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California's Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline (CaRFG), introduced early in 1996, represents an important step toward attainment of ozone standards. Studies of vehicle emissions and ambient air quality data have reported substantial reductions of ozone precursors due to CaRFG. This study uses daily measurements of regional ozone and meteorology to estimate the effect of CaRFG on ozone concentrations in three areas of California. In each area, a regression model was used to partially account for the daily effects of meteorology on area-wide ozone maxima for May-October. The statistical models are based on combinations of air temperature aloft (approximately 5000 ft), surface air temperatures, and surface wind speeds. Estimated ozone benefits were attributed to CaRFG after accounting for meteorology, which improved the precision of the estimates by approximately 37-57% based on a resampling analysis. The ozone benefits were calculated as the difference in ozone times the proportion of the reductions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides attributed to CaRFG by the best available emission inventories. Ozone benefits attributed to CaRFG (with approximately 90% confidence) are 8-13% in the Los Angeles area, -2-6% in the San Francisco Bay area overall with greater benefits in two major subregions, and 3-15% in the Sacramento area.  相似文献   

The recorded exceedances of the 24-hr PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in Treasure Valley, Idaho, have been associated with prolonged stagnation periods during the winter. A comprehensive modeling study of PM10 impact in Treasure Valley was performed to support the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The study included base-year and short-term episodic conditions. The ISCST3 (Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3) model, using the base-year meteorology and gridded emissions of mobile sources, point sources, and wood burning as input, generally agreed well with measurements in both temporal patterns and annual averages. The WYNDvalley model was evaluated using monitoring data and was used to simulate the PM10 impact for episodic exceedances during stagnant winter conditions. An emission inventory was prepared for a base year (1995) and then extrapolated to the years 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 in order to determine air quality planning requirements. According to the simulations using base-year emissions and meteorology, exceedances are not expected. However, exceedances at some stations could be expected using projected emissions and episodic meteorology. Results from emission control strategies we developed indicate that mobile-source emissions have the most significant impact; reduction of 25% would be needed to eliminate the simulated exceedances in all projected years.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current methods and models used in estimating the impacts of indirect sources on CO air quality, an important process in rapidly growing areas. The paper gives an overview of the modeling process, reviews how to obtain fleet average emission factors, presents a commonly used set of worst-case meteorology, identifies dispersion models available for predicting local CO concentrations and tells how to predict an 8-hour average CO concentration given a 1-hour prediction. The paper also discusses background CO concentrations and some of the issues involved in choosing reasonable receptor locations. Several problems exist with indirect source impact analysis—in both the technical area and the policy area. Increased effort is needed to correct these problems, especially to quantify the probability of the worst-case meteorology and to define the locations of reasonable receptors.  相似文献   


The recorded exceedances of the 24-hr PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in Treasure Valley, Idaho, have been associated with prolonged stagnation periods during the winter. A comprehensive modeling study of PM10 impact in Treasure Valley was performed to support the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The study included base-year and short-term episodic conditions. The ISCST3 (Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3) model, using the base-year meteorology and gridded emissions of mobile sources, point sources, and wood burning as input, generally agreed well with measurements in both temporal patterns and annual averages. The WYNDvalley model was evaluated using monitoring data and was used to simulate the PM10 impact for episodic exceedances during stagnant winter conditions. An emission inventory was prepared for a base year (1995) and then extrapolated to the years 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 in order to determine air quality planning requirements. According to the simulations using base-year emissions and meteorology, exceedances are not expected. However, exceedances at some stations could be expected using projected emissions and episodic meteorology. Results from emission control strategies we developed indicate that mobile-source emissions have the most significant impact; reduction of 25% would be needed to eliminate the simulated exceedances in all projected years.  相似文献   


Measurements of pollutant gases, airborne particulate matter mass and composition, and meteorology have been made at a core site near downtown Atlanta, GA, since August 1998 in support of the Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES). This site is one of eight in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization network. The measurement objective is to provide a long-term, multivariate dataset suitable for investigating statistical associations of respiratory and cardiovascular disease with airborne particulate matter composition, meteorology, and copollutant gases through epidemiologic modeling. Measurements are expected to continue through 2010. Ancillary multiyear measurements at additional sites in the Atlanta metropolitan area and in short-term exposure assessments have been used to estimate the exposure/measurement error associated with using data from a central site to approximate human exposures for the entire area. To date, 13-, 25-, and 53-month air quality datasets have been used in epidemiologic analyses.  相似文献   

