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This is the first installment of a 4-part series which will present capital and operating costs of selected air pollution control systems. The objective of the Series is to identify the individual component costs so that realistic system cost estimates can be determined for any specific application. In Part I, cost estimating procedures and curves are provided to develop the equipment costs for electrostatic pre-cipitators, venturi scrubbers, fabric filters, incinerators, and adsorbers.  相似文献   

A general procedure has been described that can be followed for estimating the cost of reducing air pollution emissions within a metropolitan region. The six step procedure examines emission inventories, regional trends, control trends, alternate control schemes, control costs, and optimum cost-effectiveness. The procedure is illustrated for one emission source in the Delaware Valley. By application of “feasible controls,” automobile emissions were shown to be reduced from 4.5 billion pounds per year in the Region during 1968 to 1.5 billion pounds in the year 2000. Annual control costs during the same period will increase from $30 million to over $300 million per year. This represents a cost increase from $15 per registered vehicle in 1968 to about $58 per vehicle per year in 2000. A method was illustrated for determining minimum cost to achieve any desired degree of emission reduction where alternate feasible control schemes are available. This method is especially useful where the allocation of scarce resources is involved. The general procedure is applicable to any number of pollutants and emission sources, and may be useful for calculations in any metropolitan area. The objectives of the present study are to apply this method to other sources within the Delaware Valley and to determine total regional costs for various levels of emission reduction. As one example of a practical application for this type of analysis, the economic impact of regulatory schemes can be evaluated on a cost-effectiveness basis  相似文献   

Pollution control systems will normally require some auxiliary equipment to capture and carry the gas stream to the control device. In general, this auxiliary equipment will consist of a hood or similar device to isolate and collect the pollutant-laden gas, ductwork to convey the gas stream to the control device, and dampers to control and modulate the flow. In this article, the equipment cost of canopy hoods, ducting, and dampers will be considered, together with their effect on the size, cost, and operation of the control device.  相似文献   

This paper was one of several presented at the Workshop on Air Pollution Control in Portland, Oregon, on May 6, 1968. The Workshop was sponsored by the Manufacturing Chemists Association and the Chemical Industry Council of the Pacific Northwest in cooperation with the Association of Oregon Industries, Association of Washington Industries, and the Environmental Committee of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. While many of the papers were of localized interest, this paper speaks to anyone designing air pollution control systems.  相似文献   

Seven general planning concepts for air pollution control are presented for industry’s consideration in this text of a speech delivered at the Air Pollution Control Workshop, New England Conference on Urban Planning for Environmental Health, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, September 9, 1965.  相似文献   

Most air pollution control programs rest on one or more of the following four basic philosophies: emission standards, air quality standards, emission taxes, and cost benefit analysis. Frequently they rest on mixtures or combinations of these four. This paper examines each of the four separately, tries to show why each is different from the others, and compares their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   


An airborne lidar was used to study the smoke plume from the burning of a controlled oil spill on the ocean. The ratio of the amount of light (at a wavelength, λ, of 0.532 u.m) backscattered by the smoke to the amount of light extinguished by the smoke was determined by measuring the strength of a laser beam after it had passed through the smoke plume, been reflected from the ocean, and passed through the smoke plume again, and comparing this to the strength of the laser beam reflected directly from the ocean. The optical depth of the smoke (at λ = 0.532 µm) was typically between 0.2 and 0.5. The mass fluxes of smoke particles that passed through four vertical cross sections of the (nonsteady state) smoke plume were estimated from lidar measurements to be 142, 175, 423, and 414 g s-1, compared to an average smoke mass production rate of ~770 g s-1. The spatial distribution of smoke mass along the long axis of the plume was also estimated from the lidar measurements; derived smoke mass concentrations were generally <300 µg m-3, with a few isolated values up to ~800 µg m-3.  相似文献   

Tendergreen bean plants were grown from seeding to seed maturity under continuous exposure to HF gas at fairly uniform concentrations averaging 0.58, 2.1, 9.1, and 10.5 µg F/m3. Progeny of these plants and of comparable control plants were grown in a clean atmosphere to determine if subsequent generations were affected by HF treatment of the parents.

No effects of HF were found among the progeny of the plants grown at 0.58 µg F/m3. The F1 generation progeny of the other HF treated plants were less vigorous than control plant progeny, as shown by later emergence, smaller primary leaves, and slower stem growth. This probably was a consequence of the lower starch content of the seed of the HF treated plants. The primary leaves of some F1 progeny of the plants grown in the three highest HF treatments were severely stunted and distorted. This also may have been due to the low starch content of the seed, or perhaps it resulted from damage to the plumules in shriveled, distorted seed produced in these treatments.

Some of the early trifoliate leaves of many F1 generation progeny of the plants grown at 2.1 µg F/m3 and higher were abnormal in the separation and number of their leaflets. This abnormality apparently was heritable, for in the next (F2) generation it occurred most frequently among plants whose parents were abnormal. However, considerably fewer F3 generation plants had abnormal trifoliate leaves, indicating rapid reversal to the normal form.  相似文献   


A sample preparation method has been developed in which a powder may be aerosolized and collected onto filter media in the form of a uniform layer of participate matter similar to the EPA Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) aerodynamic diameter. Samples of dusts and powders as small as 100 mg may be prepared for metals analysis by XRF with this method. The method is also applicable to the preparation of samples such as ores, soils, sediments, etc., which may be ground to pass through a #400 Tyler equivalent sieve (37 um geometric diameter) prior to aerosolization. Samples prepared in this manner present a representative aliquot with minimal matrix interferences to the XRF instrument for elements with atomic number as low as 13 (aluminum). This method is equivalent to EPA's Method 3050A digestion and subsequent analysis by either ICP or GFAA for many analytes, while other species (notably Cr) are not as favorable in comparison.  相似文献   

Air monitoring by the A.I.S.I. filter sampling device which both preceded and was concurrent with source control of particulates demonstrated air quality improvement over a ten-year period. A difference in improvement from that estimated by the pollution control agency resulted from difference in the measurement parameters.  相似文献   


The destruction of parts per million (ppm) levels of volatile organic compounds in a dry air stream by high–energy electron–beam irradiation has been investigated in a pilot plant at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee. In a series of experiments, dry air contaminated with various VOCs in the concentration range of 50–1000 ppm were treated in the UTSI pilot plant to determine the extent of destruction at various electronbeam dose levels.

The destruction removal efficiency was determined as a function of the electron beam irradiation dose. The results suggest a charge transfer reaction as the major decomposition mechanism. A theoretical foundation of the process, along with a simple first–generation reaction kinetics model, a summary of the results from the pilot plant flow reactor, and a preliminary cost analysis for a fullscale detoxification plant using currently available electronbeam gun technology are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Informative Report No. 7 on the inedible rendering industry is one of a series of survey reports prepared by APCA’ TI-2 Committee on air pollution problems and control methods encountered in the chemical industry today.  相似文献   

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