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Mercury in fish from the Pinchi Lake Region, British Columbia, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water, surface sediments, and <40 cm rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) were collected from Pinchi Lake, British Columbia, and from several nearby reference lakes. Hg concentrations in sediment samples from Pinchi L. were highly elevated compared to sediments from reference lakes, especially in sites adjacent to and downstream of a former Hg mine. In both fish species examined, Hg concentration was positively related to age and/or fork length. In northern pikeminnow, Hg concentrations were also positively related to trophic level (deltaN). Hg concentrations in both fish species were highest in Pinchi L., and were higher in pikeminnow than in rainbow trout of similar size. Average Hg concentrations in small rainbow trout from all lakes, including Pinchi L., were lower than dietary levels reported to cause reproductive impairment in common loons (Gavia immer); however, Hg levels in small pikeminnow from Pinchi L. were sufficiently high to be of concern. The risk for Hg toxicity in the study area is greatest for animals that consume larger piscivorous fish such as larger northern pikeminnow or lake trout, which are known from previous studies to contain higher Hg concentrations.  相似文献   

Trace metals were assessed in atmospheric particulates at Burnaby Lake, in the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia to assess concentrations, particle size distributions and deposition rates to an urban watershed. Week-long samples were collected over a period of 18 weeks in 1995 using a 13 stage low pressure impactor (LPI). Samples were analysed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP). Aluminum, boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium and strontium had a similar time series pattern and particle size distribution. For these metals, maximum concentrations occurred during weeks of low precipitation and exhibited a large peak in mid June. Their particle size distribution was mostly dominated by a large peak between 1.7–18.4 μm with a secondary peak at <0.08 μm. Metal concentrations were generally one to three orders of magnitude higher than those measured in a rural location 100 km away from Burnaby Lake but similar to those measured in urban Taipei, Taiwan. Concentrations of the highly toxic metals, arsenic, cadmium and lead were within current air quality guidelines, however boron exceeded the Ontario Ministry of Environment ambient air quality standard in two of the 16 samples. Deposition velocities ranged between 0.22 and 13 cm s−1 with the largest values corresponding to the coarse particle mode. Mean deposition rates ranged between 4.0 μg m−2 d−1 and 650 mg m−2 d−1. Depending on the metal, yearly loadings to the watershed ranged from 90 kg to several thousand tonnes. Calcium, aluminum, boron and magnesium had the highest metal loadings to the watershed. Manganese also had relatively high loadings, a reflection of the high traffic density in the area. The relatively high metal deposition rates indicate that metal contribution from atmospheric sources may represent a significant portion of the total metal load to the Burnaby Lake watershed.  相似文献   


