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Air pollution regulation in the United States has come under repeated attack over the years for a number of reasons. Early in the past decade, prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) legislation, which protects currently clean areas, came into conflict with domestic energy production goals. This paper presents an applied analysis of present and alternative regulations for achievement of PSD air quality goals. A model of the Four Corners region of the Southwest is developed, and several policy alternatives tested in terms of economic efficiency and ability to achieve air quality goals. Alternatives examined include emission fees, marketable emission permits, and technological standards.  相似文献   

Prediction performance of various air pollution episode models are first compared with that of a persistence model which is based on the assumption that present concentrations persist to a future time. The comparisons are made by computing a correlation coefficient for different lead times between the observed and predicted values, and an auto-correlation function of the air quality data to which the episode model is applied. The persistence of high levels of air pollution is next examined, using existing air quality data, by constructing frequency distributions of air pollution episode duration for various concentration thresholds. Based on the results of persistence analysis, the flaws of currently used episode management schemes are discussed and some alternative episode management schemes are presented. Methodologies and parameters to evaluate the anticipated performances of episode management schemes are developed and some examples are worked out. In conclusion, it is suggested that a combination of episode persistence analysis and air pollution meteorological forecasting could lead to a workable air pollution episode management scheme.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the air quality permitting process for 65 different forest products industry projects requiring preconstruction permit approvals from EPA, state, and local air pollution control agencies was conducted. The projects included a wide array of sources including kraft recovery furnaces, lime kilns, fossil fuel and wood residue fired boilers, solid wood products manufacturing facilities, paper coaters, and printing presses. Information concerning the time involved in the permitting process, costs associated with obtaining the permits, use of air quality models and ambient monitoring data, emission control technology determinations, problem areas encountered during the permitting process, perceived benefits and drawbacks of the permitting process, and the effect of permitting requirements on project planning was obtained.

The results indicate that certain permitting requirements such as Best Available Control Technology (BACT) determinations, dispersion modeling results, and use of ambient air quality monitoring data seldom influence the emission limitations ultimately imposed in the final approved permit, with 87% of the final emission limits equivalent to the applicable New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). The 65 permitting case histories also show that obtaining permits for projects subject to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements takes approximately twice as long and costs twice as much as obtaining permits for projects not subject to PSD requirements.  相似文献   

Separation of materials from municipal waste streams is not recycling. Successful recycling is demand-pulled rather than supply-driven; it depends on local markets that reuse separated materials. For this reason EPA's Office of Solid Waste has opposed national mandates for materials separation which do not address associated markets. But a recent Air Act decision could reverse that stance, potentially mandating high levels of materials separation for every new waste-to-energy (WTE) facility.

The decision holds that Best Available Control Technology (BACT) requires PSD permit applicants to consider separating "feasible" levels, of each "readily-ascertainable" waste component that contributes to air emissions when incinerated, despite their installation of advanced emissions controls or the lack of any evidence that emission concentrations would be further reduced by such "fuel cleaning." Because total emissions of any facility may always be reduced by requiring it to consume less fuel—or burn gas rather than oil, or use conservation rather than combust at all—the decision could radicalize New Source Review, transforming preconstruction permits from a process meant to assure specific emissions controls to one in which air agencies deny the existence of emitting sources. The decision could also delay preconstruction permits; force downsizing of disposal facilities EPA concedes to be necessary; accelerate landfill closures; inject air permit writers into solid waste management determinations; and make local waste infrastructure more difficult to finance. It demonstrates the slippery slopes created by attempts to convert single-medium statutes into multi-media programs under the banner of "pollution prevention."  相似文献   

An expression relating the distribution of concentrations of air pollutants to the emission levels is derived and applied to the study of the air pollution problem of Santiago de Chile. Features specific to the area, like the geography and meteorology are included in a stochastic framework. The resulting distribution is simple. It has two parameters which can be easily estimated from the data. It fits well the data from Santiago and is a powerful tool to analyze pollution data and design a mitigation strategy. The methodology developed here can be applied to any city.  相似文献   

