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A real-time monitoring methodology to determine diesel fine particles in diesel emissions has been evaluated. The range of particle size captured by the monitor was ~0.1 μm to 1 μm. DustTrak real-time monitors were connected to the dilution tunnel of the vehicle exhaust to measure the emissions during the vehicle tests under both dynamic and steady-state driving conditions, and concentration data were recorded every 5 sec. Test variation of the real-time monitoring among different test days was similar to that measured by traditional filter-based gravi-metric method, whereas the repeatability of the monitor data within the same-day tests was better than that of gravimetric method. Correlations between the two methods were established for different fuels tested on a single light duty vehicle. When the emissions from the reference fuel was used to convert the monitor’s response to diesel fuels, the levels determined by the real-time monitor were consistent with those measured by gravimetric method among different fuels tested. Use of the real-time monitor could provide information on the levels of fine particles that is more relevant to the public health than the total particles.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the measurement of the size distribution of particulate matter in air. The light scattering instrument described herein is characterized by the fact that it can accurately size particles almost independently of their index of refraction. The basic concept involves the simultaneous measurement of the intensity of light scattered by a single particle at two small scattering angles. The ratio of the two intensities is directly related io ine size of ihe pariicle, and for scattering angles of 5° and 10° the effective range of the instrument is 0.2 to 4 μm. The air flows through the optical system at such a rate that approximately 25 μs are required to determine the size of each particle, and concentrations as high as 104 particles/cc can be measured without dilution and without serious coincidence effects. By employing a multichannel analyzer as the data storage and readout device it is possible to detect changes in particulate size distribution within a few seconds. Calibration of the instrument has been performed using polystyrene latex spheres and materials having a wide range of index of refraction and shape including carbon black, iron oxide and spores.  相似文献   

Reports by others1,2 have pointed to tobacco smoke as a significant source of air pollution in indoor spaces. Studies by Charlson, et al., 3 Kretzschmar,4 and Eccleston, et al. 5 have yielded mass concentration-light scattering correlations for several natural aerosols. This note presents a value for the mass concentration/ light scattering ratio for tobacco smoke. This ratio provides a means of assessing air quality in indoor spaces using an instrument with a fairly short (?1 min) time constant.  相似文献   


Wintertime atmospheric light scattering in Dallas, TX, was estimated through the use of aerosol models. Input data for the aerosol models were provided by measurements of aerosol chemistry, physical particle size distributions, and distributions of particulate sulfur by particle size, and by predictions by an atmospheric simulation model. Light scattering measurements provided a basis for testing the aerosol models. The SCAPE thermodynamic equilibrium model was used to estimate the amount of liquid water associated with particles and the ELSIE Mie scattering model was applied to estimate the resulting light scattering. The calculations were based on aerosol properties measured in Dallas during December 1994 and February 1995, and changes in scattering due to hypothetical changes in the aerosol were predicted. The predicted light scattering was compared to scattering measured by an Optec nephelom-eter; agreement was within 20% in every case.  相似文献   


The GRIMM model 1.107 monitor is designed to measure particle size distribution and particulate mass based on a light scattering measurement of individual particles in the sampled air. The design and operation of the instrument are described. Protocols used to convert the measured size number distribution to a mass concentration consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency protocols for measuring particulate matter (PM) less than 10 μm (PM10) and less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) in aerodynamic diameter are described. The performance of the resulting continuous monitor has been evaluated by comparing GRIMM monitor PM2.5 measurements with results obtained by the Rupprecht and Patashnick Co. (R&P) filter dynamic measurement system (FDMS). Data were obtained during month-long studies in Rubidoux, CA, in July 2003 and in Fresno, CA, in December 2003. The results indicate that the GRIMM monitor does respond to total PM2.5 mass, including the semi-volatile components, giving results comparable to the FDMS. The data also indicate that the monitor can be used to estimate water content of the fine particles. However, if the inlet to the monitor is heated, then the instrument measures only the nonvolatile material, more comparable to results obtained with a conventional heated filter tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor. A recent modification of the model 180, with a Nafion dryer at the inlet, measures total PM2.5 including the nonvolatile and semi-volatile components, but excluding fine particulate water. Model 180 was in agreement with FDMS data obtained in Lindon, UT, during January through February 2007  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research is to manage simultaneous measurement of velocity and concentration in large cross-sections by recording and processing images of cloud structures to provide more detailed information for e.g. validation of CFD simulations. Dispersion from an isolated stack in an Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) was chosen as the test case and investigated both experimentally and numerically in a wind tunnel. Large Scale-Particle Image Velocimetry (LS-PIV), which records cloud structures instead of individual particles, was used to obtain the velocity field in a vertical plane. The concentration field was determined by two methods: Aspiration Probe (AP) measurements and Light Scattering Technique (LST). In the latter approach, the same set of images used in the LS-PIV was employed. The test case was also simulated using the CFD solver FLUENT 6.3. Comparison between AP measurements and CFD revealed that there is good agreement when using a turbulent Schmidt number of 0.4. For the LST measurements, a non-linear relation between concentration and light intensity was observed and a hyperbolic-based function is proposed as correction function. After applying this correction function, a close agreement between CFD and LST measurements is obtained.  相似文献   