In August 1995, measurements of CO, NOx, speciated nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), and CO2 were made in Vancouver's Cassiar Connector, a 730-m-long level-grade highway traffic tunnel. Two characteristics of the Vancouver setting are the presence of many propane vehicles and a mandatory inspection and maintenance (I/M) program. Although the driving conditions and vehicle fleets are otherwise outwardly similar to those of recent Tuscarora-tunnel studies, CO/NO ratios at the Cassiar Connector are significantly lower than those measured at Tuscarora. The Cassiar measurements are consistent with the MOBILE5A mobile emissions model predictions. The Canadian version of MOBILE5A—known as MOBILE5C—gives nearly identical results, indicating that differences in Canadian and U.S. emission standards cannot explain differences between Cassiar and U.S. tunnels. Considering the modeling results as well as measured ethene/acetylene ratios indicative of noncatalyst vehicles, it appears that vehicle deterioration remains the major issue in in-use vehicle emissions—even in Vancouver, where there is a mandatory loaded-mode I/M program.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine environmental occurrence and concentrations of selected currently-used-pesticides and some transformation products in agricultural farms in the Okanagan Valley (OKV), and to conduct a simple risk assessment of environmental pesticides levels detected in OKV on non-target aquatic organisms. The OKV is the tree fruit country of the Province of British Columbia where considerable amount of pesticides are applied annually. Water, sediment and soil samples were collected at eleven sites in early June and late September following rainfall events and/or extended periods of irrigation from drainage ditches and/or from small streams. Undisturbed reference sites were also sampled. Study results showed that forty of the eighty chemicals analyzed, including organochlorine, nitrogen-containing and organophosphate pesticides commonly used for OKV crops, were detected in runoff and small stream water samples. Among which, endosulfan-sulfate was the most frequently detected chemical. Also, azinophos-methyl (0.699-25.5 ng/L), diazinon (0.088-214 ng/L) exceeded, and α-, β- endosulfan, endosulfan sulphate approached the guidelines for the protection of aquatic life.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine environmental occurrence and concentrations of selected currently-used-pesticides and some transformation products in agricultural farms in the Okanagan Valley (OKV), and to conduct a simple risk assessment of environmental pesticides levels detected in OKV on non-target aquatic organisms. The OKV is the tree fruit country of the Province of British Columbia where considerable amount of pesticides are applied annually. Water, sediment and soil samples were collected at eleven sites in early June and late September following rainfall events and/or extended periods of irrigation from drainage ditches and/or from small streams. Undisturbed reference sites were also sampled. Study results showed that forty of the eighty chemicals analyzed, including organochlorine, nitrogen-containing and organophosphate pesticides commonly used for OKV crops, were detected in runoff and small stream water samples. Among which, endosulfan-sulfate was the most frequently detected chemical. Also, azinophos-methyl (0.699–25.5 ng/L), diazinon (0.088–214 ng/L) exceeded, and α-, β- endosulfan, endosulfan sulphate approached the guidelines for the protection of aquatic life.  相似文献   


Transient and permanent farm ditches flowing to the Lower Fraser River tributary fish streams of British Columbia, Canada, were sampled at several locations in 2003–2004 to determine the occurrence and concentration of residues of selected pesticides, their transformation products, and soluble/extractable Cu++ ions. Of the 43 compounds analyzed, 28 and 22 pesticides were detected in transient farm ditch water and sediments, respectively. About 34% fewer pesticides, however, were found in both matrices of permanent farm ditches. Average concentrations (μ g L?1) of those most frequently detected in permanent farm ditch water were atrazine (0.20), α -chlordane (0.06), desethylatrazine (0.13), diazinon (0.55), dieldrin (0.28), endosulfan sulfate (0.16), glyphosate (6), metalaxyl (0.27); and soluble Cu++ ions (25). Those most often found in ditch sediments (μ g kg?1) were aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) (2,300), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) (250), endosulfan sulfate (500), glyphosate (1,225); and extractable Cu++ ions (58,000). The risk potential of these pesticide residues to non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting Fraser River tributary fish streams contiguous to permanent farm ditches is evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