Measurements of pollutant gases, airborne particulate matter mass and composition, and meteorology have been made at a core site near downtown Atlanta, GA, since August 1998 in support of the Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES). This site is one of eight in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization network. The measurement objective is to provide a long-term, multivariate dataset suitable for investigating statistical associations of respiratory and cardiovascular disease with airborne particulate matter composition, meteorology, and copollutant gases through epidemiologic modeling. Measurements are expected to continue through 2010. Ancillary multiyear measurements at additional sites in the Atlanta metropolitan area and in short-term exposure assessments have been used to estimate the exposure/measurement error associated with using data from a central site to approximate human exposures for the entire area. To date, 13-, 25-, and 53-month air quality datasets have been used in epidemiologic analyses.  相似文献   

Recently several regional air quality projects were carried out to support the negotiation under the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) programme by predicting the impact of emission control policies with an ensemble of models. Within these projects, CITYDELTA and EURODELTA, the fate of air quality at the scale of European cities or that of the European continent was studied using several models. In this article we focus on the results of EURODELTA. The predictive skill of the ensemble of models is described for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and secondary inorganic compounds, and the uncertainty in air quality modelling is examined through the model ensemble spread of concentrations.For ozone daily maxima the ensemble spread origin differs from one region to another. In the neighbourhood of cities or in mountainous areas the spread of predicted values does not span the range of observed data, due to poorly resolved emissions or complex-terrain meteorology. By contrast in Atlantic and North Sea coastal areas the spread of predicted values is found to be larger than the observations. This is attributed to large differences in the boundary conditions used in the different models. For NO2 daily averages the ensemble spread is generally too small compared with observations. This is because models miss highest values occurring in stagnant meteorology in stable boundary layers near cities. For secondary particulate matter compounds the simulated concentration spread is more balanced, observations falling nearly equiprobably within the ensemble, and the spread originates both from meteorology and aerosol chemistry and thermodynamics.  相似文献   

遵循经济规律、生态学规律,对环境与发展问题进行科学论证,杜绝主观臆断、盲目决策;把决策纳入法制轨道,严格依法科学决策;充分发挥专家的智囊作用,做到先咨询后决策。  相似文献   

An expression relating the distribution of concentrations of air pollutants to the emission levels is derived and applied to the study of the air pollution problem of Santiago de Chile. Features specific to the area, like the geography and meteorology are included in a stochastic framework. The resulting distribution is simple. It has two parameters which can be easily estimated from the data. It fits well the data from Santiago and is a powerful tool to analyze pollution data and design a mitigation strategy. The methodology developed here can be applied to any city.  相似文献   

This annotated bibliography was prepared for the purpose of directing interested persons to some of the more helpful references in the field of air pollution meteorology. It obviously is not a complete listing. The reader who requires more information is directed to the references in the articles listed.  相似文献   

A Bayesian hierarchical regime switching model describing the spatial–temporal behavior of ozone (O3) within a domain covering Lake Michigan during spring–summer 1999 is developed. The model incorporates linkages between ozone and meteorology. It is specifically formulated to identify meteorological regimes conducive of high ozone levels and allow ozone behavior during these periods to be different from typical ozone behavior. The model is used to estimate or forecast spatial fields of O3 conditional on observed (or forecasted) meteorology including temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed and direction. The model is successful at forecasting the onset of periods of high ozone levels, but more work is needed to also accurately identify departures from these periods.  相似文献   

The development of micro-scale meteorological models has progressed in recent years. Some of them are already commercially available. With little hesitation, consulting engineers apply them to complex real-world problems. How accurate are the results? Using the example of urban dispersion models, the paper tries to give a critical assessment of the present ‘state of application’.  相似文献   

