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Concern about the potential for indoor air pollution has prompted recent surveys of radon and NO2 concentrations In homes and personal exposure studies of volatile organics, carbon monoxide and pesticides, to name a few. The statistical problems in designing sample surveys that measure the physical environment are diverse and more complicated than those encountered in traditional surveys of human attitudes and attributes. This paper addresses issues encountered when designing indoor air quality (IAQ) studies. General statistical concepts related to target population definition, frame creation, and sample selection for area household surveys and telephone surveys are presented. The implications of different measurement approaches are discussed, and response rate considerations are described.  相似文献   

The following paper was presented by Alan B. Walker at the International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation held in Monterey, California, October 14–16, 1981. Mr. Walker’s candid remarks were part of the opening session on “Electrostatic Precipitation Today.” The proceedings of this outstanding conference will be published by the Air Pollution Control Association.  相似文献   


The kinetic behavior of the toluene biofiltration process was investigated in this research. Toluene was used as a model compound for less water-soluble gas pollutants. The limiting factor in the overall toluene biofiltration process was determined by analyzing the effectiveness factor of the biofilm along the biofilter. Experiments were conducted in three laboratory-scale biofilters packed with mixtures of chaff/compost, D.E. (diatomaceous earth)/compost and GAC (granular activated carbon)/compost, respectively. A mathematical model previously proposed was verified in this study as being applicable to these biofilters packed with different filter materials. Both the experimental and theoretical results confirmed that the biodegradation rate along the biofilter followed the zero order, fractional order to first order kinetics as toluene concentration decreased. Moreover, at higher toluene concentration, biodegradation rate and mass flux of toluene were lower near the bottom of the biofilter due to substrate inhibition. Analysis of the effectiveness factor indicated that biofiltration of a less soluble compound such as toluene should not be operated at high gas flow rates (low gas residence times) due to the mass transfer limitation of such a system. At an approximate constant inlet toluene concentration of 0.9 g/m3, the toluene removal efficiency in these three biofilters would drop below 90% when the gas residence time decreased to 2.5, 2.5, and 2.0 min, respectively.  相似文献   

A review of incineration techniques for control of volatile organic compound emissions is presented in two consecutive issues of JAPC A. Part I presents an overview of the process including fundamentals and design considerations. Both thermal and catalytic incincerators are considered. Part II will present capital and annual operating cost estimates for both thermal and catalytic incinerator systems based on information received from a number of equipment manufacturers.  相似文献   

This is the second of a two-part article that reviews baghouse filtration theory, presents size estimating methods, and gives costing procedures for a variety of baghouse types and sizes. Part I of the article discussed theory and sizing; this part presents costing. Information is given for estimating total capital investment including separate costs for the bare baghouse (five types), bags, and, where needed, cages and Venturis. Factors are given for installation and for indirect costs. Direct and indirect annual costs are discussed. An example problem is given. The material in this article is taken primarily from the EAB Control Cost Manual.  相似文献   


Average concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm (PM2.5) in Steubenville, OH, have decreased by more than 10 μg/m3 since the landmark Harvard Six Cities Study1 associated the city’s elevated PM2.5 concentrations with adverse health effects in the 1980s. Given the promulgation of a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5 in 1997, a current assessment of PM2.5 in the Steubenville region is warranted. The Steubenville Comprehensive Air Monitoring Program (SCAMP) was conducted from 2000 through 2002 to provide such an assessment. The program included both an outdoor ambient air monitoring component and an indoor and personal air sampling component. This paper, which is the first in a series of four that will present results from the outdoor portion of SCAMP, provides an overview of the outdoor ambient air monitoring program and addresses statistical issues, most notably autocorrelation, that have been overlooked by many PM2.5 data analyses. The average PM2.5 concentration measured in Steubenville during SCAMP (18.4 μg/m3) was 3.4g/m3 above the annual PM2.5 NAAQS. On average, sulfate and organic material accounted for ~31% and 25%, respectively, of the total PM2.5 mass. Local sources contributed an estimated 4.6 μg/m3 to Steubenville’s mean PM2.5 concentration. PM2.5 and each of its major ionic components were significantly correlated in space across all pairs of monitoring sites in the region, suggesting the influence of meteorology and long-range transport on regional PM2.5 concentrations. Statistically significant autocorrelation was observed among time series of PM2.5 and component data collected at daily and 1-in-4-day frequencies during SCAMP. Results of spatial analyses that accounted for autocorrelation were generally consistent with findings from previous studies that did not consider autocorrelation; however, these analyses also indicated that failure to account for autocorrelation can lead to incorrect conclusions about statistical significance.  相似文献   