重庆市机动车尾气对大气环境的影响分析及减缓措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在对重庆市机动车保有量、主城区交通状况进行深入调查的基础上,对机动车尾气排放对大气环境的影响进行了细致的分析与评估。阐述了机动车尾气是造成重庆市大气污染的重要因素。同时结合国内外一些先进的预防、控制和处理汽车尾气污染的方法,及近年来的观察、研究和试验,提出了合理减缓、控制机动车尾气污染的措施,以防止机动车尾气污染进一步蔓延。  相似文献   

Air pollution is a thoroughly hybrid phenomenon. It is composed of inseparable physical, scientific, cultural, social, economic and political dimensions. It is both an object of environmental science and embedded in our everyday social and cultural worlds. Nevertheless, much air pollution scholarship focuses solely on the physical dimensions of air pollution which are expressed quantitatively and pays little or no regard to the identities, discourses, bodies and emotions which constitute and are constituted by air pollution as a physical reality. This article argues for a more reflexive and hybrid approach to air pollution research which bridges intellectually confining binaries. Drawing on the work of Bruno Latour and other actor–network theorists, it argues that if we can let go of a foundational nature, disrupt our humanism and take non-scientific knowledges seriously, we might develop a new respect for the atmospheric environment and begin the task of building a better common world.  相似文献   

Istanbul has faced serious air pollution problems since the mid-80s. This is mainly due to particulate air pollution coming from poor quality lignite in areas, which are heavily populated and industrialized. As a consequence of severe air pollution problems, stringent control on the emissions in the city started in the year of 1994. In this work, in order to study the relationship between emissions and meteorological conditions, an assessment of air pollution episodes and air pollution potential in the city is presented for the terms at the changed emission schedule as the influence of an emission reduction strategy. The influence of meteorological conditions on the TSP (total suspended particulates) levels is considered for two consecutive winter periods. On this occasion, the city has faced different TSP levels and episode characteristics depending on stringent emission reductions covering the banned, poor-quality lignite and fuel switching. For this purpose, climatological conditions and air quality analyses were performed.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of 49 applications for PSD permits in EPA Region X. Factors studied included the time needed to secure a permit, the regulation which determined the permit (BACT, NSPS, the PSD increment state regulation) and differences in suggested control techniques between EPA and the applicant. These factors were correlated with the category of industry applying for the permit and potential, reduction in air contamination.  相似文献   

The information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals interested in future air quality control programs aimed at areas that are attaining one or more air quality ambient standards. Section 116 of the Clean Air Act, as amended, requires the Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate regulations for the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) of air quality in order to protect the nation's clean air resources from hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and lead (Set II pollutants). This program will affect industry siting in many areas of the country, particularly in the rural, undeveloped areas. Among the many alternatives currently being considered by EPA to meet the PSD Set II goals are emission management systems, marketable emission permits, air quality increments, emission fees, and control of transportation related sources. The final regulation may be a combination of several options or may present several alternatives from which a State would choose its specific program.  相似文献   

Following a request by environmental authorities in New Zealand, atmospheric modelling has been applied to delimitation of clean air zones for urban areas. This approach involved the integration of a kinematic trajectory model with an atmospheric mesoscale model to identify the spatial extent of the catchment of air affecting air pollution concentrations in Christchurch on nights of high air pollution. The Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS) was configured for the region and idealised simulations performed to obtain predicted wind fields for synoptic situations typical of winter smog events. The predicted surface wind fields on two grids, with horizontal resolutions of 1.5 and 0.5 km, respectively, were then used to derive back-trajectories from the late evening peak of pollution over the central city (around 2200 NZST) to the time at which people tend to first light their domestic fires (around 1800 NZST). The results indicate that although winds are often light, the air tends to travel from a significant distance outside the city boundary over this time period. In particular, cold air typically travels up to 20 km from the Canterbury Plains to the west into the city during these air pollution events, as well as from small valleys in the Port Hills to the south of the city. This research illustrates the significance of upstream sources of air for providing relatively clean air to the city, and acting as buffer zones. It is, therefore, possible to identify the area around the city to which urban air quality is particularly sensitive. This area could either be designated as a buffer zone, or included within the clean air zone of the city. This technique also provides a useful tool for identifying the role of different components of the local wind field responsible for air pollution dispersion and transport in different parts of the area.  相似文献   