Transient and permanent farm ditches flowing to the Lower Fraser River tributary fish streams of British Columbia, Canada, were sampled at several locations in 2003-2004 to determine the occurrence and concentration of residues of selected pesticides, their transformation products, and soluble/extractable Cu++ ions. Of the 43 compounds analyzed, 28 and 22 pesticides were detected in transient farm ditch water and sediments, respectively. About 34% fewer pesticides, however, were found in both matrices of permanent farm ditches. Average concentrations (microg L(-1)) of those most frequently detected in permanent farm ditch water were atrazine (0.20), alpha -chlordane (0.06), desethylatrazine (0.13), diazinon (0.55), dieldrin (0.28), endosulfan sulfate (0.16), glyphosate (6), metalaxyl (0.27); and soluble Cu++ ions (25). Those most often found in ditch sediments (microg kg(-1)) were aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) (2,300), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) (250), endosulfan sulfate (500), glyphosate (1,225); and extractable Cu++ ions (58,000). The risk potential of these pesticide residues to non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting Fraser River tributary fish streams contiguous to permanent farm ditches is evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1994, we obtained 278 carcasses of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) found dead or dying in British Columbia, Canada. All specimens were necropsied and the cause of death determined wherever possible. Livers from a subset of 75 birds were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and organochlorine (OC) pesticide residues. A further subset of 19 eagles found dead around the Strait of Georgia, an area of known pulp mill pollution, in summer, and therefore presumably resident birds, were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and non-ortho PCBs. Liver concentrations ranged from less than 1 to 190 mg/kg for DDE, and up to 72 mg/kg for total PCBs. Concentrations of other OCs were generally less than 1 mg/kg, with the exception of chlordane-related compounds which were occasionally over 2 mg/kg. All birds analyzed for PCDDs and PCDFs contained detectable concentrations of the major 2,3,7,8-substituted isomers. Some birds were very contaminated; one eagle found near a kraft pulp mill site in 1990 contained: 400 ng/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 1400 ng/kg 1,2,3,7,8-PnCDD and 4400 ng/kg 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD. Birds with higher PCB and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDE) concentrations appeared to weigh less, and there was a significant negative relationship between both PCBs and DDE and numeric scoring of body condition, reflecting the well known process of starvation-induced mobilization of body lipids and contaminants. Birds with higher 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations tended to have unusually low concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDF, interpreted to indicate hepatic cytochrome P4501A-type induction by TCDD and subsequent metabolism of TCDF.  相似文献   

In order to distinguish between ‘local’ and ‘background’ sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in coastal British Columbia (Canada) air, we collected samples from two sites: a remote site on western Vancouver Island, and a near-urban site in the Strait of Georgia. Seasonally-integrated samples of vapor, particulate, and rain were collected continuously during 365 days for analysis of 275 PCB and PBDE congeners. While deposition of the legacy PCBs was similar at both sampling sites, deposition of PBDEs at the remote site amounted to 42% (10.4 mg/ha/year) of that at the near-urban site. Additional research into atmospheric circulation in the NE Pacific Ocean will provide more insight into the transport and fate of priority pollutants in this region, but trans-Pacific delivery of PBDEs to the west coast of North America may underlie in part our observations. For example, approximately 40% of >12,000 ten-day back trajectories calculated for the remote site originated over Asia, compared to only 2% over North America.  相似文献   


Three years of hourly averaged PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 Lrm in diameter) tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) data from 10 sites in the large coastal valley incorporating Greater Vancouver were used to investigate the spatiotemporal dimensions and air pollution meteorology of particulate pollution. During the period studied, the provincial “acceptable” objective daily concentration of 50 μg m-3 was exceeded at 7 of the 10 sites. The highest annual, seasonal, and maximum hourly concentrations were recorded at Abbotsford in the central valley. Mean seasonal PM10 concentrations were highest in the wintertime in the western Lower Fraser Valley (LFV) and in the summertime at the central and eastern valley locations. Within the network, interstation correlations of daily average concentrations exceed 0.8 at interstation distances less than 20 km and decrease thereafter. For daily maximum concentrations (hourly), interstation correlations decrease sharply with distance. Meteorological conditions responsible for elevated par-ticulate concentrations in the LFV are associated with (1) short periods (1- to 3-hr duration) of reduced dispersion during summer nights at sites close to primary sources, (2) summer anticyclonic conditions when photochemical pollutant concentrations build up across the entire valley, and (3) occasional wintertime “gap wind” events in the eastern valley.  相似文献   


