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The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) held its tenth workshop in March 2000, focusing on results from the most recent real-world vehicle emissions research. In this paper, we summarize the presentations from researchers who are engaged in improving our understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories. Participants in the workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models and emission inventories, results from gas- and particle-phase emissions studies from spark-ignition and diesel-powered vehicles, new methods for measuring mobile source emissions, improvements in vehicle emission control systems (ECSs), and evaluation of motor vehicle inspection/maintenance (I/M) programs, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   


In April 1999, the Coordinating Research Council sponsored a workshop focusing on our understanding of real-world emissions from motor vehicles. This summary presents the latest information on in-use light- and heavy-duty vehicle tailpipe and evaporative emissions, the effects of fuels on emissions, field programs designed to understand the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories, efforts to evaluate and improve mobile source emission models, progress of vehicle inspection/ maintenance programs, and topics for future research. While significant progress has been made in understanding in-use vehicle emissions, further improvements are necessary. Moreover, the impact of current and future changes in emission control technologies and control programs will have to be monitored for effectiveness and incorporated into the emission factor models.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council held its 14th Vehicle Emissions Workshop in March 2004, where results of the most recent on-road vehicle emissions research were presented. We summarize ongoing work from researchers who are engaged in improving our understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to ambient air quality and emission inventories. Participants in the workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models, light- and heavy-duty vehicle emissions measurements, on- and off-road emissions measurements, effects of fuels and lubricating oils on emissions, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council held its thirteenth Vehicle Emissions Workshop in April 2003, when results of the most recent on-road vehicle emissions research were presented. Ongoing work from researchers who are engaged in improving understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to ambient air quality and emission inventories is summarized here. Participants in the workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models, the role of on-board diagnostic systems in inspection and maintenance programs, light- and heavy-duty vehicle emissions measurements, on- and off-road emissions measurements, effects of fuels and lubricating oils on emissions, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   

The Desert Research Institute conducted an on-road mobile source emission study at a traffic tunnel in Van Nuys, California, in August 2010 to measure fleet-averaged, fuel-based emission factors. The study also included remote sensing device (RSD) measurements by the University of Denver of 13,000 vehicles near the tunnel. The tunnel and RSD fleet-averaged emission factors were compared in blind fashion with the corresponding modeled factors calculated by ENVIRON International Corporation using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) MOVES2010a (Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator) and MOBILE6.2 mobile source emission models, and California Air Resources Board's (CARB's) EMFAC2007 (EMission FACtors) emission model. With some exceptions, the fleet-averaged tunnel, RSD, and modeled carbon monoxide (CO) and oxide of nitrogen (NOx) emission factors were in reasonable agreement (±25%). The nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emission factors (specifically the running evaporative emissions) predicted by MOVES were insensitive to ambient temperature as compared with the tunnel measurements and the MOBILE- and EMFAC-predicted emission factors, resulting in underestimation of the measured NMHC/NOx ratios at higher ambient temperatures. Although predicted NMHC/NOx ratios are in good agreement with the measured ratios during cooler sampling periods, the measured NMHC/NOx ratios are 3.1, 1.7, and 1.4 times higher than those predicted by the MOVES, MOBILE, and EMFAC models, respectively, during high-temperature periods. Although the MOVES NOx emission factors were generally higher than the measured factors, most differences were not significant considering the variations in the modeled factors using alternative vehicle operating cycles to represent the driving conditions in the tunnel. The three models predicted large differences in NOx and particle emissions and in the relative contributions of diesel and gasoline vehicles to total NOx and particulate carbon (TC) emissions in the tunnel.