Air pollution has plagued the urban areas of our Nation for many years, both as a serious health hazard and as a costly economic burden. Users of the air as a waste disposal medium have treated it as a free resource with no regard for the damages incurred by receptors of the dirty air. Unfortunately, no self-regulating market forces exist that will bring this diseconomy into an acceptable equilibrium. An outside regulating force, which can affect abatement of air pollution, is needed to achieve control of air pollution to a level acceptable to a community. A prerequisite of any proposed regulatory action to be applied by an outside force, however, is the need to define an acceptable level of pollution. One means of accomplishing the task is to apply an economic evaluation, in the form of a cost-benefit analysis, to the problem. Previous analyses of the economic aspects of air pollution have stressed only one side of the problem. That is, they have dealt only with the cost of control or the damages caused by air pollution. No analysis has combined both aspects into a meaningful analysis of the overall economic impact. The objective of this paper is to present a technique that can be used to find the level of pollution abatement in an area that balances the cost of controlling pollution with the benefits received from its control. To present a clearer picture of this technique and its results, it has been applied to the Washington, D. C. area to find the optimum level of particulate abatement. This method is generally applicable to any area, in which an air pollution problem exists.  相似文献   

As is the case in most developing countries, China relies on command-and-control regulation to control air pollution. While it has instituted a modest air pollution levy system in the past 20 years for emissions in excess of standards, the effect on emission levels has been minimal. This paper focuses on how to use emissions trading as a policy instrument to achieve cost-effective reductions in air pollution in Beijing. Emissions or allowance trading has been widely applied to air pollution control in the USA during the past 25 years. Three of the most recent programmes will be examined, which provide applicable experience for possible SO2 and NOx trading in the Beijing region. A trading strategy for Beijing will be proposed by comparing the economic and political institutional differences between the USA and China, which could eventually facilitate acceptance of an international greenhouse gas trading system.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of interstate compacts and legal and constitutional principles which are applicable thereto for the purpose of evaluating compacts as an effective legal mechanism for joint action on an interstate basis to control air pollution. It suggests there is no inherent reason why, presupposing fundamental agreements as to the basic policy to be served by the compacting states, an effective compact cannot be concluded. The paper also discusses the various criticisms that have been leveled against interstate compacts and some of the pitfalls now existing in interstate compacts in the field of water pollution. The discussion mentions certain caveats to be considered in drafting effective compacts to control air pollution. The compact mechanism does not possess inherent infirmities which preclude its effective use in the field of air pollution control, but whatever infirmities may exist are traceable to underlying factors of an essentially nonlegal nature.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the prevalence of respiratory disease between communities has been used to incriminate air pollution at low concentrations in the production of disease. Though demographic factors and the design and conduct of survey research affect the validity of these observations, there are other complex factors which are often neglected. From several community studies planned or conducted by the authors, illustrations will be given of the effect of the following six frequently neglected factors: the reliability of the air pollution monitoring network; the validity of the air pollution monitoring network; the competing effect of differential migration of population; the competing effect of occupational pollution of members of the population; the competing effect of socioeconomic factors; and the competing effect of personal air pollution—tobacco smoking.  相似文献   

A tracer technique using certain of the rare earth elements which are easily activated by neutrons has been developed for the analysis of air pollution problems. Studies employing these tracers were made to determine whether the available meteorological dispersion models can be used effectively to describe pollution emissions from selected industries in the vicinity of Albany, Oregon. The Gaussian plume model was found to be satisfactory for the moderately intense turbulence fields which characterize Stability Types B, C, and D, including cases in which the pollution was trapped by an inversion layer aloft. For sources near ground level, however, it was necessary to make allowance for urban influences on plume dispersion. A box model best described the observed dispersal pattern when the upward penetration of the very intense turbulence of Stability Type A was limited by an inversion layer aloft. These meteorological models were applied using a “blind” experimental procedure to predict the emission rates of the effluent from multiple sources of air pollution in the Albany area. It was found that these techniques can be used to predict the rate of emission within a factor of two for multiple sources consisting of three stacks.  相似文献   