Crop soils, ditch sediments and water flowing from several Lower Fraser River (LFR) farm areas of British Columbia, Canada, to salmon tributary streams of that river were sampled in 2004–2005 to quantify for residues of triazine [atrazine, desethylatrazine (a transformation product of atrazine), propazine, and simazine] and metolachlor (a chloroacetamide) herbicides. Average concentrations [μg kg?1 dry weight (d.w.)] of triazine (10,110) and metolachlor (8,910) herbicides detected in crop soils at the start (May 2004, 2005) of the growing season were about 17 and 6 times, respectively, higher than those found for both herbicide groups during (June–Sept, 2004, 2005) the growing season. In contrast, mean concentrations (μg L?1) of triazines (0.092) and metolachlor (0.014) in permanent ditches adjacent to farms were about 7 and 28 times, respectively, lower at the start than during the growing season. Both herbicide groups in ditch sediments were detected only during the growing season at concentrations averaging about 315 μg kg?1 d.w. The risk potential of these herbicides for non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting permanent farm ditches contiguous to tributary streams of the LFR during the growing season is evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

Crop soils, ditch sediments and water flowing from several Lower Fraser River (LFR) farm areas of British Columbia, Canada, to salmon tributary streams of that river were sampled in 2004-2005 to quantify for residues of triazine [atrazine, desethylatrazine (a transformation product of atrazine), propazine, and simazine] and metolachlor (a chloroacetamide) herbicides. Average concentrations [microg kg-1 dry weight (d.w.)] of triazine (10,110) and metolachlor (8,910) herbicides detected in crop soils at the start (May 2004, 2005) of the growing season were about 17 and 6 times, respectively, higher than those found for both herbicide groups during (June-Sept, 2004, 2005) the growing season. In contrast, mean concentrations (microg L-1) of triazines (0.092) and metolachlor (0.014) in permanent ditches adjacent to farms were about 7 and 28 times, respectively, lower at the start than during the growing season. Both herbicide groups in ditch sediments were detected only during the growing season at concentrations averaging about 315 microg kg-1 d.w. The risk potential of these herbicides for non-target aquatic organisms inhabiting permanent farm ditches contiguous to tributary streams of the LFR during the growing season is evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental levels and detailed congener profiles (31 congeners and 3 coeluting congener groups) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were assessed in a number of biota samples taken over a large geographic range covering harbours and industrial sites on Canada's West Coast. Additionally, PBDE congener profiles were determined using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) deployed in the Fraser River, the river in Western Canada with the largest industrial activity. PBDE levels detected in biota were between 4 and 2300 ng/g lipid and these levels were compared with those reported in selected European biota to provide a wider perspective on PBDE contamination on Canada's West Coast. Thirteen-congener PBDE patterns in the environmental samples were examined using principal component analysis (PCA), and additionally, comparisons were made between the PBDE profiles in the sample groups and commercially used PBDE technical mixtures (e.g., Bromkals) on a percent composition basis. PCA on congener specific data revealed that PBDE patterns are remarkably similar over a wide geographical range in Western Canada, however, the general pattern in environmental samples varies significantly from those of the predominant technical mixtures. Finally, correlations between PBDE and other persistent and toxic co-occurring contaminants found in Dungeness crab were determined.  相似文献   


Some mercury (Hg) naturally present in coal is retained in the fly ash remaining after combustion. Concern has been raised regarding the potential for release of this Hg to the environment. The exchange of Hg between fly ash and the atmosphere was measured in the laboratory and in situ at a fly ash landfill. All samples of fly ash used in the laboratory study, with the exception of that derived from lignite-type coal, acted as a sink for atmospheric Hg. Deposition rates were found to increase as air Hg concentrations increased and to decrease with incident light and increased temperature. Addition of water to fly ash samples resulted in re-emission of deposited atmospheric Hg. Deposition was the dominant flux measured in situ at a fly ash landfill. Atmospheric Hg was deposited to all samples collected as part of two demonstration projects using carbon injection for enhanced Hg capture. Hg concentrations of extracts derived using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 1312 (Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure) were ≤14.4 ng/L. Data developed demonstrate that fly ash, including that collected from Hg removal projects, will release little Hg to the air or water, and under certain conditions, absorbs Hg from the air.  相似文献   