For assessing the efficacy of a specific form of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for 03, those exposure patterns that result in vegetation and human health effects must be identified. For vegetation, it has been found that the higher hourly average concentrations should be weighted more than the lower concentrations. Controlled human exposure work supports the suggestion that concentration may be more important than exposure duration and ventilation rates. It has been indicated in the literature that the current form of the federal 03 standard may not be appropriate for protecting vegetation and human health from 03 exposures. The proposed use of the cumulative index alone as a form of the standard may not provide sufficient protection to vegetation. An extended-period average index, such as a daily maximum 8-hour average concentration, may not be appropriate to protect human health because of the reduced ability to observe differences among hourly 03 concentrations exhibited within exposure regimes. For both vegetation and human health effects research, additional experimentation is required to identify differences in responses that occur when ambient-type exposure regimes are applied. Any standard promulgated to protect vegetation and human health from 03 exposures should consider combining cumulative exposure indices with other parameters so that those unique exposures that have the potential for eliciting an adverse effect can be adequately described.  相似文献   

A wealth of literature exists regarding the pulmonary effects of ozone, a photochemical pollutant produced by the reaction of nitrogen oxide and volatile organic precursors in the presence of sunlight. This paper focuses on epidemiological panel studies and human clinical studies of ozone exposure, and discusses issues specific to this pollutant that may influence study design and interpretation as well as other, broader considerations relevant to ozone-health research. The issues are discussed using examples drawn from the wider literature. The recent panel and clinical literature is also reviewed. Health outcomes considered include lung function, symptoms, and pulmonary inflammation. Issues discussed include adversity, reversibility, adaptation, variability in ozone exposure metric used and health outcomes evaluated, co-pollutants in panel studies, influence of temperature in panel studies, and multiple comparisons. Improvements in and standardization of panel study approaches are recommended to facilitate comparisons between studies as well as meta-analyses. Additional clinical studies at or near the current National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 70 ppb are recommended, as are clinical studies in sensitive subpopulations such as asthmatics.

Implications: The pulmonary health impacts of ozone exposure have been well documented using both epidemiological and chamber study designs. However, there are a number of specific methodological and related issues that should be considered when interpreting the results of these studies and planning additional research, including the standardization of exposure and health metrics to facilitate comparisons among studies.  相似文献   

The concept of critical loads has been generally accepted throughout Europe, and increasingly in Asian countries and the rest of the world, as providing the data which forms the basis for international negotiations on abatement strategies for emissions of acidifying pollutants. Central to the determination of quantitative critical loads of acidity for forests (and other ecosystems) is the rate at which the minerals in the soil weather or dissolve. Seven methods for determining these rates on a regional basis for the production of critical load maps have been suggested by the official bodies which are responsible for co-ordinating the European critical load mapping efforts. These methods are largely correlations which require a knowledge of the soil parent material and/or the soil mineralogy. The purpose of this paper is to review these weathering rate calculation methods and to assess whether it is currently possible to calculate numerically accurate critical loads for the production of regional critical load maps. A consideration of the data used to generate these methods and comparisons of the weathering rates calculated using various methods leads to the conclusion that at present it is not. Further work is needed to develop and maintain the initial credibility of critical loads both scientifically and as an aid to policy decisions.  相似文献   

The environmental profile of goods and services that satisfy our individual and societal needs is shaped by design activities. Substantial evidence suggests that current patterns of human activity on a global scale are not following a sustainable path. Necessary changes to achieve a more sustainable system will require that environmental issues be more effectively addressed in design. But at present much confusion surrounds the incorporation of environmental objectives into the design process. Although not yet fully embraced by industry, the product life cycle system is becoming widely recognized as a useful design framework for understanding the links between societal needs, economic systems and their environmental consequences. The product life cycle encompasses all activities from raw material extraction, manufacturing, and use to final disposal of all residuals.

Life cycle design (LCD), Design for Environment (DFE), and related initiatives based on this product life cycle are emerging as systematic approaches for integrating environmental issues into design. This review presents the life cycle design framework developed forthe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a structure for discussing the environmental design literature. Specifying environmental requirements and evaluation metrics are essential elements of designing for sustainable development. A major challenge for successful design is choosing appropriate strategies that satisfy cost, performance, cultural, and legal criteria while also optimizing environmental objectives. Various methods for specifying requirements, strategies for reducing environmental burden, and environmental evaluation tools are explored and critiqued. Currently, many organizational and operational factors limit the applicability of life cycle design and other design approaches to sustainable development. For example, lack of environmental data and simple, effective evaluation tools are major barriers. Despite these problems, companies are beginning to pursue aspects of life cycle design. The future of life cycle design and sustainable development depends on education, government policy and regulations, and industry leadership but fundamental changes in societal values and behavior will ultimately determine the fate of the planet’s life support system.  相似文献   