Implications: Although advances have been made to mobile source emission models over the past two decades, the evidence that mobile source emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in urban areas were underestimated by as much as a factor of 2–3 in past inventories underscores the need for on-going verification of emission inventories. Results suggest that there is an overall increase in motor vehicle NMHC emissions on hot days that is not fully accounted for by the emission models. Hot temperatures and concomitant higher ratios of NMHC emissions relative to NOx both contribute to more rapid and efficient formation of ozone. Also, the ability of EPA's MOVES model to simulate varying vehicle operating modes places increased importance on the choice of operating modes to evaluate project-level emissions.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council, Inc. (CRC) held its 17th On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop in March 2007, where results of the most recent on-road vehicle emissions research were presented. We summarize ongoing work from researchers who are engaged in improving our understanding of the role and contribution of mobile sources to ambient air quality and emission inventories. Participants in the Workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models, light- and heavy-duty vehicle emissions measurements, on- and off-road emissions measurements, effects of fuels and lubricating oils on emissions, as well as emerging issues and topics for future research.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) held its 12th workshop in April 2002, with nearly 90 presentations on the most recent on-road vehicle emissions research. This paper summarizes the presentations from researchers who are engaged in improving understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to air quality. Participants in the workshop discussed mobile source emission models and emission inventories, results from gas- and particle-phase emissions studies from spark-ignition and diesel-powered vehicles (with an emphasis in this workshop on particle emissions), effects of fuels on emissions, evaluation of in-use emissions control programs, and efforts to improve our capabilities in performing on-board emissions measurements, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   


In August 1995, measurements of CO, NOx, speciated nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), and CO2 were made in Vancouver's Cassiar Connector, a 730-m-long level-grade highway traffic tunnel. Two characteristics of the Vancouver setting are the presence of many propane vehicles and a mandatory inspection and maintenance (I/M) program. Although the driving conditions and vehicle fleets are otherwise outwardly similar to those of recent Tuscarora-tunnel studies, CO/NO ratios at the Cassiar Connector are significantly lower than those measured at Tuscarora. The Cassiar measurements are consistent with the MOBILE5A mobile emissions model predictions. The Canadian version of MOBILE5A—known as MOBILE5C—gives nearly identical results, indicating that differences in Canadian and U.S. emission standards cannot explain differences between Cassiar and U.S. tunnels. Considering the modeling results as well as measured ethene/acetylene ratios indicative of noncatalyst vehicles, it appears that vehicle deterioration remains the major issue in in-use vehicle emissions—even in Vancouver, where there is a mandatory loaded-mode I/M program.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) held its eleventh workshop in March 2001, focusing on results from the most recent real-world vehicle emissions research. We summarize the presentations from researchers engaged in improving our understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to ambient air quality and emission inventories. Participants in the workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models and emission inventories, the role of on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems in inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs, particulate matter (PM) emissions, contributions of diesel vehicles to the emission inventory, on-road emissions measurements, fuel effects, unregulated emissions, and microscale and modal emission models, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   


Fuel-based emission factors for 143 light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) and 93 heavy-duty diesel trucks (HDDTs) were measured in Wilmington, CA using a zero-emission mobile measurement platform (MMP). The frequency distributions of emission factors of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particle mass with aerodynamic diameter below 2.5 μm (PM2.5) varied widely, whereas the average of the individual vehicle emission factors were comparable to those reported in previous tunnel and remote sensing studies as well as the predictions by Emission Factors (EMFAC) 2007 mobile source emission model for Los Angeles County. Variation in emissions due to different driving modes (idle, low- and high-speed acceleration, low- and high-speed cruise) was found to be relatively small in comparison to intervehicle variability and did not appear to interfere with the identification of high emitters, defined as the vehicles whose emissions were more than 5 times the fleet-average values. Using this definition, approximately 5% of the LDGVs and HDDTs measured were high emitters. Among the 143 LDGVs, the average emission factors of NOx, black carbon (BC), PM2.5, and ultrafine particle (UFP) would be reduced by 34%, 39%, 44%, and 31%, respectively, by removing the highest 5% of emitting vehicles, whereas CO emission factor would be reduced by 50%. The emission distributions of the 93 HDDTs measured were even more skewed: approximately half of the NOx and CO fleet-average emission factors and more than 60% of PM2.5, UFP, and BC fleet-average emission factors would be reduced by eliminating the highest-emitting 5% HDDTs. Furthermore, high emissions of BC, PM2.5, and NOx tended to cluster among the same vehicles.