A method is described to estimate light scattering (Bsp) by sea-salt aerosols at coastal locations in the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network. Dry mass scattering efficiencies for fine and coarse sea-salt particles were based on previously measured dry sea-salt size distributions. Enhancement of sea-salt particle scattering by hygroscopic growth was based on NaCl water activity data. Sea-salt aerosol mass at the IMPROVE site in the Virgin Islands (VIIS) was estimated from strontium (Sr) concentrations in IMPROVE aerosol samples. Estimated Bsp, including contributions from sea-salt mass based on Sr, agreed well with measured Bsp at the VIIS IMPROVE site. On average, sea salt accounted for 52% of estimated Bsp at this site. Sea-salt aerosol mass cannot be reliably estimated from Sr unless its crustal enrichment factor exceeds 10. Sodium (Na) concentrations are not accurately determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis in IMPROVE samples. It is recommended that Na be measured in the fine and coarse modes by a more appropriate method, such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or ion chromatography, to account for scattering by sea-salt particles at IMPROVE sites where such contributions may be significant.  相似文献   


An annular denuder system, which consisted of a cyclone separator; two diffusion denuders coated with sodium carbonate and citric acid, respectively; and a filter pack consisting of Teflon and nylon filters in series, was used to measure acid gases, ammonia (NH3), and fine particles in the atmosphere from April 1998 to March 1999 in eastern North Carolina (i.e., an NH3?rich environment). The sodium carbonate denuders yielded average acid gas concentrations of 0.23 μg/m3 hydrochloric acid (standard deviation [SD] ± 0.2 μg/m3); 1.14 μg/m3 nitric acid (SD ± 0.81 μg/m3), and 1.61 μg/m3 sulfuric acid (SD ± 1.58 μg/m3). The citric acid denuders yielded an average concentration of 17.89 μg/m3 NH3 (SD ± 15.03 μg/m3). The filters yielded average fine aerosol concentrations of 1.64 μg/m3 ammonium (NH4 +;SD ± 1.26 μg/m3); 0.26 μg/m3 chloride (SD ± 0.69 μg/m3), 1.92 μg/m3 nitrate (SD ± 1.09 μg/m3), and 3.18 μg/m3 sulfate (SO4 2?; SD ± 3.12 μg/m3). From seasonal variation, the measured particulates (NH4 +,SO4 2?, and nitrate) showed larger peak concentrations during summer, suggesting that the gas-to-particle conversion was efficient during summer. The aerosol fraction in this study area indicated the domination of ammonium sulfate particles because of the local abundance of NH3, and the long-range transport of SO4 2? based on back trajectory analysis. Relative humidity effects on gas-to-particle conversion processes were analyzed by particulate NH4 + concentration originally formed from the neutralization processes with the secondary pollutants in the atmosphere.  相似文献   


Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a highly attractive alternative technology for purification and deodorization of indoor air. The main objectives of this study were to demonstrate that a common fluorescent visible light (FVL) lamp can be used to effectively remove by PCO low concentrations of VOCs from slightly contaminated air and to provide some fundamental and technical details on the process. The target VOC was n-butanol, which is a standard reference odorant. Its PCO was studied under a long residence time in a 3.7-L cylindrical reactor with commercial titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the reference photocatalyst and using mostly FVL for illumination. For comparison only, a UV (black) light lamp was used. The gas-phase products were detected and quantified online by gas chromatography (GC). The effects of reactor residence time, of inlet concentration, and of the relative light intensity on the efficiency of the process were also evaluated. At a high n-butanol concentration (0.1 vol %), butanal and propanal were identified as the intermediate products of the process; ethanal appeared when the initial concentration was <850 ppmv. This indicates that PCO leading to CO2 and H2O is relatively slow and proceeds in a stepwise manner. Although the efficiency of the process with an FVL lamp was significantly lower than when using a UV black light, complete PCO of low concentrations was achieved for 100 ppmv. In a search for a material with photoactivation extended to higher wavelengths or increased photo-activity, several samples of transition metal- or silver ion-doped (2 atomic %) TiO2 as well as SrTi1xFexO3 (x = 0.1 and 0.15) perovskites were included in the study. None of these materials was more active than pure TiO2. The results of this study open new horizons in the area of indoor air quality (IAQ) control.  相似文献   


