood of this incinerator. To minimise the effect of industrial and road activities, sampling was performed during the 2 days of a weekend and on Monday morning. Different operating modes of the incinerator were investigated: (i) normal incinerator functioning and (ii) maintenance activity of the combustion chamber corresponding to the stop and cooling furnace periods. Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total particulate carbon concentrations were determined in three sites situated, respectively, close to the incinerator, 2 km downwind and 1 km upwind of the plant. In normal operating mode similar concentrations were observed in the three sites. During the furnace stop an increase of total PAH concentrations was observed in the sampling site close to the incinerator. The concentration was 3 times higher than those measured in the other two sampling sites. But this increase was limited in time and in space since this phenomenon is only observed in the vicinity of the incinerator. The study of PAH profiles indicated that Pyrene and Retene showed the highest enhancement of their relative concentrations. The influence of incinerator functioning parameters on the PAHs concentrations is discussed. The furnace temperature and the mode of exhaust fumes seem to be deciding parameters to explain the increase of PAH level in the incinerator site. However, the incinerator emissions remained a minor part of the atmospheric pollution in the urban area.  相似文献   

The SARMAP air quality model, enhanced with aerosol modeling capability, and its associated components were developed to understand causes of ozone (O3) and particulate matter exceedances in the San Joaquin Valley of California. In order for this modeling system to gain increasing acceptance and use in guiding air quality management, it is important to assess how transportable this modeling system is across geographic domains. We describe the first application of the modeling system outside the "home" domain for which it was developed and evaluated. We have chosen the August 27-28, 1987, intensive monitoring period of the Southern California Air Quality Study to evaluate the performance of the modeling system and to assess its sensitivity to emission control options. The predicted surface concentrations of O3 and other gas-phase species were spatially and temporally correlated with measured data. The fractional normalized absolute error was 0.32 to 0.36 for O3, and somewhat larger for other species. The fractional normalized bias for O3 on August 27 and 28, 1987, was 0.02 to 0.04. The simulated PM2.5 mass and constituent species concentrations reproduced the magnitude and variability of the observed daytime concentrations at most locations; however, nighttime PM2.5 concentrations were overpredicted by the model. The model's response to emission control options was consistent with other models of the same genre.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the measurement of the size distribution of particulate matter in air. The light scattering instrument described herein is characterized by the fact that it can accurately size particles almost independently of their index of refraction. The basic concept involves the simultaneous measurement of the intensity of light scattered by a single particle at two small scattering angles. The ratio of the two intensities is directly related io ine size of ihe pariicle, and for scattering angles of 5° and 10° the effective range of the instrument is 0.2 to 4 μm. The air flows through the optical system at such a rate that approximately 25 μs are required to determine the size of each particle, and concentrations as high as 104 particles/cc can be measured without dilution and without serious coincidence effects. By employing a multichannel analyzer as the data storage and readout device it is possible to detect changes in particulate size distribution within a few seconds. Calibration of the instrument has been performed using polystyrene latex spheres and materials having a wide range of index of refraction and shape including carbon black, iron oxide and spores.  相似文献   


Particulate matter (PM) less than 2.5 μm in size (PM2.5)source apportionment by chemical mass balance receptor modeling was performed to enhance regional characterization of source impacts in the southeastern United States. Secondary particles, such as NH4HSO4, (NH4)2SO4,NH4NO3, and secondary organic carbon (OC) (SOC), formed by atmospheric photochemical reactions, contribute the majority (<50%) of ambient PM2.5 with strong seasonality. Source apportionment results indicate that motor vehicle and biomass burning are the two main primary sources in the southeast, showing relatively more motor vehicle source impacts rather than biomass burning source impacts in populated urban areas and vice versa in less urbanized areas. Spatial distributions of primary source impacts show that each primary source has distinctively different spatial source impacts. Results also find impacts from shipping activities along the coast. Spatiotemporal correlations indicate that secondary particles are more regionally distributed, as are biomass burning and dust, whereas impacts of other primary sources are more local.  相似文献   

This paper develops an expression for the resistivity of a dust layer which takes into account its particulate nature, dependence of the surface resistivity component on water vapor pressure and temperature, the volume resistivity and the intrinsic properties of the particulate material. A new expression is given for the surface resistivity which, when combined with the equation for volume resistivity, enables the effective resistance of a dust layer to be characterized by five meaningful parameters. These parameters may be determined for a given fly ash sample from a standard set of resistivity curves. Calculated resistivity curves for an industrially produced fly ash are compared with measured curves.  相似文献   


Time-series of daily mortality data from May 1992 to September 1995 for various portions of the seven-county Philadelphia, PA, metropolitan area were analyzed in relation to weather and a variety of ambient air quality parameters. The air quality data included measurements of size-classified PM, SO4 2-, and H+ that had been collected by the Harvard School of Public Health, as well as routine air pollution monitoring data. Because the various pollutants of interest were measured at different locations within the metropolitan area, it was necessary to test for spatial sensitivity by comparing results for different combinations of locations. Estimates are presented for single pollutants and for multiple-pollutant models, including gaseous pollutants and mutually exclusive components of PM (PM2.5 and coarse particles, SO4 2- and non-SO4 2- portions of total suspended particulate [TSP] and PM10), measured on the day of death and the previous day.