Three years of hourly averaged PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter) tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) data from 10 sites in the large coastal valley incorporating Greater Vancouver were used to investigate the spatiotemporal dimensions and air pollution meteorology of particulate pollution. During the period studied, the provincial "acceptable" objective daily concentration of 50 micrograms m-3 was exceeded at 7 of the 10 sites. The highest annual, seasonal, and maximum hourly concentrations were recorded at Abbotsford in the central valley. Mean seasonal PM10 concentrations were highest in the wintertime in the western Lower Fraser Valley (LFV) and in the summertime at the central and eastern valley locations. Within the network, interstation correlations of daily average concentrations exceed 0.8 at interstation distances less than 20 km and decrease thereafter. For daily maximum concentrations (hourly), interstation correlations decrease sharply with distance. Meteorological conditions responsible for elevated particulate concentrations in the LFV are associated with (1) short periods (1- to 3-hr duration) of reduced dispersion during summer nights at sites close to primary sources, (2) summer anticyclonic conditions when photochemical pollutant concentrations build up across the entire valley, and (3) occasional wintertime "gap wind" events in the eastern valley.  相似文献   

Over the period 1977-2000, eggs of Pacific great blue heron (Ardea herodias fannini) were collected from 23 colonies along the southern coast of British Columbia, Canada, and analyzed for persistent organochlorine (OC) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Concentrations of OC pesticides in eggs declined sharply in the late 1970s, after which there were minimal changes. The sums of PCB congeners were not reduced appreciably during the 1980s and 1990s, but Aroclor 1260 concentrations suggested a sharp decline in PCB contamination of eggs in the late 1970s, similar to that shown for OC pesticides. Eggs collected along or near the Fraser River delta showed higher levels of most pesticides compared to other monitored colonies. Although the delta lands support a long-standing agricultural economy, the primary factors influencing OC levels in the delta colonies were thought to be driven by estuarine processes. We suggest two possible influencing factors were: 1) a greater rate of bioaccumulation in the estuary due to the deposition of particulates collected over a vast area encompassed by the Fraser River watershed; or 2) a higher rate of biomagnification in the estuary due to species differences at lower trophic levels of the heron food chain. Eggs from urban colonies contained higher levels of PCBs. The congener pattern was not clearly different from that observed in less contaminated eggs from rural and pulp mill-influenced colonies, except that colonies in Vancouver had greater proportions of PCB-66, suggesting a local source of Aroclor 1242. Productivity in the coastal heron colonies was highly variable over the period of study, with 71% of recorded colony-wide reproductive failures occurring in colonies near pulp mills. However, the predominant factors influencing reproductive success were probably disturbance by humans and bald eagles, combined with loss and degradation of nesting habitat, and not sublethal toxicity.  相似文献   

In recent years, many air quality monitoring programs have favored measurement of particles less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) over particles less than 10 µm (PM10) in light of evidence that health impacts are mostly from the fine fraction. However, the coarse fraction (PM10-2.5) may have independent health impacts that support continued measurement of PM10 in some areas, such as those affected by road dust. The objective of this study was to evaluate the associations between different measures of daily PM exposure and two daily indicators of population health in seven communities in British Columbia, Canada, where road dust is an ongoing concern. The measures of exposure were PM10, PM2.5, PM10-2.5, PM2.5 adjusted for PM10-2.5, and PM10-2.5 adjusted for PM2.5. The indicators of population health were dispensations of the respiratory reliever medication salbutamol sulfate and nonaccidental mortality. This study followed a time-series design using Poisson regression over a 2003–2015 study period, with analyses stratified by three seasons: residential woodsmoke in winter; road dust in spring; and wildfire smoke in summer. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to establish a pooled estimate. Overall, an interquartile range increase in daily PM10-2.5 was associated with a 3.6% [1.6, 5.6] increase in nonaccidental mortality during the road dust season, which was reduced to 3.1% [0.8, 5.4] after adjustment for PM2.5. The adjusted coarse fraction had no effect on salbutamol dispensations in any season. However, an interquartile range increase in PM2.5 was associated with a 2.7% [2.0, 3.4] increase in dispensations during the wildfire season. These analyses suggest different impacts of different PM fractions by season, with a robust association between the coarse fraction and nonaccidental mortality in communities and periods affected by road dust. We recommend that PM10 monitoring networks be maintained in these communities to provide feedback for future dust mitigation programs.

