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This paper was one of several presented at the Workshop on Air Pollution Control in Portland, Oregon, on May 6, 1968. The Workshop was sponsored by the Manufacturing Chemists Association and the Chemical Industry Council of the Pacific Northwest in cooperation with the Association of Oregon Industries, Association of Washington Industries, and the Environmental Committee of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. While many of the papers were of localized interest, this paper speaks to anyone designing air pollution control systems.  相似文献   

While the United States is the largest single market for air pollution control equipment, it constitutes only about one-third of the total world market. This overview explores the legislative, economic, and technological factors that affect those markets.  相似文献   

Over the years JAPCA has directed its attention primarily to the scientist and engineer in their roles as industrial air quality managers, consultants, control officials, educators, researchers, and manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation. Largely overlooked has been the air pollution control contractor who evolved from the sheet metal industry to become a key figure in the environmental marketplace. Let's look "beyond the flange", as it were, at this contractor, his work, his association, and the professional development opportunities being offered to him.  相似文献   

All but one of the Australian States now have legislation to control Air Pollution. These are similar in broad principle and rely upon the system of prior approval and the use of emission limits. At the present time Victoria is the only State with legislation providing for the recycling of crankcase vent gases on motor cars. Methods being used to control pollution and future outlook and needs are discussed. At least 65 per cent of the crude oil requirements should be met by indigenous low sulfur oil by 1975. This fact and the imminent supply of natural gas to the four major cities and to the centers of heavy industrial development should result in a marked reduction in sulfur dioxide concentrations. A major outstanding problem is the lack of air pollution considerations in planning at regional and local government levels.  相似文献   

Seven general planning concepts for air pollution control are presented for industry’s consideration in this text of a speech delivered at the Air Pollution Control Workshop, New England Conference on Urban Planning for Environmental Health, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, September 9, 1965.  相似文献   

Air quality was comprehensively evaluated by means of sampling at 21 locations over metropolitan Birmingham during a period of one year. Thousands of integrated samples of three common atmospheric gaseous pollutants and two common particulate pollutants were collected and analyzed. Following the year of sampling in 1964, a random household survey was completed by conducting personal interviews at more than 7200 households over metropolitan Birmingham. Statistical reduction of household survey results by census tract and by neighborhood area provided domestic fuel and waste burning emission data as well as public (resident) opinion on specific air pollution effects. The relationship between ambient air quality and neighborhood opinion of air pollution effects on health and property are evaluated statistically. Ambient standards are suggested which are based upon those air pollution levels shown to have adverse effects on approximately one-third of the people.  相似文献   

Air pollution has plagued the urban areas of our Nation for many years, both as a serious health hazard and as a costly economic burden. Users of the air as a waste disposal medium have treated it as a free resource with no regard for the damages incurred by receptors of the dirty air. Unfortunately, no self-regulating market forces exist that will bring this diseconomy into an acceptable equilibrium. An outside regulating force, which can affect abatement of air pollution, is needed to achieve control of air pollution to a level acceptable to a community. A prerequisite of any proposed regulatory action to be applied by an outside force, however, is the need to define an acceptable level of pollution. One means of accomplishing the task is to apply an economic evaluation, in the form of a cost-benefit analysis, to the problem. Previous analyses of the economic aspects of air pollution have stressed only one side of the problem. That is, they have dealt only with the cost of control or the damages caused by air pollution. No analysis has combined both aspects into a meaningful analysis of the overall economic impact. The objective of this paper is to present a technique that can be used to find the level of pollution abatement in an area that balances the cost of controlling pollution with the benefits received from its control. To present a clearer picture of this technique and its results, it has been applied to the Washington, D. C. area to find the optimum level of particulate abatement. This method is generally applicable to any area, in which an air pollution problem exists.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act, while recognizing the primary responsibility of states and local governments for the prevention and control of air pollution, provides authority for federal initiative and action to prevent and to abate air pollution which “endangers the health or welfare of any persons.” The applicable statutory procedures and the scope of federal authority are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comprehensive set of economic models developed to assess the air pollution control costs of alternative systems for generating electricity from coal. Models of individual system components were formulated based on engineering and statistical analyses of other detailed models and data reported in the literature for currently available technologies. The air pollution control options modeled include 4 levels of physical coal cleaning, 3 types of dry fly ash collectors, a wet limestone FGD system, and 2 options for solid waste disposal. In addition, the cost of a power plant with no air pollution controls was modeled to determine the total system cost, including energy needed to operate environmental control systems. The principal criteria guiding the development of these models were that they be (1) computationally simple and economical to use, with a minimum of detailed data requirements, (2) sensitive to variations in pollutant emission regulations, coal characteristics, and key plant design parameters, and (3) systematic, based on a specified amount of power production and the same constant dollars. Extensive sensitivity analyses and case studies performed with these models indicate excellent agreement with the results of other studies and models applicable only to individual environmental control options. Applications of these models are discussed and illustrative results presented.  相似文献   