IMPLICATIONS This study presents the characterization of on-road vehicle emissions in Wilmington, CA, by sampling individual vehicle plumes. Approximately 5% of the vehicles were high emitters, whose emissions were more than 5 times the fleet-average values. These high emitters were responsible for 30% and more than 50% of the average emission factors of LDGVs and HDDVs, respectively. It is likely that as the overall fleet becomes cleaner due to more stringent regulations, a small fraction of the fleet may contribute a growing and disproportionate share of the overall emissions. Therefore, long-term changes in on-road emissions need to be monitored.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) held its tenth workshop in March 2000, focusing on results from the most recent real-world vehicle emissions research. In this paper, we summarize the presentations from researchers who are engaged in improving our understanding of the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories. Participants in the workshop discussed efforts to improve mobile source emission models and emission inventories, results from gas- and particle-phase emissions studies from spark-ignition and diesel-powered vehicles, new methods for measuring mobile source emissions, improvements in vehicle emission control systems (ECSs), and evaluation of motor vehicle inspection/maintenance (I/M) programs, as well as topics for future research.  相似文献   

The Coordinating Research Council (CRC) has conducted a series of workshops on real-world vehicle emissions. This article summarizes findings from the most recent research regarding on-road emissions from mobile sources, presented at the CRC workshop held in March 1996. Among the topics discussed were efforts to improve and update emission models, results from field studies designed to understand the contribution of mobile sources to emission inventories, results from gas-and particle-phase emissions studies from in-use motor vehicles, and areas of future research.

The Sixth Coordinating Research Council (CRC) On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop was held March 18-20, 1996, in San Diego, CA. More than 160 representatives from academia, industry, government, and consulting firms in the United States, Canada, and Europe participated in the three-day meeting. The objective of the Workshop was to present the most recent information from research programs on:

mobile source contributions to the emission inventory

emission factor models and activity data

model comparison and development

emission reduction programs

new developments in remote sensing

studies of on-road vehicle exhaust and non-tailpipe emissions

off-cycle Federal Test Procedure (FTP) studies and revisions to the FTP

particle emissions from the light- and heavy-duty fleets

future research needs

Nine sessions were devoted to vehicle emissions models, improvements to the emission inventory, on-road and tunnel studies, off-cycle emissions, non-tailpipe and diesel emissions, emission reduction programs, and remote sensing. Overall workshop coordination was provided by Timothy Belian and the CRC staff, with Steven Cadle and Robert Gorse serving as cochairmen. Individual session chairmen were Brent Bailey (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Mark Carlock (California Air Resources Board), Harold Haskew (General Motors), Kenneth Knapp and Philip Lorang (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Douglas Lawson (Colorado State University), Alan Lloyd (Desert Research Institute), Robert Slott (Shell Oil), and Timothy Truex (University of California, Riverside). In addition, during the Workshop, Lesha Hrynchuk of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) presented a hands-on demonstration using the Internet to obtain motor vehicle emissions information from groups throughout the world. The complete Workshop proceedings are available from the Coordinating Research Council, 219 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30346; phone: (770) 396-3400; fax: (770) 396-3404. The following summarizes each session and includes a short synopsis of all the papers that were presented.  相似文献   


On-board emission measurements were performed on 49 light-duty gasoline vehicles in seven cities of China. Vehicle-specific power mode distribution and emission characteristics were analyzed based on the data collected. The results of our study show that there were significant differences in different types of roads. The emission factors and fuel consumption rates on arterial roads and residential roads were approximately 1.4–2 times those on freeways. The carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and nitrogen oxides emission factors of Euro II vehicles were on average 86.2, 88.2, and 64.5% lower than those of carburetor vehicles, respectively. The new vehicle emission standards implemented in China had played an important role in reducing individual vehicle emissions. More comprehensive measures need to be considered to reduce the total amount of emissions from vehicles.  相似文献   


A fuel-based methodology for calculating motor vehicle emission inventories is presented. In the fuel-based method, emission factors are normalized to fuel consumption and expressed as grams of pollutant emitted per gallon of gasoline burned. Fleet-average emission factors are calculated from the measured on-road emissions of a large, random sample of vehicles. Gasoline use is known at the state level from sales tax data, and may be disaggregated to individual air basins. A fuel-based motor vehicle CO inventory was calculated for the South Coast Air Basin in California for summer 1991. Emission factors were calculated from remote sensing measurements of more than 70,000 in-use vehicles. Stabilized exhaust emissions of CO were estimated to be 4400 tons/day for cars and 1500 tons/day for light-duty and medium- duty trucks, with an estimated uncertainty of ±20% for cars and ±30% for trucks. Total motor vehicle CO emissions, including incremental start emissions and emissions from heavy-duty vehicles were estimated to be 7900 tons/day. Fuelbased inventory estimates were greater than those of California's MVEI 7F model by factors of 2.2 for cars and 2.6 for trucks. A draft version of California's MVEI 7G model, which includes increased contributions from high-emitting vehicles and off-cycle emissions, predicted CO emissions which closely matched the fuel-based inventory. An analysis of CO mass emissions as a function of vehicle age revealed that cars and trucks which were ten or more years old were responsible for 58% of stabilized exhaust CO emissions from all cars and trucks.  相似文献   