Mortality is the most important health effect of ambient air pollution and has been studied the longest. The earliest evidence relates to fog episodes but with the development of more precise methods of investigation it is still possible to discern short-term temporal associations with daily mortality at the historically low levels of air pollution that now exist in most developed countries. Another early observation was that mortality was higher in more polluted areas. This has been confirmed by modern cohort studies that account for other potential explanations for such associations. There does not appear to be a threshold of effect within the ambient range of concentrations. Advances in the understanding of air pollution and mortality have been driven by the combined development of methods and biomedical concepts. The most influential methodological developments have been in time-series techniques and the establishment of large cohort studies, both of which are underpinned by advances in data processing and statistical analysis. On the biomedical side two important developments can be identified. One has been the application of the concept of multifactorial disease causation to explaining how air pollution may affect mortality at low levels and why thresholds are not obvious at the population level. The other has been an increasing understanding of how air pollution may plausibly have pathophysiological effects that are remote from the lung interface with ambient air. Together, these advances have had a profound influence on policies to protect public health. Throughout the history of air pollution epidemiology, mortality studies have been central and this will continue because of the widespread availability of mortality data on a large population scale and the weight that mortality carries in estimating impacts for policy development.  相似文献   

Based on the current status of research on tradable emission rights futures, this paper introduces basic market-related assumptions for China’s interprovincial air pollution control problem. The authors construct an interprovincial air pollution control model based on futures prices: the model calculated the spot price of emission rights using a classic futures pricing formula, and determined the identities of buyers and sellers for various provinces according to a partitioning criterion, thereby revealing five trading markets. To ensure interprovincial cooperation, a rational allocation result for the benefits from this model was achieved using the Shapley value method to construct an optimal reduction program and to determine the optimal annual decisions for each province. Finally, the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region was used as a case study, as this region has recently experienced serious pollution. It was found that the model reduced the overall cost of reducing SO2 pollution. Moreover, each province can lower its cost for air pollution reduction, resulting in a win–win solution. Adopting the model would therefore enhance regional cooperation and promote the control of China’s air pollution.
Implications: The authors construct an interprovincial air pollution control model based on futures prices. The Shapley value method is used to rationally allocate the cooperation benefit. Interprovincial pollution control reduces the overall reduction cost of SO2. Each province can lower its cost for air pollution reduction by cooperation.  相似文献   

The Environment Act 1995 has introduced the notion of local air quality management which requires that air quality in towns be reviewed and assessed. There is a need to identify those streets that are worst affected by vehicular pollutants. Such worst cases are likely to be narrow congested streets with tall buildings on each side. A nomogram presented here allows rapid screening of pollution in congested street canyons. The strong dependence on wind direction is reduced to the two extremes, namely wind along and wind across the canyon. Then canyon concentrations are estimated according to street geometry and traffic flow. The nomogram is designed for use by local authorities, is quick and easy to use, and paper or computer versions are available. It is suggested that detailed monitoring or modelling may only be required when simple screening methods predict high air pollution.  相似文献   

Governmental boundaries which divide our states frequently do not coincide with the natural geographic and atmospheric conditions affecting regional air pollution problems. Moreover, the control regulations of one state may vary from those of its neighbors. Such areal synthesis of air pollution control measures might only minimally curb the difficulties.

Continuity of control will require cooperation among contiguous states. In this study the attitudes of incumbent elected officials and air pollution experts (both from within the Philadelphia metropolitan area) toward governmental responsiveness have been investigated. It was hypothesized that politicians would want to demonstrate a status quo approach while experts would advocate the creation of an environmental agency for the Philadelphia region’s pollution problems. However, both sample groups responded to the questionnaire survey affirming that they want government to establish an environmental regional control agency, based upon an interstate compact, that has authority strong enough to be a strict enforcing agent. This regional agency should meet all federal conditions and thus receive maximum federal financial assistance. The policy level officials of this agency should be appointed experts—so as to avoid partisan politics, and to acquire the most qualified personnel.  相似文献   

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