Odor intensity reveals a dose-effect relationship between inhaled odor and perceived odor sensation by the receptors, while odor concentration reflects the odor strength at the emission sources. The study reports significant improvements in experimental procedures in establishing the odor concentration-intensity (OCI) relationships using a newly developed digital olfactometer. The improvements in experimental procedures have been made to meet the requirements of both the VDI guideline 3882.1 and the European standard (EN13725). Several areas which could affect the reliability of the results have been identified in some similar studies. The latest digital olfactometer was calibrated automatically to ensure accurate and repeatable dilution ratios. Cross contamination has been eliminated through the instrument design and extensive cleaning procedures, making random presentation possible. Stringent panelist screening and continuous performance monitoring ensures consistent sensitivity of the panel. The extension of odor intensity category to temperature sensation gives a reference to assist judgments of perceived odor sensation. The Dyna-Scent calculation method has simplified odor intensity calculation and can be applied to many odor samples. A total of 38 odor samples from three alumina refinery sites and two sewage treatment plants were collected for analysis. The results have confirmed the efficiency of the olfactometer. Distinct Odor Concentrations (DOCs) were calculated for each sample using both VDI and DynaScent methods. A student t test on two major odor types confirmed that there are no significant differences between two methods. The study has shown the DOCs for refinery odor and wastewater odor are in the range of 3.8-15.4 and 4.2-15.6 odor unit (OU)/m3 respectively. The study demonstrated that the improvements are critical in achieving reliable odor intensity measurement. This can lead to the setup of quantitative odor impact criteria for different industries and sites.  相似文献   

Certain odor control regulations specify use of the Scentometer for ambient odor measurement. This evaluation is usually performed by a single individual who is surrounded by the odorous environment to be measured. A method is desired where an ambient odor sample can be evaluated by an adequate size panel in an odor-free atmosphere. A dynamic forced-choice triangle olfactometer was designed and constructed to measure ambient odors. Teflon bags of 18 liter capacity collect a sample within 2-3 minutes which includes pre-flushing the bag. The sample is evaluated by a dynamic olfactometer equipped with 5 dilution levels (81×, 27×, 9×, 3× and undiluted sample). Three sniffing ports are provided at each dilution level to present dynamically one diluted odor stimulus and two odor-free air blanks. Each panelist is required to indicate which port contains the odor. Evaluation of one sample is routinely completed by a panel of 9 within less than 15 minutes. The odor threshold value (ED50) for the panel is calculated by use of a simple table derived statistically. No significant loss of odor was observed in sampling and in storage of rendering odors up to 48 hours. Bags were reusable after flushing with odor-free air. Reproducibility of log ED50 values by the same panel was within a σ = 0.10 log10. Agreement in evaluating duplicate field samples by two different panels was within the same limits. Under controlled laboratory conditions, a Scentometer reading of D/T = 2 was equivalent to an ED50 = 4.8; and D/T = 7 was equal to ED50 = 9.5.  相似文献   


A badge-type passive monitor was used to evaluate the effectiveness of four ozone trapping reagents for measuring O3 concentrations in the air. These were sodium nitrite (NaNO2), 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone acetone azine (MBTH), p-acetamidophenol (p-ATP), and indigo carmine. Experiments in an exposure chamber showed that only NaNO2 and MBTH monitors gave sensitive and linear responses over realistic ranges of O3 concentrations. When tested in ambient air, NaNO2 and MBTH monitors with a single-layer diffusion barrier overestimated O3 concentrations by a significant amount. This was largely canceled out in the NaNO2 monitor by using a multi-layered diffusion barrier to combat wind turbulence effects. However it had almost no effect on the MBTH monitor, and it was found that NO2 was a source of serious interference. We concluded that using the NaNO2 monitor with an effective diffusion barrier can measure O3 in ambient air with an accuracy of ±16%.  相似文献   