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implemented a program to identify tailpipe emissions of criteria and air-toxic contaminants from in-use, light-duty low-emission vehicles (LEVs). EPA recruited 25 LEVs in 2002 and measured emissions on a chassis dynamometer using the cold-start urban dynamometer driving schedule of the Federal Test Procedure. The emissions measured included regulated pollutants, particulate matter, speciated hydrocarbon compounds, and carbonyl compounds. The results provided a comparison of emissions from real-world LEVs with emission standards for criteria and air-toxic compounds. Emission measurements indicated that a portion of the in-use fleet tested exceeded standards for the criteria gases. Real-time regulated and speciated hydrocarbon measurements demonstrated that the majority of emissions occurred during the initial phases of the cold-start portion of the urban dynamometer driving schedule. Overall, the study provided updated emission factor data for real-world, in-use operation of LEVs for improved emissions modeling and mobile source inventory development.  相似文献   


In-use emissions from vehicles using heavy-duty diesel engines can be significantly higher than the levels obtained during engine certification. These higher levels may be caused by a combination of degradation of engine components, poor engine maintenance, degradation or failure of emissions after-treatment devices, and engine and emissions system tampering. A direct comparison of in-use vehicle emissions with engine certification levels, however, is not possible without removing an engine from the vehicle in order to perform engine dynamometer emissions testing. The goal of this research was to develop a chassis test procedure that mimics the engine performance, and as such the expected emissions levels, from the engine certification emissions test prescribed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Emissions measurements were taken from two engines during testing on an engine dynamometer using the transient heavy-duty Federal Test Procedure (FTP). Additionally, each engine was installed in an appropriate vehicle, and emissions measurements were taken using a chassis dynamometer while employing a vehicle driving schedule  相似文献   


The paper provides a summary of accomplished and ongoing activities in the field of motor vehicle emission modeling in Europe. These activities have led to the development of a system of methods and conesponding computer models that address all the issues related to motor vehicle emissions that are of interest to policy-makers, institutions, and the automotive and oil industries. The Coordination of Information on Air Emissions/Computer Program to Calculate Emissions from Road Traffic (CORLNAIR/COPERT) methodology for the estimation of emissions from road vehicles is presented and compared with other models. A COPERT-based approach for microscale traffic emission estimation, with direct application in regional and urban emission inventories, is outlined, and relevant case studies are briefly discussed. The FOREMOVE model, developed for forecasts of motor vehicle emissions, is presented, together with some results from its application in the European Auto/Oil program. Particular attention is given to modeling the deterioration of in-use vehicles. Finally, the major areas of further research in the field of vehicle emissions in Europe are indicated.  相似文献   

As part of the 2010 Van Nuys tunnel study, researchers from the University of Denver measured on-road fuel-specific light-duty vehicle emissions from nearly 13,000 vehicles on Sherman Way (0.4 miles west of the tunnel) in Van Nuys, California, with its multispecies Fuel Efficiency Automobile Test (FEAT) remote sensor a week ahead of the tunnel measurements. The remote sensing mean gram per kilogram carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), and oxide of nitrogen (NOx) measurements are 8.9% lower, 41% higher, and 24% higher than the tunnel measurements, respectively. The remote sensing CO/NOx and HC/NOx mass ratios are 28% lower and 20% higher than the comparable tunnel ratios. Comparisons with the historical tunnel measurements show large reductions in CO, HC, and NOx over the past 23 yr, but little change in the HC/NOx mass ratio since 1995. The fleet CO and HC emissions are increasingly dominated by a few gross emitters, with more than a third of the total emissions being contributed by less than 1% of the fleet. An example of this is a 1995 vehicle measured three times with an average HC emission of 419 g/kg fuel (two-stroke snowmobiles average 475 g/kg fuel), responsible for 4% of the total HC emissions. The 2008 economic downturn dramatically reduced the number of new vehicles entering the fleet, leading to an age increase (>1 model year) of the Sherman Way fleet that has increased the fleet's ammonia (NH3) emissions. The mean NH3 levels appear little changed from previous measurements collected in the Van Nuys tunnel in 1993. Comparisons between weekday and weekend data show few fleet differences, although the fraction of light-duty diesel vehicles decreased from the weekday (1.7%) to Saturday (1.2%) and Sunday (0.6%).