A numerical model, Mesoscale Model version 5 (MM5), is used in conjunction with a three-dimensional Eulerian/Lagrangian dispersion model (CAMx4) to model PM10 dispersion for a period of 48 h for the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. In a typical winter, Christchurch usually experiences severe degradation in air quality. The formation of a nocturnal temperature inversion layer during stagnant synoptic conditions, and the emissions of particulate matter (PM10) mainly from solid fuel home heating appliances (the ‘Domestic’ factor) leads to severe smog episodes on about 30 nights each winter. The modelling results from the highest resolution computational grid are compared with observed meteorology and air pollution dispersion for winter 2000, when the Christchurch Air Pollution Study (CAPS2000) was underway. The numerical modelling system is able to simulate surface-layer meteorology and PM10 spatial distribution with a good level of skill, with the Index of Agreement and Pearson's correlation coefficient greater than 0.8 for PM10.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study is conducted of visibility in California using prevailing visibility measurements at 67 weather stations in conjunction with data on particulate concentrations and meteorology. The weather station visibility data, when handled with special techniques that account for the nature of visibility reporting practices, prove to be of very good quality for the purposes of most of the analyses that are attempted. It is found that the most important meteorological parameters with respect to visibility are relative humidity, temperature, and special weather events (especially fog). A detailed isopleth map of visibility within California, when compared with earlier work on nationwide visibility, reveals that California experiences far more severe and complex spatial gradients in visibility than those observed anywhere else in the U.S. Two major pockets of heavy man-made visibility impact in California are the Los Angeles basin and the San Joaquin Valley. The spatial, seasonal, and diurnal patterns of visibility are found to be readily explainable in terms of corresponding patterns in emissions, air quality, and meteorology. Regression analyses relating visibility to relative humidity and aerosol concentrations produce high levels of correlation and physically reasonable regression coefficients; these analyses indicate that secondary aerosols are major contributors to visibility reduction in California. An analysis of long-term visibility trends from 1949 to 1976 reveals several interesting features in historical visibility changes for California.  相似文献   


The physical and mathematical bases of a new receptor model based on spatially intensive data are presented. The model apportions the average concentration of a species as measured at many sites among several spatially distinct sources and can be applied to primary or secondary species. In the latter case, no assumptions concerning transformation or deposition rates are required. The methodology is a combination of the empirical orthogonal function approach that is well known in meteorology and the self-modeling multivariate modeling approach that has long been applied in chemometrics and multivariate receptor modeling of air quality data. A simple, geometrical example of the modeling approach is given.  相似文献   

Three multivariate stochastic mathematical models of daily SO2 pollution in an urban area (Milan, Italy) during the heating season (mid-October/end of March) are illustrated in the paper. Each model is characterized by a different number of external inputs. Precisely, the first model has no inputs (it is simply an autoregressive relationship), the second one has a temperature input (roughly accounting for emission), the third one has two inputs (temperature and wind speed). From each model a real-time predictor is derived, namely a recursive relationship which, at the end of each day, allows future pollution levels to be forecast on the basis of current concentration and meteorological measurements. The quality of the forecast is rather satisfactory, even in episode situations. The improvements in forecast performance when turning from a predictor with less external inputs to a predictor with more external inputs (i.e., when exploiting more information about meteorology) are also pointed out in the paper.  相似文献   

The chemical processes responsible for production of photochemical oxidants within the troposphere have been the subject of laboratory and field study throughout the last three decades. During the same period, models to simulate the atmospheric chemistry, transport and deposition of ozone (O(3)) from individual urban sources and from regions have been developed. The models differ greatly in the complexity of chemical schemes, in the underlying meteorology and in spatial and temporal resolution. Input information from land use, spatial and temporally disaggregated emission inventories and meteorology have all improved considerably in recent years and are not fully implemented in current models. The development of control strategies in both North America and Europe to close the gaps between current exceedances of environmental limits, guide values, critical levels or loads and full compliance with these limits provides the focus for policy makers and the support agencies for the research. The models represent the only method of testing a range of control options in advance of implementation. This paper describes currently applied models of photochemical oxidant production and transport at global and regional scales and their ability to simulate individual episodes as well as photochemical oxidant climatology. The success of current models in quantifying the exposure of terrestrial surfaces and the population to potentially damaging O(3) concentrations (and dose) is examined. The analysis shows the degree to which the underlying processes and their application within the models limit the quality of the model products.  相似文献   

大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用大气污染物扩散模式可以模拟不同尺度、气象、地形条件下工业污染物在大气中的输送与扩散特征,为大气监测、城市环境规划和空气质量预报等工作提供科学依据.归纳了目前广泛应用于模拟工业污染物扩散的模式,着重介绍了近年来国内外对这些模式的主要应用研究进展,比较了各模式在应用上的优缺点,并对大气污染物扩散模式的应用研究前景进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Results of a series of nighttime tracer experiments conducted during the Autumn of 1966 in the industrialized valley of Johnstown, Pa., are discussed. Quite atypical meteorology and dispersion occur within a classical drainage flow framework. An urban heat island effect is observed creating uniform temperature and wind structures within a layer of air flowing through the valley. Dispersion in the valley at night is comparable to that of neutral conditions over open country.  相似文献   

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