A study design procedure was developed and demonstrated for the deployment of portable onboard tailpipe emissions measurement systems for selected highway vehicles fueled by gasoline and E85 (a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline). Data collection, screening, processing, and analysis protocols were developed to assure data quality and to provide insights regarding quantification of real-world intravehicle variability in hot-stabilized emissions. Onboard systems provide representative real-world emissions measurements; however, onboard field studies are challenged by the observable but uncontrollable nature of traffic flow and ambient conditions. By characterizing intravehicle variability based on repeated data collection runs with the same driver/vehicle/route combinations, this study establishes the ability to develop stable modal emissions rates for idle, acceleration, cruise, and deceleration even in the face of uncontrollable external factors. For example, a consistent finding is that average emissions during acceleration are typically 5 times greater than during idle for hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide and 10 times greater for nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. A statistical method for comparing on-road emissions of different drivers is presented. Onboard data demonstrate the importance of accounting for the episodic nature of real-world emissions to help develop appropriate traffic and air quality management strategies.  相似文献   


Project MOHAVE was initiated in 1992 to examine the role of emissions from the 1580 MW coal-fired MOHAVE Power Project (MPP) on haze at the Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), located about 130 km north-northeast of the power plant. Statistical relationships were analyzed between summertime ambient concentrations of a gaseous perfluorocarbon tracer released from MPP and ambient SO2, particulate sulfur, and light scattering to evaluate whether MPP's emissions could be transported to the GCNP and then impact haze levels there. Spatial analyses indicated that particulate sulfur levels were strongly correlated across the monitoring network, regardless of whether the monitoring stations were upwind or downwind of MPP. This indicates that particulate sulfur levels in this region were influenced by distant regional emission sources. A significant particulate sulfur contribution from a point source such as MPP would result in a non-uniform pattern downwind. There was no suggestion of this in the data.

Furthermore, correlations between the MPP tracer and ambient particulate sulfur and light scattering at locations in the park were virtually zero for averaging times ranging from 24 hr to 1 hr. Hour-by-hour MPP tracer levels and light scattering were individually examined, and still no positive correlations were detected. Finally, agreement between tracer and particulate sulfur did not improve as a function of meteorological regime, implying that, even during cloudy monsoon days when more rapid conversion of SO2 to par-ticulate sulfur would be expected, there was no evidence for downwind particulate sulfur impacts. Despite the fact that MPP was a large source of SO2 and tracer, neither time series nor correlation analyses were able to detect any meaningful relationship between MPP's SO2 and tracer emission “signals” to particulate sulfur or light scattering.  相似文献   


The Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) equation used to assess compliance under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Haze Rule assumes that dry mass scattering efficiencies for aerosol chemical components are constant. However, examination of aerosol size distributions and chemical composition during the Big Bend Regional Aerosol and Visibility Observational Study and the Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study suggests that volume and mass scattering efficiencies vary directly with increasing particle light scattering and aerosol mass concentration. This is consistent with the observation that particle distributions were shifted to larger sizes under more polluted conditions and appears to be related to aging of the aerosol during transport to remote locations.  相似文献   


An instrumentation system employing an RPV (remotely piloted vehicle) platform was developed for temporally and spatially resolved air pollution measurements, and was used to measure the evolution of gas-phase HC1 in exhaust clouds from a solid rocket motor firing and fuel pit burns. A thermistor and a sensitive (ppmv-level), rapid-response (<0.1 sec) infrared absorption sensor for HC1 were mounted in a flow channel in the RPV, permitting concentration and temperature measurements to be made in the cloud on a several-meter scale. The RPV system was flown in a series of field tests at Thiokol Corporation’s Elkton, MD division to evaluate the HC1 content of the exhaust products of a new Mg-based fuel formulation. Measurements were made in the clouds from Al-based and Mg-based solid fuel pit burns and a Mg-fueled motor firing over periods of several minutes. Elevated temperatures and HC1 concentrations were found to be temporally correlated with video images of the particulate cloud. Cl originating from the ammonium perchlorate oxidizer appeared in the exhaust as HC1 in each of the tests. Both the macroscopic and local cloud parameters indicate that the Mg-based fuel may provide some reduction in HC1 concentration compared to the standard Al-based fuel.  相似文献   

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