The quality of stationary source emission factors is typically described using data quality ratings, which provide no quantification of the precision of the emission factor for an average source, nor of the variability from one source to another within a category. Variability refers to actual differences caused by differences in feedstock composition, design, maintenance, and operation. Uncertainty refers to lack of knowledge regarding the true emissions. A general methodology for the quantification of variability and uncertainty in emission factors, activity factors, and emission inventories (EIs) is described, featuring the use of bootstrap simulation and related techniques. The methodology is demonstrated via a case study for a selected example of NOx emissions from coal-fired power plants. A prototype software tool was developed to implement the methodology. The range of interunit variability in selected activity and emission factors was shown to be as much as a factor of 4, and the range of uncertainty in mean emissions is shown to depend on the interunit variability and sample size. The uncertainty in the total inventory of ?16 to +19% was attributed primarily to one technology group, suggesting priorities for collecting data and improving the inventory. The implications for decision-making are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides results of ozone flux density measurements above a permanent grassland ecosystem as they relate to an establishment of air quality guidelines or standards. Using a resistance analogue, the product of zone concentration measured at a standard measurement height and the conductivity of the atmosphere reflect the maximum possible ozone flux density towards the envelope of the plants. In other words, this product can be regarded as the ozone exposure potential of the atmosphere for plants. It could be shown that ozone concentrations between 100 and 180 microg m(-3) are likely to have a great phytotoxic potential and are more important than concentrations greater than 180 microg m(-3). From the results presented one can deduce that the application of dose-response relationships based on chamber experiments to ambient conditions results in an overestimation of, for example, yield loses. Any guideline or standard has to take into account the influence of the atmospheric conductivity on the absorbed dose of ozone.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of fabric filter parameters when filtering an actual industrial effluent stream, it is necessary to vary these parameters in the field. A mobile fabric filter system has been designed, fabricated and operated to provide this information. The design characteristics and some preliminary field data collected with this system are summarized.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to develop an air pollution monitoring network to characterize small-area spatial contrasts in ambient air pollution concentrations. Using residential woodburning emissions as our case study, this paper reports on the first three stages of a four-stage protocol to measure, estimate, and validate ambient residential woodsmoke emissions in Vancouver, British Columbia. The first step is to develop an initial winter nighttime woodsmoke emissions surface using inverse-distance weighting of emissions information from consumer woodburning surveys and property assessment data. Second, fireplace density and a compound topo-graphic index based on hydrological flow regimes are used to enhance the emissions surface. Third, the spatial variation of the surface is used in a location-allocation algorithm to design a network of samplers for the woodsmoke tracer compound levoglucosan and fine particulate matter. Measurements at these network sites are then used in the fourth stage of the protocol (not presented here): a mobile sampling campaign aimed at developing a high-resolution surface of woodsmoke concentrations for exposure assignment in health effects studies. Overall the results show that relatively simple data inputs and spatial analysis can be effective in capturing the spatial variability of ambient air pollution emissions and concentrations.  相似文献   

Emissions of pollutants such as SO2 and NOx from external combustion sources can vary widely depending on fuel sulfur content, load, and transient conditions such as startup, shutdown, and maintenance/malfunction. While monitoring will automatically reflect variability from both emissions and meteorological influences, dispersion modeling has been typically conducted with a single constant peak emission rate. To respond to the need to account for emissions variability in addressing probabilistic 1-hr ambient air quality standards for SO2 and NO2, we have developed a statistical technique, the Emissions Variability Processor (EMVAP), which can account for emissions variability in dispersion modeling through Monte Carlo sampling from a specified frequency distribution of emission rates. Based upon initial AERMOD modeling of from 1 to 5 years of actual meteorological conditions, EMVAP is used as a postprocessor to AERMOD to simulate hundreds or even thousands of years of concentration predictions. This procedure uses emissions varied hourly with a Monte Carlo sampling process that is based upon the user-specified emissions distribution, from which a probabilistic estimate can be obtained of the controlling concentration. EMVAP can also accommodate an advanced Tier 2 NO2 modeling technique that uses a varying ambient ratio method approach to determine the fraction of total oxides of nitrogen that are in the form of nitrogen dioxide. For the case of the 1-hr National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS, established for SO2 and NO2), a “critical value” can be defined as the highest hourly emission rate that would be simulated to satisfy the standard using air dispersion models assuming constant emissions throughout the simulation. The critical value can be used as the starting point for a procedure like EMVAP that evaluates the impact of emissions variability and uses this information to determine an appropriate value to use for a longer term (e.g., 30-day) average emission rate that would still provide protection for the NAAQS under consideration. This paper reports on the design of EMVAP and its evaluation on several field databases that demonstrate that EMVAP produces a suitably modest overestimation of design concentrations. We also provide an example of an EMVAP application that involves a case in which a new emission limitation needs to be considered for a hypothetical emission unit that has infrequent higher-than-normal SO2 emissions.
ImplicationsEmissions of pollutants from combustion sources can vary widely depending on fuel sulfur content, load, and transient conditions such as startup and shutdown. While monitoring will automatically reflect this variability on measured concentrations, dispersion modeling is typically conducted with a single peak emission rate assumed to occur continuously. To realistically account for emissions variability in addressing probabilistic 1-hr ambient air quality standards for SO2 and NO2, the authors have developed a statistical technique, the Emissions Variability Processor (EMVAP), which can account for emissions variability in dispersion modeling through Monte Carlo sampling from a specified frequency distribution of emission rates.  相似文献   