We concluded that associations between air quality and mortality were not limited to data collected in the same part of the metropolitan area; that is, mortality for one part may be associated with air quality data from another, not necessarily neighboring, part. Significant associations were found for a wide variety of gaseous and particulate pollutants, especially for peak O3. Using joint regressions on peak O3 with various other pollutants, we found that the combined responses were insensitive to the specific other pollutant selected. We saw no systematic differences according to particle size or chemistry. In general, the associations between daily mortality and air pollution depended on the pollutant or the PM metric, the type of collection filter used, and the location of sampling. Although peak O3 seemed to exhibit the most consistent mortality responses, this finding should be confirmed by analyzing separate seasons and other time periods.  相似文献   

Initial implementation plans provided for particulate reduction largely through the imposition of emission limitations on industrial processes, large steam generators, and solid waste disposal, requiring, in turn, application of control equipment for compliance. In many urban areas, this approach is not adequate to achieve the secondary air quality standards so that a more general strategy must be employed. Such strategy may include restrictions on fuel burning, combustion equipment, maintenance programs, utility steam distribution, etc. The potential abatement achievable through such strategies is described using Boston as a case study. Cost and technical factors associated with each strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of the Western Regional Air Quality Study (WRAQS), Teflon particle filters and Nylon backup filters were used to sample fine-particle nitrate and gaseous HNO3 over the course of 1 year at rural sites in nine western states. Observed nitrate concentrations were generally low in the southern part of the network, even when allowances are made for possible losses of particulate nitrate in sampling and analysis. Particulate nitrate concentrations were substantially higher in the northern portion of the network, both in absolute terms and relative to sulfate concentrations. Measured HNO3 concentrations, which were inflated over ambient levels by any volatilization of particulate nitrate during sampling, never exceeded 0.5 μg m−3 at the majority of sites. Occasional episodes of very high particulate nitrate concentrations were recorded; almost 15 % of the total particulate nitrate measured during the year was contributed by the five samples, out of the nearly 1500 analyzed, in which concentrations exceeded 1.5 μg m−3. These episodes manifested themselves not only in elevated nitrate concentrations, but in extinction coefficients and particulate mass concentrations which could not be accounted for by other measured chemical species.  相似文献   


The possibility of decreasing the Nordic countries’ contribution to global warming in the future is examined. Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are considered. Global average radiative forcing is used as a measure of the greenhouse impact caused by the emissions. Past emissions are included in the study because they have impact far into the future. The calculation method utilized in this study can be applied to any other country.

Two hypothetical future emission development cases are presented, and the radiative forcing caused by them is calculated. In the higher emission (case A) CO2 emissions remain above current level, while N2O and CH4 emissions decrease. In the lower emission (case B) the emissions decrease to about one–tenth of the current emissions by the year 2100.

Only if very strict emission reductions (case B) take place will the greenhouse impact of the Nordic countries return to current levels during next century. Likewise, the per capita radiative forcing of Nordic countries will remain above global average unless the emissions decrease drastically (case B) and the current population levels are used in per capita calculation.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to ecosystem restoration have considered afforestation to be an important tool. To alleviate land degradation in China, the Chinese government has therefore invested huge amounts of money in planting trees. However, the results of more than half a century of large-scale afforestation in arid and semi-arid China have shown that when the trees are not adapted to the local environment, the policy does not improve the environment, and may instead increase environmental degradation. When precipitation is lower than potential evaporation, surface soil moisture typically cannot sustain forest vegetation, and shrubs or steppe species replace the forest to form a sustainable natural ecosystem that exists in a stable equilibrium with the available water supply. The climate of much of northwestern China appears to be unsuitable for afforestation owing to the extremely low rainfall. Although some small-scale or short-term afforestation efforts have succeeded in this region, many of the resulting forests have died or degraded over longer periods, so policymakers must understand that these small-scale or short-term results do not support an inflexible policy of large-scale afforestation throughout arid and semi-arid northwestern China. Rather than focusing solely on afforestation, it would be more effective to attempt to recreate natural ecosystems that are better adapted to local environments and that thus provide a better chance of sustainable, long-term rehabilitation.  相似文献   

根据启东市第一次全国污染源普查数据,对启东市畜禽养殖污染的现状和成因进行了深入分析,并提出了对畜禽养殖污染防治的对策思考。  相似文献   

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