Tendergreen bean plants were grown from seeding to seed maturity under continuous exposure to HF gas at fairly uniform concentrations averaging 0.58, 2.1, 9.1, and 10.5 µg F/m3. Progeny of these plants and of comparable control plants were grown in a clean atmosphere to determine if subsequent generations were affected by HF treatment of the parents.

No effects of HF were found among the progeny of the plants grown at 0.58 µg F/m3. The F1 generation progeny of the other HF treated plants were less vigorous than control plant progeny, as shown by later emergence, smaller primary leaves, and slower stem growth. This probably was a consequence of the lower starch content of the seed of the HF treated plants. The primary leaves of some F1 progeny of the plants grown in the three highest HF treatments were severely stunted and distorted. This also may have been due to the low starch content of the seed, or perhaps it resulted from damage to the plumules in shriveled, distorted seed produced in these treatments.

Some of the early trifoliate leaves of many F1 generation progeny of the plants grown at 2.1 µg F/m3 and higher were abnormal in the separation and number of their leaflets. This abnormality apparently was heritable, for in the next (F2) generation it occurred most frequently among plants whose parents were abnormal. However, considerably fewer F3 generation plants had abnormal trifoliate leaves, indicating rapid reversal to the normal form.  相似文献   


A sample preparation method has been developed in which a powder may be aerosolized and collected onto filter media in the form of a uniform layer of participate matter similar to the EPA Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) aerodynamic diameter. Samples of dusts and powders as small as 100 mg may be prepared for metals analysis by XRF with this method. The method is also applicable to the preparation of samples such as ores, soils, sediments, etc., which may be ground to pass through a #400 Tyler equivalent sieve (37 um geometric diameter) prior to aerosolization. Samples prepared in this manner present a representative aliquot with minimal matrix interferences to the XRF instrument for elements with atomic number as low as 13 (aluminum). This method is equivalent to EPA's Method 3050A digestion and subsequent analysis by either ICP or GFAA for many analytes, while other species (notably Cr) are not as favorable in comparison.  相似文献   


An airborne lidar was used to study the smoke plume from the burning of a controlled oil spill on the ocean. The ratio of the amount of light (at a wavelength, λ, of 0.532 u.m) backscattered by the smoke to the amount of light extinguished by the smoke was determined by measuring the strength of a laser beam after it had passed through the smoke plume, been reflected from the ocean, and passed through the smoke plume again, and comparing this to the strength of the laser beam reflected directly from the ocean. The optical depth of the smoke (at λ = 0.532 µm) was typically between 0.2 and 0.5. The mass fluxes of smoke particles that passed through four vertical cross sections of the (nonsteady state) smoke plume were estimated from lidar measurements to be 142, 175, 423, and 414 g s-1, compared to an average smoke mass production rate of ~770 g s-1. The spatial distribution of smoke mass along the long axis of the plume was also estimated from the lidar measurements; derived smoke mass concentrations were generally <300 µg m-3, with a few isolated values up to ~800 µg m-3.  相似文献   

A general formula is derived that can be used to calculate the reductions in emissions of inert pollutants required to achieve National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and to predict future urban atmospheric concentrations. The derivation incorporates the main features of atmospheric diffusion modeling and takes account of all categories of sources and their spatial distribution. In our previous paper, carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from light duty vehicles were considered separately with the approximation that emissions from other sources of CO would grow and be controlled proportionately to that of light duty vehicles.

The new general formula is applied to Phoenix-Tucson using EPA data. It Is found that Phoenix-Tucson will meet the NAAQS for CO by 1985 if a 12 g/mi light duty vehicle emission standard is adopted. The EPA, using the same data in a modified rollback analysis, had predicted that Phoenix-Tucson, as well as a number of other localities, would not achieve the NAAQS even if the 3.4 g/mi statutory standard went into effect on schedule.

The underlying reasons for these very different predictions can be readily identified by means of the general formula. It is essential that the data and parameters used in these predictions be internally consistent. It is also noted that the current Federal Test Procedure (CVS-CH) for vehicle emissions gives data inconsistent with that needed to predict CO air quality with a correct methodology.  相似文献   

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