Implications: On-road remote sensing emission measurements of light-duty vehicles on Sherman Way in Van Nuys, California, show large historical emission reductions for CO and HC emissions despite an older fleet arising from the 2008 economic downturn. Fleet CO and HC emissions are increasingly dominated by a few gross emitters, with a single 1995 vehicle measured being responsible for 4% of the entire fleet's HC emissions. Finding and repairing and/or scrapping as little as 2% of the fleet would reduce on-road tailpipe emissions by as much as 50%. Ammonia emissions have locally increased with the increasing fleet age.  相似文献   


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) evaporate and vent from a vehicle’s fuel tank to its evaporative control system when the vehicle is both driven and parked. VOCs making it past the control system are emissions. Driving and parking activity, fuel volatility, and temperature strongly affect vapor generation and the effectiveness of control technologies, and the wide variability in these factors and the sensitivity of emissions to these factors make it difficult to estimate evaporative emissions at the macro level. Established modeling methods, such as COPERT and MOVES, estimate evaporative emissions by assuming a constant in-use canister condition and consequently contain critical uncertainty when real conditions deviate from that standard condition. In this study, we have developed a new method to model canister capacity as a representative variable, and estimated emissions for all parking events based on semi-empirical functions derived from real-world activity data and laboratory measurements. As compared to chamber measurements collected during this study, the bias of the MOVES diurnal tank venting simulation ranges from ?100% to 129%, while the bias for our method’s simulation is 1.4% to 8.5%. Our modeling method is compared to the COPERT and MOVES models by estimating evaporative emissions from a Euro-3/4/5 and a Tier 2 vehicle in conditions representative for Chicago, IL, and Guangzhou, China. Estimates using the COPERT and MOVES methods differ from our method by ?56% to 120% and ?100% to 25%, respectively. The study highlights the importance for continued modeling improvement of the anthropogenic evaporative emission inventory and for tightened regulatory standards.

Implications: The COPERT and MOVES methodologies contain large uncertainties for estimating evaporative emissions, while our modeling method is developed based on chamber measurements to estimate evaporative emissions and can properly address those uncertainties. Modeling results suggested an urgent need to complete evaporative emissions inventories and also indicated that tightening evaporative emission standards is urgently needed, especially for warm areas.  相似文献   

Motor vehicles are one of the largest sources of air pollutants worldwide. Despite their importance, motor vehicle emissions are inadequately understood and quantified, esp. in developing countries. In this study, the real-world emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NO) were measured using an on-road remote sensing system at five sites in Hangzhou, China in 2004 and 2005. Average emission factors of CO, HC and NOx for petrol vehicles of different model year, technology class and vehicle type were calculated in grams of pollutant per unit of fuel use (g l−1) from approximately 32,260 petrol vehicles. Because the availability of data used in traditional on-road mobile source estimation methodologies is limited in China, fuel-based approach was implemented to estimate motor vehicle emissions using fuel sales as a measure of vehicle activity, and exhaust emissions factors from remote sensing measurements. The fuel-based exhaust emission inventories were also compared with the results from the recent international vehicle emission (IVE) model. Results show that petrol vehicle fleet in Hangzhou has significantly high CO emissions, relatively high HC and low NOx, with the average emission factors of 193.07±15.63, 9.51±2.40 and 5.53±0.48 g l−1, respectively. For year 2005 petrol vehicles exhaust emissions contributed with 182,013±16,936, 9107±2255 and 5050±480 metric ton yr−1 of CO, HC and NOx, respectively. The inventories are 45.5% higher, 6.6% higher and 53.7% lower for CO, HC and NOx, respectively, than the estimates using IVE travel-based model. In addition, a number of insights about the emission distributions and formation mechanisms have been obtained from an in-depth analysis of these results.  相似文献   

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