Photovoltaic (PV) system produces electricity that differs from variations in environmental parameters such as temperature and solar radiation. The PV network will operate at maximum power point (MPP) and deal with an ever-increasing energy demand, that changes from both load and weather conditions.” Moreover, energy storage devices could be a potential solution for improving the efficiency and performance of renewable energy sources (RES). This paper intends to establish a control design by an optimization-assisted PI controller for a 7-level inverter. Accordingly, the gains of PI controller are adjusted dynamically by FireFly Integrated-Sea Lion Optimization algorithm (FFI-SLnO) that integrates the concepts of both Sea Lion Optimization (SLnO) and FireFly algorithm (FF). The gains should be tuned such that the error among the reference signal and fault signal should be low and hence better dynamic performance can be obtained by the presented optimized PI controller. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is compared over other traditional models with respect to certain measures and its superiority is proved.


Two single round nozzle impactors have been developed for use in Harvard’s indoor air pollution health study. Both impactors operate at flow rates of 4 L/m and are nearly identical, differing only in their cut sizes of 2.5 μm and 10 μm aerodynamic diameters. Two identical cascaded stages of the same cut size are used to obtain sharp cut-off characteristics. The particles are deposited on impaction plates made of oil impregnated, porous material to reduce particle bounce and are discarded. Only the particles collected on the afterfilter are analyzed. Special care has been taken to collect the particles uniformly on the afterfilter to aid in particle analysis.

The jmpactors were calibrated with a vibrating orifice monodisperse aerosol generator. However, due to the sharp cut of the impactors, doublets and triplets in the calibration aerosols, even in small quantities, gave erroneous calibration curves. Therefore, the number of doublets and triplets in the challenging aerosols were measured and appropriate corrections made to the calibration curves.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for a cycling adsorbent/photocatalyst combination for formaldehyde removal in indoor air (Chin et al. J. Catalysis 2006, 237, 29-37) was previously developed in our lab, demonstrating agreement with lab-scale batch operation data of other researchers (Shiraishi et al. Chem. Engineer. Sci. 2003, 58, 929-934). Model parameters evaluated included adsorption equilibrium and rate constants for the adsorbent (activated carbon) honeycomb rotor, and catalytic rate constant for pseudo-first-order formaldehyde destruction in the titanium dioxide photoreactor. This paper explores design consequences for this novel system. In particular, the batch parameter values are used to model both adsorbent and photocatalyst behavior for continuous operation in typical residential home challenges. Design variables, including realistic make-up air fraction, adsorbent honeycomb rotation speed, and formaldehyde source emission rate, are considered to evaluate the ability of the system to achieve World Health Organization pollutant guidelines. In all circumstances, the size of the required rotating adsorbent bed and photoreactor for single-stage operation and the resultant formaldehyde concentration in the home are calculated. The ability of how well such a system might be accommodated within the typical dimensions of commercial ventilation ducts is also considered.  相似文献   


A kinetic model for a cycling adsorbent/photocatalyst combination for formaldehyde removal in indoor air (Chin et al. J. Catalysis 2006, 237, 29-37) was previously developed in our lab, demonstrating agreement with lab-scale batch operation data of other researchers (Shiraishi et al. Chem. Engineer. Sci. 2003, 58, 929-934). Model parameters evaluated included adsorption equilibrium and rate constants for the adsorbent (activated carbon) honeycomb rotor, and catalytic rate constant for pseudo-first-order formaldehyde destruction in the titanium dioxide photoreactor. This paper explores design consequences for this novel system. In particular, the batch parameter values are used to model both adsorbent and photocatalyst behavior for continuous operation in typical residential home challenges. Design variables, including realistic make-up air fraction, adsorbent honeycomb rotation speed, and formaldehyde source emission rate, are considered to evaluate the ability of the system to achieve World Health Organization pollutant guidelines. In all circumstances, the size of the required rotating adsorbent bed and photoreactor for single-stage operation and the resultant formaldehyde concentration in the home are calculated. The ability of how well such a system might be accommodated within the typical dimensions of commercial ventilation ducts is also considered.  相似文献   

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