Implications: There was a significant association between daily concentrations of the coarse fraction and nonaccidental mortality during the road dust season, even after adjustment for the fine fraction. The acute and chronic health effects associated with exposure to the coarse fraction remain unclear, which supports the maintenance of PM10 monitoring networks to allow for further research in communities affected by sources such as road dust.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in blubber biopsy samples from 22 live-captured Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) that had just entered the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, for their overwintering feeding season. ∑PBDE ranged from 50 μg kg−1 (lipid weight) in adult females to 3780 μg kg−1 in subadult individuals. ∑PCBs ranged from 272 μg kg−1 in adult females to 14 280 μg kg−1 in subadult individuals. While most PBDE and PCB congeners were transferred through milk to pups, PCBs with log KOW > 7.0 (PCBs 206, 207, 208 and 209) appeared constrained, resulting in a lighter mixture in pups compared to adult females. The ratio of individual PCB congeners by metabolic group (Groups I, II, III, IV and V) to PCB-153 regressed against length of males suggested poor biotransformation of these compounds (slopes did not differ from zero, > 0.05). PBDE congeners 49, 99, 153 and 183 appeared bioaccumulative (slopes of ratio BDE/PCB 153 versus length were higher than zero, < 0.05), but the dominance of the single congener, BDE-47 (64% of total PBDEs), likely due in part to debromination pathways, reduced our ability to explore congener-specific dynamics of PBDEs in these pinnipeds. With 80% of our Steller sea lions exceeding a recent toxicity reference value for PCBs, the fasting-associated mobilization of these contaminants raises concerns about a heightened vulnerability to adverse effects during annual migrations.  相似文献   

From 1998 to 2001 we examined spatial and temporal variation in uptake of contaminants by surf scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) in the Georgia Basin region of the Pacific coast of Canada. Samples were collected during late fall and early spring at industrialized and reference locations, carcasses examined, and tissues collected for histology, biomarkers, and contaminant analyses. Scoters from both Vancouver and Victoria harbours had significantly higher hepatic concentrations of summation operatorbutyltins than birds from a reference site. In adult male surf scoters, hepatic summation operatorbutyltins increased over the winter at two sites (p=0.02, n=26), while mercury increased (p=0.03, n=15) and selenium decreased at one site (p=0.001, n=15). Body condition decreased over the winter at both the treatment site, Howe Sound (p<0.0001, n=12), and the reference site, Baynes Sound (p=0.02, n=15). Multiple regression analysis using Akaike's Information Criteria (AIC(C)) showed an association between hepatic butyltin concentrations and overall body condition (p=0.06, r=-0.237).  相似文献   

Sediment-associated hydrocarbons can pose a risk to wildlife that rely on benthic marine food webs. We measured hydrocarbons in sediments from the habitat of protected sea otters in coastal British Columbia, Canada. Alkane concentrations were dominated by higher odd-chain n-alkanes at all sites, indicating terrestrial plant inputs. While remote sites were dominated by petrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), small harbour sites within sea otter habitat and sites from an urban reference area reflected weathered petroleum and biomass and fossil fuel combustion. The partitioning of hydrocarbons between sediments and adjacent food webs provides an important exposure route for sea otters, as they consume ∼25% of their body weight per day in benthic invertebrates. Thus, exceedences of PAH sediment quality guidelines designed to protect aquatic biota at 20% of the sites in sea otter habitat suggest that sea otters are vulnerable to hydrocarbon contamination even in the absence of catastrophic oil spills.  相似文献   

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